The Billings Families were prominent in the village of Lyn. Water and his sister grew up on a house on the Lyn Road, which is now across from Burnbrae Farms and part of their property. Murray Billings was a cousin of Walter’s and operated a new and used car sales business in Lyn. Walter wrote of his growing up in and around the village, his stories are featured on our website under “Stories by Walter Billings”.
These are photos we have that were donated by the Billing’s Family. Some photos don’t have names, if you know who they are, please email us and let us know.
We also have included additional photos of the Howard Family, Moorehead Family and Wright Family.
For a complete history of the Billings Family you can find a book on-line that will give you all this information at:
Walter and Bessie Billings at their cottage at Five Mile Light
Billings Cottage at Five Mile Light
Bishop/ Billings General Store, Main St. Lyn.
Mary Dunster in front of Billings Grocery Store
Walter standing next to his car in front of his storeIn front of the store in winter
Alice Leeder with her bicycle in front of Billings Motors, Main Street, Lyn
Billings Car LotBillings Car LotBillings Car LotBillings Car LotBillings Car LotBillings Car Lot
Family Photographs
Photo taken in 1911
Photo taken in 1914
Blanch Howard and Winfred Wrightphoto dated 1920Bruce Howard
Winfred WrightDora (Isadora) Billings
Nellie, Marry and Bertha Billings
Kilborn and Billings Families
Nellie, Mary and Bertha Billings c1940Mary Billings
Home of Dr, Elkanah Billings on what was known then as the Chemical Road. The building is now the clubhouse for the Highland Golf Course
Billings, Ira & Ida-Home on Lyn Rd
Ira BillingsUnknown Photo #1Unknown Photo # 2
Unknown Photo #3
Unknown Photo #4Unknown Photo #5Unknown Photo #6
Unknown Photo #7
Unknown Photo #9 Unknown Photo #8
Unknown Photo #10Unknown Group on Road RollerUnknown woman in front of car
Murray Billings and his carOne of Murray’s cars
One of Murray’s CarsOne of Murray’s cars
One of Murray’s carsOne of Murray’s Cars
Murray Billing’s 1917 Buick, now on display at the Automotive Museum in Oshawa, Ontario
Recent Photo Additions
The woman in the photo is Mildred Wright (born Greer), daughter of Andrew Greer and Artimitia Greer (born Billings) Mildred Wright is buried with Ormand Wright at Bissell Cemetery on Algonquin road; but her parents are buried in Howard’s Cemetery. L-R in the photo are Mildred, standing in the back twins Ronald and Arnold, in the front are Della and Mariana, and on the right the father Ormand.