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  1. Paul Cote
    August 18, 2021 @ 12:02 pm

    Hello Andrew,
    I’m delighted to see someone has taken over the helm at the museum website. I don’t know anything about the cemetery but the person you should contact is Myrtle Johnston at the Leeds and Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society . They have transcribed most of the cemeteries in the county.

    My main reason for contacting you is to enquire about the (anonymous) author of your section on the Elizabethtown schools. I have been researching the early one room schools in the Rear of Yonge and Escott (Athens) Township and SS # 11 was a union with SS # 27 (Hawkes) in Elizabethtown. The author cites the Superintendent’s Reports and gives some information from them. I have the reports for Yonge and have tried to get the ones for Elizabethtown but due to the fear of Covid the Archives of Ontario is shuttered for the foreseeable future. Those reports are unique and contain a treasure trove of information on the early county schools.

    So my question is, does anyone at the museum know who the author was and if he/she still has copies of those reports? They would give me much better information on Hawkes school than I now have.


  2. C. Ireland
    August 18, 2021 @ 1:10 pm

    There are over 60 cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the amalgamated Townships of Elizabethtown and Kitley. Only four are still open for interment. This is far too much for the Township office to keep up with, and they don’t. Understandably.

    It is good you’ve asked this question, Andrew. However, you are going to find at least 60 more on record. Should you continue down this path, with other than a family connection…Which is probably what prompted your question.

    Like Paul, I’m grateful to see the Lyn Museum website active again, after the death of John Mack. However, to whomever is administrating the site, take off the “monetizing” advertisements. “Monetizing” is overrated. ‘Gets in the way of information dispersal, the objective of the website. You can apply for grants, both federally and provincially, to keep your site maintained without commercializing every nook and cranny.

    In addition to Paul’s suggestion regarding the Johnson/Johnston women in Brockville, there were also the Livingstons. A husband and wife team out of Prescott, who travelled to many of the cemeteries in Elizabethtown and Kitley Townships, creating directories of the various graveyards. I’m certain this couple would be long deceased. Albeit, they produced ground breaking research for the time, of these abandoned graveyards.

    I met them at a genealogy conference in Nepean, in 2003. I’m hoping their research has been donated to some archive.

    If you would like to talk about the abandoned cemeteries in these two Townships, my name is Cheryllynn Ireland. (289)240-7077.


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