The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for the years- 1912-1942. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario
Lyn, Sep 4, 1912
Killed on Track – While walking from Brockville to his home above Lyn, between twelve and one o’clock on Thursday afternoon, Nathan Purvis, a well known farmer, met his death on te tracks of the B.W.& N.W. Railway, at a point near Lyn Junction. An engine was a special freight train from Lyn to Brockville with D. Carty on the look-out. When nearing the place described he observed on the track what seemed to be a bundle of paper. As te train had almost reached the object and too late to give the signal Carty discovered that it was a man, who was run over and terribly mutilated. The body was sufficiently intact to permit identification by the train crew.
Lyn– June 27, 1925
Lyn Women’s Institute Holds Opening Meeting- membership comprises 41 residents of the village
The first regular meeting of the Lyn branch of the Women’s Institute was held on Tuesday afternoon in the Institute rooms. The president Mrs Stuart Booth, presided. After the singing of the Institute ode the roll call was responded to by the payment of fees, at the close of which the sectary reported a paid up membership of 41. Mrs. George McNish gave a splendid paper on “The value of co-operation”. Miss Julia Stafford collected suggestions for the yearly programmes from all present. Mrs. Helen Paul gave an interesting talk on the “Origin, Growth and Objects of Women’s Institutes,” which was followed by the nominations for the standing committees for the year. Refreshments were then served from a daintily decorated tea table, presided over by Ms. John Square and Mrs. Mazie Shipman. The social half hour was much enjoyed by all. The next meeting of the Institute will take place on the third Monday in July at 7:30 p.m.
Miss Bessie Billings has gone to New York to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bryson.
Miss Catherine Neilson is spending the summer at Ivy Lea.
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Imerson and Omar Emerson motored to Delta on Sunday to visit friends. Mrs. Imerson is staying there for a few days.
Mrs. D. Leeder and baby, of Cartage, N.Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Imerson last week for the Davis-Howard wedding.
In spite of the threatening weather the social held by the Anglican Church on the rectory grounds last Friday evening was quite a success. While the crowd was not so large as usual everyone seemed t enjoy themselves. Rev. L.E. Davis, Brockville, acted as chairman and a very interesting programme was given.
Miss Jean McFadyen, Kingston, is visiting Rev. and Mrs. W.F. McCree.
Miss Mary Cumming, Toronto, is home for the holidays.
Lyn, Sep 24, 1925
Women’s Institute of Lyn Increases its Membership- Seventy-Seven now on roll of the organization
The regular September meeting of the Ly branch of the Women’s Institute was held on Monday afternoon in the Institute rooms with the president, Mrs. Stuart Booth in the hair. There was a very large attendance of the members who had as their guests the older ladies of the community. Ten new members joined, making a total of 77 on the roll. “The First Recollections” given in response to the roll call, created much amusement. The treasurer, Mrs. J. Bolin, gave a splendid report showing a good balance on hand. Miss. J. Hamilton reported on the probability of having a class in basketry during the coming month. It was decided also to hold a sale at Thanksgiving time. During the programme antiques of china, pewter, linen and trinketry, all well over a hundred years old and carrying besides much of local interest, were on display. Mrs. John Square gave again by request a paper on the “Early History of Lyn.” Two splendid papers, one in favour of “Consolidated Schools” was read by Mrs. Wilson Burnham and one on “Christian Stewardship” read by Mrs. Herb Robins were much appreciated. An interesting summary of current events for the month was given by Mrs. Walace Gardiner in the absence of Miss. J. Taylor. Of interest to all was the very realistic demonstration, given by Mrs. M. Shipman and Mrs. R. Steacy, of the processes through which flax is passed in the preparation of home made linen. A vote of choice of the delegate from this branch to the annual astern Ontario convention in Ottawa was taken and resulted in the appointment of Mrs. Helen Paul, with Mrs. Joseph Bolin as alternate. Tea was then poured at a daintily spread tea table by Mrs. John McCready and Mrs. Norman Lee. The splendid programme and happy social hour following reflect much credit on Miss Julis Stafford, who with group three ladies was responsible for the meeting. The next regular meeting will be held in the evening on the third Monday in October.
Miss Bessie B. Billings has gone to St. John, N.B. where she will teach in a select girls’ school.
Misses Gladys Latimer and Mary Brown have gone to Ottawa to attend the Normal School.
Dr. and Mrs. F.M. Judson have been spending a few days at C.M. Taylor’s cottage, Lily Bay.
Miss Margaret McNish has returned from visiting relatives in Toronto and Weston.
Dr. Lloyd Hannah, Moosejaw, Sask. Who has been ill, is here on an extended visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hannah.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Miller and family and father Norton Miller, of Prescott, spent the weekend with Mrs. John Stead.
Miss Taylor, who has been visiting relatives in England will spend a few days with Rev. and Mrs. W.T. McCree, on her way across Canada to her home in New Zealand.
Allan G. Cumming has returned to Boston, Mass., after having spent some weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.C Cumming.
Mrs. James A. Davidson, who s visiting her cousin, Ms. R.F. Tennant, was taken seriously ill on Wednesday, but is reported better at this writing.
Mrs. James Sheridan, Brockville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Williamson.
Mr. and Mrs. Muirhead, Brockville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Square.
Miss Georgina Pergeau, Gananoque, has returned from visiting her sister Mrs. Moris Lee, in Detroit, and is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. George Pergau. Little Miss Betty Lee accompanied her home.
Last Friday evening Rev. and Mrs. A.E. Smart entertained the members of the A.Y.P.A. at the rectory.
The annual harvest Thanksgiving festival services of the Anglican Church will be held on Sunday afternoon, September 27, at 3 o’clock.
Miss May Stafford and friends are spending this week with Mrs. William Stafford and family.
L.A. Glassford, Toledo, Ohio, is spending a holiday in the village with Mrs. Glassford and Miss Widdis.
The Misses Agnes and Estella Bulloch are closing their home here next week and will go to Montreal to spend the winter.
Lyn, Jan 25th, 1926
On Sunday evening last a delightful song service was held in the United church and was thoroughly enjoyed by the large congregation present. Six well known hymns were sung by the congregation, who seemed to enter into the spirit of them, “Onward Christian Soldiers”, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”, “I Need The every hour”, “I hear thy Welcome Voice”, “I am Thine, O Lord”, “Oh for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”’ and the closing hymn, “O Vanada”.
The choir under the efficient leadership of Stuart Booth, excelled itself. The following anthems were given in a manner that would have done credit to any city choir; “Sing, O Daughter of Zion”, “Guide Me, O Thu Grat ehovah”, and “Seek Ye the Lord”.
Miss Fern Robinson rendered a solo entitled “Hear Me Cry”, and Casper Booth gave “The Holy City”. Mrs. M. Cornell, Miss Fern Robinson and J.Bushfield contributed solos in the anthems. The accompanists were Mrs. Stuart Booth, Mill Louise Booth and Miss Margaret Booth. At the close of the service many expressions of appreciation were heard. It is the intention of the organist and choir to hold similar song service once each month during the winter. The minister, Rev. F.G. Robinson, conducted the service.
Lyn– April 11th , 1927
Miss Margaret McNish is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Moffatt and Miss Mary McNish at Weston, Ont.
Sidney G. Easton is home from Lethbridge, Alberta to spend Easter with his father E.H. Easton and his sister, Miss. W.R. Easton.
Dr. and Mrs. E.J. Bracken and the Missess Elinor, Jean and Lois Bracken motored from Gananoque on Sunday to spend the day with relatives and friends.
Mrs. R.G. Stewart spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Weeks at Poole’s Resort.
James W. Cumming is home from Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. G.W. Judson will leave this week to spend Easter with friends in Ottawa.
The Misses Vera Armstrong and Helen Purvis have purchased Essex coaches from R.G. Stewart, the local automobile dealer.
Mrs. G.C. Cumming has returned from visiting relatives and friends in Toronto and Windsor.
The condition of the Rev. E. Teskey does not improve the way his many friends would wish.
Master Murray Billings will leave this week to spend Easter in Toroto with his sister, Miss Bessie Billings.
Miss Ruth MacNish, R.N., is home from New Rochelle, NY to care for her sister, Mrs. William Robinson, who still remains quite ill.
On Wednesday afternoon last a number of members of the Women’s Institute met in the Institute rooms and tendered Mrs. G.W. Judson and Dr. and Mrs. F.M. Judson a shower of preserved fruit, pickles, etc., as well as other useful articles as they were unfortunate to lose all of such things in the fire which destroyed their home recently. Mrs. Maurice Brown read a short address to which Mrs. G.W. Judson replied very fittingly. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge.
The regular meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held on Wednesday evening April 20, with Mrs. Maurice Brown as Convenor.
Lyn– July 23rd, 1948
County Farmers to Meet Tuesday at Lyn Farm
An evening meeting for farmers will be held on the farm of H.H. McNish, Lyn, Tuesday evening, July 27th at seven o’clock in the evening, under the supervision of the Experimental Farm Ottawa. J.R. Ostler, Leeds County agricultural representative, informed The Reporter yesterday.
He starter the newer and up to date work of the Experimental Farms and Illustration Stations would be outlined and it is expected speakers from Ottawa will be present for the occasion. Mr. McNich’s farm is the illustration station for this area.
The grain varieties are now nearly ripe and ready for observation as well as other crops and experiments going on. Leeds County Crop Improvement Association is co-operating with the Experimental Farm, Ottawa, in this programme.