Glen Buell – News from the Village 1905-1930
The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for the years- 1905 to 1930. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario
Glen Buell, Nov 27, 1905
Albert Hayes is erecting a new barn for Mr. Richard White and will soon have it completed.
Miss Ella Davis was the guest of friends in Smith’s Falls for a few days.
Miss Elsie Betz has returned home from a visit with friends in Uncle Sam’s domain.
Mr and Mrs John Andersen is having an addition built to his house.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Stewart were calling on friends in the Glen one day last week.
A number from around here attended the party at Mr. John Grey’s. All reported a good time.
Mr. Nath Stewart had the misfortune to lose a valuable young horse last week.
Glen Buell – Sept 26th, 1925
Under the auspices of the Anglican church at Addison, a surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Baxter Thursday evening in the honour of Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter. A hand-some oak writing-desk was presented to the young couple after which refreshments were served. Dancing was indulged in, until a late hour.
On Friday evening a shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Percival in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Alan Stewart. The young couple were recipients of many handsome and useful articles.
Miss Kathleen Forth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Forth, left on Saturday for Ottawa where she will attend the normal school.
Miss Naomi Baxter left Sunday for Ottawa to attend the Normal school.
Miss Nellie Newton left on Sunday for California after having spent the summer visiting her brothers, Arthur and Ernest Reynolds.
E.M. Westlake and son Byron left for Toronto on Wednesday where the latter is to enter the University as a student in the faculty of Arts.
Mr. and Mrs. .Horsefield, Frankville, were the guests of the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brown.
Master Roy Armstrong, who has been spending the summer with his aunt, Mrs. Joseph Anderson, returned to Niagara Falls on Saturday.
Mrs. Leach and daughter, Smiths Falls, were the guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. Brock Davis, last Sunday.
Glen Buell April 6, 1926
Byron Westlake left this afternoon to resume his studies at Victoria University, Toronto, after having sent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Westlake.
The many friends of Mrs. Burton Baxter are sorry to know that she is very ill and all hope for a speedy recovery.
Miss N. Baxter, of the Normal School, Ottawa, is spending her Easter vacation with her parents.
Miss Kathleen Forth, of the Ottawa Normal School, is spending her holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forth.
Rev Dr. F.W.A. Meyer of Brockville ably filled the pulpit on Easter Sunday owing to the serious illness of the pastor, Rev.F.G. Robinson.
The many friends of Mrs. Lorne Brown are pleased to know that she is improving after her recent illness.
Miss Gertrude Forth is home from Toronto to spend her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Forth.
Glen Buell Farmer Loses House and Barn, Oct 23, 1930
About six o’clock this Thursday afternoon fire was discovered up stairs in the home of Mr. Burton Baxter, Glen Buell, caused from the chimney.
Help was summoned but by the time neighbours arrived the garage, barn and stable were all ablaze.
The cattle and horses were saved, but the contents of the house, the machinery and this season’s crop were all destroyed.
Mr. Baxter’s farm is 7 miles east of Athens, just south of the Athens-Brockville highway.
A year ago on another farm owned by Mr. Baxter, his barn and season’s crop were destroyed.
It was not learned whether or not any insurance was carried.