Fairfield East – News from the Village – 1925
The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for 1925. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario
Fairfield East, Feb 25th, 1925
The auction sale of Claude Laforty was well attended and many from Brockville were there. The stock and implements brought extra good prices in spite of the sale being held over a day on account of the rains.
On Tuesday night the neighbours were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. C. Laforty, the evening being spent in games, music and dancing. The neighbours reported a splendid time and were grateful to their host and hostess for the entertainment. Miss Dora Barton, pianist, and Mr. Rowsome, violinist, furnished the music.
W.H. Irwin and Mrs. Richard Preston of Soperton are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Laforty.
F.W. Moulds, Brockville, spent Monday and Tuesday as the guests of H.E. Pyke
C.Moulds made a business trip to Brockville on Wednesday.
George N. Young, Brockville spent Monday with his brother in law, Ed Johns.
W.C. Dowsley, I.P.S. Brockville spent Wednesday morning at the local school.
Mrs. Peter Pyke is ill with a cold.
James Davis, Brockville, spent a day in the neighbourhood.