1866 |
January |
1 |
That John Moles Esq. be Reeve of Elizabethtown for the current year 1866 |
2 |
That John Pattinson Esq. be Dept Reeve of this Municipality for the current year 1866 |
3 |
That the petition of John W, Hough Esq. be complied with concerning an unknown female stopping at the house of Harvey Snell in the township of Elizabethtown and took very sick and died the doctors bill $15. and all other nurses and attendants and all trouble and expenses $25. in all $40.00 to be paid to Harvey Snell and the clerk give and order for the same. |
4 |
That Mathew Berry and John N.Abbott Esq. be auditors of this corporation for the current year 1866 at a salary of $8.00 each |
5 |
That Samuel McNish Esq. and Stewart Johnston be appointed assessors for this municipality for the current year 1866 and that their salary be seventy dollars each |
6 |
That Jacob A.Brown and John McConkey get 4 dollars each for duties performed at the last Municipal Election |
7 |
That the inhabitants of this municipality take note that the first Monday in February next is appointed for the purpose of appointing Overseers of Highways for the current year 1866 |
8 |
That the clerk be authorized to have the annuity of this council for the current year published in the Brockville Monitor & Recorder Newspapers provided they editions do t for the usual price of $12.00 each |
9 |
That this council do now adjourn until the first Monday in February next at the hour of ten o’clock A.M. |
1866 |
5th February |
1 |
That George W. Geddes get (.94 for repairs done on Toll House at Gate No 1 according to Bill furnished and the clerk to pay same out of the road funds |
2 |
That Samuel Beach receive the sum of $1.00 for cleaning Toll House No 1 and the clerk give an order to pay same out of the road funds |
3 |
That John Eldenbeck get #10. by the request of the petition Amos Easton and 21 others |
4 |
That the accounts auditor for the currant year be accepted as correct and that they receive their salary $10. each, $8. amount of the Township fund and $2. amount of the road fund |
5 |
That Anson Hays get $10. agreeable to petition of Jerry Bullis and 18 others and that said money be paid to Jerry Bullis for Anson Hays |
6 |
That Jerry Batis Esq. and David McCrackin be appointed license inspectors for this municipality for the current year 1866 and that their salary be ten dollars each |
7 |
That this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned until Tuesday the 30th instant at 10 o’clock AM for the purpose of granting license to public houses in this Municipality |
1866 |
Feb 20th |
1 |
that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to advertise for the finding bricking and spreading a certain number of cubic yards of stone to be placed on the Victoria Macadamized Road as repairs for the currant year 1866 |
2 |
that leave be given to introduce a by law to appoint a certain number of Township officers for the Corporation of Elizabethtown for the current year 1866 |
3 |
That said By Law be read a second time forthwith |
4 |
That said by law be read a third time forthwith |
5 |
that the said By Law do now pass and be entitled a By Law to appoint a certain number of Township officers for the corporation of Elizabethtown for the current year 1866 |
6 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to John Boyd as he having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
7 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to Hezekiah E. Truesdall as he having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
8 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to William Brown as he having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
9 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to Elias Curtis he having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
10 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to Ephraim Mott as he having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
11 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to James Gilelane as she having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the usual license fees |
12 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to John Forth as he having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
13 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to Stephen Haliday as he having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
14 |
That Henry Willis be relieved from 9 pounds 8 shillings of counties taxes due on his place before he come in possession of the same |
15 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to John Warren as he having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
16 |
that the inspector of Inland Revenue be and he is hereby authorized to grant a Tavern Licence to Eleanor D. Wolf as she having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment in the Municipality for the current licence year and the clerk give him a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of twenty dollars |
18 |
that John Longstaff receive the sum of five dollars for the support of an orphan boy agreeable to petition of Ralph Davis and twelve others and that Ralph Davis be appointed to layout the same |
19 |
that the license inspectors be paid the sum of $5.00 each |
20 |
that this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned until the first Monday in March at the hour of ten o’clock AM |
1866 |
March |
1 |
that all parties requiring a tavern license shall pay up and get a recommend on or before the 15th day of March inst otherwise their claim for license is and shall be ? |
2 |
that the following parties be relieved from paying the several amounts of taxes herein mentioned, Jane Hutchinson 5 pounds 92 shillings; Ann Boulton 2 pounds 5 shillings; Eliza Crosier 2 pounds 5 shillings; Edward Earl 2 pounds; John Langstaff 4 pounds 10 shillings |
3 |
that Thomas Wood get an order for $360. to give to the treasurer as he has been paid the same amount out of the road funds which was the balance of his contract on the Victoria Macadamized Road for the year 1865 |
4 |
that Abraham Horton Esq. be relieved from paying 1 pound 11 shillings taxes as the property assessed has been received for a burying ground |
5 |
That Ezekiel Glazier receive the sum of $10. for the support of one John Stephens whom has ? Upon his hands agreeable to petition Archibald McDuargal and 24 others |
6 |
that the Treasurers Report from the 31st Dec 1865 to the 28th of February 1866 be received as correct |
7 |
That John Stevens get a permit from this council for a shop licence for the current year for the sum of eight dollars |
8 |
that John Mcnish be appointed collector for the five front concessions and William Moles be appointed Collector for the six rear concessions of the Township for the current year 1866 at a salary of $4. each |
9 |
That the Reeve receive the sum of $2. for one day getting bills for Macadamized Road printed and posted up |
10 |
that the Reeve be authorized to prepare a petition in behalf of the Municipality to be laid before the next session of parliament relating to ? Purposes alterations in the school law praying that the said alterations be not compled with and that a member of reading said petition be circulated through the township for signatures |
11 |
that council do now adjourn until the first Monday in April next at ten o’clock AM |
1866 |
4th June |
1 |
that John Crosier Road Overseer allow Samuel Alberry to do his statute labour on the Town Line allowance for road in the 11th Concession |
2 |
That the petition of James McCord and others be not entertained |
3 |
That the petition of John Lafaette and others be complied with that the road work of John Lafayette, Samuel Beach, Patrick Grits, Patrick A.Donaldson, M.Perry and Chancey Manhard be laid out on said roads and John Lafaette is appointed to lay out the same |
4 |
That the petition of James McClain and twenty others praying for assistance for the widow Henderson be complied with and that $10.00 be granted and placed in the hand of Liberty Watrous Esq. to be laid out by him for the benefit of the said widow Henderson |
5 |
That Liberty Wathers be relieved of Municipal taxes to the amount of 14 pounds 11 shillings on lot no 26 in the 1st Concession of the Township of Elizabethtown as we are satisfied that his taxes have been paid |
6 |
That it will be impervious to this municipality to have any bill passed in the Provincial Parliament by the Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company which will in any way interfere with the security or securities now held by this Municipality as all people are unanimously opposed to any such measure and that a copy of this resolution be published at once to the member of this riding with instructions to oppose any interference with our securities |
7 |
That a committee of the whole council be appointed to meet at the Counties Treasurers office in Brockville on Saturday 9th inst to investigate matters respecting non resident taxes at ten o’clock AM |
8 |
That the petition of Ruben Earl Esq. and one hundred others be complied with that the council of this township agree to furnish brake and spread 200 yards of stone to be put on the road between the front of 5th Concession in front of R. Earls land and John Boyds Inn to be done under the inspection of Robert Earl’s and John Boyd provided they grade the road fit to receive the same |
9 |
that the sum of $8. be granted for to build a culvert in front Lot No 8 in the ninth concession and John Patterson be appointed for to layout the same |
10 |
that this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned until the first Monday in July at the hour of ten o’clock am |
1866 |
November 5th |
3 |
That road division No 1 get the sum of six dollars to by plank to cover a bridge in said road division |
4 |
that the sum of $5. each be paid to Stafford McBrating and William Stafford Esq. commissioners on the Victoria Macadamized Road for measuring stone |
4 |
that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to advertise for tenders for the toll gate No 1 and 2 for 1867 said advertisement to be in hand bills. Tenders to be opened at the town hall at Dublin Corners on the first Monday in December next |
5 |
That Seley Hawks be paid six dollars on account of sheep killed by dogs on a certificate from two of our Magistrates Justices of the peace we there order the same be paid out of the dog tax |
6 |
that $4.50 be paid to the overseer of road division No 4 as costs incurred by him respecting a convection for the non performance of statute labour where the defendant ran away |
8 |
that the Reeve be authorized by this council to fill up sign and transmit to the Governor and council a memorial respecting the Rifle Association of Canada |
9 |
that William Boulton get ten dollars for keeping an orphan child which is left on him for support the money to be placed in the hands of Jacob Brown to be paid to the said William Boulton as he thinks best |
10 |
that the sum of six dollars be granted to repair a bridge in road division No 18 said bridge to be made of cedar and William Rodgers and William Stuart be appointed for to lay out the same and the clerk order the same to be paid |
11 |
that this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned until the first Monday in December next at the hour of ten of the clock am |
That the bill of John McMullen Esq. of $15.65 be paid |
1866 |
Unknown Month |
3 |
that the clerk be authorized to prepare a Bylaw to Divide the township of Elizabethtown into two Electrical Divisions for elections purposes the first division to be five front concessions and the poling place to be at the Stone School house near the tin cap in the third concession of said township and the second division to consist of the six read concessions of said township and the poling place to be at the town hall at Dublin Corners |
4 |
That $1.50 be refunded to William Cox on account of non resident statute labour tax as the road overseer certifies the work done |
7 |
that the tender of John Beach for $12.02 for Toll Gate No 1 be accepted as it is the highest tender |
13 |
To the council of Elizabethtown Dec 1866. Now assembled gentlemen we the inspectors of taverns have made our 2nd visit to all the Taverns in said township and have found them in compliance with your by law (signed) Jerry Bullis and David McCrachin, Inspectors |
That William Stafford and Stafford McBratney be paid $3. each for their services in measuring stone on the Victoria Road and that the clerk order the same to be paid out of the road fund |