1864 |
April |
1 |
That William Giffin be appointed overseer of highways in place of Thomas Hollingsworth as he is not willing to serve and also that William Boulton be appointed instead of James Wilson as he declines serving as overseer of highways. |
2 |
that the petition of John Pourns J.P and others be laid over till the first Monday in June for further consideration |
3 |
that this council authorise Freeman Judson to hold in his possession a piece of land lying in front of lot no 25 6 1/2 being five chains long and seventy five links wide until required by this council that Freeman Judson get a copy of this resolution |
4 |
that Joseph Fletcher be detached from road division no 20 and be attached to road division no 21 and also son Abetinge [sic] Fletcher |
5 |
That the collector of inland revenue be authorized to issue a Tavern License to James Cosgrove he having complied with the law respecting Inn and Houses of public entertainment for the sum of $20. |
5 |
that the quarterly report of the treasurer up to the 31st day of March 1864 also the quarterly report of the ? Manager road up to said date be received |
5 |
that the overseer of Road Divisions no 12 and 21 lay out in their respective divisions on side road between lots 24 and 35 in the fourth concession four days statutory labour each and that Joseph Fletcher get a copy of this resolution |
6 |
That Stephen Scott treasurer be authorized to retain $8.13 from the ten pounds revenue from the Chief Super indent of Education and apply it to school purposes ten pounds being moneys paid for school purposes for school section no 19 out of the funds of this municipality in 1862 |
7 |
That $10. be struck off each of the collectors salary and that $40. to each of the collectors salaries for the current year 1864 |
8 |
That Cyrus Wright be appointed collector for the five front concessions and also Joseph Steacy be appointed collector for the rear six concessions of this township for the current year 1864 |
9 |
That D.Wylie be paid the sum of $21.40 as per bill |
10 |
That a certain resolution passed by this council on the 6th day of October 1862 allowing Samuel Tackaberry to take the timber of the Government allowance for road in front of lot no 24 in the 6th Concession be rescinded and that the clerk notify him t that effect |
11 |
that leave be given to introduce a by law for prescribing rules and regulations for Inn Keepers in the Township of Elizabethtown County of Leeds and also to provide penalties in certain cases |
12 |
that said by law do now pass and be entitled by law for prescribing rules and regulations for Inn Keepers in the Township of Elizabethtown County of Leeds and also to provide penalties in certain cases |
12 |
That said bylaw be read a second time forthwith |
13 |
that the aid bylaw be read a third time forth with |
15 |
that leave be given to introduce a bylaw to restrain a certain description of animals herein after mentioned from running at large |
16 |
that said by law be read a second time fourth with |
17 |
that said by law be read a third time forth with |
18 |
that said by-law now pass and be entitled bylaw to restrain a certain description of animals from running at large |
19 |
that the clerk be ordered to advertise that the Court of Revision will be held at the Town Hall at this Township o the first Monday in May ins at the hour at 10 clock |
20 |
that this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned until the first Monday in May at the hour of ten of the clock |
20 |
that Abram Robenson be remitted the sum of $1.20 their being an overcharge of that amount by a error in his assessment |
21 |
that all persons here after making coffins for indigent persons dying within this township will be requested they expect pay from this council to make a coffin of the cheapest description as the council are determined to allow no more that two dollars & fifty cents for any such article |
22 |
That the sum of $4.50 be paid to each of the councillors for three days services |
23 |
that the \reeve be appointed to examine the Victoria Macadamized Road and report at the next meeting of this council what repairs he wants to recommend on said road |
24 |
that each of the assessors be paid the sum of $50. as part of their salary |
1864 |
June 30th |
By-Law No 125: To forbid the sale of intoxicating Liquors and the issuing of licenses therefore- Be it enacted by this municipal Council of the Township of Elizabethtown in Council assembled at the town hall at Dublin Corners on Monday this fourth day of February in this year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and sixty five.- That the sale of intoxicating Liquors and the issue of Licenses therefore is by this by-law prohibited within the Township of Elizabethtown under authority and enforcement of the Temperance Act of 1864. Assented 30th June 1864 signed Jacob A.Brown, Town Clerk |
1 |
that McMullen & Co be paid the sum of $16.13 as per bill up to December 1864 |
1 |
that the sum of $2.each be paid to John Wood and James Coleman Esq. for one days ? Examining the books of the Brockville Ottawa Railway Company regarding the way in which they are kept and explaining the Fare Examination to the people of this municipality at the meeting in November last |
2 |
That sealed tender to advertise for to let the toll house no 1 & 2 on the Victoria Macadamized Road for the year 1865 that said tenders be placed in the hands of the clerk on Monday the 19th day of December 1864 at noon Said tenders also to state the names of their duties on the envelope otherwise the tenders will not be opened |
2 |
that the sum of $5. be paid John Woods sq for filling a hole alongside Victoria Road near Addison |
2 |
that the sum of $5. be paid John Woods sq for filling a hole alongside Victoria Road near Addison |
4 |
That John Forths tender for toll gate no 2 be accepted for $575. as first tendered for said gate and that he attend on Tuesday the 27th Inst at the town hall, Dublin Corners to sign his bail bonds |
6 |
That Thomas Wood Esq. contractor on the Victoria Macadamized Road be paid the sum of $62.50 |
7 |
that Stafford McKratnes Esq. be ? From attendance at this council n this day on account of the death of his mother |
8 |
that this council now adjourn and stand adjourned until the 19th of December at ten of the clock am |
1864 |
June |
2 |
that John Stagg Jr. Wm. Chambers, John O’Donnell, Hugh Wilkinson and Alexander Rodgers be allowed to do their statute labour on Park Avenue and that Alexander Rodgers be appointed to oversee and lay out the same |
3 |
That Frederick L.Moore be appointed observer of Road Division no 48 as Davis Lanford has moved away and cannot |
4 |
that Samuel Alberry be allowed to do his road work on the town line between Wolford and Elizabethtown as he is located on the north east corner of his lot and a distance from the division that he is attached to |
4 |
that the petition of George Acheson and others be complied with praying that Bartholomew Earle be relieved from doing statute labour as he is sick and unable to perform the same |
5 |
that the tender of John Wood be accepted and that Thomas Wood do the grading and stoning of the two first sections of the Victoria Road as the tender of John Wood agreeable to the specifications by furnishing good sufficient security for the performance of the above contract and that the Reeve is hereby authorized to take bonds for such security as the party’s have agreed amongst themselves regarding the dividing of said road |
6 |
that the tender of John Wood be accepted and that John Wood do the grading and ? Of the two rear sections of the Victoria Road at the fair tender and agreeable to the specifications by furnishing good sufficient security for the performance of the above contract and that the Reeve is hereby authorised to take bonds for said security and that the clerk be authorized to draft the bonds for the same forthwith |
7 |
that the license inspectors report respecting the following licensed Innkeepers in the municipality Luther T.Draper; Elias Curtis; Ezra Haliday; John Boyd; John Warren; John Forth; Eli Code and Uri Marshall be received as their houses fulfil the requirements of the law |
9 |
That the petition of Charles Stephens and twenty four others be complied with and that the sum of $10, for the currant year be given to the said Widow Smith to relieve her necessity and that the clerk give an order on the treasurer for the same |
10 |
that John and Thomas Wood be authorized to chain the Victoria Road in one mile sections and plant cedar posts have inch square three feet long substantially put up each post numbered commencing in front and numbered back and that the posts be ? Within six inches of the bottom of each and they be paid six dollars |
11 |
that the council meeting of the sixth of June be a Macadamized Road Meeting and that the expenses of said meeting be paid out of the road funds |
12 |
That this council is prepared to break and spread fifty rods of stone as soon as the petition for said road quarry and draw said stone on the Lee Road to be placed on the road in the place most needed for the benefit of said road |
12 |
that David Manhard be placed on the assessment roll as his name appears to be omitted by the assessors in copying the roll |
13 |
that John Woods and Thomas Woods contractors on the Victorian Road be paid the sum of $50. each to enable them to go on with their contract. |
15 |
that this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned till the first Monday in July at the hour of ten o’clock |
1864 |
September |
1 |
That Stephen Beach be appointed overseer of road Division No 43 in the place of John alters as he is engaged on the railroad and cannot oversee the same |
2 |
that John Patterson and Stoffens McBrathey Esq. be paid the sum of $4. each for two days services each as commissioners of the Victoria Macadamized and that said moneys be paid out of the road funds |
3 |
That each of the selectors of jurors be paid the sum of $4 and that the clerk be paid the sum of $8. for their services as such solicitors |
4 |
That the sum of $5. be paid to Joseph Flelchen for to aid in opening the side road in the 4th Concession at the east side of lot no 25 soon as the work is performed |
5 |
that Seaman Manhard and John Moles be appointed to measure the stone broke by Thomas Woods for repairing the Victoria Road and that they also direct the contractor whose said stone is to be spread |
6 |
that Stoffens McBratney and John Patterson be appointed to measure the stone and the job of John Wood and also direct the ? To spread the same on Victoria Macadamized Road |
7 |
that leave be given to introduce a by-law to levy and collect upon the assessed taxable property of the Township of Elizabethtown for the year 1864 the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds for Corporate purposes |
7 |
That said By-law be read a second time forthwith |
8 |
That the said by-law be read a third time forth with |
10 |
That said By-law do now pass and be entitled By-law to levy and Collect upon the assessed taxable property of the Township of Elizabethtown for the year 1864 the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds for Corporate purposes |
11 |
That leave be given to introduce a By-law to levy and collect upon the assessed taxable property of the several school sections herein after named the several and respective sums therein mentioned |
12 |
That said By-law be read a second time forthwith |
13 |
That the said by-law be read a third time forth with |
14 |
That said By-law do now pass and be entitled By-law to levy and collect upon the assessed taxable property of the several school sections herein after mentioned the several and respective sums therein mentioned |
15 |
That the Reeve be authorized to examine the gravel at Baker’s Gravel Pit and ascertain on what condition gravel can be obtained for repairs of the Victoria Road |
16 |
That Thomas Woods be paid the sum of $100. on his contract and that the clerk give an order on the treasurer for the same to be paid out of the road fund |
17 |
That the sum of $100. be paid to Thomas Woods on his contract and that the clerk give an order on the treasurer for the same to be paid out of the road fund |
18 |
That this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned until the first Monday in October at the hour of 10 of the clock |
1864 |
7th November |
1 |
That James McGregor be paid the sum of $9.60 for boards and plank to repair toll house No 1 on the Victoria Macadamized Road |
2 |
That the Reeve be authorized to insure the town hall of the township of Elizabethtown at Dublin Corners with its contents in the Agricultural Assurance Association of Canada for the sum of $600. for three years on the Cash System it being five dollars and fifty cts and that the clerk be authorized to pay the same as soon as the policy is deposited in the hall. |
3 |
That the collector of Inland Revenue be authorized to issue a tavern license to Matilda McMillan for the remainder of the current license year she having complied with the law respecting Inns and houses of public entertainment and that the clerk give a copy of this resolution by receiving the sum of $5.00 |
4 |
That Thomas Woods contractor on the Victoria Road be paid the sum of $100 on his contract |
5 |
That the sum of $100. be paid to John Woods on his contract on the Victoria Road and that the clerk order the treasurer to pay that amount out of the road fund |
6 |
That the overseer of Road Division No 13 be notified to remove the wood and other obstructions off the government allowance of side road between Lots 24 & 25 in the third concession of Elizabethtown |
7 |
That the motion paper at the September meeting of this council ordering a grant of $5 to Joseph Fletchen to clean out the side row at the east side of Lot 25 in the 4th is hereby rescinded as he has not completed the order of this council |
8 |
That as the government has authorized the Sheriff of these United Counties to levy and collect on the assets property of the Township the arrears of Railway Interest for 1861 and whereas the railway company and not he rate payers of the Township should have played their said interest be it resolved that the Reeve be authorized to call a public meeting of the rate payers of Elizabethtown at the Town Hall on Thursday the 24th of November at ten o’clock to deliberate on what course to peruse in respect to taking legal proceedings against the railway company for the recovery of said interest said meeting to be called and governed according to law in due case made and provided |
9 |
That this council be now adjourned until the first Monday in December next at ten of the clock AM |
Township Council to James McGregor on Sep 8 1864 for 800 ft boards and planks $9.60, Brockville Oct 21st 1864 |