1862 |
Jan 2nd |
Annual school meeting of School Section No 3 of the freeholders and householders of said section, acceptance of financial report; that we have a free school this year; that Wm Clow & Mr.S.Fulford be auditors for the ensuing year; that one chord of wood be delivered at the school house and cut by each schoolar;that the teacher measure the wood and if it falls short that the person who brought it shall bring another chord; that the persons who send children to school shall board the teacher |
1862 |
August |
1 |
That the request of the trustees of School Section No 18 be accepted and that the sum of $60. be levied and collected on the rateable property of said section for school purposes |
2 |
That the request of the trustees of school section no 26 be excepted and that the sum of $125. be levied and collected on the rateable property for the current year 1862 |
3 |
That the sum of 21.50 pounds clear of all expenses be levied and collected on the rateable property of school section No 15. |
4 |
That the sum of $175. clear of all expenses be levied and collected on the rateable property of school section No 19. |
5 |
That the amount of non resident land tae handed in be entered into the minutes $236.14 |
6 |
That the sum of 2.6 pounds be paid to John Woods for work done on the 6th concession over his contract |
7 |
That the sum of $73. clear of all expenses be levied and collected on the rateable property of school section No 4. |
8 |
That the report of Benjamin Chapman, road surveyor made on the petition of Henrietta Mortin and others be received and laid over for further consideration |
9 |
That the report of the commissioner on the Lee Road be excepted and that the sum of $100.be paid to said commissioner James Coleman as the work is now performed and that an additional sum of $23.10 be given for additional work performed on the Lane Rd |
11 |
That the sum of $4.50 received in lieu of statue labour be handed over to the treasures to be expensed on Road Division |
12 |
That the sum of 20 pounds clear of all expenses be levied and collected on the rateable property of school section No 11. |
13 |
That the request of the trustees of Union School section No 1 in Elizabethtown and No 1 in the Twp of Augusta be completed and the sum of 90 pounds be levied and collected on that property |
14 |
That the sum of 14.3 shillings be paid to John Moles sq. cost for convicting and committing Samuel Dyer to jail for refusing to do statute labour |
15 |
To call on F.W.Chambers for legal advice re the collection of non-resident taxes; and call on the county treasure and demand a sale of land that the taxes be due |
16 |
That the sum of 150 Pounds be levied and collected on the Twp of Elizabethtown for municipal purposes for the current year 1862 |
16 |
That the account of Wm McMullen Co amounting to $35.92 be paid less $5. on publishing the auditors account |
17 |
That the sum of $5.00 be granted as aid to support Rachel Foxton a poor old woman in destitute circumstances |
18 |
That $5. worth of wheat be given to Jacob A.Brown to be given to William Bolton for the support of an orphaned child for the current year 1862 |
19 |
That Council adjourn until the 1st Monday in September |
19 |
That Ezekiel Glazer and Seaman Manhard as commissioners to lay out the sum of $5.50 on road division No 12 as soon as the work is performed |
1862 |
Sept 1st |
Tax levies for School section No 11 |
3 |
That Frederick Moore, Richard Foxton, William Dalton and John McNish collectors be paid the sum of 7shippings 6 Pence each for their attendance at the Town Hall they being called on to give information concerning the non resident collections roll |
4 |
That the Reeve be authorized to call on Henry Main, late treasurer and know from him if he has the non resident collection roll in his possession during his time of office or if he returned them to the county treasurer |
5 |
That the Clerk be paid the sum of 10 shillings for serving notices on parties to attend at Town Hall |
6 |
That the Members of this Council be paid the sum of $4.50 each for attending three days services |
7 |
That this council be adjourned until the first Monday in October next at 10 |
1862 |
November |
1 |
That Elijah E.Mott be paid the sum of $1.30 for serving summons, traveling and carrying Samuel Dyer to Common Jail of the United Counties for a breach of the bylaw enforcing statute labour |
1 |
That 2 pounds granted to repair a certain hill in front of lot no 7 in the 7th Concession be paid to Bryan Sills the commissioner appointed to expend the same |
1 |
That 16 shillings and 6 pence be struck off from Albert Brown taxes on account of mistake in assessment |
2 |
That Stewart McMillan get a certificate of recommend to the revenue inspector to grant him a tavern license at Coles Ferry for four months by paying to this council the sum of $5.00 as he has complied with the law in this respect |
3 |
That the petition of John Macy for $25. be received and laid over for further consideration |
4 |
That this council assume that part of the Victoria Macadamized Road lying in the township of Elizabethtown as soon as the leases of the present incumbents will expire which will be on the 31st day of December 1862 and that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve make all necessary preparation that the law will allow for the future leasing and collecting of tolls on the first day of January 1863 to take possession of said gats and give them in charge to some responsible person |
5 |
that $4. be refunded to William Moore lessee of the farm of Adiel Sherwood as he is a poor man and unable to pay the whole and that the clerk give an order on the treasurer for the above amount |
5 |
That the sum of 13 pounds 5 shillings be paid to F.W.Chambers Esq. for law enforcement incurred by this council for the year 1861 & 1862 |
6 |
That the license inspectors John N. Abbot and Mark Wilkinson be paid the sum of $12. each. The amount of their salary |
7 |
That the widow Macharas be exempted from paying the taxes charged against her amounting to 1 pound 2 pence. She being in indigent circumstances. |
8 |
That leave be given to James Steen to cut and remove the timber on government allowance in front of lot no 26 in the 6th Concession |
8 |
That the taxes of H,G, Foundviner [sic] and Co be struck off on account of the property being destroyed by fire the amount being 2 pounds 3 shillings |
9 |
That the taxes of John Elderbeck be struck off the same amounting to 11 pounds. Himself and his family is most indigent circumstances |
11 |
That Mrs. Robert Ross be relieved from paying the taxes due this municipality amounting to 2 pounds 3 shillings. Mr. Ross being now in the Asylum and Mrs Ross and family in embarrassed circumstances and that the clerk notify the collector to that effect |
12 |
That the clerk be authorized to publish for and receive tenders by the next meeting for ten chords of good dry beach and maple wood for the use of the town hall to be delivered on premises |
13 |
That John Kendrick be paid the sum of $24.55 for furnishing rods and putting them up in the town hall to secure the safety of the building, together with finding chairs and so forth for use the town hall |
that the schedule of tolls to be received at toll gate no 1 & 2 on the Victoria Macadamised Road for every double team the sum of 2 pence; for every single team the sum of one half penny |
That the petition of James Dewit and others be received and that the sum of 10 pounds be granted on said petition provided the inhabitants in that division layout a like amount in labour and that Thomas Bell Esq., George C. Moon Esq. and Michael Cosgrove be commissioner to expend the same amount. |
That a public meeting of the municipal electors be called to meet at the Town Hall New Dublin on Thursday the 11th instant at the hour of 10 o’clock am for the purpose of considering the best means of keeping in repair that part of the Victoria Macadamized road lying in the Township of Elizabethtown as it appears that the Counties Council has passed a by law throwing off the toll after the first of January 1863 and that John Moles be authorized to get 100 notices printed and circulated calling said meeting |
That this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned till the third Monday in December at 10 am |
That this council do now adjourn until Saturday next at 10 am |
1862 |
December |
7 |
That the Victoria Macadamized lying in the Township of Elizabethtown be divided into sections and that the first section to contain 4 miles each and the first section commencing at the town of Brockville. (further description of the stone etc to be used) |
14 |
That the sum of $16. be granted and the prayer of the petition of George White and twenty two others, as he is a man upwards of one hundred years of age and in destitute circumstances and the clerk give an order to Mr White for the treasurer for the same |
17 |
That the Reeve be paid the sum of $6. for services connected with the non resident land tax and $2. for furnishing and posting hand bills re meeting the Victoria Road |
1862 |
Dec 1st |
1 |
That Elijah E.Mott be paid the sum of $1.30 for serving summons traveling and conveying Samuel Dyer to the Common Jail of the United Counties for a breach of the by-law enforcing statute labour |
1 |
That the two pounds granted to repair a certain hill in front of lot no 7 in the 7th Conn. Be paid to Bryan Sills the commissioner appointed to expend the same having certified that he has done the work to that amount |
2 |
That Stewart McMillin get a certificate of Recommend to the revenue inspector to grant him a tavern licence at Coles Ferry for four months by paying to this council the sum of $5.00 as he has complied with the law in this respect |
3 |
That the petition of John Macy and 25 others be received and laid over for further consideration |
4 |
That this council assume that part of the Victoria Macadamized road lying in the Township of Elizabethtown as soon as the leases of the present incumbents will expire which will be on the 31st Day of December 1862 and that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve make all necessary preparation that the law will allow and prepare the requisite documents or the future leasing and collecting Tolls thereon and that the Reeve and Deputy attend on the first day of January 1863 to take possession of said gates and give them in charge to some responsible person |
5 |
That $4.00 be refunded to William Moore leasee of the farm of Adiel Sherwood as he is a poor man and unable to pay the whole |
13 |
That John Kendrick be paid the sum of $24.55 for furnishing rods and putting them up in the town hall to secure the safety of the building together with finding chairs and so forth for use in town hall |
That the schedule of tolls to be received at toll gate No 1 & 2 on the Victoria Macadamised Road for every double team the sum of two pence for every single team the sum of one penny half and from the third subsection of Section No 6 and the whole of No 7 of By-law No 63 of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville be inserted in the township By law of the Township of Elizabethtown |