Photos taken from the Dunster Family Album. Unfortunately some photos had no name or date on them, if you recognize anyone, please let us know. The majority of photos date from the late 1940’s to early 1950’s.
Brockville Cadet Parade 1950 #1Brockville Cadet Parade 1950 #2Brockville Cadet Parade in front of BCI on Pearl St. #3Brockvile Cadet Parade 11950 #4Brocivlle Cadet Parade on Pearl St. E. 1950 #5Brockville Cadet Parade 1950 on Pearl St. #6Brockville Girls Cadets 1950 #7Brockville Girls Cadets on King St. E 1950 #8In formaation on Court House Green 1950 #8Brockville Girls Cadets on Court House Green 1950 #9Counties Court House in the background 1950 #10Unknown Cadet on King St. next to Fullerton’s Drug Store 1950 #11Unknown Cadet 1950 #12
Nursing student in front of Comstock Building, Brockville #13Nursing Student in front of Nurses residence, Comstock Building, Brockville #14Nursing Student in front of Comstock Residence #15Colleen and Helen on the Lyn Pond 1950 St. John Hall in the background #16
Hattie Dickey, Main Street Lyn #17Elery Edgeley on the Lyn Mill Pond 1949 #18Keith McCrady skating on the Lyn Pond 1949 #19Harry McCrady skating on the Lyn Pond 1949 #20Mrs. Sager, Lyn 1949 #21Uknown standing in front of Coons Bakery, Main Street Lyn #22Three unknown girls #23Four unknown children #24Unknown Children #25Unkown on King St W. Brockville with Buell Street in the background #26Unknown in front of house #27Unknown on lawn chair #28Unknown in front of car #30Unknown next to car #29Mary Dunster #31Sam Dunster, WW II #32Frank and Mary Dunster #33Frank Dunster #35Samuel Dunster WW I #34Sam Dunster at the Brockville Railroad station #37Harold and Frank Dunster 1947 #36Mary Dunster and Mary Kilmury at the Lyn Pond #38San Dunster on right, Camp Barriefield 1916 #40Group of unknown soldiers #39
Unfortunately not all of the photographs in our collection are identified. In this instance we have a small black photo album that was donated and we know nothing about it. The photos are not labelled. From the clothes and the military uniforms on some of the men we would estimate the dates of the photos between 1910 and 1920. The photos are not of the best quality, but nonetheless they do give us a good insight into how the people lived back then.
If anyone recognizes any thing familiar in these photographs we would appreciate hearing from you.
1-This old unpainted clapboard house is prominent as a background in many of the photos
2-The clapboard house3-The corner of the house
4-What special occasion would bring the family together for this photo?5-Sisters ?6-The same people are in most of these photos
7-For some reason they choose the corner of the house for many photos.
8-Is this all one family ? Four boys and three girls. The man with the moustache is the same one in the photo above.
9-Friends taken in the winter10-Same friends taken in the summer
11-Is this the farm house in the background ?12-In front of the barns13-Three generations ?
14-This one has a name “Vivian”
15-Mothers and daughters in front of the shed. Unfortunately the sign on the barn is un-readable, notice the chicken in front of the barn door.
16-Is this the house18-Dressed to go somewhere17-This couple in their everyday work clothes
19-Where did they get the ship’s life preserver ?
20-In town now, is this the same white horse as pictured before ?
21-A mother and her two sons and three daughters ?
22-Same location as the above photo ?
23-A house in town ?
24-Friends or family
25-Out riding27-In front of the house26-Where could this house be ?
28-In front of a house in town
30-Same woman in the hat above ?29-Sharing a secret
31-An indoor family gathering, perhaps a young people’s social ?
32-Friends or family33-A cold day for an outside photo
34-At the farm gate
35-Mothers and daughters
36-Are those canal gates behind them, could this be the Rideau Canal ?
37-On the house steps
38-Watch for the dogs in the next photos
39-A boy and his dogs40-Sisters and their brother ?
41-Two dogs in a wheel barrow
42-Friends ?
43-Relaxing in the hammock44-Relaxing in the snow
45-Clapboard house in the winter ?
46-Looking after the horses48-WW I uniform
47-WW I uniforms
49-A World War I Soldier
50-Are those large buildings in the background
51-Friends at steps along the canal?
52-An old couple53-A good corn crop
54-Does anyone recognize this church ?
55-Using the cutter in winter56-More than friends ?
58-A thoughtful pose
59-Making good use of the wheel barrow60-A popular spot for photos
61-By the corner of the Clapboard house
62-Sisters and brothers ?63-Out for a summer ride
64-A cold time to pose for a photo
65-Time for a family photo
66-Taken in front of the barn and barn yard67-Dressed for a photo
68-A fall day 70-A winter’s day
69-A loving couple
71-What a shame that the names of these people are lost to history