Seelee’s Corners- A forgotten Hamlet in Elizabethtown
History Of Seeley’s Corners
(author unknown written in 1945)
The location known as Seeley’s is part of Lot 32 in the Fourth Concession of Elizabethtown. From time to time this lot has been subdivided, there being several small parcels of land around the corner known as Seeley’s Corner. The total number of conveyances at the Registry Office of this one lot is the unusually large number of 170.
A patent from the Crown was granted for the East half of the lot, 100 acres, on May 21, 1803 to Samuel Booth and for the west half, 100 acres, on the 24th of May 1803 to John McVey. On December 8th, 1819, Peet Seelee [sic] became owner of part of this lot for a consideration of 104£, 12s, 6p. The lot became further subdivided by the will of Trueman Seelee, Henry Mott subsequently became the owner of part and also John Coleman. In 1842 Henry Booth and John Booth each became owner off part. These farms are today (1945) owned by Frank Cornell, Robert Mustard and Alvin Gardiner.
In a conveyance dated 1841 a sale was made of part to Nathan Kerr, described as seventeen acres, more or less, north of Sawmill Road. This is the road that runs directly in front of Seeley’s School. In 1852 Henry Booth sold part of the south half, known as Seelee Mill Pond, 51 rods long and the water privilege and right of way to one Richard Coleman Jr.
Other small parcels were sold to different parties and became the site of houses and other buildings close to the Mill Pond. John Booth became owner of part in 1858 and Thomas Booth became owner of another part in 1860. In 1864, Alexander Stewart purchased from Thomas Booth 86 acres, 80 aces being south of the road and 6 acres north of the road. The title of this part has since remained in the Stewart family. The conveyance to Richard Coleman Jr. Was followed by others including the land in Lot 33 known as Lees Pond and water rights and privileges, all of which were related to the establishment and development of the mill, which afterwards became the property of James Cummings.
In the early days use was made of all the streams and small waterways for the operation of the mill and this in time lead to the establishment of a number of small buildings in the vicinity. The outlines of an old dam may be seen leading from Seeley’s Corners to the bridge crossing the creek and at this point there was a water flume which conducted the water to the factory or mill on the south side of the bridge. This factory was from time operated for different purposes. One mill made hubs and spokes for wheels. The operation of these small mills became unprofitable yet they served the pioneers well. A butter and cheese factory stood near the bridge. The products of these factories were shipped via Seeley’s Station (since removed). It was from this cheese factory that North Star Farm derived the name.
In 1848 the first school at Seeley’s was built. It was located where an apple tree now stands on the east corner. It is reported that a resident of Seeley’s quarrelled with the trustee’s of the old school over the hiring of a teacher. He then hired a teacher himself and sent his children to attend classes in an upper room of a tavern. The foundation of this tavern can be seen directly across the road from Stewart’s house.
It is reported that Mr. J.W. Stewart paid the School Section $50. and drew the brick himself to have the new school on the present site rather than the old one.