The Unionville Camp Meeting of 1895
The Unionville Camp Meeting
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
The Unionville Camp Meeting
A union camp meeting will be held by the Athens, Addison, Frankville and Toledo, Lyn and Mallorytown circuits of the Methodist church on the Unionville fair grounds, commencing Wednesday afternoon, August 21st. Arrangements are being made to have the grounds thoroughly equipped. The main building will be seated for the audience room. Ample accommodation for sleeping, etc., to those bringing provisions, will be provided free on the grounds. One building, floored, warm and dry, will be set apart for the use of the ladies of the Epworth League Full lodging, eating and horse accommodation will be provided at Mr. Forth’s at the most reasonable rates. During the continuance of the meeting, no driving will be allowed on the track. The place is central and only a step from the railway station. An effort will be made to secure commutation [sic] rates on the Brockville and Westport R.R.
Tuesday Aug 27, 1895 issue
Not withstanding the desire expressed by the committee of management that all church going people should attend their own places of worship on Sabbath, an immense crowd gathered at Unionville camp meeting on that day. It is estimated that from fifteen to eighteen hundred attended the afternoon meeting. The weather has not been very favourable for the meeting, but the buildings and grounds have been found so well suited to the purpose that a very pleasant and profitable time has been spent.
Tuesday Sep 3, 1895 issue
Glen Buell, Saturday, Aug. 31. –
The camp meeting held here has been the saviour of life to many. One good sister from Frankville says she is going to carry the fire home with her, as there is much need of it in her village. We hope the fruits of her labours may be blest and many be brought to the Saviour.
Tuesday Sep 10, 1895 issue
It is reported that a gang of thieves (for we cannot class them otherwise) made a general raid on the whips, halters, and lap rugs, on the camp-meeting grounds at Unionville on Sunday evening We hope for the good name of those attending the camp meeting that this rumour is not correct.
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing the above meeting.