New Dublin – News from the Village – 1925-1930
The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for the years – 1925 to 1930. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario
New Dublin – Feb 23, 1925
Dr. T.R. Whaley and Mrs. Whaley of Alsask, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. W. Whaley of Charleston, visited their mother, Mrs. M.J. Whaley and their sister Mrs. A.A. Orr, last week. Dr. Whaley spent several days with his mother during his short visit in the east. He is a surgeon in his private hospital in Alsask and has only a limited time at his disposal from his work as a specialist in his line.
New Dublin – March 1st , 1928
The Women’s Institute met in the Township Hall this afternoon, a good gathering and some visitors being present. After the usual opening and the minutes of the last meeting there was a general discussion re the proposed pipe fence to finish the inclosing of the cemetery on the west side of the road. Considerable material has been purchased and plans are being made to proceed with the work in early spring. A short report of Parliamentry proceedings was given by the chairman of that department, also local history was discussed also several interesting anecdotes related, dealing with modes of life and work and thought of the people in pioneer days. Mrs. W.M. Nash spoke at some length on the Nash, Davis, McConkey and Barry families as pioneers and was asked to get data concerning those names and present them at the April meeting. Two new books were added to the birthday library. Mrs. H.A. Flood gave a very interesting reading on “The Back Woods Folk” in Scotch dialect. Meeting closed in the usual way to meet again on the first Thursday afternoon in April.
Mr. and Mrs. George Roantree and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston of Morton visited at J.E. Johnstons last week.
Miss Dehlia Freeman of Frankville is spending some time with her friends Mr. and Mrs. John E. Johnston.
Miss Beatrice Healey has returned from several days visit with her relatives Mr. and Mrd. H.Woods and family at Chantry.
Wm. J. Bolton spent Tuesday in Brockville accompanied by his nephew C. Hall of Greenbush.
John B. Harton who has been seriously ill with rheumatism for several weeks is slowly improving in health.
Joseph Astlford has been ill of heart affection but is improving.
Master Harold Toppin is still quite ill, but hopes are held for his ultimate recovery. He is much missed at school and play by his young associates. Mrs. R. Toppin is enjoying very good health after her serious illness.
Mrs. Mort Rowsome is ill, in care of Dr. A.I. Armstrong.
Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. R. Willey in the death of her mother Mrs. A.O. Tait of Spencerville, which took place at the General Hospital in Brockville last week.
New Dublin – Aug 28th, 1928
The Women’s Institute will hold the September meeting on the first Thursday afternoon of the month. It will be grandmother’s day and all members and ladies of the locality are invited to be present and enjoy a good programme followed by luncheon. The meeting will open at 2 p.m.
The party held in the Township Hall on Friday evening provided an enjoyable occasion for a large number of young people from the surrounding district.
W.H Davis has returned from the General Hospital, Brockville, and is improving in health following an operation for appendicitis.
Miss Gladys Bolton R.N., accompanied her sister Evelyn home from the Brockville General Hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Miss Gladys returned to Toronto where she will continue to practise her profession.
The school here will re-open on Sept. 4 with Miss B. Maud of Addison again in charge.
Several from this vicinity attended the Ottawa Exhibition last week.
Miss Eva Horton and G. Fox of Syracuse, N.Y. are visiting relatives and friends here and in Brockville.
Mrs. Lewis Blanchard has been spending a few days with her parents W.H. and Mrs. Davis.
W.R. Johnston went on the Harvestors Excursion to the Canadian West last week.
Miss Edna Jones of Syracuse N.Y., visited the Misses Ethel and Shirley Rowsome over the weekend.
Mrs. R.N. Willey is spending a few days with her sister at Watertown, N.Y.
Miss Celena Menut of Binghampton, N.Y., is visiting her aunt and uncle Miss E.M. and H.R. Horton
Rev. Townsend of Westport conducted the services in the United Church here on Sunday.
Miss Shirley Rowesome visited friends in Brockville last week.
New Dublin – Feb 11, 1929
The play “Mary’s Castle in the Air” put on by the Manhard Y.P.A. in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening was much enjoyed by a large audience.
The Women’s Institute met in the municipal hall on Thursday afternoon, the president Mrs. H.A. Frood in the chair and other officers present. On account of the prevalent illness in this locality the meeting for January was not held. Much correspondence was read by the secretary and considered by the meeting. Acknowledgements of Christmas remembrances were received from several recipients and a donation of five dollars from one so remembered.
Miss Beatrice Healy and Miss Shirley Rowsome were appointed a committee to prepare for a musical contest to be held before April 20. A household Science Course is to be asked for in the early part of June. At the close of the business session an interesting programme was put on by Mrs. R.N. Willey and Miss Norine Healey. The roll-call answered by “your favourite author.”
A paper on health was read by Mrs. Willey and Miss Norine Healey took charge of a humorous play “The House of Nuts.”
Mrs. T.E. Healey told a very amusing story and Miss Norine Healey gave several vocal selections accompanied by her ukulele which were very much enjoyed and applauded. Six new books were added to the birthday library.
The March meeting will be held on the first Thursday afternoon of the month, the programme in charge of Mesdames Thos Steel and Ed. Healey.
The history of the old mill near Bellamy and of the B.J.Horton farm will be read at the meeting. Roll call will be answered by, “Your favourite poet and a quotation from him.”
The annual vestry meeting of St. John Anglican Church will be held in the Township Hall on Friday evening, Feb 15. Light supper will be served at the close of the business session.
Mrs. Hiram Woods of Chantry is visiting her twin sister, Mrs. Fred Healey this week.
W.E. Earl is seriously ill of pleurisy in charge of Dr. A.I. Armstrong of North Augusta.
Miss Beatrice Healey has returned home from Toronto where she spent several months as stenographer in an Insurance Office
The Young People’s Guild of the United Church held a driving party to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Nash on Friday evening, Feb 8. It was Miss Verna Healey’s anniversary of her birthday and a social evening was spent in games and music. Light lunch was served at the close.
Earnest J. Kendrick is busy in the neighbourhood with his sawing machine.
New Dublin Jan 2, 1930
The concert presented by the Sunday School and public school on Monday night was well attended considering inclement weather. Rev. Mr. Barbour acted as chairman in his usual able manner. The songs, recitations and playetts given by the children were all well rendered.
A pageant “Christmas Everywhere” was one of the most picturesque and interesting numbers imaginable, the different nationalities being well represented by members of the community. “Indian Huntresses,” a drill, was very beautifully done, the members all being in white and silver with bows and arrows, the same huntresses sang and Indian Lullaby around the campfire.
A three act play “Sniffling Hiram” provoked peals of laughter from the audience as did also a lesser dialogue “The Fliver family”. Instrumental music was given by Miss Beatrice Healey, the accompanist of the evening and Miss Shirley Rousome and James Barrigar. The whole programme was one of unusual merit and would be worth reproducing to a larger audience. Miss Florence McBratney, the teacher, and others in the program are to be congratulated on the success of the evening’s entertainment.
Edward Webster, a pupil of St.Alban’s School of Brockville, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J.S.Webster, stood head of his form for the Michaelmas term just ended, making 88 percent average on all subjects. Edward is 13 years of age and in a class composed of 13 boys from Kingston, Brockville, Toronto, Montreal, Gananoque and one from New Dublin.
Miss Florence McBratney is spending the holidays with her parents in Brockville.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Griebe and two children and Niel Frood of Syracuse, N.Y. spent the holidays with relatives here.
Mrs. Elizabeth Orr of Brockville is visiting Mrs. Charles Burgess for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Willey and daughters spent Christmas with friends at Lyn.
On Tuesday evening about thirty friends gathered at the Municipal Hall for a social evening in honour of Mr and Mts. Elmer Grube, Niel Frood and Harold McDougal who have been absent from the community for ore than two years. Games and dancing were enjoyed till midnight when lunch was served and the company dispersed having spent a very enjoyable evening.