Lillies – News from the Village – 1927
The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for the years- 1927. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario
Lillies, April 16th , 1927
Albert Gardiner is a patient at the General hospital. All are hoping to see him home soon.
Morton Charlton’s auction sale was well attended on Wednesday last.
The farmers are commencing to work on the land.
Miss Florence Booth had her tonsils removed recently at the General hospital, Brockville. All are pleased to learn that she is convalescing rapidly at her home here.
David Lawson purchased a valuable horse from Charles McNish recently.
Dr. and Mrs. F.M. Judson, Lyn, paid the Vickery family a short visit one day last week.
The Misses Mabel and Lois Marshall are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Marshall.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dunster and family, Lyn, spent a day last week at A.H. Hendry’s.
The Misses Gladys Louise, Florence and Margaret Booth are holidaying at their home here.
Mrs. H. Darling spent a day last week with her daughter, Mrs. Morton Charlston.