Postcards for Special Holidays

Postcards were a chance for people to send “best wishes” for special occasions to their family and friends, or just to keep in touch. The postage on these cards was cheaper than a letter and the cost of the card less than that of an actual birthday or Christmas card as we know them today.

It was a way to stay in tough with friends and family and sometimes send an occasional bit of humour through the mail. These postcards give us a very accurate snapshot of the humour and attitudes of the people of that time, they give us a look into what daily life was like.

While our collection is small, we wanted to share with you what those who sent these to their family and friends back home.

We are always interested in increasing our collection so that we may share with everyone this glimpse into our past. If you have postcards there are three ways in which you could share them with us:

1) a direct donation to the museum

2) loan them to us, we will scan them and return the originals to you

3) if you have a digital image you can send it to us at our email address:

Happy New Year

A bright and happy New Year
A Joyous New Year
A Happy New Year- To enjoy happy memories off time past- to delight in lovely visions of Future and to Live joyfully in the present.
May you get your full share of Good Things this festive season
A Happy New Year- May it be the best one yet, with many more to come
A Happy New Year
A Happy New Year
A Happy New Year
New Year Once Again
A Happy New Year












If next year brings all the gladness, That I hope you may receive, You will have no time for sadness, Nor remember how to grieve



Valentines Day

A Token of Love
This message is for you my dear- Your looking glass will make it clear



True Love, Sweet Heart, To My Valentine
A Hearts Taken – To my Valentine
A Loving Thought
Valentine Greetings- Wont you swap your heart for mine, and be my little Valentine






















Valentine Greetings – When Cupid plays his little tricks, And fills with love divine, I find my heart is in a fix, So be my Valentine




My Valentine Puzzle – My name is not Maud, Mag nor Sue., But here is just what I will do- Just guess who sent this, And I’ll give you a kiss- If one’s not sufficient- take two

St. Patrick’s Day

A flower of more pretentious worth, Can not be more plainly tell, The triple faith I have in thee, Thou Shamrock of the dell



Happy Eastertide
A Joyous Easter
A Happy Eastertide
Easter Greetings – Just an Easter greeting true, Because of my regard for you.
Easter Greetings
Easter Greetings



May Yours be a Happy Easter
A Happy Eastertide – Like the sunshine after the rain, Easter gladness comes again, The risen Lord with your abide, And bless for you this Eastertide
A Joyful Easter – While the sunshine and the dew, Draw up from the earth its flowers anew, May the sun of Easter Love, Draw our hearts to Heaven above.
A Joyous Easter
A Joyful Eastertide
Happy Easter
Easter Greetings
Easter Greetings
May Easter Joys be with you
A Happy Easter – Earth awakes to the Easter music, Her Bosom with praise overflows, The Forest breaks forth into singing, For the desert has bloomed as the rose
Easter Joys be Thine – With all my heart, I wish for thee, A time of resurrection power, Oh, may thy life forever be, As sweet and pure as Easter flower
Easter Happiness – May all that is fairest and truest and best, Be given to thee of the king, May love, in its perfect completeness of rest, To thee Easter happiness bring
A Happy Easter
A Joyous Easter
Easter Greetings- The happiest moments of my life I spend sending Easter greetings to my friends



Best Easter Wishes
Best Wishes
Happy Eastertide
Easter Greetings
A Happy Easter
God bless Easter Morning
Joyous Easter
Easter Blessings – God bless thee at this time of flowers, When balmy breezes move, God bless thee through life’s changing hours, With whispers of his love
Eastertide- The wild flowers sweetly greet you




Easter Wishes


Cordial Thanksgiving Greetings
Good Wishes for Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day
I am coming for Thanksgiving, Just that alone makes life worth living











A Jolly Halloween
The highest expectations for Halloween