Greenbush – News from the Village – 1902-1930
The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for the years- 1902 to 1930. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario
Greenbush, Sep 10, 1902
The Ladies Aide of Greenbush Church are holding a harvest social on Friday evening next in aid of the church.
Greenbush– June 29, 1925
Robert Wallace and family spent Sunday with friends in Brockville.
Miss Ada Davis is having a public school picnic today before her departure for her home in Kinburn to spend the summer vacation.
The frequent rains are preventing the proper cultivation of the corn crop. The grain and hay crop are looking well.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forsythe were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Locke, Brinston’s Corers on Tuesday of last week, and on Monday at E.J. Suffel’s, Delta.
Mrs. George Burke of Brockville, visited her brother, Henry Paterson last week.
Dr. Arthur Tinkless of Watertown, N.Y., called on his brother and aged mother, Mrs. Margaret Loverin, on Saturday last.
Miss Muriel Earl, of Lyndhurst, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewitt.
Greenbush, Dec 5, 1927
The United Church here is holding Missionary Anniversary services on Sunday and Monday Dec. 11th and 12th. Rev. R.B. Ammond, a Missionary in China for more than a score of years will speak at Addison at 11am and at Greenbush Church on Monday evening the subject being “The present Crisis in China”. Offerings for Missions will be taken at all the services.
Members of the Greenbush SS. Are busy preparing for the annual S.S. Concert to be held in the church on the evening of the 23rd.
Miss Mabel Smith of Ottawa, who has been spending some time here following an operation, returned on Saturday to resume her duties as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis K. Blanchard and family who spent summer at Franktown returned to their home here to spent the Winter. Shortly after their return the oldest son, Harold was taken ill of Typhoid fever and is still critically ill.
Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Loverin visited at Maynard last week and while there Mr. Loverin accompanied Mr. Percy Fretwell and Mrd. Obt. Seeley and attended the Royal Winter Fair.
Mr. A. Root left last week on a trip to Los Angles, Cal. Where he intends to spend the winter with his son Wilson E. Root.
The Greenbush Mission Circle held its annual meeting at the home of Miss Reba Olds, on Saturday Dec. 3rd where the following officers were elected:
President- Nina Wallace; Vice President- Florence Connel; Rec. Sec.- Kathleen Little; Cor. Sec.- Bella Twa; Treasurer- Maxine Loverin; Organist- Reba Olds. After the meeting the hostess served light refreshments.
Mrs. E. Kendrick of New Dublin is a guest at the home of her brother Mr. Fred Olds.
Mr. Kenneth Hall has gone to Detroit.
Miss Viola Duval spent Sunday at her home here.
Greenbush, March 1st , 1928
Mr. George Evans is still very critically ill at his home here. His daughter, Mrs. Gertie Ducoln of Alexandria Bay, NY is in constant attendance at his bedside.
The Greenbush Mission Circle held a social evening on the 24 inst. At the home of Miss Florence Connell, having their parents, the members of the Tuxis square and their parents as guests. An interesting programme of games, contests and music was carried out, followed by refreshments. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Connel for the use of their comfortable home thus enabling the young people to have such an enjoyable time.
Miss Florence Dunlop of Ottawa was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Gifford, while here she favoured the Ladies Aid by giving one of her lectures entitled “Our Sister Dominions” which was listened to with much pleasure and profit by all present. During the evening Miss Marjorie Wallace gave a pleasing recitation and Mrs. Lloyd Brown rendered a comic reading in good style. Mrs. Williams of Addison gave two pleasing solos and the male choir gave a splendid selection. Rev. Jas. Leach very ably filled the chair.
Miss Evelyn Kilborn is in Ottawa a nurse in training at the Civic Hospital.
Several from here took in the hockey match in Brockville last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Suzerini of New York are guests at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brayton.
The many friends of Mrs. Geo. Taplin regret to hear of her serious illness. Miss Merkley of Williamsburg is the nurse in attendance.
The box social held in the school house on Friday evening last under the auspices of the Ladies Aid was well attended and added over fifty dollars to the Treasury of that society. A good programme was given by local talent assisted by Mr. Jas. Watson of Eaton, Sask who is visiting here who rendered two solos in good style, At the close of the programme the boxes which were creations of art as well as receptacles of good things were auctioned by B.W. Lovern. Rev. Jas. Leach occupied the chair.
Greenbush – July 11, 1928
Farmers have begun their haying and report a fair crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fenlong of Evans’ Mills, N.Y., were recent visitors at Dormon Fenlong’s.
Mrs. B.W. Loverin spent the weekend at Newington, the guest of her son Arnold and his family.
Margery Wallace and Gordon Little were successful in recent entrance examinations. Congratulations
Miss Bessie White underwent a serious operation in the Brockville General Hospital on Thursday last. Her sister Wilma is with her as special nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith spent several days in Ottawa last week, the guests of her daughter, Muriel, when a farewell dinner was given by Mrs. Earl Scrivens in Honour of Sergeant-Major Harold Kerr and Mrs. Kerr on the occasion of their departure for Mayo in the Yukon Territory where Sgt.-Major Kerr will have charge of the Government Radio Station. Mrs. Kerr was formerly Miss Eileen Weaver R.N., of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr will visit relatives at Winnipeg and Vancouver en route for the North West.
Greenbush – Aug 21, 1928
Miss Mabel Smith of Ottawa, who is spending her holidays with relatives, has gone to New York City to visit her brother Dr. M.T. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Robinson of Rochester are here on a motor trip; they are accompanied by their friends Mr. and Mrs. J. Waldron and their son.
Mr. Joseph Peterson is visiting his daughter Mrs. A. Blanchard.
Mrs. Maurice Shaver of Ottawa was a recent visitor in the home of her sister, Mrs. E.N. Smith.
Mr. Herbert Olds with his daughter and grandson of Eric, Penn., are spending a couple of weeks with his father Mr. Morton Olds.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Tackaberry and Mr. and Mrs. John Deval and Miss Gretta motored to Dunrobin to visit friends recently.
Mrs. D. Fenlong arrived home last week from Merrickville where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. Morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Lovern spent the weekend with friends at Elgin.
Mr. Bert Forsythe of Ottawa was a recent visitor in our village.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward wain of Moose Jaw, Sask., who are spending the summer with relatives at Morrisburg, called on friends here last week. Mrs. Swain was formerly Miss Lucy Loverin.
Greenbush – August 29th, 1928
Miss Evelyn Kilborn went to Ottawa on Tuesday to resume her training in the Civic Hospital which has been interrupted by illness.
Rev. Townsend, Westport, occupied the pulpit of the United Church here on Sunday last and gave an inspiring sermon on the subject. “The Evil Eye”.
Mr. Harry Sterling of Oshawa is spending his holidays with his Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller.
Miss Opal McVeigh, nurse in training at the Kingston General Hospital with a party of friends motored here on Sunday to visit her parents.
Mrs. And Mr. E. Smith and Miss Marguerite Kerr spent a few days in Ottawa last week and on their return were accompanied by Miss Muriel Kerr.
Miss Jessie Loverin spend last week with her friend, Mrs. Frank Frood at Dunrobin and also attended the Ottawa Fair.
Mrs. Hamilton Maird of North Collins, N.Y., with her children and grandchildren to the number of eleven persons are camping on Mr. Geo. Langdon’s lawn. While on their motor trip they intend to visit other places of interest.
The mission circle girls conducted a pleasant social evening on Mr. Jas. Gibson’s lawn on Saturday, Aug. 25th. Weiner’s, ice cream, cake and coffee were served to those wishing them and an impromptu programme was given. Among those taking part were Mrs. Ena Lawton and Mr. Claire Baird of North Collins, N.Y., and Mr. Robert Gregg, of Greenbush. Mrs. M. Moore and Mrs. E. Gifford were the accompanists for the evening. The Ladies Aid is holding a social evening at the same place on the evening of Sat., Sept. 1st.
Miss Mabel Smith returned to-day from New York where she has been visiting her brother, Dr. M.G. Smith and other relatives.
Greenbush – January 7th, 1929
Many of our citizens have suffered and are still suffering from the ravages of la grippe.
Miss Evelyn Kilborn started her duties as teacher at Toledo on Thursday last but her school has been ordered closed on account of sickness.
Mrs. Morris Loverin is in Kingston with her mother, Mrs. George Olds, who is very ill.
During the holidays Miss Mabel Smith visited her sister, Ms. Geo. Edwards in London.
Many family reunions were held on Christmas day. At Mr. Leonard Kendrick’s in addition to his own family were |Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith; Miss Marguerite Kerr; Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Gifford and family; Miss S.A. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. W.H White and son Archer; Mrs. S. Pritchard and Dr. Clare Pritchard of Athens; the Misses Muriel Kerr, Mabel Smith and Bessie White of Ottawa; Mr. Leslie Kerr of Baltimore, Maryland; Miss Wilma White, R.N., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pritchard and Dr. M.T. and Mrs. Smith and son Edward of New York City.
The guests at B.W. Loverin’s at the family reunion were Arnold Loverin and family of Newington; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Fretwell and children and Mr. John Harrison of Prescott; Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Judson, Mrs. Bertha Judson and Mrs. Avis Daniels of Athens; Mr. and Mrs. John M. Percival and Miss Melba and Mr. Carl Percival of Addison.
On New Year’s Day there was a gathering of the Johnston family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr when all the members of the family from far and near were present except Mrs. David Johnston and her son Gerald, who were detained in Smiths Falls through illness.
Greenbush – Jan 28th, 1929
Mr. J. Hewitt had the misfortune to have his horse which he had driven to Brockville one day last week take sick, so he had to leave it there in the care of a veterinary who reports that it is improving.
Mrs. D. Fenlong, in company with her son Roy visited at the home of her daughter at Merrickville over the week-end.
The Mission Circle met on Saturday, the 21st inst. At the home of Mrs. B.W. Loverin where an interesting program was given by all the members, at the close of which all took part in a contest provided by Reba Olds. The hostess served refreshments.
The Annual congregational meeting of the Greenbush United Church was held in the church hall on the evening of Thursday Jan 24th with a good representation of different families present. The officers and teachers for Sunday School were elected, the Ladie’s [sic] Aid reorganized and a new finance board appointed. Plans were made to meet any deficiency in balancing the books for 1928. At the close refreshments were served.
Mr. Gordon Moore of Francis, Sask. Is visiting his brother Morton and other relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford Earl of Lyndhurst were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewitt on Thursday of last week.
Greenbush, Aug 18, 1930
Miss Alice Hudson of Glen Elbe is visiting her cousin Pearl Hall
Many residents here was the big dirigible R-100 both on its western trip Sunday night and going east on Monday afternoon.
After a weeks holiday spent with relatives here and at Charleston Lake, Dr. Morley Smith left yesterday for his hoe in New York accompanied by Mrs.Smith.
Miss Muriel Kerr of Ottawa is visiting relatives here.
Miss Sadie Twa, R.N., who has been engaged as special nurse on a case in Brockville spent Sunday at home.
Miss Wilma White, R.N., of New York City, who has been touring Europe, arrived home on Tuesday last and is spending some time in the parental home. While in Bavaria, she visited Aberammergan, the scene of the famous Passion Play, staged by the people of that town, and has consented to give a talk on this and other incidents of her trip for the benefit of the Woman’s Missionary Society at their meeting in the church on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 20th inst.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell and two children of Montreal, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. White on the 10th inst, and Mr. and Mrs. Doughty with their son and daughter of Toronto were there on the 17th inst.
Miss Irma Olds, R.N., of Erie, Penn., who is spending her vacation here, is spending a few days with relatives in Brockville.
The Greenbush congregation will hold their 97th anniversary of the building of the church on the second Sunday of October, when Rev. Mr.Semple, of Smith’s Falls, will preach at the morning service and also give an address in the church Monday evening. The evening service on Sunday will be in charge of the Rev. M.I. Robinson of Athens.
The funeral of the late George D. Langdon was held at the home of his son Louis, on Monday last and was largely attended. The pastor, Rev. R. Barbour officiated. Among those from a distance aere Mr and Mrs W. Clow and Andrew Clow of Alexandria Bay, NY; Mr and Mrs George Clow, and Mr and Mrs Blake Dickey and family of Yonge’s Mills; Mr and Mrs James Eligh, Mrs Annie Eligh, Mrs Elton Eligh and Mr and Mrs Ogle of Sherwood Springs; Mr and Mrs Charles Buell and son Harry and Euret Clow of Brockville; Mr and Mrs W. White and son Visitor of Caintown; Mr and Mrs Lorne Brown of Glen Buell; Mr and Mrs W. Clow, Tincap; Mrs H. Willows, Seeley’s; and Mrs Gordon McLean, Athens. Interment was made in Glen Elbe cemetery.
The service in the United Church on the 17th inst. Was in charge of the pastor Rev. R. Barbour, with Rev. Mr. Gray, a home missionary from western Canada and a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, as a special speaker. He reminded us of our very large responsibility to the home mission work as no country in the world has so large a home missionary territory. A pleasing duet was given by Mrs. E. Smith and Mrs. C. Hall.
Last week Mr and Mrs .H.Tackaberry accompanied by Mr and Mrs Geo. Taplin of Addison motored to Gore’s Landing to visit the Rev. James Leach and family.
Mr and Mrs Williard Fretwell of Prescott accompanied by Mr and Mrs Percy Fretwell of Maynard spent last Friday with friends here and at Charleston Lake.