The origins of the original Soper School have been lost in the sands of time. It was probably a log cabin school and existed on the site as early as 1820. This original one room school was known as Otterman’s School, from the Otterman family living nearby. Later when Soper deeded the land over to the School Section board it became Soper School.
Levi Soper owned a homestead three miles to the east of Fankville. A school was built on part of this property. The school stands on the 9th Concession, but the road running past the school building is Morrison Road, Kitley 8th line. The school fence runs between the two concessions..
A stone building supplanted the original log school and it served the community until it was destroyed by fire in 1912. The present stone building was erected on the site in the same year. George Brundige was the contractor when the school was rebuilt. The building was constructed of square cut stone locally quarried. The inside was finished with a white plaster. A raised platform was installed for the teacher.
Among the first settlers around the old school site were the Morrisons, Wilkins, Pryces, Sopers, Wrights, Reynolds, Barringstons, Davises, Mulvaughs, Steacys, Hewitts, Hantons, Brundiges, Merciers. Later the Cooks and O’Gradys moved in.
Louise Mulvaugh was a teacher there prior to 1900. In the 1900’s teachers included Miss. Cocklin (1908), Miss. Greeves; Kenneth Blanchard, Miss. Clow, Misses Nellie and Rose Judge and Fred Leacock who later became a doctor and was killed in a car accident. First salaries paid to teachers ran from $200. to $300. per year. Average attendance was 25-30 pupils but when the school closed in the 1960’s attendance was down to 12. (Recorder and Times)
Soper’s School c1985 (photo #2)
Soper School November 2016 (photo #1)Soper School November 2016 (photo #3)
Soper School -November 2016 (photo #4)Sign for Soper Road, school is across from the sign (photo #6)
Schoolhouse pump hidden in the brush on the corner of the lot (photo #5)
Commemorative Plate in memory of Soper’s School
Commemorative Plate (photo #6)Close up of the centre of the plate (photo #7)
Concession #1, Lot 9, in South Elmsley Township (see map)
In 1873, school trustees received the deed for a property of land from Henry Shane.
A new stone building was constructed in 1875 (or 1887), replacing an older school further down the road which was subject to arson, possibly committed by a pupil. The schoolhouse was used after hours as the community church, as well as a meeting hall. Well into the 1900s, the building was used by the Shane’s Women’s Institute.
Shane’s Corners was a small settlement located along Highway 29 near what was the First Concession of Kitley. Shane’s Corners was settled by a man named Lawrence Shane and his wife; Mrs. Shane kept a private school here at one time. The settlement consisted of a few homesteads and very few businesses. [2]
The settlement was large enough that it was able to become its own school section in the late nineteenth century. The school was known as S.S. #2 Shane’s School, and at the time was located along the boundary of Kitley and South Elmsley townships. [2]
Shane’s School enjoyed an upswing in attendance during the 1950’s, when more people moved into the area.
The old Shane’s Road running west from Shane’s Corners on No.29 highway forms the boundary between South Elmsley and Kitley.
Known as the Town Line, the road was a natural spot for school houses. Thus at least three were set up along its route, and because education knows no boundaries, these schools became union, uniting South Elmsley and Kitley pupils.
Shane’s School, was destroyed by a fire set by vandals stood on the knoll that marks the junction of Shane’s Road and No.29 Highway, was a union school with around 15 South Elmsley children attending it in 1840, though it was located in Kitley.
Halfway between Shane’s Corners and Blanchard’s Hill, another public school, also union existed in the 1840’s. It has since vanished and no historian today knows where it stood.
[2] Recorder and Times]
Excerpt from Dr. Glenn Lockwood’s book “Kitley 1795-1975”
Miss Mary Goodfellow taught at the stone school in 1905 and 1906. During her teaching Dr. Kinney was the inspector. She remembered him well as he always had the same joke: “Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” When she returned in 1910, a Mr. Johnson was the inspector. It is interesting to note that Miss Goodfellow’s mother taught in the present school or one on the same site. Miss Lillian Taylor was also one of the earlier teachers. At that time Wilfred Pattemore taught here. Mr. Oaks was the inspector and Fred Hewitt was trustee for many years. Other trustees who served with him were Alex Findlay, Mervin Joint, Harvey Johnston, Pete Simpson, Charlie Botham and Archie Hewitt.
Shane’s School Recorder and Times Photo (photo #2)
1926 Class: Front Row L-R: Roy Simpson, Helen O’Donaghue, Irvin Hughes, Verna Hewitt, Bill Goodwin, John O’Donaghue, Verna Simpson, Anna Mae Hewitt. Middle Row: Georgina Best. Jean Best, Violet Connell, Minnie Hewitt, Glenna Hewitt, Lena Best, Grant Sheridan. Back Row: Borden Sheridan, Jim Findlay, Charlie Dorman, Lloyd Hewitt, Irvin Cornell, Hilliard Johnston – Recorder and Times Photo (photo #3)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: no report
1854: no report
If anyone has any information on this school we would appreciate hearing from you.
Redan was settled in the years 1840-1860 by Irish Immigrants. The original inhabitants were the Youngs, the Marshalls, Burnetts, Pritchards, Motts, Richards and Wilsons. The old Richardson homestead here was originally part of a clergy reserve. In 1854 the government released all clergy reserve land to the public and the Richard family took a 100 acre plot in the centre of this community.
Redan School was located a short distance from the Mott homestead. The original schoolhouse was a log structure located near the junction of the Rocksprings and Redan roads. The site is now covered by a swamp.
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: no report
1854: Frame building
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1873:
That the request of the trustees of school section no 26 be excepted and that the sum of $125. be levied and collected on the rateable property for the current year 1862- 1862
that the application of the Trustees of School section No 26 be complied with and the sum of $80 be levied and collected on the rateable property of said School Section exclusive of all expenses-1871
that the application of the Trustees of School Section No 26 be complied with and the sum of $80 dollars be levied and collected on the Taxable property of said section exclusive of expenses-1872
that $36 dollars of Clergy money be divided amongst the School Sections of this Township in the following manner, namely Sections No 1 $10, No 12 $5, No 26 $9, No 27 $9.31 cents, No 28 $5, No 29 $2, No 30 $5, No 31 $6 bring union section all the full Sections will leave the sum of $13.11 cents each and the Clerk ? the sum to be paid to the Trustees of each School Section-1873[1]
After 1858 the school that was Wolford SS#22 became Rathwell’s School, northeast corner of County Road 16 and Corkoran Road.
(Note: on the 1862-62 map there was no school at this location, the closest school we could find was the one circled on the map, this does not correspond to the present location of the school)
Excerpt from Dr. Glenn Lockwood’s book “Kitley 1795-1975”
Jasper School – Although there was little early growth in Jasper in the early years of the 19th Century, educational history in this village was commenced well before the village itself developed. In an April 19, 1842, Brockville Recorder is mentioned a grant of 35 £ to S.S. 22 Kitley, and Wolford to build a schoolhouse. The resultant structure was a small log edifice. In 1872, Mr. William Driver was the school teacher.
A new brick structure of a size large enough to contain two classrooms was constructed in 1875, across the road from the old log structure. Jasper became one of the centres where entrance exams were held.
The Jasper public school register of 1902 notes that Mr. George Harris was the teacher, and gave the following names of the students: Mertle Mills, John Mills, Edna Timlack, Ed Harris, John Driver, Dell Montgomery, Claude Beamish, George and Elsie Ireland, Emma Bates, Bert and Ethel Pinel, Orvil Brundige, Vesta Cross, Harold Warren, Lotty Driver, Earl Mills, George Cross, Ella Warren, Hazel Beamish, Lloyd Mills, Susan Driver, Rita Pinel, Star Cross, Harry Bates, Ed Ireland, Mable Timlack, Mina Burroughs, John Morrissey, Allen and Flossie Connerty, Mable Burroughs, James Morrissey, Jean Connerty, Mable and Florice Connerty, Jenny Driver, Lizzie Hart, Ella Hyslop, John LaFrance, Frank Morrissey, Herbert Carry, Harry Collidge, Carlisle Connerty, Edna Wright, Muriel Kelly, Maude Burroughs, Gertie Hyslop, Tina Carry, Susan LaFrance, Neil Morrissey, Cathaline Carry, Nelly Kelly, William Driver, and Harry Driver.
There were 58 pupils with an average attendance of 54 at this time.
A new school was constructed on the Kitley side of Jasper in 1961, and the old school was closed.
November 2016November 2016November 2016
Rathwell School, photo by Hans-Ulrich Raffelt taken Sept. 2013
Concession #4, Lot 13, built late 1830’s (see map)
present address 655 County Rd 29
Newbliss village had a log school which was replaced in 1874 by a stone structure. Newbliss School was phased out of existence in 1961 with the pupils being transferred to Jasper.
Newbliss had two schoolhouses to serve the community, each its own section. The first school was built around 1830 and was titled S.S. #5 Newbliss School. It is believed the first schoolhouse for S.S. #5 was made of log, however no records of the school exist. In 1858, the stone schoolhouse which replaced the log structure was erected. This schoolhouse is still standing, located at the intersection of Highway 29 and Line Road 4. (Kitley 1795-1975 by Glenn Lockwood)
With the erection of the Jasper Public School in 1961, the Newbliss School was sold for a residence.
Newsbliss School- “Kitley 1795-1975” (photo #1)
Interior of the Newbliss c1910 from “Kitley 1795-1975” (photo #2)
Generations of Mott’s Mills children were educated at the community’s old one room school, which closed around 1950. The original log school was built on Lot 21 of the 3rd Concession of Kitley. It was succeed by a frame building, which in turn was demolished to make room for a stone school built in 1906.
In its heyday, the school accommodated up to 80 pupils. When Mott’s Mills went into decline and the population dropped, school enrollment was greatly reduced. After the Second World War, the decline was much more noticeable. All schools in the north of Leeds suffered setbacks and many were closed.
Further down the Town Line Road, Blanchard’s School suffered reverses and was closed in 1956. Pupils from Blanchard’s were then transferred to Mott’s Mills.
Pioneer Sam Hough was the original owner of the land on which Mott’s Mills School stood. The Lot no 21 in the 3rd Concession of Kitley was deeded to Hough on December 18, 1803. In 1816, the lot was sold to Sam’s son, Brewin Hough who in turn disposed of it in the following year to Micajah Purdy. It was probably in Purdy’s time that the first school was erected on the lot. George S. Scovil bought the lot in 1833, and that portion on which the school stood was deeded over to the area school board.
Mott’s Mills School also closed in the early 1960’s. Students from these two schools were then bused to Jasper Public School.
“This school was a Union School and served part of Bastard Township where it was known as School Section #17.
According to an April 19th, 1849 Brockville Recorder, 65 pounds was granted to build a schoolhouse for this section. It is presumed that this early structure was either frame or log construction and was replaced by a brick structure in later years. In 1872, the school teacher was V.L.Yates. In 1882 there was a petition requested for $190. to meet school expenses. The same sum was requested te following year. In 1909 the teacher was Miss Geneva Stafford.
The school was closed well before the 1960’s.”
(excerpts from “Kitley 1795-1975” written by Dr. Glenn Lockwood)
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Tuesday March 5, 1895 issue–
Mitchell’s School (Kitley S.S. #16)
Honor roll for Mitchell’s school for the month of February. Names appear in order of merit.
Sr. IV.- Ethel Yates, Gordon Mitchell
Jr. IV.- John Fenlon, Myrtle Emmons, Anna Judge, Nellie Crummy
III. – Maude Fenlon, Stanley Bulford, Ernest Potter
– Blanch Emmons, Minnie Judge, Alex. Dixon, Anna Maney
Pt. II. – Valeria Pratt, Susan Judge, Maude Yates
– Florence Fenlon, Florence Montgomery.
C.L. Yates, Teacher
Mitchell’s School from “Kitley 1795-1975” by Glenn Lockwood
Bellamys Mill was its own common school section, known as school section #10. The school, first built in 1836, was named S.S. #10 Mahon’s School. The first log schoolhouse burned down and was rebuilt in the 1850’s across the road. The school ran successfully until the 1910’s when it was periodically closed and reopened until its permanent closure in the 1940’s. At the time of its closure it was converted into a private residence. Additionally at Bellamy’s Mill was a Roman Catholic separate school, known as R.C. #10. (Wikipedia)
Excerpt from Dr. Glenn Lockwood’s book “Kitley 1795-1975”
School Section Number 10 was the area which encompassed the Bellamy’s Mills area of Kitley. This section was also combined with Bastard School Section Number 18. Two schools were included in this section: Mahon’s SS #10, and R.C. #10, the latter being a separate school. The school is found on lot 20 of concession 6.
The first school at Mahon’s, which was north of Bellamy’s Mills, was across the corner from the later one. It was believed to have been built in 1836. This was a log building which was destroyed by fire in 1851. It was 20 feet by 20 feet and was reported to be in good condition. At the time it was in operation, the local superintendent stated, “I am happy to state that in the township education is injoying a considerable share of attention and that in no fewer than eight schools the free school system has been adopted, and that in various sections the necessary arrangements for more commodious school houses are being made.”
In 1851 fire motivated the construction of a new edifice in 1853 at the cost of 36£. The site was moved to where the present building now stands. In 1856, 10 percent of the people in this area were reported to be illiterate, that is, those who could go to this school.
For a period of between 1912 and 1924, Mahon’s School was closed. It reopened in 1924 and remained open until 1943, at which time it was permanently closed. The last teachers at this school in 1943 were: Miss Joynt, Miss Connolly, Miss Nixon, Miss Cavanaugh, Miss Hutcheson aand Mrs. Dack.
Gideon Leehy believed in educating the youngsters, so he put up a log school on the south side of Kitley’s Ninth Concession Road.
The school lasted until 1851, when it burned down. By this time a number of other families had moved in and a small community was flourishing.
The good burghers elected to build a stone school, which was completed in 1852. For 109 years it served the area well, standing sturdy and sound on the north side of the road, opposite the charred remains of the old school.
In 1961, the school was phased out of the system and replaced by the modern Frankville School on Hwy. 29.
Old school records show that in 1872, R.W.Hornick was the teacher of the one room school. In 1882 the school’s budget was $200., rising to $230 the next year.
Malcome Lehigh was teaching there in 1887 and in 1896 the muster showed six Leigh children attending: Maude, Mertle, Edna, Carrie, Everett and Ernie Lehigh. The last teacher when the final class was dismissed in 1961 was Aileen Montgomery.
“The teacher in 1896 was Miss Edith Wing. During the early 20th century names such as Raymond Pryce, Mrs. Loucks, Mrs. George Eaton and Edna McKeracher. The last teacher was Mrs. Aileen Montgomery. “from Kitley 1795-1975 by Glenn Lockwood”
Class of 1896 Teacher is Miss Edith Wing (photo #1)
Names for the class of 1896 (photo #2)
Lehigh’s School from the book “Kitley 1795-1975” (photo #3)
Lehigh School c 1985 (photo #4)
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Tuesday Jan. 1, 1895 issue-
Leehy’s School (Kitley SS #18)
Following is the result of the Christmas examinations held at Leehy’s School. Names appear in order of merit:
Fourth Class- Everett Leehy, Carrie Leehy, Bruce Holmes, John Howie, Stella Kilborn, Bruce Ireland, Frank Livingston
Third Class- Edna Leehy, Susie Ireland, Mary Livingston
Second Class- Roy Kilborn, Blanche Eaton, Thorton Levingston and Elmo Judson
Part 1- Victoria Johnston,
Tella Beach, Teacher
Tuesday Feb. 5, 1895 issue-
Leehy’s School ( Kitley SS #18)
Honor roll for Leehy’s school for the month of January. Names appear in order of merit:
Fourth Class – Everett Leehy, Carrie Leehy, John Howie, Stella Kilborn, Bruce Holmes, Bruce Ireland
Third Class – Edna Leehy, Roy Kilborn, Blanche Eaton, and Susie Ireland
Second Class – Thornton Levingston
Part I – Victoria Johnston\Those attending every day during the month: Everett Leehy, Carrie Leehy, Stella Kilborn, Edna Leehy, Roy Kilborn
Tella Beach, Teacher
Tuesday April 16, 1895 issue–
Leehy’s School ( Kitley SS #18)
Results of Easter examinations of Leehy’s school. Total number of marks, 850.
Fourth Class – John Howie 695, Everett Leehy 594, Stella Kilborn 500, Bruce Holmes 426, Carrie Leehy 368
Third Class – Roy Kilborn 363, Edna Leehy 529, Blanche Eaton 392, Susie Ireland 62
Second Class – Elmo Judson 526, Thornton Livingston 401
Known as “17 Kitley and 19 Yonge” built on part of Concession 10, Lot 27 in KItley. It served the rear lots of 10 to 30 of Concession 10 in Kitley, Concession 11 of Yonge and some of Bastard. It was built in 1868 and closed in 1961. Previous to it being built school was held in the home of William T. Howe who lived on that land. Thomas Howe received these 200 acres by Crown Patent Sept. 1. 1838 but had been developing the land since at least 1820. The original nominee of this land was Solomon Conley and Margaret Howe. In his will he left part of the land plus 50 pounds to be used to build a school. In the early years of the school it was also used as a Church.
The following information is taken from Dr. Glenn Lockwood’s book “Kitley 1795-1975”
The Lake Eloida school area, in the days of the three-trustee board, was comprised of the rear half of lots 10 to 30 in the 10th Concession of Kitley, part of Lot 4 to Lot 15 in the 11th Concession of the Township of Yonge and a very small area in the Township of Bastard.
School was first held in this section in a nearby stone house owned by William Howe, which overlooked Lake Eloida. Teachers in this building included Miss E.J Ferrar and Miss Adelaide McCrea, a daughter of Hiram McCrea of Frankville. Of the latter teacher it was said, “She was a slender and very tall, and very good looking. She wore the same dress day in and day out made of a dark printed material. It trailed on the floor as she moved about slowly and with great dignity.”
A schoolhouse was built of stone in approximately 1868 in Lot 27 to the 10th Concession. Miss Vina Root, later Mrs. John Mackie, was one of the early teachers in the new school. Another teacher, Holmes Eyre, a grandson of Abram Eyre, used a heavy hand on those who did not obey his instructions. Other teachers in the latter half of the 19th century were: Annie Laura Scovil, Josie Glazier, Jennie Eyre, Jennie Percival, Emma Johnston and Hincks Eaton.
An item in the Athens Reporter of January 21, 1890 read: “Miss Jennie Eyre, teacher at Lake Eloida School was presented with a hand mirror by Miss Ina Hause and a fruit dish by Miss Lillian Barnes, on behalf of the school girls, and Clifford Crummy presented her with a glove and handkerchief set on behalf of the boys, after an address was read by Jessie Henderson. Miss Erye will be taking another school next term.”
Mrs. L.A. Kilborn recalled that Mother Barns, generally known as “The Witch of Plum Hollow”, used to take her by the hand hand take her part way to school and how her teacher, Miss Scovil, used to take her, a tiny child, home with her at noon, lest she run away from school.
During its early decades the school building was used as a church sanctuary, and for Sunday School. Over the years there was little change in the appearance of the well built one room edifice, except for the new roofing, redecorating, and the addition of a drinking fountain, the installation of modern desks and equipment and the installation of hydro.
The following is a narrative as recounted by Miss Ethel McDowell who was teacher for a number of years at Lake Eloida.
“When I went to Lake Eloida to teach, the Second World War was still in progress Groups of soldiers would practice military maneuvers occasionally at Mr. Ogle Webster’s corner and along the road leading to the school. I remember them sending up rockets of flares one night and thinking, the show is nearly as good as fireworks. Another night they were making a smoke screen, I thought. Often one or two soldiers would go tearing along on motorcycles.
“Well, one chilly, damp afternoon in the autumn, a group of soldiers came along and the leader, a lieutenant, I presume, came to the school door. Could his men sleep in the school all night as they had made a long march and were very tired? They wouldn’t touch anything, and would leave everything as they found it. Well, in my mind flashed the thought, if they were going to risk their lives overseas so the rest of us could sleep safe and secure under a roof, it was only common decency to let them sleep warm and dry that night, in the school. A small closed in truck accompanied them, I gave my consent. When I went to the home of the W.M. Moore’s where I boarded, the soldiers took possession, and probably were sound asleep.”
“Now it seems there was a second group of soldiers, ‘the enemy’, on the road coming from Athens. They came upon one of the Lake Eloida boys and asked him if he had seen any soldiers that day. “Why, yes”, he replied, “There’s a bunch sleeping at the school tonight.”
“Group No. 1, feeling safe and tired, had gone to sleep without posting a sentry. So Group No.2 stole up to the school, slipped into it, and set off a tear gas bomb just inside the door. The sleepers awakened, got out fast.”
“In the morning the lieutenant came to meet me and apologized for what had happened. He had opened the door and windows, and when I first entered the school it didn’t seem too bad. But in a few minutes I emerged tearfully. You can imagine my dismay and chagrin. We couldn’t have school for a week, and when we did go back the effect of the tear gas was still there; the pupils gazed at me with tear filled eyes. One day Mavis Crummy, (Mrs. Clair Knapp), said to me, “I used to like to come to school, I don’t anymore.”
“Inspector Oaks said we would probably notice the tear gas for a year, and we did. He wrote to Army Headquarters, and in due time a couple of ‘top brass’ arrived at the school. I can remember them standing by the box stove and saying that they noticed nothing but the smoke from the wood fire. Huh !!! They said that the soldiers had gone overseas by that time. One of them also stated that in actual warfare the enemy would have blown the encamped men to pieces.
“If the trustees had fired me, I wouldn’t have been surprised. But they were good enough to say that if they too had been asked they would likely have given the soldiers permission to sleep in the school.”
Some of the teachers during the 20th Century included: Florence Scovil, John Webster, Anna Webster, Miss Lenna Brown, Russell Edmunds, Mrs. Aileen Montgomery, Mrs. Thomas Ericson, Miss Junter and Mrs. Leonard Scott.
In June of 1961, Lake Eloida School was closed after having served as a place of instruction for over 90 ears. Mrs. Ericson was the last teacher and last class of the old school included the following: Douglas Deir, David Wood, Danny Pattemore, Betty Van Drunen, Barbara Wood, Donna Deir, Donna Pattemore, Kathy Knapp. Connie Knapp Robert Wood, Mary Ellen Morrison, Robert Morrison, Beth Edmunds, Frances Knapp, Carole Knapp and Dianne Knapp.
Lake Eloida School (photo #1)
Lake Eloida School Class of 1895 (Galt Museum Archives) (photo #2)
Lake Eloida School House (photo #3)
Lake Eloida School, from “Kitley 1795 – 1975” (photo #4)
Lake Eloida School- photo by Hans-Ulrich Raffelt taken April 2017 (photo #5)
On October 26th, 2019, Athens and Area Heritage Museum had a “School Reunion” for those who attended the old Lake Eloida one room school house. The following information was obtained at that reunion. Many thanks to the Athens and Area Heritage Museum for sharing this with us.
Mrs. Lillian Scott, Teacher at Lake Eloida School (photo #6)
The Lake Eloida School Story
The Lake Eloida School which was built about 1868 and was used continuously for over 90 years was closed this June (1961). The Lake Eloida School area, more primly known as “17 Kitley and 10 Young” in the days of the tree-trustee board, comprised the rear half of lots number 10 to 30 in the 10th Concession of the Township of Kitley, part of Lot 4 to lots 15 in the 11th Concession of the Twp of Yonge, and a very small area in the Twp of Bastard.
At least six farms in the western part of the school area first came into being as part of a Crown Grant made to John Graves Simcoe. The minutes of the Executive Council of Upper Canada dated Wednesday July 9, 1794 refer to a grant of 5,000 acres ordered that day to His Excellency in appreciation of his service as Colonel of the Queen’s Rangers. An absentee landlord he turned land over to Abraham Holmes just after 1800. This property now owned by the Harold Pattemore’s had until September 1959 remained in the same family for five generations.
A small slice of land at the north end of the school area was originally owned by John Arnold, son of the famed American traitor, Benedict Arnold. John Arnold, father of the late Henry H. Arnold who was sectary treasurer of the Athens High School Board for 35 years and a member of the Board for 40 years and an Athens merchant, died on the property in 1831.
During many of the early decades the present school building was used as a church sanctuary, and for Sunday School. Almost every Protestant family in the neighbourhood worshiped here regardless of denomination, he men and women occupying opposite sides of the schoolroom. The Methodist minister from Athens conducted the services in the afternoon of the Sabbath.
It is likely that most of the children were taught their ABC’s by their parents or older members o their families during the early 1800’s. Then came the days of the itinerant teacher and “school” in one or another of the homes. Schooling was spasmodic and during the busy seasons it almost disappeared. At least there was a school building. Mrs. Austin Craig, who taught in the present stone school estimated that it is more than 90 years old. She remembered as a small girl attending school first in the stone house now occupied by the Thomas Knapps overlooking the lake and later she thought she attended the new school. Miss E.J. Ferrar was one of the earliest teachers. She was teaching in Eloida in 1865. Miss Adelaide McCrae was another early teacher, as was Miss Vina Root (later to become Mrs. John Mackie and the grandmother of Mrs. Gerald Morrison, Holmes Eyre, Anna Laura Scovil, Josie Glazier, Jennie Eyre and Jennie Percival.
Probably the Lake Eloida pupil who has won most distinction in her field of service was Marion Bottomley, now Dr. Marion Hall, a Methodist missionary attached to the Madar Union Sanatorium, a 250 bed hospital at Ajmer, India.
(this article was written in 1961, the author is anonymous)
Class of 1935 1st Row: Russel Edmunds (teacher) Francis Deir, Francis Webster, ruby Pattamer (McCann) Cora Jones, Goldie Knapp 2nd Row: Gerty Johnston, Velma Foley, Elva Johnston, Gerty Morrison, Ross Foley 3rd Row: Harold Pattamore, Tommy Knapp, Herbert Deir, Oliver Pattamore, Claude Jones, Hubert Cowie (photo #7)
The History of the Lake Eloida Schooling
by Sally Smid, Athens and Area Heritage Society
During the 1800’s area children were taught at home or sporadically by various itinerant teachers in different homes. The first mention of aa school was one that was located in the stone part of the home of Thomas Knapp. The Lake Eloida School was build around 1868. An early teacher was E.J. Ferrar who was recorded to have taught in the area in 1865. Another early teacher was Miss Adelaide McCrae. Mrs. Austin Craig who later taught there as well and received a salary of $150. a year, remembered McCrae as a “slender, tall and pretty woman who wore the same dress everyday. It trailed on the floor as she moved slowly about with great dignity”. Miss Vina Root, later Mrs. John Mackie, was also an early teacher. It was reported that another teacher, Holmes Eyre, used a “heavy haand” on those who didn’t obey his instructions. Other memorable teachers were Annie Scovil, Josie Glazer, Jennie Doreen Livingston, and Eva Moore.
An item in the Athens reporter of Jan. 21, 1890, right after Farmersville became Athens, read, “Miss Jennie Eyre, a teacher at the Lake Eloida School, was presented with a hand mirror by Miss Ina Hause and a fruit dish by Miss Lillian Barnes, on behalf of the school girls and Clifford Crummy presented her with a glove and handkerchief set on behalf of the boys..Miss Eyre will be taking another school next term.”
During many of the early decades, the school building was used as a church sanctuary and as a Sunday School. Almost everyone in the area worshipped there, with the men and women occupying opposite sides of the schoolroom. Two lady evangelists, Ella Birdwell and Inda Mason, conducted meetings in the school as well. The school was “packed to the doors”.
Over the years there has been little change in the appearance of the well-built little one room stone schoolhouse, except for new roofing and redecorating, adding a drinking fountain, new curtains, modern desks, and equipment as well as the installation of hydro.
Former students have many memories, fro Christmas Concerts, spelling bees, picnics at the campground, Arbour Day trips to the woods for flowers, to the visits the kindly Dr. Kinney, the inspector, as well as toasting cheese sandwiches on the wood stove. Then there was the time that Charlie Howe’s ram was chased around the school and battered the door.
Miss Ethel McDowell taught at the school for several years. Stories are told of how the students teased her because of her wooden leg, but that didn’t seem to limit her capabilities. She had a very unique experience having taught during WWII when groups of soldiers would practice military maneuvers in the area. They asked her if they could sleep in the school after a long march and promised to leave everything in place. She patriotically agreed and the soldiers bedded down for the night.
Now it seems that there was a second group of soldiers, “the enemy”, coming from Athens and they asked one of the locals if they’d seen and soldiers. It was revealed that they were in the school. Since they had left no sentry, the “enemy group” was able to slip up to the school and set a tear gas bomb just inside the door. The sleepers awoke and quickly escaped.
Apologies were made, but there was no school for a week due to the lingering smell which was noticeable for a year. When the “top brass” came in response to the complaints, they made light of the incident and stated that in actual warfare, the enemy would have tossed in a bomb that would have blown everything up. Miss McDowell thought that she might have been fired but the trustees were understanding.
In 1961 the Lake Eloida School closed and students were transported by bus to Frankville, Hard Island and Anoma Lee. The school which was attended by all of the elementary children in the community had a unifying influence. As Mrs. Aileen Montgomery, who taught there until 1960, wrote at its closing, “A mutual community concern is gone and as the pupils go to their new schools in different directions, it is inevitable that the neighbourhood interests will be divided.” Perhaps the school’s unifying force was gone, but the warm memories and rich heritage remain.
(Much of this information was obtained from The History of Lake Eloida, Athens Reporters and various former students)
School Class c1927 (photo #8)
In front of the school L-R Philip Edmunds, Beverly Knapp, Don Greenham and Garfield Johnston (photo #9)
School Picnic c 1950 (photo #10)
L-R: Lloyd Edmonds, Sharon Loshaw, Marie Knapp, Paul Lawson (photo #11)
Back Row L-R Eleanore Greenhorn, Mrs. Lillian Scott, Grace Johnson front row: Glen Hidge, Giles Lowshaw,, Garfield Johnston, Don Greenhorn, Philip Edmunds, Bev Knapp, Jean Moore, Jim Morrison (photo #12)
School trip to Ottawa Back Row: L-R: Eleanor Greenham, Mrs. Scott front row: Jim Morrison, Don Greenham, Shirley Loshaw, Glen Hodge, Philip Edmunds, Garfield Johnston, Giles Loshaw, Unk (photo #13)
Back Row L-R: Grace Johnston, Mrs. Scott, Eleanor Greenham middle Row: Jim Morrison, Don Greenham, Glen Hodge, Jean Moore 1st Row: Philip Edmunds, Giles Lowshaw, Beverly Knapp, Shirley Loshaw, Garfield Johnston (photo #14)
Oct 17th, 1951 Back Row L-R: Mrs. Scott, Don Greenham, Jean Moore, Eleanor Greenham, Beverly Knapp, Shirley Loshaw, Philip Edmunds Front Row: Garfield Johnston, Giles Loshaw, Glen Hodge (photo #15)
Last Class- June 1961 1st Row L-R: Douglas Deir, David Wood, Danny Pattemore, Betty van Drunen, Barbara Wood, Donna Deir middle row: Donna Pattemore, Kathy Knapp, Linda Knapp, Barry Wood, Darwin Deir, Paul Knapp Back Row: Wayne Kapp, Connie Knapp, Robert Wood, Mary Ellen Morrison, Robert Morrison, Beth Edmunds, Frances Knapp, Carole Knapp, Dianne Knapp, Mrs. Thomas Ericson teacher the former Ingrid Janthur who taught at the school from Sept 1960 to June 1961 (photo #16)
News from The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Tuesday Feb. 5, 1895 issue-
LakeEloidaSchool (Kitley SS #17)
The following is a list of the pupils whose work entitled them to place on the honor roll (names appear in order of merit):
IV.- Nellie Wiltsie
III – Amos Wiltsie, James Poirier, Harry Everett, Anna Thomas
II – Robert Everett, Martha Kincaid, Roy Johnson, Floyd Howe, Edna Howe
Pt II. – Charlie Stephenson
I – Omer Davis
Those who attended every day, Nellie Wiltsie, Floyd Howe
Maggie Wiltsie, Teacher
LakeEloidaSchool (S.S.#17) Kitley
Tuesday Aug 20, 1895 issue
Sarah Holmes, wife of Horace Booth, died on Monday last at her residence near Lake Eloida. Mrs. Booth was born on the farm adjoining the one on which she died and has always resided in that neighbourhood. She was in her 71st year at the time of her death. The funeral will take place at the Lake Eloida school house at 10 a.m. to-morrow (Wednesday)
The first log school house here was built in the early 1840’s on the west corner of the farm of pioneer Isaac Foster. Known as S.S. #8, the log school burned down a few years after it was built.
The community replaced it with a wooden frame structure sheeted in galvanized iron and painted white. For around 100 years it educated generations of Kinch Street children, until it was phased out by the school consolidation in the 1950’s.
The teacher in 1876 was John Mackay, a veteran educationalist who taught in Newbliss for 20 years before coming to this school.
School trustees in 1876 were Isaac Foster who had donated the plot on which the school stood, James Love and James Morrissey, who was also the board’s secretary treasurer. A Dr. Kinney was the school inspector.
“The sturdy log structure served as a school for over 100 years. It ceased functioning as a school in 1950. The pupils of the Kinch Street area were transported to Crystal School and later to the new Jasper Public School.”-from Kitley 1795-1975 by Dr. Glenn Lockwood
Kinch Street School- from “Kitley 1795-1975” (photo #1)
Concession #4, Lot 26, built prior to 1870 (see map
Excerpt from Dr. Glenn Lockwood’s book “Kitley 1795-1975”
Judgeville School, S.S. No. 7, contained a public school and a separate school. The separate school goes back prior to the 1870’s, ad in 1872, Mr. James Dempsey was trustee. A petition for the school requested $20. that same year. The following article is from a February 8th 1899 issue of the Brockville Recorder:
“We publish in this issue the judgment of Judge MacDonald in a case tried in Kitley in which the plaintiff Anthony Healy as the Collector of the Roman Catholic Separate School Tax, sued the defendant, John Carey, for the amount of his assessment. Mr. Carey admitted that he was a supporter of the Roman Catholic Separate School, but, in as much as he had leased his farm to his son, who was also a supported of the public school, and was to pay the taxes contended he was not, as far as the assessment was concerned, liable for the separate school tax.
The judge reserved his decision. The judgment is as follows:
“This case was tried before me at the last sitting at Frankville and I then reserve judgment…in my humble judgment the defendant being a Roman Catholic, and a supporter of the separate school is wholly exempt from paying public school rates or subscriptions upon him and have power to collect the same. My judgment is therefore against the defendant.”
The annual report for the Separate School No. 7 for the year ending 1882, showed that the teacher that year had a third class certificate. There were seven pupils, two boys and five girls. The schoolhouse was frame, the school premises were freehold.
“It is presumed that the present stone structure was erected in the late 1870’s or sometime thereafter. It is also safe to presume that an earlier school of log construction was in the area by the late 1850’s. According to the Brockville Recorder a petition for $250. for the benefit to the school was made in 1882. In 1883 the school section was assessed at five and a half mills for money for the school. The teacher in 1882 was Minnie McEwan, and in 1883 was Jenny Bowser.” (“Kitley 1795-1975” by Dr. Glenn Lockwood
If anyone has any photos or additional information on this school we would appreciate hearing from you.
Hutton’s School – from “Kitley 1795-1975” (photo #1)
Hutton’s School in 2012 (photo #2)Hutton’s School in 2012 (photo #3)
We are not sure if the school S.S. 14 was the earliest school in the Frankville area. Frankville has a rather distinctive history as far as schools are concerned considering that it was the only centre in Kitley to have a grammar school which was the equivalent of a present day high school. When a Model School was set up in the Frankville village in 1845, a goodly sized Common School had been in operation for many years and was large enough to warrant the choice of Frankville as the centre important enough for a county Model School.
The following is from a January 5th, 1854, Brockville Recorder: “It Appears that the trustees of School Section No. 15 of Kitley, in 1852, were two Reformers to one Tory; and even the later gentleman professed himself friendly to the Reform Party. These Trustees conducted the school affairs of the section, to the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the section. The Reformers had no wish to carry politics into school matters, and were willing to allow a second Tory to be elected in 1853…On having secured a majority, the Kitley Tory peculiarity of exclusiveness at once evinced itself—matters must just be conducted as they ordered, if not at all.
Following are excerpts from “Kitley 1795-1975” written by Dr. Glenn Lockwood
“The School Act points out three ways of providing for the payment of the teacher, viz.: by rate, bill, subscription, or making the school free, and supporting it by the general tax.
“After the Tories got the majority, a school meeting was called for the purpose of determining how the school should be supported. One Tory Trustee moved that the school should be free. This was lost. The same gentleman then moved that a rate bill be established, when the Reform Trustee moved an amendment, that the school should be supported on the same plan as formerly, that is, by subscription. The amendment was declared carried by a large majority.”
In 1872, William Leverette was mentioned as school teacher in Frankville. In 1875, a new two room brick school was built by Mr. Robert Parker. It is interesting to note that few students went on to high school because of the transportation or family economics. Some local schools offered continuation courses for students unable to board in centres such as Brockville or Athens. Out of the 1881 school class, only three students were admitted to Farmersville (Athens) High School. These were Addie M. Bullis, Ledorna Eaton, and Maggie Prichard.
The Frankville Model School was in operation until 1850, when the government passed new legislation superseding the former act. Frankville not only had a public school complete with a Model School, during the 1840’s, but there was also a grammar school in the village during that period. A grammar school of the early 19th Century was equal to a high school of this century. It was a school of higher grades. The one at Frankville was established in 1843 after the granting of 70 pounds to the Johnstown District Council. It cannot be ascertained as to just when the grammar school was closed. It was in operation for at least a decade. It is believed that the grammar school was within the actual confines of the village itself, while the public school was half a mile southwest of the village.
The old Frankville school was closed with the construction of the new Frankville area Public School in 1961.
Old Frankville School House- no date on photo (photo #1)
Photo as it appears in Glenn Lockwood’s book “Kitley 1795-1975” (photo #2)
Frankville from a map of 1861-62 (photo #3)
Frankville School- Photo by Hans-Ulrich Raffelt taken April 2017 (photo #4)
New Frankville Public School opened in 1961 (photo c1985) (photo #5)
Photos of Classes from the new Frankville Public School opened in 1961
Frankville Public School Combined Grade 1&2, 1963-64 Front first row, Left to right: Claude Morrison; Marlene Barry; Judy Jones; Lyn Holmes; Rocky Bigford; Victor Morrison; Gary Johnston; Karen Hailey; Judy Mayhew. Second row, Left to right: Debbie Jones; Clista Roden; Ricky Berney; Dale Kulp; Cheryllynn Ireland; Terry Mecier; Karen Smith; Barbra Wand; Roger Knapp; Brenda McMillan. Third row, Left to right: Heather Munro; Chris Bigford; Myra Morris; Sally Berzie; Terry Knapp; Robbie MacDonald; Clarence Morrison; Sandra Hamilton; Billy—; Dale Lawson. Fourth row, Left to right: Mrs. Montgomery; Kathy Whitmore; Fred Polstra; Wendy Richardson; Kevin Johnston; Earl Mott; John Frans; Penny Sands; Debbie Street; Gary Hamilton. (photo #6)
Grade 2, 1964-65 (photo #7)
1977 Kindergarten Graduation Class from Frankville Public School
George Hornick built the area’s first school. The school was located in Lot 6 of the 7th Concession. The exact date of the construction is unknown but it was listed in the 1861 census.
It was a school which held both Kitley and Wolford pupils, being know on the Kitley side as S.S. No.12 and in Wolford Township as S.S. No 14
In 1861 it was located between the farm houses of George and Robert Hornick and in 1872 the teacher was Samuel Hornick. In 1875 Sam Hornick sold the half acre on which the school was located to the local school trustees.
The school one of the last log structures to be used by the Leeds and Grenville School system was phased out in 1961 after more than a century of service, and Crystal area children were bussed to a new school in Frankville. The old log structure was sold to a Brown Family, moved to the North Augusta Road and renovated as a home.
“It is also known from the Brockville Recorder of 1872, that Samuel H. Hornick was a teacher here so, apparently, the Hornick family catered to the educational needs of the Crystal area for the mid-1800’s.
Teachers at Crystal school for the 1900’s include the following: Miss Sarah Willows, Miss Sarah Quinn, Mr. Fred Challies, Miss Luella Charland, Miss Blanch Warren, Miss Jessie Bell, Miss Ina Quinn, Miss Maude Cooke, Miss Ella Bryan, Miss Louva Race, Miss Myrtle Pryce, Miss Mary Coghlan, Miss Norma Bass, Miss Helen Jelly and Miss Grace Cole”
Glenn Lockwood in his book Kitley 1795-1975
Photo Glenn Lockwood “Kitley 1795-1975”
If anyone has any photos or additional information on this school we would appreciate hearing from you.
Concession #4, Lot 17, built early 19th Century (see map)
The former Coad’s school, a stone building, was erected in 1875, replacing the earlier log cabin school. The school had originally been named for the Dack Family, but adopted the name of Coad in the 1850’s.
Dack’s school was built on Lot 17 of Concession 4 about 1830, a simple log structure with unpainted interior walls and austere benches and desks.
“The early log structure served its purpose until the 1870’s when it was repleced by a stone structure known as Coad’s chool. Robert Ferguson was the school teacher in 1872, and during that same year, a petition in the Brockville Recorder, requested $320. for school expenses. The following year another petition asked for $210. During the middle years of the 20th Century, the small school was closed and finally purchased by the Orange Lodge in 1949.
(Kitley 1795-1975 by Glenn Lockwood)
Coad’s School- photo by Hans-Ulrich Raffelt taken April 2017 (photo #1)
Coad’s School (photo Glenn Lockwoods book “Kitley 1795-1975) (photo #2)
Shane’s School enjoyed an upswing in attendance during the 1950’s, when more people moved into the area. Further down the Town Line Road, Blanchard’s School suffered reverses and was closed in 1956. Pupils from Blanchard’s were then transferred to Mott’s Mills.
Blanchard’s reopened in 1961, operated for two years and closed forever in 1966. Motts Mills School also closed in the early 1960’s. Students from these two schools were then bussed to Jasper Public School.
Blanchard’s School was originally a log cabin located on the northwest corner of the Gardiner homestead. It was replaced in 1874 by a stone structure and educated generations’ of Blanchard children over the next 90 years.
In the School reorganization of the 1960’s, the school was phased out. It is now a private residence and stands on Lot 26 of the First Concession of Kitley. The school was built on land donated by the Gardiners.
In the 1870’s, probably 10 to 15 South Elmsley students attended Blanchard’s School. In 1874, John Gardiner sold the corner lot of his homestead to the school section as the site of a new school. A stone school was erected without borrowing money.
Thomas and Richard Gilday of Lombardy, brothers who specialized in carriage making, also were carpenters and stone masons. They built the new Blanchard’s School.
Blanchard’s School in 1905 had 21 pupils but in 1940 only 5 attended the school. New families coming into the area built up the population again but there were still less than 20 students when the school finally closed in 1963.
(Recorder and Times c1980 Darling Collection Book 5, pg.1)
Blanchard’s School taken in 2012 (photo #1)
Blanchard’s School (from the book “Kitley 1795-1975 by Glenn Lockwood (photo #2)
This is all the information we have on this school. If anyone as any additional information or photos on this school we would appreciate hearing from you.
Row’s Corners SS#4 June 1896
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: Frame building, constructed in 1832, condition: Good
1854: Stone building first opened in 1846
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1873:
That the sum of $73. clear of all expenses be levied and collected on the rateable property of school section No 4.-1862
that the application of the trustees of School Section No 4 be received and laid over for further consideration- 1868
that the Trustees of School Section No 4 of Elizabethtown be paid to Samuel McNish agreeable to the request of the Trustees of said Section- 1871
To the Municipal Council of the Township of Elizabethtown in Council assembled, Gentlemen, Please pay Samuel McNish the sum due School Section No 4 of Elizabethtown, signed Sidney Easton and Cyrus Wright- 1871
that James Daniels and John Daniels be relieved from paying School Tax to School Section No 4 amounting to $6.66 cents as said Daniels belong to the Separate School in Brockville and the collector get a copy of this motion- 1872[1]
This is all the information we have on this school If anyone has inforation or photos we would appreciate hearing from you.
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
We have no information on this school. If anyone has any informaion or photos we would appreciate hearing from you.
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: Stone Building, size 18×24, construction date 1847, condition: Good
Redan was settled in the years 1840-1860 by Irish Immigrants. The original inhabitants were the Youngs, the Marshalls, Burnetts, Pritchards, Motts, Richards and Wilsons. The old Richardson homestead here was originally part of a clergy reserve. In 1854 the government released all clergy reserve land to the public and the Richard family took a 100 acre plot in the centre of this community.
Redan School was located a short distance from the Mott homestead. The original schoolhouse was a log structure located near the junction of the Rocksprings and Redan roads. The site is now covered by a swamp.
If anyone has any additional information or photos of this school we would appreciate hearing from you
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: no report
1854: Frame building
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1873:
That the request of the trustees of school section no 26 be excepted and that the sum of $125. be levied and collected on the rateable property for the current year 1862- 1862
that the application of the Trustees of School section No 26 be complied with and the sum of $80 be levied and collected on the rateable property of said School Section exclusive of all expenses-1871
that the application of the Trustees of School Section No 26 be complied with and the sum of $80 dollars be levied and collected on the Taxable property of said section exclusive of expenses-1872
that $36 dollars of Clergy money be divided amongst the School Sections of this Township in the following manner, namely Sections No 1 $10, No 12 $5, No 26 $9, No 27 $9.31 cents, No 28 $5, No 29 $2, No 30 $5, No 31 $6 bring union section all the full Sections will leave the sum of $13.11 cents each and the Clerk ? the sum to be paid to the Trustees of each School Section-1873[1]
Spring Valley School was first located at the corner of W.E. Stewart’s field to the left of Ruben Davis’ driveway. The original school was an unpainted frame building that got so old, it could no longer be kept warm in winter. In 1878 the present school was completed further down the road and opened in September of that year. The foundation for this school was laid in 1877. The land was donated by Frank McCrae on condition that the building be used for both school and church purposes. The first contract to build the new school was not completed and later Harvey Hayes took the contract and hired James Davidson to do the work. The school opened in September 1878 with Miss Jennie Grant the first teacher. The first gathering in the school was a church service on Sunday conducted by Rev. Mr. Blair who was the Pastor of the Lyn Circuit, prior to classes starting. The enrollment of the school in 1902 was 27 pupils and in 1950 was 18 pupils. (The original name of Spring Valley was Niblock’s Corners)
The school had its last class on June 29, 1965, after which students were bused to the new school at New Dublin.
The building is now the New Dublin Library and Town hall located at 4103 County Road 29
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: Stone building, 22×28 in size, constructed in 1843, condition: Not Good
1854: Frame building first opened in 1816
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1873: (Lyn Museum Archives)
That the sum of 20 pounds clear of all expenses be levied and collected on the rateable property of school section No 11.- 1862
Tax levies for School section No 11- 1862
Spring Valley School Expense Ledgers
Accounts Ledger for 1888 (photo #1)
Receipts for 1888
Feb 18th
Received Gov. Grant
Aug 2nd
Received Municipal Grant
Dec 20th
Received from John Holliday by direct tax
Balance on Hand since ‘87
Expenses for 1888
Paid Teacher
Paid for wood
Paid for making fires and burying stove ashes
Paid to Amos Disdmer [sic] for cleaning school
Jan 2nd
to one broom
to Postage
To Repairs on Door
Part of a box of crayons
Mar 9th
Two lights of glass
Apr 9th
To one light of glass
May 2nd
To repairs on fence
Nov 24th
Two lights of glass
Dec 24th
To one gate and trimmings
On the bottom of the 1888 Ledger:
Dec 21, 1888
Received in payment the sum of One Hundred and Eight Three Dollars and 33/100
signed: Laura Clow
1893 Account Ledger (Photo #2)
1893 School Expenses
Jan 6th
One Casting for seat
One Zinc
Got from Samuel Nash 10 cords @ $1.60 a cord
Paid Harvey Hayes for work
Paid Morton Kendrick for wood
Mar 4th
One box chalk
One Broom
Paid Truman Hayes for teaching
Paid for lumber
Paid Samual Aldrich for 10 cords of wood @ 1.45 a cord
Apr 6th
Advertising for teacher
For black board paint
May 5th
Paid William Stafford for the renewal of the Insurance Company
Jun 9th
One paine of glass
Paid Emery Smith for teaching
Aug 12th
Two paines of glass
Paid Terrence Glasier for work
Paid for work and scanthing [sic]
One box of chalk
Sep 12th
Paid MrBall for pointing up
Paid Smarts for paints, oils
Oct 12th
Paid Miss Patent for teaching
Nov 24th
One Broom
One box of chalk
Dec 18th
One pain of glass
Paid Freddie Hayes
For interest on money
Dec 20th
Paid Miss Beturl [sic]
1919 June – Class (Photo #3)
1919 Class- Front Row: Jimmy Deir, Geraldine Dier, Florence Green, Marion Murray, Vera Murray Back Row: Mamie Deir, Newton Pettem, Bernard Stewart, Percy Tackaberry, Miss Leacock (Teacher), Arthur Tackaberry, Jerome Deir, Artinsa Pettem, Ian Stewart (photo #4)
1920c Class –Front Row: Joe Deir, Walter Darling, Florence Anderson, James Deir, Marion Murray, Tom Gilroy, Fred Darling Back Row: Vera Murray, Adella Anderson, Agnes McCrae (Teacher), Arthur Tackaberry, Mamie Deir, Geraldine Deir (photo #5)
1925c Class at Spring Valley (photo #6)
1935 November, Class (Photo #7)
1937 Class – Front Row: Donald I. Stewart, Ruth Bowen, Rhoda Haley, Gerald Darling, Roy Bradley Back Row: Miss Beryl Snider (Teacher), Harold Murray, Clarence Darling, Alan Darling (photo #8)
1950c Spring Valley Class (photo #9)
1954 School Choir at the Lions Music – Festival Front Row: James Taggart, Rosemary Beach, Maria Bax, Dorothy Ellis, Leota Perkins, Jeanette Bax, Gail Quinn, Geraldine Mulder Back Row: Sydney Bolton, William Taggart, Albert Mulder, Donna Tristram, Shirley Cooke, Richard Goodfellow, Robert Ellis, William Gilroy (photo #10)
1954 Class: Front: William Taggart, Ronald Perkins, Jimmy Taggart, Glen Perkins, ? Ellis, ? Ellis, ??, Bonnie McDougall, Anne Mearma,Tommy Gilroy, Joan Mulder, Geraldine Mulder Middle: Dickie Dier, John Benton, Martha Bolton, Stanley Perkins, Leota Perkins, ??, Robert Ellis, ??, Sidney Bolton, Rosemary Beach, Maria Bax, Bee Gilroy Back: Mrs. Barrington, Albert Mulder, ??, Jeanette Bax, Shirley Cook, ??, Donna Tristam and ? Murray. (Photo #11)
1955c – Children who helped make a Quilt – Front Row: Billy Gilroy, Stanley Perkins, Ann Merema, Joan Mulder, Bonnie MacDougal, Diane Davis Middle Row: Albert Mulder, Bill Taggart, Dick Deir, Gail Quinn, Robert Ellis, Rosemary Beach, Geraldine Mulder Back Row: Maria Bax, Donna Tristram, Shirley Cooke, Jeannette Bax, Leota Perkins (photo #12)
1955c Spring Cleaning (Photo #13)
1965- Last Class at the school (photo#14)
June 1965- Invitation to the school closing (Photo #15)
Teachers at Spring Valley
1884-1885 Miss Ida Conners
1903 Miss Miriam McConkey (24 pupils in her class)
1904-1907 Miss Lena Davis
1907-1908 Miss Elizabeth Sheldon (pupils averaged 14 to 20)
1878 Miss Jennie Grant
1879 Miss Jennie Barrington
1900 Miss M. Grant
1900 Miss Kendall
1901-1902 Miss Kennedy (27 pupils in her class)
1910 Miss Ethel Brown
1910-1911 Miss Grace Stewart
1911-1912 Miss Grace Bolin
1911-1913 Miss Anna Elliott
1911-1913 Miss Carrie Covey
1911-1913 Miss Alma Stevens
1916-1917 Miss Eleda Beach
1919 Miss Leah Hough
1920 Miss Marion Davidson
1921 Miss Mildred Leacock
1921-1922 Miss Marjorie Godkin
1923-1925 Miss Agnes McCrea
1925-1934 Miss Irene Moore
1934 Miss Melba Dilworth
1935-1937 Miss Elma Weatherhead
1937 Miss Edne Snider
1949-1953 Mrs. Helen Male
1953-1954 Mrs. Elma Barrington
1954-1956 Mrs. Ruth Foster
1956 Mrs. Helen Kilborn (Sep-Nov)
1956-Mrs. Margaret Miller
Other Teachers for who the dates they taught are unknown are:
Miss Ethel Olds
Miss E. Tennant
Mr. A. Davidson
Miss Anderson
Mr. Truman Hayes
Miss Maria McDonald
Miss Eliza Galbraith
Miss Grace McConkey (lived at New Dublin and rode her bicycle to school every day morning and night a distance of 4 miles)
Miss Laura Clow
Miss Hough
Miss M. Godkin
Mrs. Grace Bolin and Son Stewart in 1922 (photo #16)Mrs. Grace Bolin who taught in 1911-1912 (photo #17)
Former Teachers gather at school closing in 1965 (photo #18)
Class of 1957 (photo #19)
1938 – Spring Valley School (photo #20)
1965 – Spring Valley School Closes (photo #21)
Spring Valley at the annual school fair for the area schools. Notice the small model of the school and the hats that the children are wearing are of he school. No date on the photo but from the clothing styles late 1920’s (photo #22)
1978 the school becomes a community hall (photo #23)
1862 School Tax Roll
Amount £
Ianus Cameron
RS 26
John & Richard Taylor
Pt 26
John & Richard Taylor
Pt 22
Russell Darling
FPT 29
Russell Darling
Pt 25
Joseph Fletcher
RP 24,25
Avery Wright
Pt 21,22
Abraham Nibblets & Lang
Pt of 21,22
Patrick Kugan
Pt 20
John Rigby
Pt 20
William Lamb
Pt 22,23
William Rogers
PT 22,23,21
Gabriel Worden
John Boyd
Pt 22,23
James Bryan & Son
Pt 24
Eli Cole
F 24
Joseph & ?? Bath
F 1/2 25
James Anderson
Pt 24
Thomas Achison
Lot 26
Frederick Moore
REP 25
Samuel Flint
Pt 24
?? Moore
Pt 21, 22
James Campbell
R 27
If anyone has any information or photographs of the Spring Valley School and would like to add to our history, please contact us.
The first school house was located in the centre of the village by the creek. It was abandoned for a newer one room brick school at the west end of the Village, across from the present building. It was in use until 1867 when it burned down. The growth of the village led to a new two story, four room stone school house being built across from the one room brick structure.
The stone schoolhouse in Lyn was built in 1867 and served the children of the district until 1959/1960. “The classrooms were on the ground floor and the second floor boasted a small stage so that concerts and plays could take place. Parties and dances were held there too” (Lyn 1784-1984 by Mary G.Robb)
The Public School in Lyn was built in the year 1867. Although the first annual meeting of the school, on record, took place in 1876 there were undoubtedly meetings before that, as an entry in the old minute and account book shows that John Halliday was the Sect-Treasurer in 1871. The first annual meeting of School Section No 7 was held in the school hall Wed, Jan 12, 1876 at 10 o’clock. Mr. Norman Coleman was appointed chairman and R.S.Hudson Sect. The school has to date had 60 teachers. The first school fair was held about 1914 on the old “Tan Bark Flats” with entries of cooking, vegetables, fancy work and collections of butterflies and insects. (Suzanne Coke, 1944) Women’s Institute History Book 3 page 159
The “New” Lyn School opened its doors to 185 pupils on September 4, 1956. It was planned by architect Mr.Prus and built by contractor Mr.J.Saunders of Prescott for the cost of $92,000. Miss. Anna Hudson was the principal of this new school. As the enrollment of the school increased with the closing of the Howard and Halleck’s Schools, it was found necessary to add four more rooms to the original six room building. The addition was completed and ready for use in September 1963. The enrollment then was 263 pupils. Still the number increased and by 1965 all those pupils residing on the Howard Road were transferred to the Tincap School. In June 1965 the enrollment was 295. On June 29th, 1967 Miss Anna Hudson retired as Principal , Mr.J.Tallmire of Brockville became the new principal. (Anna Hudson, 1967)(Women’s Institute History Book 3 Pg 167)
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: no report only: condition: Good; 1854: Brick building, first opened in 1850
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1872
that the trustees of Lyn School Section No 7 be paid the amount due said section on account of debentures and the clerk order the same to be paid- 1871(Lyn Museum Archives)
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
LynSchool (S.S.#7) Elizabethtown
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
Lyn, Monday Aug. 12 –
Our school board are over-hauling the school house and putting things in good shape – new seats, draining the basement, and putting in furnace for heating etc. The two school rooms are to be on the upper flat, leaving the lower room to be used as a town hall for the present.
The union S.S. excursion takes place next week to Gananoque.
Tuesday Aug 27, 1895 issue
Lyn– Monday Aug 28 –
The union S.S. excursion came off on Friday, 23rd, and was a very pleasant affair
School has opened and both scholars and teachers are much pleased with their new quarters
The follow photographs represent our entire collection. We have estimated the dates as best we can. The names that accompany some of the photos have been copied from the photos or attached papers. We know that the names are not 100% correct, in some cases the same names have been repeated on the photos, and the name spelling could be incorrect. Since we are not certain who the individuals are we have left the names exactly as they have been presented to us. If you know of any corrections that should be made regarding dates and names, please let us know. If you have any additional photographs we would appreciate you sending them to us so we can include them.
One of the earliest photos we have of a school class at the Lyn School, the date is unknown but it would have been taken prior to 1900 (photo #1)
This is another early photo of a school class, the date is unknown, but it would have been prior to 1900 (photo #2)
1900c – A play put on by the students called “The Milk Maids” . The play would have taken place on the bottom floor of the building as it was open for such uses. The top floor is where the classrooms were. The top floor was divided into two rooms: The Junior Form, and The Senior Form. (photo #3)
1915c Lyn School Class names not available (photo #4)
1915, September 21st, First School Fair held on the Tan Bark Flats, located behind and below the school (photo #5)
1916-Front Row- Stewart Bolin, Dan Hunter, Russel Edgeley, Fred Jarvis, next 3 unknown, Cauley Leeder, Unknown 2nd Row- Hilda Herbison, Unk, Doreen Leeder, next 3 unknown, Doris Mott, Dorothy Mott, rest unknown 3rd Row– Unk, Murray Billings, Bill, Donovan, Phonce Donovan, Dave McCrady, Lorne Leeder, Mac McCrady, Agnus Beach, Unk, Harold Leaves, Howard Cain, Unk. 4th Row– all unknown except 4th in Gladys Leaves, last girl Dorothy Jarvis Back Row- Miss Purvis, Olga Leeder, next 2 unknown, Velma Mott, next 4 unknown, Vera Armstrong Cumming (photo #6)
1918 Lyn School Fair Parade Front Row: Nora McNamara, Flora McNamara (Quinn), Gladys Latimer, others unknown Back Row: Elton Tennant (holding Banner), Howard Worden, Vada Clow (Tennant), Jack Clow, Ora Warren, next two unknown, Haverleigh McNamara, rest unknown (photo #7)
1918-1919 Front row: Margery Billings, Amber Leeder, Flora McNamara, Ora Warren, Jack Cow, Helen Pergau Back Row: George Jones, Vada Clow, Nora McNamara, Howard Worden, Miss MacNeil (Teacher), Elton Tennant, Bob McCrady, Sarah Dickey, Gladys Latimer, Irving McLeod (photo #8)
1918-1920 L-R: Reg Dunster, Ethel McLean, Cauley Leeder, Dorothy Dunster, Olga Leeder, Helen Turhll, Murray Billings, Isabel Watson (photo #9)
1919 names not in order but correct by row- Miss McNeil Teacher- (only a partial list of names) Front Row: Fodey, Leeder, 2nd Row: Lorne Leeder, Haverleich McNamara 3rd Row: Nora McNamara, Vada Clow, Flora McNamara Back Row: Jack Clow (photo #10)
1919 Oct 31st, Halloween Play put on by the students in the ground floor hall L-R: Flora McNamara, Vada Clow, Nora McNamara, Gladys Latimer, Ora Warren (photo #11)
1920 Front Row: Dora Fodey, Olga Leeder, Mabel Edgeley, Minnie Cain, Vera Mullins, Isabel Lyons, Nora Fodey, Marion Lyons, Hettie Bolin, Gertrude Dolan, Margaret Fodey Middle Row: Angus Beach, Fred Jarvis, Howard Cain, Bob McCrady, Dave Dolan, Mac McCrady, Dave McCrady, Bill Donovan, Victor Quinn, Phonse Donovan, Haverleigh McNamara, Loren Leeder Back Row: Omer Edgeley, Elton Tennant, Amber Leeder, Clara Charleton, Miss oore and Miss Robeson (Teachers), Marjorie Billings, Flora McNamara, Howard Worden, Jack Clow, George Jones (photo #12)
1920c- names not available (photo #13)
1920- junior Room, Miss Relyea Teacher (photo #14)
1923c School Fair held on the Tan Bark Flats-Facing forward- Laurence Snell and Vada Clow (photo #15)
1926 – Front Row: Stawart Bolin, Danny Hunter, Russell Edgeley, Fred Jarvis, George Jarvis, Beulah Jones, Robert McCrady, Cauley Leeder, Patricia Leeder 2nd Row: Helen Thull, Hilda Herbison, Helen Hudson, Olga Leeder, Madeline Fodey, Phyllis Jones, Doris Mott, Dorothy Mott, Ethel McLean, Elsie Brnt, Phyllis Leaves 3rd Row: Stanley Cromwell, Murray Billings, Hurbert Leeder, Alphonsus Donovan, David McCrady, Lorne Leeder, Mac McCrady, Angus Beach, Bill Donovan, Harold Leaves, Howard Cain, Joe Brant 4th Row: Gertrude Dolan, Hetty Bolin, Doraa Fodey, Gladys Leaves, Frances Cromwell, Helen Mott, Mabel Edgeley, Unk Brant, Victoriaa Dumont, Annie Lawson, Nora Fodey, Eula Worden Back Row: Miss Helen Purvis (Teacher Junior room), Doreen Leeder, Pearl Lawson, Minnie Cain, Velma Mott, Particia Dowdell, Edith Lawson, Louise Kilmury, Beulah Kilmurry, Miss Vera Armstrong (Teacher, Senior Room) (photo #16)
“The Ontario Department of Agriculture and Home Economics sponsored a four week course in 1926 teaching young men the fine points of farming and the young girls the arts of home making and millinery. E.F. Neff the ag-rep for Leeds was in charge of this course.
1926 Lyn Short Course Classes in Agriculture and Home Economics
1926 Front Row: Mary Craig, Edna Jones, Erma Brown, Nora and Dora Fodey (twins) Beryl Myers, Instructors E.Summers, Miss McDermaid and E.F.Neff, Margaret Booth Doris Tennant, Vada Clow, Helen Pergau, Leura Rodick, Ketha Burnham, Vera Cornell 2nd Row: Florence Roberts, Arletta Dickey, Mrs. Stanley Gardiner, Mrs. Burnham, Mrs. N. Moore, Muriel Myers, Ethel Bryan, Maurice Edgley, William Howard, George McNish, Arthur Bryan, David Craig, William Westlake, George Bushfield, Gordon Haws, William Graham Back row: Arletta Kelly, Howard Willows, Byron Judson, Haveleigh McNamara, Howard Worden, Milton Myers, Tommy Anderson, Jack Clow, Ford Bryan, Cecil Dickey, Floyd Nunn, Hugh Davidson, Frank Cornell, Harmon Lawson, Mark Slack (photo #17)
A Banquet was held after the course was finished at Stacks Hotel, Located on Main Street in Lyn
(Photo #18)(photo #19)
1929 Parade with Pennant- Teachers on Left Mary Brown and Helen Purvis Names in undetermined order, but included in the photo are: Olga Leeder, Velma Mott, Russel Edgeley, Hilda Herbison, Doris Mott, Dorothy Mott, Cauley Leeder (photo #20)
1930 – Front Row: Gerry Churchill, Iva King, Eva Edgeley, Bobby Brown Middle Row: Mildred Ladd, Elsie Haggart, Beatrice Dunster, Monica Pilot Back Row: Doug Kilmury, Gerald Lockett, Alan Hanna, Ron Churchill, Bob Leeder (photo #21)
1930c – names not available (photo #22)
1931- Front Row: Marguarite Tobin, Geraldine Cain, Irene Cain, Monica Leeder, Jimalda Lee, Alex Smith, Harry Ladd, Bill Edgley, James Tobin, John Tesky Middle Row: Mary Leeder, Effie Young, Dorothy Cain, Betty Young, Beulea Andress, Lloyd Edgeley, Francis Leeder, Jack Lee, Charlie Cain Back Row: Pearl Young, Evelyn Dunster, Dorothy Jarvis, Anna McLean, Betty Lee, Phyllis Leaves, Unknown, Fred Jarvis, Jack Timleck, Victor Quinn, Arnold Ladd Teachers in back on left is Helen Robinson on right Irene Chant (photo #23)
1931 – Junior Smith at the back of the school (photo #24)
1939 – Front row-Unk, Jim McCrady, Elizabeth Gray, rest are unknown Back Row- Jacqueline McNamara, next 4 unknown, Carol McCrady, Pat Clow, Gail Tennant Unk, Florence McCrady, Keith McCrady (photo #26)
1940c- names not available (photo #27)
1940 – First day of School Sept 3rd, 1940 L-R: Florence McCrady, Carol McCrady, Jimmy McCrady, Elizabeth Gray (photo #28)
1940c- Front Row: Marian Dunster, Barbara Quinn, Elizabeth Gray, Jim McCrady, Eldon Coon, Doug Young 2nd Row: Carol McCrady, Beverley Quinn, Shirley Dunbar, Cliff Churchill, Louis Kane, Glenna Hanna Back Row: Pat Clow, Bessie Massey, Jacqueline McNamara, Jean Haggart, Florence McCrady (photo #29)
1940c – Front Row: Marjorie Whalen, Elizabeth Gray, Betty Stevenson, Jacqueline McNamara, Pat Clow, Glenna Hanna, Florence McCrady, Shirley Dunbar, Jean Stevenson 2nd Row: Louis Kane, Clifford Churchill, Marcus Leeder, Melville Coon, Jack Ferguson, Don Dunster, Jean Dunster, Alice Leeder, Loretta Dier, Mary Kilmury, Rita Jackson Back Row: Eldon Coon, Miss Withers (Teacher), Orval Ladd, next two unknown (photo #30)
1940c – names not available (photo #31)
1941 – Senior Room Front Row: Jean Dunster, Orval Ladd, Jack Kilmury, Gerald Robinson, Donald Coon, Audrey Massey 2nd Row: Gerald Churchill. Iva King, Eva Jowett, Mildred Ladd, Elsie Haggart, Beatrice, Robert Brown Back Row: Ronald Churchill, Robert Leeder, Gerald Lockett, Allan Hanna, Douglas Kilmury (photo #32)
1941, October -Front Row: Donnie Anderson, Unknown, Eddie Coon, Jimmy McCrady, Unk, Roberta McCrady, Doug Young, Phoebe Shannon, Elizabeth Gray, Barbara Quinn, Marion Dunster 2nd Row: Don Dunster, Clifford Churchill, Louis Kane, Mel Coon, Marcus Leeder, next 2 unknown, Glenna Hanna, Pat Clow, Marjorie Whalen, unk, Carol McCrady, Jacqueline McNamara, Florence McCrady, Shirley Dunbar, Beveryl Quinn, Betty Stevenson, Lawrence Davidson (Teacher) Back Row: Miss Helen Purvis (Teacher), Bobby Brown, Geraald Robinson, Gerry Churchill, Mary Kilmury, Rachel Brown, Phylliss Veley, Loretta Dier, Eva Jowett, Iva King, Geraald Lockett, Doug Kilmury, Jack Kilmury, Beatrice Dunster, Audrey Massey, Alice Leeder, Jean Dunster, Orval Ladd (photo #33)
1942-46 Front Row: Keith McCrady, Peter Flood, Harry McCrady, Frank Chant, Russell Massey, next 3 Unknown, Leo Flood, Barbara Chant, Miss Phyllis Stinson (Teacher), Pat Clow 2nd Row: Melville Massey, Helen Kilmury, Elizabeth Gray, Irene Serson, Audrey Easter, Bonnie Lewis, Doris Chant, Barbara Quinn, Joan Quinn, Merle Stanier, Barbara Quinn (?), Patsy Smith 3rd Row: Roberta McCray, Gwen Dunbaar, Grace Charleton 4th Row: Louis Kane, Don Anderson, Eldon Coon, Jerry Ferguson, Unk, Jack Ferguson, Betty Stevenson, Jean Stevens, Shirley Dunbar, Glenna Hanna, Florence McCrady, Rita Jackson Back Row: first 6 unknown, Jack Kilmury, Don Coon, Orval Ladd, Miss Withers (Teacher), Mary Kilmury, Marjorie Whalen (photo #34)
1942-46- same as above photo, just that people have moved in their positions (photo #35)
1942 – Miss Stinson teacher Front Row: Russell Massey, Harry McCrady, Unk, Joan Quinn, Phyllis Bycroft, Barbara Bycroft, Bonnie Lewis, Unk, Grant Bolton Middle Row: Leo Flood, Irene Serson, Grace Halliday, Patsy Smith, Mabel Chant, Roberta McCrady, Grace Charleton, Barbara Chant, Allan Jackson Back Row: Gerald Ferguson, Donald Anderson, Gwendolyn Dunbar, Merle Stainer, Barbara Quinn, Bessie Massey, Donald Jackson, Unk (photo #36)
1942 – Front Row: Doris Mott, Dorothy Mott, Olga Leeder Back Row: Cauley Leeder, Stewart Bolin, Phyllis Jones, Russel Edgeley, Dorothy Dunster (photo #37)
1943 – Only two identified in the front row: Roberta McCrady and Marion Dunster Teachers in back: Miss Stinson and Mrs. Morrison (photo #38)
1943 – Front Row: Melville Coon, Mark Leeder, Don Dunster Back Row: Rachel Brown, Mary Kilmury, Loretta Dier, Marg Haggart, Unknown (photo #39)
1943, March 15th- names not available (photo #40)
1943-44 Left Side: Elizabeth Gray, Jean Stevens, Unk, Shirley Dunbar, Glenna Hanna, Florence McCrady, Beverley Quinn, Jacqueline McNamara, rest unknown Right Side: Bonnie Lewis, Ethel Dunster, rest unknown- Lined up in front of the school facing Main Street (photo #41)
1944 – Front Row: Don Coon, Orval Ladd, Gerald Robinson Back Row: Jean Shane, Jack Kilmury, Audrey Massey (photo #42)
1944 abt- Miss Stinson Teacher (photo #43)
1945 – names not available (photo #44)
1945 – L-R: Melville Coon, Ron Francis, Don Dunster, Marcus Leeder, Jack Kilmury, Don Coon, Orval Ladd, Bob Foreman, Doug Kilmury (photo #45)
1945 – L-R: Rita Jackson, Jean Dunster, Loretta Dier; Rachel Brown, Alice Leeder, Marjorie Whalen, Mary Kilmury, Betty Stevenson (photo #46)
1946 – Grades 5-8 Senior Room Front Row: Mary (Bonnie) Lewis, Harry McCrady, Audrey Easter, Helen Kilmury, Grace Charlton, Donnie Anderson, Leo Flood 2nd Row: Eldon Coon, Elizabeth Gray, Phoebe Shannon, Merle Stanier, Gail Tennant, Roberta McCrady, Gwen Dunbar, Keith McCrady Back Row: Shirley Dunbar, Florence McCrady, Bessie Massey, Jackie McNamara, Mark Leeder, Glenna Hanna, Jean Stevens, Doug Easter, George Kerton, Don Jackson (photo #47)
1947 abt Front Row: Melville Coon, Jack Ferguson, Shirley Dunbar, Jean Stevens, Elizabeth Gray, Betty Stevenson, Louise Kane, Eldon Coon Middle Row: Florence McCrady, Beverly Quinn, Jacqueline McNamara, Rita Jackson Back Row: Orval Ladd, Glenna Hanna, Clifford Churchill, Mary Kilmury, Miss Withers (Teacher), Pat Clow, Marjorie Whalen, Don Coon (photo #48)
1947 – Front Row: Bonnie Lewis, Audrey Easter, Grace Charlton, Gerald Ferguson, Keith Acherman, Harry McCrady, Leo Flood 2nd Row: Donnie Anderson, Gail Tennant, Eldon Coon, Meryl Stanier, Roberta McCrady, Gwen Dunbar, Keith McCrady, Elizabeth Gray Back Row: Helen Kilmury, Jacquline McNamara, Martin Leeder, Shirley Dunbar, Miss G. Withers (Teacher), Jean Stevens, George Keston, Florence McCrady, Glenna Hanna (photo #49)
1948 – Front Row: Massey, Chant, Unknown, Barbara Bycroft, Unk, Mary (Bonnie) Lewis, Massey, next unknown Back Row: L-R but not in order as some names are missing: Ethel Dunster, Marion Dunster, Gwen Dunbar, Merle Stainer, Gail Tennant, Mr. Alex Gordon (Teacher) (photo #50)
1948 – First 2 unknown, Gerald Ferguson, Don Anderson, Alex Gordon (Teacher), Keith McCrady, Leo Flood, Unknown, Harry McCrady (photo #51)
1949- Lyn School Choir at the House of Commons Front Row: Ethel Dunster, Mary Lewis, Joan Cass, Clifford Horton, Phyllis Bycroft, Joan Davidson, Ruth Bushfield, Jean Gray, Jean Charlton, David Snelson 2nd Row: Audrey Easter, Herbert Mills, Donald Mills, Phyllis Horton, Leo Flood, Joan Holben, Barbara Bycroft, Roger Fergusn, Keith Ackerman 3rd Row: Phoebe Shannon, Marian Dunster, Helen Kilmury, Mabel Chant, Grace Charlton, Gerald Ferguson, Donald Anderson, Colleen McPherson 4th Row: Merle Stainer, Gail Tennant, Margaret Lafaver, Barbara Quinn, Ronald Horton, Joan Quinn Back Row: P.Jeanvenne, chief of protective services, H.R. Jackman, M.P., Gladys Withers, Principal, Mrs. C.H. Sager, Mrs. D.R.McCeady, Betty Horton, L. Menary M.P., G.R.Webb M.P for County of Leeds (photo #52)
1950c – Elizabeth Gray, Jacqueline McNamara, Florence McCrady, Gladys Withers (Teacher) Glenna Hanna, Jean Stevens (photo #53)
1950 Girls Cadets Connie Mustard, Dorothy Vickery, Joan Stewart, Pat Clow, Eileen Green (photo #54)
1950-51 Front Row: Charlie Slack, Frank Chant, Ian Davidson, Hubert Brennan, James McPhail, Billy McPhail Middle Row: Peter Flood, David Sneilson, Doug Jowett, Ola Shannon, Beverly Brennan, Ruth Bushfield, Alice Chant, Jean Gray, Bobby Slack, Clifford Horton, Kenneth Shannon Back Row: Irene Serson, Carol Davidson, Jean Charleton, Marion York, Joan Cass, Phyllis Horton, Beverly Tristram, Phyllis Bycroft, Dorothy Williams, Beatrice Massey, Mrs. Sager (teacher), Doris Chant (photo #55)
1950c Donnie Anderson, Unknown, Keith McCready (photo #56)
1950 – Front Row: Doug Valcour, Leslie Bushfield, John Tristram, Tom Shearer, Unknown, Doug Hunter, Garnet Serson, Bud Bycroft, Earl Campbell, Doug Serson, John Bushfield, Mark Chant 2nd Row: Leslie Jewel, Morris Ferguson, Glen Flood, Michael Snelson, Sandra McNish, Sharon Cardinal, Jean Goodfellow, Audrey Valcour, Carol Massey, Rick Bycroft, Art Serson, Bill McPhail, Larry Cardinal Back Row: Gary McNamara, Joe Brennan, Unknown, Alice Chant, Jean Massey, Marjorie Slack, louise Kilmury, Darlene Brennan, Margaret Campbell, Joyce Massey, Georgina Edgeley, Bob McPhail Teacher in back Mrs. Ina Blanchard (photo #57)
1950 – Front Row: Richard Bycroft, Art Serson, Byng Ferguson, Earl Campbell, Larry Cardinal, Mark Chant 2nd Row: Gary McNamara, John Tristram, Doug Serson, Joe Brennan, Tom Shearer, Morris Ferguson, Bud Bycroft, Doug Hunter, Garnet Serson, Michael Snelson, Gary Saborin, John Bushfield, Leslie Jewel, Leslie Bushfield 3rd Row: Frank Chant, Ian Davidson, Hubert Brennan, Jim McPhail, Charlie Slack, Bob Slack, David Snelson, Doug Jowett, Peter Flood, Cliff Horton, Doug Valcour, Bill McPhail, Glen Flood 4th Row: Mrs. Sager (Teacher), Phyllis Bycroft, Dorothy Williams, Beatrice Massey, Doris Chant, Darlene Brennan, Marjorie Slack, Joyce Massey, Louise Kilmury, Margaret Campbell, Vera Massey, Jean Massey, Rose Chant, Unknown, Sharon Cardinal, Georgina Edgeley, Ken Shannon 4th Short Row on the right: Audrey Valcour, Carol Massey, Unk Goodfellow, Sandra McNish, Bob McPhail, Mrs. Blanchard (Teacher) Back Row: Beverly Tristram, Irene Serson, Carol Davidson, Jean Charlton, Marion York, Joan Class, Phyllis Horton, Alice Chant, Jean Gray, Ola Shannon, Ruth Bushfield, Beverly Brennan (photo #58)
1950c -one girl is Dorothy Williams (photo #59)
1951-52 Mrs. Sagar Teacher (photo #60)
1953 – Front Row: Michael Snelson, Bruce Gaskell, Kenneth Shannon, Margaret Campbell, Joyce Massey, Marjorie Slack, Rosie Chant, Alice Chant, Darlene Brennan 2nd Row: Vera Massey, Glen Flood, Ola Shannon, Ruth Bushfield, Louise Kilmury, Beverly Brennan, Dorothy Williams, Douglas Jowett, Keith Flood, David Snelson, Rick Bycroft, Jean Gray 3rd Row: Larry Edgeley. Gary McNamara, Frank Chant, Henry McCrady, Bill McPhail, Charlie Slack, Beatrice Massey, Carol Davidson, Irene Serson, Doris Chant, Robert Slack 4th Row: Doug Serson, Keith Flood, Clifford Horton, Marion York, Leo Flood, Herbert Brennan, Ron Horton, Phyllis Horton, Audrey Easter, Barbara Chant, Joe Brennan. Joan Cass, Jean Charleton, Garnet Serson, Douglas Hunter Back Row: Barbara Bycroft, Bonnie Lewis, Phyllis Bycroft, Keith Ackerman, Donald Anderson, Keith McCrady, Joan Davidson, Joan Quinn, Margaret Lafavre, Grace Charleton, Colleen McPherson, Helen Kilmury, Gwendolyn Dunbar, Ethel Dunster, Mabel Chant (photo #61)
1953, May – Front Row: Betty Jean Simpson, Linda Ladd, Edward Serson, Mark Chant, Unknown, James Chant, Keith Brown, Ronnie Valcour, Unknown, David Pelon, Gordon Valcour 2nd Row: Malcolm Brown, Unknown, Malcolm Campbell, Barbara Massey, Audrey Valcour, Carol Ann Jones, Doris Giffin, Jon Snelson, Ellery Edgeley, Arthur Serson, David Serson Back Row: James Cass, Unknown, Unknown, Georgina Edgeley, unknown, Pat Christie, Don Worden, Unknown, Thelma Chamberlin (Teacher) (photo #62)
1953 – Presentation of Provincial Prize to Lyn Public School for scrapbook of Artists and their paintings. Kathleen Sager (teacher) and Gordon Young (School Inspector) (photo #63)
1953 – June 16 Students who worked on the Prize winning Scrapbook Jean Charlton, Joan Cass, Douglas Jowett, Dorothy Williams, Peter Flood, Ella Massey. (photo #64)
1954 – Front Row: Nancy Edgeley, Joyce Massey, Margaret Campbell, Michael Snelson, Ken Shannon, Beverly Brennan, Darlene Brennan, Betty Simpson, Ella Massey, Doug Hunter, Tom Shearer 2nd Row: Garnet Serson, Louise Kilmury, Helen Serson, Larry O’Toole, Ken Serson, Gary Olson, Bill McPhail, Bobby Slack (one name short, not certain of the order) 3rd Row: Bob McPhail, Carman Massey, Jim Serson, John McCurran, Morris Ferguson, Ola Shannon, Keith Flood, Gary McNamara, George Chamberlain, Peter Flood Back Row: Anna Hudson (Teacher), Bud Bycroft, Jean Gray, Ruth Bushfield, Marion York, Lyle Olson, Dorothy Williams, Wilma Feenstra, Doug Jowett, Joe Brennan (photo #65)
The Lions Club Music Festival-
Each year schools in the area would have their choirs participate in this festival, here are some of the choirs from the Lyn School
1948- June 1st (photo #66)
1950c – Front Row: Michael Snelson, Doug Serson, Maurice Ferguson, Doug Hunter 2nd Row: Ola Shanon, Ruth Bushfield, George Chamberlain, Bud Bycroft, Helen Serson, Beverly Brennan, Darlene Brennan, Gary McNamara Back Row: Marilyn York, Jean Gray, Wilma Feenstra, Dorothy Williams, Clifford Horton, Bob Slack, Alice Chant (photo #67)
1950c – Front Row: Pat Christie, George Jones, Audrey Valcour, Barbara Massey, Jon Snelson 2nd Row: Richard Bycroft, John McGuirren, Junior O’Tool, Geneveve O’Tool, Carol Massey Back Row: Leslie Bushfield, Valarie Payne, Wayne Jarvis, John Bushfield, Wayne Fletcher (photo #68)
1950c Front Row: Unknown, Wilma Massey 2nd Row: Doris Hall, Sheila McLellan, Florence Simpson, Marion Matrdous, Cathy Johnson, Margaret Davidson Back Row: Unknown, Linda Nixon, Mark Bonokoski, Unknown, David Slack, rest unknown (photo #69)
1955- Front Row: Angeline Stevens, Linda Simpson, Shirley Serson, Linda Ladd, Ron Valcour, Bruce Gaskell, Wayne Nolan 2nd Row: Everett Adamson, Billy Davidson, Betty Jean Simpson, David Serson, Geraldine Shearer, Chris Creighton, Carol Ann Jones, Linda Massey Back Row: Malcolm Campbell, Marilyn York, Jim Cass, Georgina Edgeley, Doris Giffin, Ellery Edgeley (photo #70)
Photos of the School Building
(photo #71)
Note the turnstile gate to keep wandering cattle out (photo #72)
(photo #73)
The school with the students lined up in front (photo #74)
(photo #75)
(photo #76)
(photo #77)
Looking west with the Methodist Church in the background along a dirt Main Street (photo #78)
(photo #79)
(photo #80)
The teachers who taught at the school. Over the years there were many teachers who tried to educate and mold the minds of the children who passed through the doors, here are but a few. The complete list of teachers is at the end of this post.
1918-19 Miss McNeil (photo #81)1929- Miss Mary Brown (photo #83)
1926 Miss Vera Armstrong (photo #82)
1929- Miss Mary Brown and Miss Helen Purvis (photo #84)
1929- Miss Helen Purvis and Miss Mary Brown (photo #85)
1930-31 – Miss Irene Chant (photo #86)
1933- Miss Helen Purvis and Mr. Leland Earle (photo #87)
1935- Miss Helen Purvis and Mr. Herb Hollingsworth (photo #88)
1936 – Mr. Herb Hollingsworth (photo#89)
1942-43- Miss Mary Lou Morison and Miss Phyllis Stinson (photo #90)
1944-46- Miss Phyllis Stinson and Miss Gladys Withers (photo #91)
1945 – Miss Phyllis Stinston and Gladys Withers, girl on the left is Valerie Fo
reman (photo #92)
1948 – Alex Gordon (photo #93)
1951-52 Miss Ina Blanchard (photo #94)
1952 Miss Kathleen Sagar (photo #95)1952-58 Miss Anna Hudson (photo #96)
(S.S. No. 12 Elizabethtown S.S.No. 9 Front of Yonge)
Location of school on a map from 1861-62
Lillie’s School was located at Lillie’s about five miles from Lyn on the Graham Lake Road. The original school was built of wood and located on the west corner of Hendry Road a quarter of a mile west of the new school. The wooden structure blew down in a wind storm. It was replaced by one made of brick in 1880. This school was 40 feet long by 30 feet wide and could accommodate 35 students. The new brick school was used up until school consolidation in the 1960’s. The school was closed in June 1963, and was demolished in 1988.(R&T Focus on the District Feb. 1980)
The school also served as a church and services were held there every two weeks on a Monday evening by Methodists Ministers from Lyn. One the first graduates of Lillie’s School was John Booth who became a provincial land surveyor and helped to survey the counties of Leeds and Grenville.
Lillie’s was a shared school between Elizabethtown and Front of Yonge Townships. This means that students from both areas used the school and costs were split between the two townships.
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: Stone Building, size 26×36, construction date 1845, condition: Poor
1854: Stone building, first opened in 1842
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1872
That $36 dollars of Clergy money be divided amongst the School Sections of this Township in the following manner, namely Sections No 1 $10, No 12 $5, No 26 $9, No 27 $9.31 cents, No 28 $5, No 29 $2, No 30 $5, No 31 $6 bring union section all the full Sections will leave the sum of $13.11 cents each and the Clerk ? the sum to be paid to the Trustees of each School Section – 1873 (Lyn Museum Archives)
1902 Class – Front Row: Lorne Bolton, Hazel Marshall, Casper Booth, Gladys Booth, Unk 2nd Row: Clifford Bradley, Maydalene Vickery, Loretta Flood, Unk Bolton, Lena Flood, Ernie Bolton, Myrtle Marshall, Harry Marshall, Irene Imerson Back Row: Stanley Bolton, Anna Marshall, Mabel Marshall, Harold Marshall, Iva Marshall (Photo #1)
1911 Class at Lillies (Photo #2)
1914 Class at Lillies (photo #3)
1917 Class – Front Row: Unk, Unk, Maurice Edgley, Vada Edgley, Lorne Bolton 2nd Row: Florence Booth, Birle Chant, Irene Chant Back row: Vada Marshall, Harvey Vickery, Madeline Vickery, Mandy Tait (Teacher), Unk Marshall (photo #4)
1921 Class (photo #5)
1923 Class (photo #6)
1928 Class (photo #7)
1929 Class (photo #8)
1929 Class (photo #9)
1929-31c Class- Only a few identified Front Row: Lyle Cobey 2nd Row: Patricia, Edgely, Jowett Twins Back Row: Edgley, Lawrene Nixon, Marjorie Darling (photo #10)
1939c Lillies Class (photo #11)
1940 Class at Lillies (photo #12)
1941 Lillies Class (photo #13)
1942 – Front Row: Shirley Hendry, Freda Vickery, Verla Booth Back Row: Dorothy Vickery, Margaret Weir; Myrtle Hendry (photo #14)
1942 Lillies Class (photo #15)
1943 Class Front Row: Carl Jowett, Freda Vickery, Eddie Booth, Stuart Salter 2nd Row: Shirley Hendry, Verla Booth; Bernie Herbison; Harold Salter, Jack Darling Back row: George Hendry, Garnet Darling; JohnHendry; Phyllis Vickery; Myrtle Hendry; Margaret Weir – The teacher was Helen Mallory (photo #16)
1944 Lillies (photo #17)
1945 Lillies Class (photo #18)
1946 Lillies Class in the winter (photo #19)
1947 Class at Lillies: Front Row: Rita Sauve, Rene Sauve, Rheal Sauve, Ernest Maisonneuve, Eleanor Hendry, Betty Hendry Back Row: Freda Vickery, Verla Booth, Shirley Hendry, Eddie Booth, Jack Darling, Carl Jowett (photo #20)
1947- Lillies Class (photo #21)
1951 Class (photo #22)
1952 – School Choir for the Lions Club Music Festival (photo #23)
1953 -Front row: Ron Cross, Hugh Edgley, Bob Edgley, Fred Vickery, Terry Darling, Jerry Edbley, Marvin Darling 2nd Row: Nancy Darling, Karen Darling, Myrna Darling, Diane Edgley, Renske Grendel, Anita Merier, Carol Jowett, Frances Vickery, Mary Cross Back Row: Jim Edgley, Dwight Darling, Feike Grendel, Lorraine Mott, Alvin Darling, Mrs. Myrtlee Stainer (teacher) (photo #24)
1954 – School Choir- Lions Club Music Festival (photo #25)
1956 – School Choir Lions Club Music Festival (photo #26)
1957 – School Choir Lions Club Music Festival (photo #27)
1959 – Front Row: Steve Darling, Eddie Zufelt, Violet Pankhurst, Kathy Edgley, Linda Darling, Janice Edgley, Roger Darling, Heather Charles; Raymond Darling, Dave Darling, Sam Dunster 2nd Row: Brenda Edgley, Mary Cross, Charline Darling, Sharon Darling, Nancy Darling, Gloria Charles, Larry Darling, Marvin Darling, Michael Wright Back row: Myrna Darling, Anneta Marier, Diane Edgley, Mrs. Stewart (teacher) Jerry Edgley (photo #28)
1959 – Inside Lillies School (photo #29)
1959 Inside Lillies School (photo #30)
undated photo of the early interior of Lillies School (photo #31)
Lillies School- no date (photo #32)
1988 A closed Lillies School with Garnet Darling sitting on the front step (photo #33)
James (Jim) Cobey, taught at Lillies for 9 years in the 1920’s (father of Rosolin, Fred, Kathleen, Lenora, Genevieve and Lyle (photo #34)
Cobey Family all attended Lillie’s School Front Row: Genevieve, Lenora, Lyle, Kathleen Back Row: Rosalina, Fred (photo #35)
The James Cobey Family (photo #36)
can anyone identify or date this photo (photo #37)
On the 12th Day of October 1861, a parcel of land was purchased on which to build the Howard School. The indenture was between Andrew Donaldson and his wife Eliza and the School Section number 6 in the township of Elizabethtown, for a sum of sixty dollars. The parcel of land was described on the indenture as a part of the rear of the east half of Lot number twenty three in the Second Concession in the Township of Elizabethtown. In 1946 a well and pump were installed. ( Board of Trustees Annual report for 1946)
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: no information except: condition: Not Good
1854: Frame building, first opened in 1850
This school has been turned into a home and is located at 3439 Centennial Rd. (County Rd 27
1928 (abt) includes Jean and Helen Hudson (photo #1)
1928, May 4th – Grace Howard and Dora Braun (Photo #2)
1928 – Front Row: Inez Dixie, Eugene Bak, Margaret Foster, Ruth Crandall, Zigman Bak 2nd Row; Helen Parslow, Marjorie Parslow, Boddy Dixie, Unk, Arthur Howard, Frances Hudson 3rd Row: Walter Bak, Mabel Wright, Velma Edgeley, Margaret Latham, Rennie Howard 4th Row: Teddy Crandall Back Row: Jean Hudson (photo #3)
1928 Front Row: Grant Hudson, Dorothy Howard, Dorothy Parslow, Renie Howard, Helen Parslow, Harold Dunster, Arthur Howard, Mabel Wright Back Row: Gladys Howard, Helen Hudson, Grace Howard, Dora Braun, Jean Hudson, Ruth Crandall (photo #4)
1928-, May – Ruth Braun and Ruth Crandall (photo #5)
1928 – Ted Crandall and Rennie Howard (photo #6)
1929 June 1- Ruth Braun, Ruth Crandall. Gladys Howard (photo #7)
1929, June – Grant Hudson, Rennie Howard, Harold Dunster (photo #8)
1932 abt – Howard School Boys (photo #9)
1933 – Claude Parslow and Ronnie Horton (photo #10)
1933 – Marion Mills, Hazel Reynolds, Josephine Mills, Claude Parslow, Joe Hudson, Betty Horton, Ronnie Horton (photo #11)
1933 – Howard School (Photo #12)
1933 – Betty Horton, Marion Mills, Hazel Reynolds, Josephine Mills, Claude Parslow, Ron Horton (photo #13)
1933 – Ronnie Horton, Claude Parslow, Joe Hudson (photo #14)
1935 abt. – Front Row: Marjorie Parslow, Lois Brown, Mildred Parslow Middle Row: Velma Edgeley, Mable Wright, Helen Parslow, Patricia Edgeley Back Row: Dorothy Howard, Dorothy Parslow, Lilian McClelland, Jean McCelland (photo #15)
1935- Jean McClelland and Ruth Crandall (photo #16)
1935 (photo #17)
1935- Front Row: Velma Edgeley, Helen Parslow, Mildred Parslow, Edna Wright or Lois Braun Back Row: Dorothy Howard, Dorothy Howard, Mabel Wright. Lillian McClelland, Jean McClelland, Margaret Purvis (Teacher) (photo #18)
1935 –Front Row: Velma Edgeley, Marjorie Parslow; Dorothy Howard, Helen Parslow, Edna Wright or Louis Braun Back Row: Dorothy Parslow, Mabel Wright, Lillian McClelland, Jean McClelland, Marjorie Purvis (Teacher), Patricia Edgeley (photo #19)
1945c- Howard School Children (photo #20)
1947 abt.-Kneeling: Mary Jobson, Frank Worden First Row: Deltra Jobson, Fay Burns, Clifford Horton, Ruth McInnes, Wilma Chapman Second Row: Robert Hudson, George Worden, Bill Murray, Ronald Coville, Donald Murray, James Jobson Third Row: Unk Mills, John Horton, Eleanor Baker, Phyllis Horton, William McInnes Back Row: Margaret Lafaver, Betty Horton (photo #21)
1950 abt. – Front Row: Gary Murray, Alan Burns, Boyd Halladay, Wayne Baker, Bob Baker, Donaald Murray, Jack VanDusen, Bill Russel, Bill Murray, Keith Serson, Jr. O’Tolle Middle Row: Viola McInnes, Donna Murray, Margaret McInnes, Lois Serson, Donna Coville, Faye Burns, Helen serson, Mary Jobson, Unk, Genevieve O’Toole Back Row: Ruth McInnes, Raymond Coville, Don VanDusen, Bill McInnes, John Horton, Jim Jobson, Ronald Coville, Adeleigh VaanDusen, Deltra Jobson Teacher: Agnes Mulrooney (photo #22)
1952 – School Choir- Lions Club Festival Front Row: Don Murray, Faye Burns, Mary Jobson, Alan Burns, Dona Murray, Viola McInnes, Margaret McInnes, Gary Murray Back Row: Jack VanDusen, Deltra Jobson, Raymond Coville, Bill Russel, Sherry Lockwood, Myrna Nunn, Wayne Baker, Donna Coville (photo #23)
1953 – Front Row: Charlie Jobson, Jery Jbson, Barbara Easter, Marilyn Nunn, Doug Nunn, Pery Coville, Doug Murray, Marie McInnes, Wayne Easter, Sharon Easter, Jean McInnes, Howard Reid, Gary Murray, Ann Burns Middle Row: Jack VanDusen, Don VanDusen, Dennis Coville, Raymond Coville, Peter Knapp, Unk, Viola McInnes, Donna Murray, Myrna Nunn, Sherry Lockheed, Margaret McInnes, Wayne Baker Back Row: Donald Murray, Bill Russell, Donna Coville, Mary Jobson, Deltra Jobson, Faye Burns Teacher: Johnny Yates (photo #24)
School Picnic – September 1961
(Photo #25)
(Photo #26)
Presentation of gift to Amanda Willey who taught at the school from 1957 to 1960 (Photo #27)
(photo #28)
(photo #29)
Howard School, year unknown (photo #30)
1910 Attendance Record (photo #31)
1921, January Attendance Record (photo #32)
1931 Honour Roll from the Recorder and Times (photo #33)
1945-46 Attendance Summary (photo #34)
1951 Attendance Report (photo #35)
1963 Daily Attendance Record (photo #36)
1932 – Anna Hudson’s Teaching Contract (photo #37)
Partial Listing of Teachers at The Howard School:
1910 J.L.Bolton
1910 Lillie B. Brown
1911 Hattie Davidson
1912 Violet M. Spenee [sic]
1914 Janet Purvis
1914 A. Graham
1915 Jean Coss [sic]
1916 F.B. Boyd
1921 Beatrice Avery
1921 Edna Waghorn
1922 Ruby Morris
1923 Norma Bishop
1924 A.M. Pettem
1925 A.M. Pettem
1926 Mary M. Brown
1927 A.M. Hudson
1928 A.M. Hudson
1929 A.M. Hudson
1930 Louise Booth
1932 Anna Hudson (yearly salary $800.)
1933 Margaret Raphael Purvis (yearly salary $500.)
1935 Louise Elizabeth Booth
1938 Florence Mary Ware
1941 Florence Kathleen Sager
1943 Clara Annie Lawson
1945 Edna Irene Blake
1948 Agnes Mulrooney
1951 Jack Tennant
1954 W.P. Edgie [sic]
1955 Mrs. Raymond Howe
1956 Sylvia Sayers
1957 Amanda Willey
1958 Amanda Willey
1959 Amanda Willey
1960 Amanda Willey
1961 Judy Ballisle
1962 Judy Ballisle
1963 Norma M. Wiltse
If anyone has any additional photos or information on this school we would appreciate hearing from you.
On June 28, 1963 the school rang its’ bell for the last time. The teacher at the time was Mrs. Marion Ross, and she was the last person to teach at the little brick school house located on the Halleck’s Road. The 27 remaining pupils from this school were transferred to the Lyn Public School. About 10 years prior there were 34 pupils in the school
The original school was a log school house located in the north corner of the Hallecks Road and No. 2 Highway. Rev. William Hallock built a school before 1810 which had a ready made class: with 16 Coles, 13 Clows, 10 or 12 Fulfords and his own six children. The brick school house was built further north on the Halleck’s Road around 1839. The land on which the present school was built was donated by Mr. Caleb Halloch (Squire Halloch) on May 12, 1838 and was built by Archibald Davidson, a stone mason.
The school was replaced by the present building in 1935, a trim neo-classical brick Edifice.[2] A well was drilled for the new school in the 1930’s and toilets were installed around 1939. In the early 1940’s electricity was installed. Between 1886 and 1900 teachers salaries’ were from $220. to $300 per year. (Elizabethtown: The Last of the Royal Townships by Alvyn Austin pub. 2009)
Heritage Elizabethtown erected a plaque near the original school recalling an incident that took place during the War of 1812. The plaque reads as follows:
Hallock’s School and the ‘Underhill Incident’
“A one room school near here was the site of an international incident before the war of 1812. William Hallock (1770-1836), a Methodist preacher, established the school in a log cabin on his property. In 1809 the teacher was Isaac Underhill, an alleged American army deserter. On May 1, three American soldiers disembarked from a schooner on the St. Lawrence, seized Underhill at the school and dragged him, bound and gagged towards the river. When Underhill broke free and ran, his captors shot him from behind. They then fled to their boat with armed settlers in pursuit. Underhill died the next day. His murder was a flagrant violation of British sovereignty which outraged Canadians and lingered long on local memory” (Issac Underhill is said to be buried in an unmarked grave in the Fulford Cemetery)
The old school was converted into a home and is located at 2301 Hallecks Rd.N.
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: Frame Building, size 24×34, construction date 1811, condition: Not Good
1854: Frame building, first opened in 1817 (this report combines SS #3 and 5)
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1872
That the union of School sections no 3 & 5 be dissolved and that all resolutions uniting the same be rendered the same as if said divisions ere never united at the request of a public meeting held for that purpose signed by Henry Clow, Chairman- 1858
that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a Bylaw to unite School Sections No.3 and No.5 into one section agreeable to the request of the rate payers of said sections- 1869
that the application of the Trustees of School Section No 5 be complied with and the sum of $200 be levied and collected on the Taxable property of said section exclusive of expenses -1872 (Lyn Museum Archives)
Note: some of the dates may not be accurate, if you know the correct date for these photos please let us know.
Class of 1896-Partial list of pupils from the class in no particular order: Ambrose Clow, Alex Davisdon, George Davidson, Gertrude Davidson, Jessie Davidson, Mack Davidson, Leonard Elliott, Arlis Hoag, Cecil Hoag, Ernest Hoag, Russell Hoag, Lettitia Kennedy, Frank Latham, Maggie Latham, Roy Locke, Edgar Robinson, May Robinson, William (Billie) Robinson, William J. Robinson, George Snow, Frank Stafford, May Stafford, Julia Stafford, Inez Stafford, Edith Vanattan, George Vanattaan and the teacher was Miss Nellie Aird. (photo #1)
Class of 1920c (photo #2)
Class of 1922 (photo #3)
1926, Oct 1st – Gladys Clow, Walter Charles, Willie Unk. (photo #4)
1930c – younger grades (photo #5)
1930c – Front Row- Unk, Lawrence Davidson, Unk, Cecil Sack, Sid Vanattan, Richard Charles, John Charles. Second Row: Eleanor Davidson, Helen Billings, Margaret Robinson, Dorothy Billings, Irene Boulton, Mary Charles, Jean Bonsteel, Edith Hodge, Orpha Hudson. Back Row: Bill Billings, Albert Boulton, David Goodfellow; Bill Graham; Lelan Earl (Teacher), Unk, Milton Myers (photo #6)
There is a story about this teacher Mr. Leland Earl, who lived in Lyn. He traveled to school in winter on skis drawn by a horse, and was called by some of the parents “the school-man on chips”. (Recorder & Times)
1930c Class photo (photo #7)
1937 – Teddy and Beryl Hallett (photo #8)
1937 – Isobel Clow and Beryl Hallett (Photo #9)
1937, June – Front Row: Lois McClelland, Phyllis McClelland, Patsy Andress; George Clow; Keith Davidson; Helen Chisamore; Audrey Hodge, Phyllis Hodge, Marion Eyre, Beulah Andress Middle Row: Lester Hunt, Joe Wescome, Teddy Hallett, Leslie Hunt, Clarence Hodge, Donald Boulton, Donald Nesbitt Back Row: Florence Chisamore, Mildred Vanattan, Evelyn Hodge, Beryl Hallett, Ernest Hunt, Beulah Hodge, Noreen Hodge. (photo #10)
1937-37 School Fair, Miss Anna Hudson teacher (photo #11)
1937-38 School Fair (photo #12)1937-38 School Fair Miss Anna Hudson teacher (photo #13)
1938 – First Row: Mabel Hodge, Unk, Florence Chisamore, Unk, Middle Row: 1-4 unknown; Bob Fritz, George Clow, Myron Bryan Back Row: Clarence Hodge, unk, Beulah Hodge, Joe Wescome, Donald Nesbitt (names as they were written and may be out of order) (photo #16)
1938-39 Teacher Mary Franklin (photo #17)
1950c – Students in the snow (photo #18)
1950c – Lion’s Club Music Festival (photo #19)
1953 Class -First Row: Charlie Hoare, Jim Gulford, Unk Bilow, Unk Bilow, Ron Bilow, Steve Hudson, Don St John, Ron Hoare 2nd Row: Isobel Ferguson, Shirley Avery, Sharon Billings, Donna Billings, Shirley St. John. Jane Ferguson 3rd Row- Bill Stevens, Don Schultz, Aaron Bilow, Doug Avery, David Nicol, Jean Hoaare, Wayne Young, Carol Merchant, Richard Ferguson, Dan Slack Back Row: Pam Smith, Pat Zufelt, Linda Towler, Edna St.John, Eliz Smith, Mrs. Haffie (Teacher) (photo #20)
1958c Halleck’s School Class (photo #21)
1963 – Last School Class Mrs. Marion Ross teacher (photo #22)
1963, June 29- Bells ring for the last time (photo #23)
1963 June 28 Last day of school (photo #24)
1963, June 28th- Last Day of School (photo #25)
1963, June 28th – Last day of school (photo #26)
1963, June 28th – Former teachers gather (photo #27)
1963, June 28th – Former students look at the old building (photo #28)
Hallecks School Teacher’s Listing
1886- Miss Gertrude E. Giles
1887- Miss Annie McCallum
1888- Miss Effie Clow
1889- Miss Jessie V. Gardiner ( six months)
1889-97- Miss Nelie Aird
1897- Miss Effie Clow (one month)
1897-99- Miss Isadora Clow
1900-02- Miss Ida G. Wemyss
1902-03- Miss Clara L. Wilson
1903-04- Miss Ethel Alford
1904- Miss H.A. Holmes (one month)
1904-07- Miss Lillian Hudson
1907-10- Miss Lillian Robbins
1910-11- Miss Jennia Hamilton
1911-13- Miss A.M.Riley
1913- Mrs. Lucy Greer (3 days)
1913-14- Miss Nellie Armstrong
1914-15- Miss Clara I. Brown
1915-16- Miss Mabel M.Marshall
1916-17- Miss Mary Webster
1917-18- Miss Hazel Fenton
1918-19- Miss Louisa Hargraves
1919-20- Miss Iva M. Hamilton
1920- Miss M.L.McNeil (4 months)
1921-22- Miss Grace Jelly (1 1/2 years)
1922-23- Miss Edna Waghorn
1923-24- Miss Georgia Frances
1924-26- Leland Earle
1926-28-Miss R. Isobel Taylor
1928-29- Miss Dora Thurston
1929-31- Miss Hilda V. Gilroy
1931-33- Miss Helen Purvis
1933-38- Miss Anna Hudson
1939-58- Miss Mabel Haffie
1958- Mrs. Patrica McGillis
1959- Mrs. Beatrice Kyer
1959-63- Mrs. Marion Ross
Heritage Elizabethtown Plaque regarding the Underhill Incident (photo #29)