We started our trip entering Elizabethtown from the east. Just as we passed the Ontario Hospital we would have noticed the sign welcoming us to Brockville. At this point Hwy No. 2 turns into King St East.
“Brockville was the first police village (1832) in Upper Canada, when its population reached 1000; the first incorporated town in 1850; and finally in 1962 the City of Brockville.” [1]

The first thing you would have noticed was the magnificent home of George T. Fulford, who made his fortunes selling “Pink Pills for Pale People”. Just down the road and on the north side of the road is the Fulford Home for Women. Another impressive large building built by George Fulford for ageing women.

We would then drive by the large stately homes of the more wealthy Brockville families. Soon we would find ourselves in the downtown core of the town, named after Sir. Isaac Brock, Hero of the War of 1812.
Over the decades the stores would change hands, but the streets and shops would be bustling with customers. If you happened to drive through on a Wednesday afternoon, you would notice closed signs on all the stores, as the merchants would only keep their stores open for a half day.
In front of the City Hall building, King Street would change from King St east to King Street west. You would travel further along King Street West with more stores lining each side of the street, until you reached Perth Street, the old Highway to Perth.

At this point you would be leaving the downtown core. After driving up and over the old railway bridge, with its’ wooden deck known as the Kingston Bridge, you would again find yourself driving along residential lined streets. As you get to the westerly end of the town you would notice a large structure with sprawling buildings knows as Phillips Electrical Works. And across from that was St. Lawrence Park, where many youngsters learned how to swim and had summer picnics with their families.

You would soon be driving out of the city and re-entering Elizabethtown on the west side of Brockville, where King Street turns back into Hwy No.2
[1] Elizabethtown: The Last of the Royal Townships by Alvyn Austin