Hertitage Place Museum |
Obitutaries on file to 1999 |
Name |
Age |
Date of |
Date of |
Pg.No. |
Birth |
Death |
Ackerman, John Richard Stuart |
67 |
1929 |
1996 |
122 |
Adams, Ray Stewart |
59 |
1915 |
1974 |
32 |
Anderson, Carl |
63 |
1923 |
1986 |
64 |
Anderson, Harry |
1970 |
23 |
Andress, Charles E. |
68 |
1870 |
1938 |
16 |
Barton, Irene nee Gilroy |
94 |
1904 |
1998 |
131 |
Billings, Ernest Murray |
57 |
1917 |
1974 |
31 |
Boswell, Gladys Millie nee Leaves |
83 |
4 |
Brennan, Hubert |
15 |
1939 |
1954 |
19 |
Broderick, Shirley |
56 |
1926 |
1982 |
53 |
Brown, Benjamin Wilkie |
80 |
1864 |
1945 |
17 |
Brown, Margaret Raphael nee Purvis |
1999 |
136 |
Brown, Vanamber W. |
66 |
1855 |
1921 |
10 |
Brunner, Elisabeth nee Suss |
52 |
1938 |
1990 |
79 |
Burnham, Carl |
89 |
1887 |
1976 |
37 |
Burns, Mansel |
67 |
1916 |
1984 |
57 |
Bushfield, Florence nee Booth |
93 |
1902 |
1996 |
109 |
Bushfield, George Leslie |
82 |
1912 |
1994 |
96 |
Bushfield, John Cornell (Jack) |
70 |
1907 |
1977 |
39 |
Bushfield, Wilfred |
82 |
1909 |
1991 |
84 |
Bycroft, Catherine Margaret nee Thorpe |
74 |
1914 |
1988 |
71 |
Bycroft, George |
86 |
1907 |
1993 |
91 |
Campbell, Ollie |
1 |
Campbell,Howard |
62 |
1913 |
1975 |
34 |
Caruth, John Mrs nee Wilson |
3 |
Cass, Carl Edwin |
86 |
1913 |
1999 |
135 |
Cassell, Clifton |
1984 |
57 |
Chant, Francis |
87 |
1910 |
1997 |
130 |
Chant, Mary nee Charles |
82 |
1910 |
1992 |
87 |
Cooke, Maggie Amelia nee Scott |
75 |
1905 |
1981 |
52 |
Coon, Beverly E. nee Purcell |
85 |
1906 |
1991 |
83 |
Cooper, Harry |
87 |
1890 |
1977 |
40 |
Cornell, Frank |
89 |
1907 |
1996 |
121 |
Covey, Donald M. |
1944 |
18 |
Craig, James |
71 |
1904 |
1975 |
34 |
David, Joseph |
55 |
1921 |
1976 |
35 |
Davidson, Helen nee Hudson |
1996 |
114 |
Davidson, John Melville (Jack) |
55 |
1932 |
1987 |
68 |
Davidson, Melville |
79 |
1907 |
1987 |
65 |
Davidson, William John Roy |
46 |
1888 |
1934 |
14 |
Davis, Henry W. |
64 |
1864 |
1928 |
10 |
deCarle, Victor |
54 |
1883 |
1939 |
15A |
DeWolf, Deborah Ann nee Dizie |
83 |
1849 |
1932 |
15b |
Delve, Rev, H.A. |
68 |
1869 |
1937 |
13 |
Dempsey, Frank |
79 |
1908 |
1987 |
65 |
Dempsey. Dorothy nee Mott |
74 |
1918 |
1992 |
88 |
Donovan, James (Jim) |
87 |
1905 |
1992 |
87 |
Dunster, Ella Flossie |
85 |
1899 |
1984 |
57 |
Dunster, Frank |
51 |
1925 |
1976 |
36 |
Dunster, Harold Wilfred |
75 |
1921 |
1997 |
125 |
Dunster, Mary nee Kilmury |
59 |
1931 |
1991 |
85 |
Dunster, William A. |
82 |
1897 |
1979 |
45 |
Edgeley, Allan, Rev. |
86 |
1911 |
1998 |
131 |
Edgeley. Russell Gordon |
83 |
1915 |
1998 |
133 |
Exton, Rose Helena nee Leeder |
74 |
1991 |
83 |
Ferguson, Donald |
77 |
1922 |
1999 |
135 |
Ferguson, Laura |
81 |
1894 |
1975 |
33 |
Fletcher, Butch |
45 |
1945 |
1991 |
83 |
Flood, Beatrice nee Nunn |
83 |
1911 |
1994 |
93 |
Flood, Earl |
79 |
1918 |
1997 |
126 |
Flynn, Lefa Myrtle nee Greenwood |
71 |
1906 |
1977 |
41 |
Fodey, Harriet Isabel |
87 |
1887 |
1974 |
32 |
Fodey, Margaret |
86 |
1910 |
1996 |
118 |
Forrester, Margaret Jean nee Bryan |
78 |
1916 |
1995 |
97 |
Fugard, Marie Bernice nee Edgley |
64 |
1923 |
1987 |
67 |
Gagne, John Paul |
68 |
1920 |
1989 |
75 |
Gardiner, Richard |
73 |
1872 |
1900 |
5 |
Gaskell, William |
77 |
1916 |
1993 |
90 |
Gearey, Edith Maude nee Short |
83 |
1897 |
1980 |
49 |
Giffin, Walter Archie |
53 |
1942 |
1996 |
111 |
Golledge, David Charles |
51 |
1944 |
1995 |
98 |
Green, Stanley W. |
77 |
1904 |
1981 |
51 |
Grey, Talmage R. |
82 |
1903 |
1985 |
61 |
Hackett, Laurence Leonard |
68 |
1928 |
1996 |
112 |
Hall, Archie |
74 |
1922 |
1996 |
123 |
Hall, Fred (Freddy) |
63 |
1925 |
1988 |
74 |
Hall, Marjorie (Peggy) nee Leeder |
72 |
1924 |
1996 |
112 |
Hamilton, James C. |
81 |
2 |
Hana, Harris |
86 |
1902 |
1989 |
73 |
Hanna, Allan Gerald |
64 |
1926 |
1991 |
86 |
Hanna, Elmer |
77 |
1918 |
1996 |
118 |
Heck, A.J., Mrs. |
1954 |
19B |
Howe, Blanch Lila |
53 |
1926 |
1980 |
46 |
Howe, Howard Hilton (Pete) |
62 |
1930 |
1993 |
92 |
Howe, Wilfred Levi (Tommy) |
64 |
1910 |
1974 |
32 |
Hudson, Evelyn nee Purvis |
82 |
1896 |
1978 |
43 |
Hudson, Grant |
67 |
1922 |
1989 |
77 |
Hunter, Daniel (Dannie) |
68 |
1917 |
1985 |
59 |
Jarvis, George William |
1991 |
84 |
Jarvis, Walter |
89 |
1893 |
1982 |
54 |
Judson, Arthur H., Dr. |
91 |
1881 |
1972 |
27 |
Judson, George W., Dr. |
1856 |
11 |
Judson, Sally |
83 |
1821 |
1905 |
6 |
Kane, Charles |
70 |
1918 |
1988 |
73 |
Kane, Ida Belle nee Dolan |
91 |
1896 |
1987 |
68 |
Kavanagh, Maurice |
80 |
1916 |
1996 |
119 |
Kelly, Terry Lee |
35 |
1960 |
1995 |
106 & 107 |
Kendrick, Louise nee Booth |
1978 |
44 |
Kendrick. Louise nee Booth |
77 |
1900 |
1977 |
40 |
Kilmury, Douglas F. |
63 |
1927 |
1991 |
81 |
Kilmury, Helen Grace nee Douglas |
71 |
1906 |
1977 |
40 |
Knapp, Thomas William (Tommy) |
72 |
1925 |
1998 |
132 |
Todd Coon
June 11, 2019 @ 1:18 pm
Nice, I knew about 15 people on this list. Good memories thanks.