Lyn’s Local Factories
Lyn, October 21st, 1896 (The Recorder Newspaper)
Our industries seem to be running about full time. The Last Factory employing about ten hands in turning blocks of hard maple wood into lasts for the Quebec shoe factories to make their shoes on have been running steadily under A.E.Cumming, proprietor.
The Lyn Agricultural Works owned by Geo. P. McNish have established more than a county reputation among the farmers for his land rollers, cultivators, root cutters, etc. and his sales this season have been larger than ever.
The roller flour mills owned by Jas. Cumming are running night and day by water power with steam auxiliary turning out 300 bags of flour per day, taking a car load of wheat per day to keep them supplied. They have been running behind in their orders all summer and the present boom in wheat has increased that difficulty.
The Lyn Woollen Mills, run by steam power, have had an increase in their trade lately due, no doubt, to the excellent cloths and yarns turned out by Mr. R. Walker. “No Shoddy” is his motto and he is bound to win.
One of the latest industries to start here is that of Mr. Alba Root who manufactures wooden ware including Elm hub blocks, dry and liquid measures, curry combs, etc. Mr. Root started in a small way, and as he is a practical mechanic and oversees all his work, his business has increased. He sells his goods to the wholesale men of our Canadian cities.
The G. & C. Eyre Co. although mot actively manufacturing just now are still able t fill all orders for their several classes of wooden ware.