New Dublin – News from the Village
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing the following hamlet for the years 1889, 1894 and 1895
Jan 8, 1889
Miss. Hester Wiltse has been engaged to teach school in New Dublin for the coming year.
Saturday June 22nd 1889
Mr. Byron Cadwell of New Dublin has just put in a first class cheese box plant in his saw mill.
Saturday July 20- 1889
Births: Cadwell- At New Dublin, July 11th the wife of Byron Cadwell, of a son.
Tuesday Dec. 18, 1894 issue-
New Dublin
Church opening at New Dublin
Wednesday last was a red letter day in the parish of New Dublin as on that day the new church of St. John the Evangelist was opened for devine service. The new church of stone finely finished in wood, with windows of stained glass, and stands on the same ground as the one erected about sixty years ago. Notwithstanding the unfavourable weather a large number of clergy and laity attended the three services held during the day. The clergy present were: Rev. Rural Dean Grout, (Rector of the Parish) of Lyn, Rev. Rural Dan Carey of Kingston, Rev. Messrs Cooke of Kingston, Young and Landsdown, Elliott of North Augusta, Forsythe of Oxford Mills, McTear of Maitland, Stephen of Frankville and Wright of Athens. Dedication and Morning Prayer were said by Rev. Rural Dean Nesbitt, assisted by Rev. Messrs Stephenson and Young. The Holy Eucharist was offered by Rev. Mr. Cooke, assisted by Rev. Messrs Forsythe as Gospeller, Wright, E isoler [sic] and McTear as Server. The sermon was preached by Rev Rural Dean Carey from Haggal II,9. Dinner was served by the ladies of the congregation in the town hall and was a most beautiful spread. After dinner the Litany was intoned by Rev. Mr. Elliott, and addresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Forsythe, Cooke and Young and Messrs. N. Brown and W. Stafford. The ladies also provided a first class tea which was largely patronized. Evensong was said by Rev. Wright, assisted by Rev. Messrs. Nesbitt and Cooke, when the following delivered addresses: Nesbitt, McTear, Wright and Cooke. Miss. M. Webster ably presided at the organ at all the services and during the offertory. Miss Joynt, of North Augusta sang a very fine solo from Mozart- “Come unto me” The Rector, Building committee and ladies of the congregation deserved the greatest credit for the successful manner in which the work was carried on and completed. We congratulate the church people of New Dublin on the possession of such a nice church, complete in every part, for the service of Almighty God.
Tuesday June 11, 1895 issue–
New Dublin– June 10-
Mr. T. McBratney is rushing business on his new residence.
Mr. Hudson Kendrick of Rocksprings spent Sunday with his parents.
Miss. L. Ward of Elgin was the guest of Mr. Aaron Sherman on Sunday last.
Mrs. E. Healy, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Samuel Horton, returned to her home in Perry Sound on Friday last.
Mrs. R. Maud of Smith’s Falls and her sister of Kemptville were guests of B.J Horton on Sunday
Mrs. Eugene Bradley and daughter from Perry Sound are visiting friends here.
Mr. B. Cadwell’s saw mill is running full blast. He is doing a rushing business in cheese boxes. The paper states that his boxes are the best that arrive on Montreal markets.
The Methodist church was well filled Sunday afternoon to hear the Rev. Mr. Knox deliver his farewell sermon. The sermon was a very touching one, the text being Matt XXVI chapter, 13th verse. All miss his presence among us, but our loss will be some other’s gain. We wish him much success in his new field of labor, and pray that he may receive souls for his hire.
A visitor at Mr. Edward H. Rowsom’s , a bouncing baby girl
Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Mr. Geo. Homer of Rocksprings.
Tuesday June 18, 1895 issue–
New Dublin– Friday June 14,-
Berry picking is the order of the day.
Mrs. H. Davis is seriously ill.
The people of St. John’s Church are to have their annual picnic in Mr. W. Earl’s grove on June 21st.
Mr. E.H. Rowsom is rushing business on his new barn, the stone work being put up by Mr. R. Kendrick. No slop work done here.
We understand that Mr. Anson E.H. Sherman has purchased a new guitar, with which he expects to charm the citizens in a short time.
The president of the Mope-pope factory was badly disturbed by a shower of stones, which caused him to fire.
Miss A. Gordon of Athens is the guest of Mrs. B. Cadwell
Mrs. David Slack and Miss Hall were the guests of Mrs. B. Cadwell on Friday last
Mr. J. Rappell of the Tin Cap was a guest of Mr. T. McBratney on Thursday last.
Tuesday June 25, 1895 issue–
New Dublin– Monday
There was a large number of Friends passed through here on Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Hayes of Glen Buell.
Messers. Churchill Pepper have dissolved partnership, Mr. Pepper having struck another situation in Brockville.
Visitors – Mrs. M. Kendrick and little daughter of Shilo is visiting friends here this week. (at New Dublin)
Mrs. Shepley Rousom and daughter were the guests of Mrs. Richard Kendrick on Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. A. Robinson of Hard Island returned home on Thursday after paying a short visit to her daughter Mrs. Henry Horton.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Horton left on Saturday for Watertown to visit there daughter, Mrs. Patterson.
Mr. Albert Hayes wears a broad smile – it’s a girl
Tuesday July 2, 1895 issue
New Dublin, Saturday, June 29 –
Road work is the order of the day in this section.
Some of the farmers have commenced haying, on account of the dry weather.
Mr. Alex. Compo and son of Athens were in the employment of Mr. Byron Caldwell this last week.
Mr Caldwell is doing a rushing business in cheese boxes, having to work late and early to fill his orders.
Miss. Ina Gordon of Athens returned home on Monday after visiting Miss. V. Cadwell of this place
The terribles of this place celebrated their first anniversary in Mr. Joseph Deacon’s office on Monday last, which cost them $35.78
Tuesday July 9, 1895 issue
New Dublin, Monday, July 8 –
Dry weather still continues in this section. Fruits of all kinds will be a perfect failure if rain does not come soon.
Mr. Hudson Kendrick of this place who is in the employment of Mr. Wilson of Rockspring as cheese maker, and his chum, Mr. George Steacy, were visiting friends here on Sunday last. Huds look hale and hearty.
Quite a number of our city folks took in Dominion day. Some went to Athens and others took in the trip over the G.O.P. to Westport. All report a rattling good time.
Mr. Joshua Boulton of Brockville and son of Montreal paid our city a flying visit on Dominion Day.
Mrs. Robeson and little son of Brockville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Kendrick this week.
Miss Vienna Kendrick returned home on Thursday last after an absence of two weeks.
Miss Maud Kendrick was the guest of Mrs. Aaron Shermen on Wednesday of last week.
Another birth in the city. It’s a young girl.
Mr. Johnnie Austin had a ??? on his finger which caused him to have his finger taken off between the first and second joint. It was very painful.
The correspondent to the Times is a little rattled concerning Mrs. A. Sherman’s illness. She says she is improving quite fast; therefore, I think that the correspondent needs a bottle of porter or old rye.
Rev. Mr. Grout of Lyn preached a sermon to the Orangemen. The ?? was fine and the sermon was grand.
The Rev. Mr. Pimlott preached an excellent sermon to his people on Sunday last. His text was, “Adam, where art thou ?”
Tuesday July 16, 1895 issue
Mrs. Horton, relict of the late Wm. Horton of New Dublin, died at that place on Sunday, 7th inst., aged 71, Deceased was a daughter of the late Wm. Whitmore of Wiltsetown.
Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue
New Dublin
On Saturday last two of our young men from Bolton Hollow distuised themselves and came into town as tramps. They gave the appropriate name of Black Knight and Whiskers.
We will all drink cherry wine this winter, as cherries are plentiful in this section.
They would all like to know who is the Reporter correspondent for this place. Well, friends, it is I; do you know me ?
A few of our city boys went to Lamb’s pond on Sunday and two of them went out in the punt “Armstrong.” They encountered a large snake and in the trouble that followed one of the boys fell out of the punt into the mud and water.
Miss Ethel Blanchard of Athens has been visiting friends in Brockville on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bolton were the guests of Mr. George Bolton
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
Laid at Rest
A New Dublin correspondent writes the Reporter as follows: No trouble was experienced by he friends of our young man Robert Bolton, whose body was found Tuesday morning last, in securing the remains. The village authorities at Morristown considered that the facts concerning the drowning being a pure accident were so well verified that an inquest was not necessary. A permit was accordingly granted at once for the removal of the body. It had drifted fully a mile from the place where the canoe was upset, and was found by a resident on the river front floating in a bay near his boat house. The remains, which were quite badly decomposed, were removed to Clint’s undertaking establishment Tuesday night and the funeral took place from there at one o’clock Wednesday to the cemetery at New Dublin. The services were conducted in the Methodist church at the village by the Rev. Dr. Griffith, and were attended by large numbers from the surrounding country who have evinced the ?? sympathy with the mourning friends since the announcement was made. The deceased was a member of Mr. Birk’s Sunday school class and other representations from the Jas. Smart works, attended the funeral in a body, Respect was shown by all for the deceased, as he was one of our most noble young men.
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
New Dublin Monday, Aug 12-
The minister of this place is a hustler, having raised money to clear the debt on the church and to build a shed He must be somewhat absent minded, or was thinking of the story he told of the cow that had three calves, as he did not announce that there would be no service here on Sunday on account of communion service at Greenbush.
The prayer meeting flourished.
Under a large apple tree, our village blacksmith stands, which is Mr, John Kendrick with a hammer in his hands; he mends binders and reapers and tires and bands, and sells all of his fine honey he can.
Miss. Adda Sherman has left the employment of Mrs. B. Cadwell and is now visiting her brother and sister, Mr and Mrs. Aaron Sherman of this place.
Tuesday Aug 20, 1895 issue
New Dublin – Monday, Aug. 19 –
Frequent showers are visiting this section
The people in this section will soon have their grain all in and will have room to spare in their barns, as straw is very short.
The heavy wind on Saturday evening did considerable damage in the orchard around here.
The Sherman brothers have Mr. Thos. McBratney’s house all first coated, it will soon be ready for the carpenters to finish their work.
Mr. Johnnie Lickow has left the employment of Mr. Byron Cadwell.
Tuesday Sep 3, 1895 issue
New Dublin, Monday Sep 2 –
A large number of our friends attended the camp meeting last week.
Miss M. Ward has returned home after an absence of over two weeks.
Miss Vienna Kendrick has been visiting friends in Winchester and her cousin, Miss Kendrick, returned home with her for a short time
Miss Rowsom, Miss McNeil and Miss Moulton, from Ingersoll are visiting friends in this place
Tuesday Sep 10, 1895 issue
New Dublin, Monday, Sept.9. –
Mr. Aaron Sherman is again on the sick list
Mr. Ira Mallory, Brockville, is helping Mr. B. Cadwell get out a special order for cheese boxes. Mr. Cadwell goes to Toronto fair on Wednesday next.
Misses W. and Edna McBratney were guests of Mrs. Aaron Sherman on Monday
Black squirrels are very plentiful
It is currently reported here that the junior curd official of Glen Buell made an excursion west to Lake street with a beautiful little maid in her teens. While in the house some little trouble arose whereby our beloved son of the Glen had a special mark placed on his beautiful face. We advise the junior to be careful in future about entering upon new fishing grounds.
Tuesday Oct 8, 1895 issue
New Dublin, Saturday, Oct. 7, –
Council met here today
We are to have a bee this afternoon to haul material on the ground for a shed at the Methodist church.
Our holiness prayer meeting is flourishing in this place
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDougal are happy and rejoicing over a new born babe. It is a girl.
A large load of our holiness people went to Algonquin on Sunday last to a camp meeting. They had a good and profitable time.
Mr. Hudson Kendrick has returned home from his factory for good.
Mr. Anson Sherman was visiting friends in Athens last week.
Wm. B. Boulton, Esq. is away up to London this week attending the Ontario high court of I.O.F. He was sent as a delegate for Court Glen Buell. We shall expect to hear Bro. Boulton address a public meeting in our town hall on his return.
Our mutual friend and citizen, Wm. H. Davis, has gone west for the purpose of squandering in traveling a quantity of money which came into his possession without labor, and he can’t afford to keep it with hard earned coin. He will visit Owen Sound, Toronto and other points of interest before returning to his usual place of worship.
Tuesday Oct 15, 1895 issue
New Dublin, Friday, Oct 11. –
Apple picking is the order of the day They are worth 15 cts. Per bushel in this section
Mr. John Davis will soon have the stone work completed on his new stone house. It is being done by Mr. Thos. Foxin and Mr. Joseph Place, and it is an excellent piece of work.
A holiness convention is to he held at this place in the town hall on the second day of Nov. We hope that all that are interested in this good work will be preset. All are invited and made welcome.
Our prayer meeting is prospering in this place.
A large number went to Algonquin on Sunday last. A large audience was present.