Glen Buell – News from the Village
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing the following hamlet for the years 1889, 1894 and 1895
Glen Buell – Jan 22 1889
There is likely to be a change in the personnel at the Bell Farm managers for the coming season. It is generally understood from hints thrown out by the genial president in his after dinner speech at the annual school meeting that he will be looking for higher honours in the near future. The wily old president was wide awake for his own interests when he made the statement that ‘if his friends and the Reporter stuck to him as closely during the coming year as they did in the past, that he would have no difficulty in securing the position of Reeve of the Township for the year 1890’
Why do we not get a published statement from the proprietor of Glen Buell Cheese factory respecting prices the patrons received for milk and cheese for the year 1888.
Glen Buell: Saturday Jan 26th, 1889-
Early Friday afternoon, Professor David and a number of the Eureka Troop arrived in town and at once began active preparations in Manufacture’s Hall of the concert that evening. Old January, with all his faults favored the troop and all interested with a fine night for the occasion. At half-past seven nearly every possible seat in the room was occupied, excepting the one arranged for the Professor of Music, who had not arrived from Addison. However after a few minutes delay he claimed his chair, and Prof. David appeared on stage and made his maiden speech which was, as the school boy remarked, just right- short and sweet. The programme for the evening was complete and remarkably well rendered by the Troopers. The play of Aunt Polly visiting the Grove was excellent.
The part played by ‘Betsey Ann’ in the dialogue, ‘The Mysterious Box’ was well received by all present.
The recitations given by Mrs. D.J.Forth and Miss. Mande Addison were remarkably well rendered and well received. The music for the occasion was all that could be desired. We are free to admit that the concert under Prof. David’s management was a success.
‘Jolly John’ upon enquiry found that he was acquainted with Manager David. Secro Snowflake was the worst specimen of humanity that we ever saw. Master Handsome performed his art with credit. The darkey who managed the curtain was a little fresh. Receipts were good.
Glen Buell– Monday March 4th 1889. We notice with pleasure that our cousins of the progressive Methodist Church are getting large quantities of building material for their new synagogue. The trustee board have secured from Boyd Hall, Esq. a valuable lot on Main Street, nearly opposite the family residence of the General Superintendent of the Bell Farm Syndicate Co.
Mr.John Sturgeon ad wife are enjoying their annual vacation among friends and relatives near Carleton Place.
Our Butcher Boy, of the East End has provided himself with a black-thorn stick, in preparation for the Donnybrook Fair, to be held on the 17th inst.
Glen Buell, Monday, March 25th1889
For a length of time our Glen Buell people have not had a practical shoemaker. We are pleased, however, to notice that John Earl Jr., has purchased the tools, stock in trade, and good-will of the old cobbler’s business and opened up a shop on Earl St. Mr. Earl is a young man of good industrious habits has served three or four years in a large concern in Belleville, Ont., and is qualified to look after the business of this line of trade. Give him an order and thus encourage this young man.
Death, that old enemy of man, recently entered the family residence of Mr. E. Westlake, Point Edward and claimed his victim their youngest child, Dora, about three years old.
Miss. Turney has arrived home after a pleasant vacation of two weeks among her many friends at Lombardy.
Our public school board deserve much credit for the choice made by them in the selection of a teacher for the present term. She is an active, energetic, wide awake teacher. She has charge of about forty children in the public school, runs a private class two nights in the week, attends church without fail on the Sabbath, and entertains her friends in the evening.
Mr. H. Sandford and his wife, who have held very important positions in connection with the celebrated Bell Farm Company, have removed to Smith’s Falls. The lack of their company, counsel, and advice on questions of importance, will be keenly felt by the president.
Glen Buell, Monday April 1st 1889
A few weeks ago, a lady from Chipmuck Valley called on the owner of Charity Island and informed her that owing to the changed condition of her finances, consequent upon the successful termination of her suit for back-number alimony, against the estate of the deceased millionaire, she had decided to retire from active participation in poultry raising, and was prepared to dispos of the greater portion of her stock. After considerable haggling, a bargain was struck and part of the purchase money was advanced. O her arrival home the Chipmuck Valley lady found a lady from Dogtown waiting to see her with a view to purchasing the same lot of bipeds to which end she offered 25 cents more than the first purchaser. The offer was accepted, and the fowl were at once removed to the genial climate of Dogtown. When the Charity Island lady drove over to take home her purchase, she was blandly told that the tempting offer of the Dogtown lady had secured the geese. A feeling of chagrin at being beaten out of a good bargain by a younger lady, and the desire to make the original owner squirm, prompted the lady to offer 50 cents more than the last purchaser. A happy thought struck the recipient of the millionaire’s bounty. Here was a fine chance to win renown in the field of diplomacy. She told the would be purchaser to go home contented and she would have the fowl, and straightway hired away to the happy possessor of the much sought after property. With demure face she announced that there would be a lot of trouble if she could not get the fowl back for Charity Island. After a long and animated discussion, the original owner of the fowl secured a promise that upon the return of the deposit money the coveted geese should be turned over to the Charity Island lady. Late that evening a team was sent from Charity Island for the fowl. Arrived at Dogtown the teamster was beguiled with entertaining conversation, while the ex butcher hastily placed the web footed squawkers in a basket and carried them to the sleigh. Returning to Charity Island the tired and sleepy teamster took the fowl from the basket and placed them in a shed with some more of their species. The lateness of the hour and tired condition of the favourite son did not prevent him from noticing the fowl felt as if they had been sent out into the cold without their full quota of nature’s covering, and on entering the house he remarked that the geese had a mighty thin covering for the time of the year. Next morning the poor geese were found in a deplorable plight and had to be carried in and thawed out at the kitchen stove. Thereafter they were kept in the cellar for three weeks and blanketed. Your correspondent discovered that the Goose Pickers Association of Dogtown had met on the afternoon of the final sale and transfer, and anonymously resolved to pick the fowl clean, in order that the purchaser number two might be cheated out of the downy feathers.
Glen Buell– May 7 1889
We hope to be able to give your readers a short account of how work is progressing on the Bell Farm next week. The genial president has returned from Charleston Lake, where he had been superintending the building of the stairs in the new Armstrong House,
The deputy toll taker is in trouble again. It is said that a man hailing from the classic city out by the “gagin’ canaul” [sic] in a fit of absentmindedness drove trough the tollgate without paying the fee. The deputy made up his mind that he had been cheated out of his lawful dues times enough; so hastily ordered one of the subordinates on the farm to hitch up a horse, he started after the delinquent at a break neck pace. Which about a mile on the road to Athens, he succeeedes by his wild and almost frantic shouting and gesticulations in attracting the attention of the traveller. A bait was made, and when Richard drove up the traveler mildly asked what was the matter. “You haven’t paid to toll” blurted out Richard. “Oh! I’m so sorry to have given you trouble, but I quite forgot all about it.” Said the traveller. “To what part of the globe are you bound ?” asked Richard. “I’m bound for Frankville” quoth the traveller. “Then you are on the wrong road.” Said the deputy, and thereupon both turned around and retraced their way to Unionville. Arriving at the crossroad, Richard pointed out the way, when, with many thanks from the traveler sped on his journey. All at once a bewildering thought struck the deputy. Here he had been and gone fully a mile after an entire stranger, in order to collect a toll, and had expended a lot of wind in trying to make him stop. Then he had befriended him by pointing out the right way, and all he had received in return was a very polite “Thank You.” And the way he spurted back and forth between the toll bar and the provision counter was sad to behold.
Saturday July 20- 1889
Dr. Jas. H. Hall, an old Glen Buell boy well known here, is meeting with much success in New York city, He graduated with honors from the Medical Missionary Institute, and afterwards was placed in charge of a dispensary at Castle Garden, a position requiring much arduous labor. I addition to this post, the doctor has charge of the Tremont Hospital. Dr. Hall is a young man of industry and ability and we predict for him a very useful career in the medical missions of the Flowery Empire, to which he intends devoting his life.
Tuesday Oct 30, 1894 issue-
Glen Buell– Monday Oct 29. Much interest was taken in the result of the great squirrel hunt of last week between ye men of the woods who are lovers of the gun and residents of Spring Valley. They issued a challenge to the red men of the glen to go into a friendly competition in order that the fact of superior skills might be made known to the public.
Tuesday Nov 20, 1894 issue- (date show is the date on the paper, not the correct date)
Glen Buell, Nov 26-
Some time ago Ethiopean John, while rusticating in the woods back of Glossville, came across a very large black bear. Having no weapon and lacking sufficient courage to attack him single handed, he retreated to the house of his host, the well known steam threshing machine man, where be succeeded in getting a gun and the assistance of ‘Forgie’ to help slay the dangerous animal. Throwing off the governor belt they soon arrived at the scene of his bearship, but, lo ! to their amazement, the bear turned out to be a large black cat. Score one for John who says that his eyes must have magnified that cat.
On Thursday last a number of our young people spent a very enjoyable evening at the residence of Mr. Geo. Hall.
The social under the auspices of the Epworth League will be held in the schoolhouse next Thursday evening. Besides refreshments there will be a good programme of recitations, songs, etc. A good time is anticipated.
Tuesday Jan. 1, 1895 issue-
Glen Buell
Mr. John Westlake is seriously ill
Miss Louise Earl is home from Chicago visiting her parents.
Anther member is added to the family of Mr. Jno. Lee of Reynard Valley.
Our local cheese makers, Messrs Jas. Kirkland and Sheldon Hudson are home for the winter. They both look hale and hearty.
On Wednesday, Dec 19, one of our most popular young men in the person of Mr. Alvin Gilroy was united in marriage to Miss. Lena Yates of Athens. Rev. Mr. Perley conducted the ceremony. We wish the young couple a happy, prosperous journey through life.
Some enterprising agent could find ready sale for a couple of hand organ of the improved kind. No cranks would be required with the articles, as we are well supplied with these and they are of musical nature too.
The entertainment which took place on Wednesday, Dec 19th, was a grand success. The children who took part in it showed that their instructors, Mrs. Forth and Miss. Clow, did their utmost to make entertainment as pleasing and interesting as possible. The recitations by Misses Towriss, Henderson, Orton and Whaley, and Mesrs. Lynn and Stewart were given in their usual good style and gave evidence that thre is no lack of talent in that direction here. The musical part played no small share towards making the entertainment a success. We beg leave to thank the Addison orchestra for the choice selections rendered by them. The instrumental music furnished by Master Allen Lapointe showed marked ability and as time advances we hope to see him one of the shinning lights in the musical world. The Christmas tree fairly groaned under its weight of presents for the children. After receiving these a treat of nuts and candies was given them, and all went home feeling happy. Before closing we must not forget to thank genial John Yates for the very able manner in which he filled the chair.
Tuesday Jan. 8, 1895 issue-
Glen Buell – Saturday, January 5-
For some time in the past the ex-champion of the ring, who has lately put himself into training for the final match with his dusky foe, has been of the opinion that trailing the cunning fox alone and unobserved does not impart the necessary muscle and ambition to spread the colored man over the arena in three rounds. Acting upon these convictions, he decided to make a grand fox hunt through the holidays and sweep the game in some foreign locality out of existence and, as the artist of North Augusta gave such a glowing account of the magnificent game where he came from, the land of his nativity was selected as the scene of the slaughter- Great were the preparations made for the feasting and merry making of the party and for the proper care of the hounds when they reached the hunting grounds. The shades of the evening were beginning to fall when the party started from Pt. Edward, the ex-champion riding with the artist, who acted as a guide. After passing the B&W crossing the artist awoke to the fact that he was not foremost of the caravan, and as the most distinguished should always lead he decided to get there or hurt someone in the attempt, but soon found out to his disappointment that his camel wasn’t quick enough. This might be accounted for, however, as the animal transported a very heavy load consisting of, besides the two men (both heavy weights), “Watch” the famous bloodhound out of Dogtown, a quarter of horsemeat, a turkey and several other stables named in the bill of fare, too numerous to mention. But a happy thought struck the artist and instead of following the trail around to the Glen, as the others had done, he took the cross track between the White House and Pt. Peter. They had not gone far on this trail, however when the ex-champion, in his excitement imagining that he was in close pursuit of a fox, began to sway his massive frame from side to side in the endeavour to get a glimpse of the fleeting visions and in doing this rocked over the cutter and all therein was thrown violently into a snow bank. The artist pluckily held on to the reins for a few rods sweeping enough snow off the road to give him a good recommendation to the managers of the BW as a snow plow. The ex-champion fell on Watch burying him in the snow, but as soon as he had dug his way out he started for home at a rate that would distance the swiftest fox. The runaway horse ran into a farm yard , then on a lane where he freed himself from the cutter and started for the North Pole, but after getting over its fright it decided to remain in Canada and stopped in the shade of some bushes until it was discovered by some of the party soon afterwards. The animal was brought back to the cutter, which was but slightly injured. A little hay wire was ut into use and all was soon in good running order again. Its cargo was reloaded, all except Watch and ex-champion, who refused the invitation to again recline on the downy robes.
As yet we have not heard the result of the chase, but suspect that the slaughter of game was great. We think however, if excitement imparts strength to the ex-champion the colored champion in the coming match will be scattered to the four winds of the earth.
Tuesday Jan. 22, 1895 issue-
The proprietor of the Model farm at Mt. Pleasant has been engaged for the past week hauling wood from his timber limit at Glen Buell.
Tuesday Jan. 29, 1895 issue-
Jack Westlake, and old and respected resident of Glen Buell, died on Sunday evening. Funeral takes place at the Methodist church, Glen Buell, to-day (Tuesday) at half past eleven o’clock.
Tuesday April 16, 1895 issue–
Glen Buell, Monday, April 15,-
7,000 lbs. of milk were taken in on Monday, April 15, at our factory here. This amount speaks well for the cheese-maker N.Stewart, who is a general favourite.
Parker Seaman has moved to a small place near Borne, N.Y., where he will have charge of a cheese and butter factory.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Bennet Towriss took place last Sunday at our church. An able and eloquent sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Hagar of Athens, from Rev., 14 Chap., 13 vs. Mrs. Towriss was a daughter of the late Jerry Bullis and was born in this neighbourhood. She was in the 54th year of her age, and was a strong healthy woman until about a year ago when she was taken with diabetes from which complaint she died on Friday night last.
Lillian Hall and Albert Sturgeon are spending their Easter holidays at home. We are sorry to hear that the later met with quite an accident in the sugar bush by cutting his foot severely with an ax.
A number of our farmers are shipping maple syrup to the west.
If the farmers depended on rain water for making maple syrup, a vast quantity would be made.
We see the genial face of Mr. Moorhouse in our midst again. Welcome back, John.
Tuesday April 30, 1895 issue–
Glen Buell– Monday, April 29.-
A new bicycle in town
The Epworth League was conducted by Miss Towriss last Friday evening.
The Rev. C.F. Buker was visiting friends at the Hall last week.
The result of the fishing party of last week was that Mr. N. Stewart caught a severe cold and was very ill for a few days.
Sawing machines are something of the past. The boys expect to get their board next week.
The bicycle owned by H.Lynn met with an accident the other evening and was taken up to Galillee to be repaired, but the professor’s skill not being sufficient for the task he was obliged to return it to the owner.
Tuesday June 25, 1895 issue–
There was a large number of Friends passed through (New Dublin) here on Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Hayes of Glen Buell.
Tuesday July 9, 1895 issue
Glenn Buell, Monday, July 8 –
The long wished for rain has come at last. Though too late to help the hay, it will do unlimited good.
Mrs. Alvin Gilroy is convalescent
C.J. Gilroy our worthy postmaster is on an extended tour up West, after having placed and imbecile boy, brought up by T. Whitford, in the asylum maintained in Orillia.
Four people from our school tried entrance examinations at Athens. This speaks well in favour of Miss Booth the teacher seeing that no pupil has tried the entrance for four years. Glen Buell is to be congratulated on securing the services of so efficient a teacher.
Mrs. Dr. W.J. Hall is daily expected.
Tuesday July 16, 1895 issue
Glen Buell– Monday July 8. –
Mrs. G.A. Gilroy has been suffering very badly with quinsy, but we are glad to be able to say she is much better and has gone to Athens to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Yates
Mr. Howard Moorehouse has also been suffering with quinsy, but is on the road to recovery.
We think there is another house in this neighbourhood that ought to have outside windows on, to keep it calm inside, as the neighbors can hear every time they have a big storm; so, if it would be of any benefit to them (as it certainly would do the neighbors) we would advise them, by all means to have them put on, or at least close their shutters so that the language of the much respected lady of the house will not disturb the slumbers of the public, as it has a very bad influence on the young, and we will then hope that there will be no more straw set afire or calves killed.
Ethiopian John has changed his occupation from a farmer to barber, so that any person having the misfortune of getting one side of his whiskers pulled out can get them all trimmed up equal to Mr. McLaughlin, free of charge.
Mr. C.J.Gilroy and Master Willie Whitford are taking a trip to Orillia and write that they are having a very pleasant time.
Tuesday July 16, 1895 issue
Glen Buell Monday, July 15,
Most of the farmers in this vicinity have finished haying. It is not necessary to say that many of the farmers are already buying hay.
Miss Stella Orton was the only successful candidate from this school in the late entrance exams.
Mr. John Anderson met with quite an accident the other day by his horses trying to run away with the mowing machine. At first it was thought that he was seriously injured, but he escaped with some serious bruises on his leg and is now able to walk around.
Miss Minnie T. Sturgeon has returned home from attending the high school in Harriston
Mr. Fawcett of Drayton is on an extended visit in this vicinity.
Mr. Robert Latimer is still on he sick list. We miss him very much in the church.
The pulpit here was ably filled last Sunday by Rev. Mr. Warren who preached an eloquent sermon from Gal.VI: 7 and 8
Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue
Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Gilroy of Glen Buell visited at R.J. Sturgeon’s (Fairfield East) on Sunday last.
Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue
Glen Buell Monday, July 22 –
Dr. Rosetta Sherwood Hall, (wife of the late Rev. W.J. Hall, medical missionary in Corea [sic]) and family have arrived safely at Glen Buell, the home of his Canadian parents. She has one son and daughter, small children. She has also two native Coreans with her, Mr. Pak and wife. Mrs. Pak assisted Mrs. Hall in her medical mission work in Corea considerably, and is brought to America by Mrs. Hall to be educated as a full fledged doctor of medicine, then go to her native country and thus be in a position to get very much nearer to her sister Coreans in need than any foreigner can hope . Ever since it became known that Mrs. Hall would return from Corea to her native home at Liberty, N.Y., the very many friends of Wm. J. Hall M.D. have been looking forward with much interest to the arrival of his wife and children at Glen Buell. Preparations are being made for a public welcome of the beloved Doctor’s wife and children in the beautiful little church, in the building of which the doctor was an earnest and most willing helper. Wednesday evening, July 31st, has been set apart for that purpose. Any
person wishing to see and hear Mrs. Hall and her Corean friends would do well to embrace the opportunity, which is one of a life time.
Wm. Karley, wife and children of Montreal are at present enjoying their vacation at the home of our genial friend, D.J. Forth.
Considerable interest is now manifested in the preparations for the coming camp meeting in Forth’s grove.
Miss Orton, of the White House, has gone east on a holiday visit.
Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue
Glen Buell Saturday, July27 –
Mrs. Dr Hall and children, also a Corean [sic] and his wife, have arrived from New York City, to visit her father-in-laws, Mr. George Hall’s
Mrs. R.G. Sturgeon has gone to Algonquin to spend a few days with her sister, Ms. Henry Greene, and will visit the Brockville asylum and other prominent places on her way home.
We feel in duty bound to warn our friends of the danger of eating much canned fruit and vegetables, as one person in the vicinity has been very ill for so doing.
Mrs. Milton Dancy has returned from Elgin where she has been visiting friends for the last two weeks.
The wolf is still prowling around, and though treated to a dose of shoe leather, it is still fared that he will yet capture one of the tender lambs.
Tuesday Sep 3, 1895 issue
Miss Jennie Goodall of Glen Buell is the guest of Misses DeWolfe, Reid st.
Tuesday Sep 3, 1895 issue
Glen Buell, Saturday, Aug. 31. –
Mr. George Gibson and Lady of Mallorytown passed through our village last week en route to visit friends at Addison
The camp meeting held here has been the saviour of life to many. One good sister from Frankville says she is going to carry the fire home with her, as there is much need of it in her village. We hope the fruits of her labours may be blest and many be brought to the Saviour.
Mr. C.J. Gilroy and son shipped their celebrated heard of choice thoroughbred cattle on this morning’s train to the Kingston exhibition.
One of our north wards citizens claims to be the champion curd-eater of this section. A pound a day is putting it mild.
A couple of King street gents from Addison passed through our village recently enquiring the way to Jerico. After some deliberation it was decided to go by Brock’s. Arriving at their destination all right, they had a good time, only they frightened the good matron a little by their sudden appearance on the scene. We wish them every success.
Great preparations are being made for our fair this season, which promises to be the best ever held.
Tuesday Sep 10, 1895 issue
New Dublin, Monday, Sept.9. –
It is currently reported here that the junior curd official of Glen Buell made an excursion west to Lake street with a beautiful little maid in her teens. While in the house some little trouble arose whereby our beloved son of the Glen had a special mark placed on his beautiful face. We advise the junior to be careful in future about entering upon new fishing grounds.
Tuesday Oct 15, 1895 issue
Glen Buell, Friday, Oct 11. –
Miss Lucy Hall is away visiting friends at Almonte.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greene visited at R.G. Sturgeon’s on Sunday last.
There is a certain lady in our village who is very curious to know who the Glen Buell correspondent is. She interviewed the Dogtown dairyman some time ago, and silenced him, and she now accuses our Glen Buell dairyman. So, beware, Mr Editor, and don’t give her my name; for woe betides me if she knew it.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Davis have been visiting friends in Detroit for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Sturgeon made a flying visit through here one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B.S. McConnell and sister assisted in our choir last Sunday.
Any person wishing to engage a first class gardener can see one at Paul’s Point almost any time.
Potato digging is the order of the day now. The latest and best way of drawing them in is to put a barrel on your chain boat and then hitch your Ayrshire cow to it.