The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing the following hamlet for the years 1889, 1894 and 1895
Greenbush- Jan 15 1889
Peace has been restored and the ‘little brown jug’ found. That ‘man in the North End’, mentioned by your occasional reporter, assisted very kindly to sample the contents. It was pronounced by the ‘expert’ to be deficient in quantity, but in quality to be up to the standard jug juice of the present day.
Olds Bros. have remodelled their saw and shingle mill and are now ready to do first class work in all their branches.
O.A. Willoughby, blacksmith, has invented a calk sharpener for the horse shoes. It is said by competent judges to exceed anything of the kind hitherto invented Omer has applied for a patent.
Saturday Jan 26th, 1889-
Another of the old settlers of this section passed away, in the person of Mrs. Emily Blanchard of Greenbush, relict of the late Ebenezer Blanchard of Greenbush. Mrs. Blanchard was in her 75th year of age and has always resided on the family homestead since her marriage. She was a member of the Society of Friends and her funeral took place at their meeting house on Sunday last, where a large concourse of friends and relatives gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to one whose memory they will long cherish with fond recollections.
Greenbush, Tuesday April 9th 1889
John Forsyth had the misfortune to loose his valuable Ayrshire cow. Cause of death: want of the necessaries of life.
Norton Olds, while attending the saw in Olds Bros’ mill a few days ago, noticed the saw strike a very hard substance. On examination a stone weighing five pounds was found em-bedded to the depth of eight inches in a solid oak log. The saw was considerably damaged.
John McBeatney and Whitfield Pritchard start to-morrow for Manitoba, with their two valuable stallions, Eclipso and Emperor. They both intend to take up land.
S.G. Smith is slowly recovering from his severe illness. We are glad to see him around again.
Melissa Blanchard is very low. She has been confined to her house all winter.
Robert Connell, while assisting in removing lumber from the saw at the mill, had a narrow escape, his hand being badly cut.
Tuesday Jan. 8, 1895 issue-
Mrs. Jno. Patterson of Greenbush will shortly dispose of her farm stock and implements (date next week) and remove to Athens to reside.
On Sunday evening, George Stewart, aged 19 years, only son of Mr. Hiram Stewart, died at his home in Addison after a brief illness. On Christmas day he joined a skating party at Greenbush and contracted a severe cold, which despite the best of medical care, terminated fatally. The funeral takes place to-day at 10 a.m.
Tuesday Jan. 15, 1895 issue-
On Thursday, Jan 24. Mrs. Jno. Patterson, Greenbush, will offer for sale by public auction a lot of valuable farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. N.E. Brown, auctioneer- See bills.
Tuesday Feb. 26, 1895 issue–
Greenbush, Wednesday, Feb 20-
Mr. and Mrs. B. Loverin and Mr. Clarence Blanchard are visiting friends in the United States
We are sorry to learn that Coll. McBratney got kicked by a horse, but hope it will be nothing serious.
Mrs. Allan Wing, who has been travelling for the good of her health, has returned to the Buster House.
Mr. Merrick Mott is a guest of Mr. John Lovern.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchard are visiting friends at Forfar.
Messer’s. Geo. And John Olds, who were seriously ill, are fast improving.
There must be some attraction at North Augusta that takes Messers. I. Kerr and John Loverin there frequently. What is it, John !
We wish to inform the Times correspondent of the little hamlet of Rocksprings that the “long haired hungry grits” are preparing a more expeditious vehicle than the velocipede to do duty at the next election
News comes from Athens that Mr. A.E. Donovan of that village is to oppose Mr. Geo. Taylor. Mr. Donovan seems to be popular, and if he decides to run may make it hot for Mr. Taylor.
People are inquiring why a certain gentleman from Frontenac who was in the habit of visiting this locality does not make his appearance. It is well to be cautious when danger is ahead.
Tuesday Feb. 26, 1895 issue–
Mrs. John Patterson of Greenbush and Lorren N. Brown, Addison and their families are among the latest additions to Athens’ population.
Tuesday April 9, 1895 issue–
Greenbush – Monday, April 8 –
Mr. Arthur Tinkis returned home on Saturday last from Queen’s College, Kingston
Mr. Morton Sanford of Brockville with his daughter Victoria, visited relatives here Saturday.
Sugar making is taking the attention of most of our citizens just now and during these pleasant evenings the merry shouts of the boys can be hears resounding through the woods.
Quite a number from here attended the social at Mr. Clarence Blanchard’s on Friday evening last and report having a good time and lots of sugar.
Miss Grace Unsworth of Brockville is the guest of Miss Bertha Blanchard, and Miss M. Gault is visiting Mrs. Norton Olds.
Miss Anna Culbert, of Merrickville, has returned home after an extended visit to friends and relatives here.
Our enterprising blacksmith, Mr. Jas. Hewitt, is giving his shop a new coat of paint.
Miss May Johnson of Irish Creek is the guest of Miss Helen Dixon who recently returned from New York where she was visiting her sister, Mrs. Howard McGrath.
Miss Rose Peterson of Belleville is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Loverin.
Tuesday April 23, 1895 issue–
Greenbush– Monday, April 22,-
Sugar making is over and people are gathering their sap buckets.
Our cheese factory opens to-day with Mr. Davis in charge assisted by Mr. D. Fenlong.
Mr. Ernest Loverin has gone from amongst us and will spend the summer in Forfar learning to make cheese.
We are pleased to hear that Miss Kietha Blanchard who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks, is much better. Dr. S.S. Cornell is in attendance.
Mr. Ed Smith entertains a new ‘royal guest’ at his fireside. It’s a girl.
We would think it nothing more than fair if your Addison correspondent would attend the public doings of his village before trying to report thereon. His information must have been more remote than second hand when he got ‘sugar social’ changed to ‘toe social’ and ‘literary concert to ‘resurrection concert’.
It is to be hoped it wasn’t on Easter Sunday night he wrote his news for the Reporter and so got things mixed up.
Mr. Will Kerr is spending a few days with his uncle Mr. Thos. Kerr.
Easter was remembered by the ladies of our church some of them bringing plants and flowers, but the display was very small when we consider the number of successful amateur florists we have amongst us.
Tuesday May 7, 1895 issue–
Greenbush, Monday May 6,-
Farmers are busy with their seeding
Mrs. Levi Stone who, with her two children, has been visiting her father, Mr. Robt. Connell, during the past winter, started for her home in Tacoma, Wash., last Thursday. She was accompanied as far as Carleton Place by Mrs, Connell, who intends visiting some relatives at that place.
The house of Mr. Geo. Langdon, about a mile west of here, had a narrow escape from being burned on Tuesday last. The fire was caused by some sparks alighting on the roof. With the prompt assistance of some of the neighbors, the flames were extinguished in time to save the house.
The illness of Mrs. Alex. Blanchard who has been an invalid for the past six years, has taken a serious turn and small hope is entertained of her recovery She has the sympathy of the entire community in her suffering.
Mr. A.L. Tinkess left last Saturday for New York where he intends to spend the summer.
The remains of Ms Walker, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Kerr, were brought to the family burying ground on the farm of Richard Kerr for interment on Thursday last. The Rev. Johnathan Kerr, brother of the deceased, accompanied the remains to Brockvil’e where he was joined by the other members of the family.
Tuesday May 21, 1895 issue–
Greenbush- Monday May 20-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson of Smith’s Falls are still in our village
We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. Henry Patterson and hope it may not prove serious.
Tuesday June 18, 1895 issue–
Greenbush, Monday, June 17 –
Mr. Robt. Ricket is busy repairing his house.
Quite a successful Sunday school picnic was held last Saturday at H.L. Kerr’s beautiful grove. A bountiful repast was partaken of, after which the sports commenced and lasted until evening.
Prof. Benn gave a free lecture on the horse here last Saturday evening and endeavoured to form a class to receive instruction in the care of domestic animals, especially the horse, but failed to get enough pupils and so intends leaving our village for Addison.
Mr. Maurice Shaver of Ottawa arrived in our village Saturday evening and accompanied his wife and daughter home to-day.
Mr. Philemon Olds of Gouverneur, N.Y., and Mr. Jas. Olds of Morristown, N.Y., made a short visit to relatives and friends here last week.
Mr. Howard McGath of New York joined his wife and daughter last Saturday in their visit at Mr. Geo. Dixon’s where they will remain another week.
Tuesday July 2, 1895 issue
Greenbush– Saturday, June 29 –
The strawberry festival last Thursday evening on the lawn at Mr. Ed Stowell’s, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society of Addison, was a decided success. The evening was fine, the lawn was nicely illuminated, while the shower of the previous day had gladdened the hearts of the people; the Athens Citizens’ band furnished abundance of choice music, and everything seemed conductive to merriment and good cheer. The grocery on the grounds was under the able management of Mr. Byron Loverin and yielded a good profit. Misses Maud Taplin and Lizzie Kelly helped to swell the financial profit of the evening by selling home made candy and bouquets.
Tuesday July 9, 1895 issue
Greenbush, Monday, July 8 –
Mrs. E. Harris of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, with Mr. Noah Marshall of Toledo, made a short call in our village last Saturday en route for Toledo, where Mrs. Harris is going to attend the sick bed of her aunt, Mrs. Noah Marshall.
Considerable trouble has been made in our factory by some of the patrons sending bad milk. Inspector Publow has made two or three visits lately and strongly urges the better care of the milk.
Another of our young men, Mr. Herbert Olds has given up celibacy for matrimonial bliss, having been married to Miss Maria Gault at the residence of the bride’s parents, Brockville, last Monday, July 1st. Their many friends join in wishing them long life and happiness.
Farmers say that rain is very much needed, many of them having to cut their hay prematurely as it was drying out so badly. The crop is very light and many have already finished haying.
School has closed and our popular teacher, Mr. Byron Haskins, intends spending part of his vacation at New Dublin.
Mrs. Norris Loverin spent last week with her son in Athens.
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
Greenbush Monday, Aug. 12 –
Miss Ethel Blanchard of Athens was visiting relatives and friends here last week.
The recent rains have brightened vegetation and the farmers are reaping a fair crop of grain.
Miss Bertha Blanchard has returned from her sojourn with the family of Rev Wm. Knox of Ashton
A large concourse of people attended services in our church on Sunday evening last, conducted by the Rev. Wm. Pimlot. There will be preaching here every alternate Sunday evening instead of always in the morning as formerly.
Last week Messrs. Theodore Blanchard and Byron Loverin made a visit to the farm of Fletcher Bros., Oxford Mills, for the purpose of purchasing some thoroughbred stock with a view to improving their dairy.
Mr. German Tinkis of South Indian spent last week in our village on a visit to his mother.
The trustees of our church advertised for tenders for the painting of the walls and ceiling of our church.
One of our young men wanted ‘us four’ to go for a pic-nic to Charleston on Saturday last, but the fourth one couldn’t go as her mamma wouldn’t consent, so Billy had to scour the country for some one to fill the void in the company, but with all his energy failed to do so. And as Jack thinks there is a good deal of fun in seeing Billy get left so badly, he didn’t hesitate to say so. As a consequence they have already had one pugilistic encounter and another is expected when they meet without their good clothes on.
Mrs. And Mr. J. Johnson of Smith’s Falls are visiting relatives here.
Tuesday Sep 3, 1895 issue
Greenbush, Monday, Sept. 2 –
Mrs. Almeron Blanchard is in New York visiting her sons.
Messrs. John Olds, John McBratney and James Fenlong are among those who took part in the harvesters’ excursion to the North West
Mr. Ricket’s house, when finished, will make a great improvement to our village.
Mr. Talmage Smith of Brockville spent Sunday with his mother here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dowsley of Brockville are the gusets of Ms. Gilbert Olds
Mr.E.Olds of Morristown, New York is spending a few days with relatives here.
Mr. Chas. Kerr of Athens is putting a new roof on the church here. Messes. Metcalfe & Snow of Smith’s Falls are engaged in painting the walls and ceiling. Both improvements were very much needed.
Miss Keitha Blanchard starts to-day to attend the Athens high school. We wish her every success.
Tuesday Oct 1, 1895 issue
In passing through this district we were much pleased to notice the improvements that have been carried out in the Methodist church of Addison and Greenbush under the superintendence of the popular and much respected gentleman, Rev., Mr. Pimlott.
Tuesday Oct 8, 1895 issue
Byron W. Loverin of Greenbush left a basket containing 16 potatoes at the Reporter office last week that tipped the scale at 27 lbs., the largest weighing 3 lbs and 2 oz. The weighing was done by B.D. Judson, which is proof that the weights are correct. These potatoes are of the Rural New Yorker No. 2 variety from seed purchased from H.N. Hawks, Addison. We propose dividing this basket of potatoes into two lots and giving them as a premium to any two of our subscribers who will send in one new yearly subscriber each to the Reporter, accompanied by the cash ($1.00), which will pay up to Jan. 1st, ’97. The first come, first served.
Tuesday Oct 15, 1895 issue
Greenbush, Monday, Oct. 14 –
The corn crop being very heavy this year, husking bees are the order of the day.
Wedding bells are to ring in our midst this week.
Our church, which has been repaired and painted, will have reopening services on the 27th and 28th of this month. The trustees of the church are to be congratulated on securing the services of such excellent painters as Snow & Metcalfe, of Smith’s Falls
Among those from here who took in the annual excursion to New York were Miss O Tinkes, Messers Almeron Blanchard and Geo. Dixon
Mr. A.L. Tinkes, who spent the summer in New York, returned last week and will attend Queen’s College, Kingston.
Tuesday Nov 5, 1895 issue
Greenbush –
Mr.A.L.Tinkiss, who started for Kingston on Saturday the 26th ult., was taken seriously ill at Westport with pneumonia, where he is now under the doctor’s care. His mother, Mrs. Simeon Loverin is with him.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McCormack and Mrs. J. Olds of Morristown, N.Y., attended the funeral of the late Wm. Olds which took place here last Monday.
Tuesday Nov 5, 1895 issue
Greenbush Re-opening
There was a large attendance at the re-opening of the Greenbush Methodist church on the 27th alt. when service was conducted by Rev. J.S. Reynolds of Elgin. On the following Tuesday evening a tea and entertainment was held at which a very pleasant time was spent. Mr. Keeler of Brockville presided.