Addison – News from the Village 1902 to 1927

The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for the years- 1902 to 1927. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario

 Addison, Sep 10 1902

Messrs. Frank and Fremont Blanchard are attending the Toronto Exhibition this week.

Mr. James Nevens of Easton’s Corners was a guest in our village for a few days last week.

Mr. John Wiltse has left to take a circuit with the Holiness Movement church at Avonmore, Ontario

Several of our local sports attended the fair at North Augusta on Friday last and reported a good time.

Mr. Charles Kincaid and lady, of Plum Hollow, passed through here last week en route to visit the Toronto Fair.

Mr. George Charlton of Mt. Pleasant has purchased the celebrated “Gray Eagle” from Mr. Herb Wiltse and is ready for the boys now.

The Rev. Mr. Lawson delivered the first Referendum sermon on Sabbath evening last. He is going into the campaign in full earnest and will not cease till the 4th of December next.

Mr.James Wiltse of Silver Brook is building a grand silo, which, when finished, will be second to none in this section. We wish there were more of such enterprising farmers as Mr. Wiltse in these parts.

Mr. Brown has been on the sick list for some weeks but was able to attend the North Augusta Fair on Friday last bringing home with him a very fancy driver. Any one wanting to deal should give him a call.

AddisonDec 6 1905

An open fall has enabled the farmers to do a lot of plowing

Mr. Henry Muscle has moved into the brick house formerly occupied by Mrs. L.Godkin, who has moved into Brockville.

Mr. R. Barber of Montreal is visiting his mother, Mrs. C. Barber of this place.

Prof. W.T. Lewis has been retained at the hospital at Brockville for some time past, though nervous prostration.

Mr. A.A. Davis of Brockville passed through this place one day last week.

It seems almost strange that anyone should take upon himself the responsibility of prophesying as to the mildness or severity of the coming winter, since so many, a year ago, foretold a mild winter, founding their statements upon the fact that the muskrats had not built and houses etc. One of the most correct proofs of a severe winter is seen in the ears of corn having an ample covering of husks, which was the case this season. Nevertheless, as there are exceptions to all rules, we hope this is one, although it would seem that the elements have combined to frustrate the most sanguine sage regarding this matter.

 Addison – Nov 20th, 1924

Miss Maud Alguire was a weekend visitor at the home of Whilma and Helen Sturgeon.

Miss Opal McVeigh returned to her home here after a pleasant visit with friends in New Dublin.

Albert Drummond, Chantry, was a guest last week at the home of J. Patamore.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. H. Watts attended the funeral of Mrs. Hill’s uncle, John Freeman at New Dublin on Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Arnold Loverin and Children, who have been spending a few weeks with relatives ere, have returned to their home in Finch.

Mrs. Omer Kilborn and infant son came to their home on Tuesday.

The November meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held in the Methodist hall, Addison on Wednesday November 26, Mrs. J.M. Percival will give and address on the preparation and serving of a Christmas dinner. Mrs. Delman Kilborn will tell of the Sins and Blessings of Christmas Giving.” Every member is asked to take part in the exhibition of useful and inexpensive Christmas gifts. The community is again reminded that the Institute library is at their disposal and books may be taken or returned every Saturday evening.

Rev W.F. Crawford, of the British and Foreign Bible Society, gave his illustrated lecture in the Methodist church, Greenbush, on Wednesday evening. A fairly good audience was present, and the lantern slides gave a splendid description of life in Turkey.

Addison – Feb 25, 1925

The Addison Women’s Institute will hold an open meeting in the church hall, Addison on the evening of Friday, Feb 27th at which E.F. Neff, of Athens, will show moving pictures and give an address on some subject of interest to agriculturalists. There will also be an oratorical contest for the boys and girls of the public schools of the community served by the Institute.  Good music is being provided and everybody is cordially invited to present.

Dwight Brayton, of Syracuse, N.Y., is spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mts. G Brayton.

Rev. H.E. Warren, Athens gave a sermon on temperance in the Methodist church here on Sunday morning.

Miss Mary Bowen, Glen Tay, is at present the guest of her sister, Evelyn, at the Methodist parsonage.

Mrs. George Taplin returned home from Brockville on Saturday accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Meltz.

 Addison April 2, 1925

Mrs. R. Kelley spent a week in Delta, a guest at the home of her son Dr. J.M. Kelley.

Mrs. T. Brown spent a couple of days last week with friends in Brockville,

Miss Helen Male, Garretton spent the weekend at her home here.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Blanchard and R. Kelley attended the funeral of Mr. Topping in Athens last Thursday.

Miss Mary Wiltsie left on Saturday for Ogdensburg, where she has obtained a position.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Loverin and children after spending a week with friends here, returned to their home in Finch on Tuesday.

Mrs. Earle of Brockville, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. George Booth and is at present a guest at the home of Mrs. I. Best.

Mrs. Herb Watts was a recent visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Mott, Redan.

Rev. D.D. Elliott attended the district meeting in Lansdowne on Tuesday.

Ernie Millar, who spent the past few weeks with friends here, left last week for Oshawa to visit before returning to his home in Davidson, Sask.

George Millar made a business trip last week to Kingston and Toronto.

The Addison and Greenbush W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. E. Davis, Greenbush, on Wednesday afternoon. A good programme was prepared and carefully followed. The open Easter meeting will be held in the church at Addison on Easter Sunday evening.

Mrs. Snider who has spent some time with friends in the West, arrived here on Monday evening and is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. Best.

 Addison– July 1st, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald and son, Allen, Picton were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. E.O. Howe

George Millar made a business trip to Kingston this week.

Albert Patterson, Brockville was a recent visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. George Taplin.

Rev. D.D. Elliott, Mrs. Elliott and Evelyn spent the weekend with friends in Perth and Renfrew.

Mrs. E.O. Howe spent the weekend with friends in Brockville.

  1. Blanchard, Toronto, visited friends here on Wednesday.

Rev. D.D. Elliott, Mrs. Elliott and Evelyn leave for their new home at Point Fortune, Que., on Friday.

Rev. James Leach and family who are coming here from Bishop’s Mills will arrive this week and take up residence in the parsonage. Rev. Mr. Leach will preach his first sermon here in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. The members of the Orange Order will attend.

Miss Betty Riley is a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. V. Moulton.

 Addison, April 5, 1926

Mrs. John Best and Mrs. G.S.Booth have returned from Ottawa where they attended the funeral of their niece, Mrs. Will Forrest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Earl, formerly of Addison, now of Smiths Falls. Friends are sorry to hear of her sudden death. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and several small children. Sam Brown and daughter, Vivian, also attended the funeral.

All are pleased to hear that Mrs. J. W. Sturgeon is improving after her illness of scarlet fever.

Mrs. Ted Best, who has been spending the past week in Addison with Mrs. J. Best returned to Delta to be with her daughter, Mrs. J. Scotland.

Miss Wilma Wills is receiving treatment in the General hospital, Brockville.

Much sympathy is extended Mrs. H. Watts in the death of her sister, Mrs. R. Symington.

Mrs. J. Moulton who has been ill for the past month is improving.

Levi Monroe and Mrs. Frank Taplin are both able to be around again, much to the delight of their many friends.

Miss. Helen Male, Guelph, is spending her holidays with her parents.

Miss Margaret Caldwell, Brockville, is spending a few days with her friend Miss Irene Greenham.

Miss Cora Howe is assisting in the store of R. Campo, Athens.

Ivan Mullin is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. Spence, Athens.

 Addison, April 16th , 1927

The monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held in the church hall on Wednesday evening, April 20th at eight o’clock. The hostess will be Mrs. E. Neddo and Mrs. S. Hannah, and the roll-call “A Garden Hint”. A paper on the “Care of shrubs and small fruits” will be read by Mrs. W.J. Sturgeon. There will be an exhibition of homemade quilts and comforters. An Easter programme is being prepared.

The Easter thank offering meeting of the Missionary Society was held in the United church on Good Friday afternoon.

J.B. Hall, having spent the past six weeks visiting relatives, returned to his home in Nairn Centre, Algoma.


Addison, May 29, 1930

Scene of Fatal Accident at Addison

A sad and extremely tragic accident occurred at Addison on Sunday afternoon about 3 o’clock when Russell Reynolds, aged 5 years, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds of that place was accidentally killed.

It seems the he was struck down by a motor car driven by Keith Gray, R.R. 4, Brockville, who was driving in northerly direction, at a rate of about 30 miles an hour, on the provincial highway no. 29

It appear that the child, in company with an older brother, Edwin Reynolds and two other children were walking along the highway, when in playing beside the road, young Russell suddenly jumped out on the roadway proper, in the path of the oncoming car. The driver of the vehicle, who was then about 10 feet from the child attempted to avoid striking the boy by swerving the car. This was unsuccessful, and the child was instantly killed when struck.

Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, and also the two surviving brothers and one sister. Of them George and Mary have been attending High School in the village.