The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing the following hamlet for the years 1889, 1894 and 1895
Tuesday Oct 30, 1894 issue-
Frankville, Oct 28-
The new fence erected in front of the McCrea property adds much to its appearance.
Wesley Brown’s new house is nearly completed on the outside and the inside is now being plastered
Mrs. Gilroy, who has been spending the past week with friends here, has returned to her home in Athens
Miss. Montgomery, who has been spending the summer here, has returned to her home in New York.
Mr. Andrews, of Clinton, is visiting relatives here.
We regret to announce the serious illness of Benjamin Brown.
Some of the patrons think their cheese is being docked about ¾ of a cent.
Chas. Pepper is employed in the blacksmith shop of O.I.Monroe.
A hunting party left here on Thursday last for Crotch lake. The party included W.Hanton, C.Leehy, Dr. M.L. Dixon, O.L. Munroe and L. Brown
The Rev. Dr. Griffith, M.A., Ph. D., of Brockville delivered a lecture in the Methodist church on Friday evening last. Subject: “Character Building” It was highly appreciated.
Two mill wrights from Brantford are now placing the new machinery in Mr. S. Runnings saw mill and will soon have it in working order
Nov 18, 1894 issue-
Frankville, Friday, November 9-
Miss. Edith Gilroy of Athens is visiting friends here.
Mr. Don Southworth of the Recorder was in the village on Thursday last.
Miss. Lily Good is again confined to her room through illness.
Miss. Jennie Hanton has a successful operation performed on Sunday last by Drs. Dixon, Burns and Connerty, and from last accounts is getting along nicely.
The new machinery in Mr. Running’s saw mill was started on Thursday last and is giving good satisfaction.
We regret the departure of Mr. C.B. Tallman, who we learn has bought the stock of Mr. Stevens of Lyndhurst and will move there shortly. Mr.and Mrs. Tallman take with them the best wishes of many Frankville friends.
The Orange Lodge of Toledo in full regalia, attended divine services here in the Methodist church on Sunday morning, Nov. 4th, where a very impressive sermon was preached by the Rev. G.H.Porter, M.A., B.D. for the occasion.
Tuesday Dec. 4, 1894 issue-
Frankville, Saturday Dec 1 –
Hog killing is the order of the day.
Mr. Alex Compo of Athens is engaged in Mr. Running’s saw mill.
Rumors say one of our young men is about to join the Benedicts
Miss. Lilly Good, who has been ill for some time is gaining slowly.
Our cheese factory, Farmers’ Friend is still running.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Running, of Charleston, spent a few days last week with relatives here.
Mr. Wesley Brown is about ready to move into his new house.
Tuesday Dec. 18, 1894 issue-
Frankville– Dec 14-
Our cheese factory, Farmers Friend is still improving.
Mr. Wesley Brown has moved into his new house.
Miss. Jennie Broughton left on Friday last to spend her ‘Xmas holidays at her home in Brantford.
There is a good opening here for a first class tinsmith
The officers of the Methodist Sabbath school are preparing an excellent program for their annual ‘Xmas tree and entertainment to be held on ‘Xmas eve.
Miss Dilla Percival of Brockville is visiting relatives here.
The Rev. Wm. Sparling, B.D. of Easton’s Corners delivered a lecture in the Methodist Church on Saturday evening last under the auspices of the Epworth League Subject, “Conscience” and it was highly appreciated.
It is with deep regret we chronicle the death of Mr. Ezra Ireland which sad event occurred on Saturday, Dec. 8th, at 8 p.m. Deceased was 62 years old, widely known and highly respected and was a son of the late Lewis Ireland, who emigrated here some eighty years ago. The Rev. G. H. Porter, M.A., B.D. conducted the last sad rites of deceased in the Methodist church on Thursday, 11th inst. At 10 a.m. and the funeral was largely attended. The remains were placed in the Athens vault. He leaves a widow, one son and one daughter- Mrs. E.T. Latimer, of Lansdowne, and Alfred who resides at home. The mourning friends have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad bereavement.
On Christmas night the Sabbath school of the Methodist church, Toldeo, intend holding their grand annual entertainment in the town hall, when an excellent programme will be presented, consisting of cantata, readings, dialogues, tableaux, recitations, pantomimes, etc. The Toledo Orchestra Band will furnish music. Admission 15¢
February 12th, 1889
Mr. W.F.Earl, our enterprising young tin merchant, is about to open a branch tin shop and stove depot at Frankville
March 25, 1889
While attending a circular saw the other day, Mr. Frank Ireland, of Frankville, met with a very painful accident. The saw caught his hand between the thumb and forefinger, tearing away a large piece of flesh.
Frankville, Monday April 15th, 1889
Miss. Jessie Barrington has opened a dress making establishment in our village
Saturday June 22nd 1889
A strawberry social will be held at Mr. Marney Loucks’, Frankville on the 28th inst. Fruit will be served at 7 pm, after which an evening will be spent in social intercourse. A free will offering will be taken up in aid of the fund for furnishing the Methodist parsonage at Frankville.
Tuesday Jan. 1, 1895 issue-
The annual meeting of Kitley Ag’l Sciety will be held at the Edger’s House, Frankville on Thursday, Jan 10th. A full attendance of members is requested
Frankville– Tuesday, Jan 1-
Sleighing has at last come in full blast.
Mr.A.Brownbridge is still on the sick list; also Mr. B. Brown.
A Parlor Club has been organized by the young people of this village.
The entertainment given in Brownbridge’s hall, under the auspices of the English church Sabbath school, Dec 28th, was a grand success. An excellent programme was rendered, consisting of readings, recitations, dialogues and an orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Jasper Eaton. Mr. N.H. Beecher presided. Proceeds $23.
Tuesday Jan. 8, 1895 issue-
Frankville, Friday Jan.4-
The youths of our school are to be instructed this year by Miss. Robeson, of Mt. Forest
Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Tallman, of Lyndhurst, formerly of this place spent part of last week with their many friends here.
Miss. Maggie Running of Athens, spent her holidays at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, of Brockville, spent a few weeks here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell.
Mr. Robt. Soper, who represents the T.Milburn & Co., of Buffalo is renewing old acquaintances here.
Mr. C. Dowsley and H.H. Elliott returned to Queen’s college on Monday after spending their holidays with their parents here.
Mr. H.K. Webster has placed a street lamp at the rear of his store for the benefit of the public.
Another of the oldest landmarks of this place has passed away in the person of Mr. Richard Hanton, sr., who departed this life on Wed., Jan. 2nd at the advanced age of 81 years. The funeral took place at his late residence on Friday at 10:30 a.m. and was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Stevenson, after which the remains were conveyed to the family burying ground.
Tuesday Jan. 15, 1895 issue-
Kitley Agricultural Society
The annual meeting of this society was held at the Edger’s House, Frankville, on Thursday last. N.H. Beecher, chairman; W.D. Livingston, secretary. The treasure’s report read as follows: Receipts from all sources, including balance from last report, $811.56; expenditures, $500.78; leaving a balance on hand of $310.78. The following officers were elected: President, D. Downey; vice president P. Stewart; directors, William Enni, O.L. Munro, Joseph Hanton, William Mitchell, R. Richard, B.F. Stewart, Joseph Jones, Jas. L. Gallanger W. G. Lee; secretary, W.D. Livingston; treasurer, William Eaton.
The fair this year is to be held on Thursday and Friday Sept. 26 and 27.
Tuesday Jan. 29, 1895 issue-
Mr. Wm. Montgomery, Frankville, died on the 21st inst., aged 58 years.
Mr. W.D. Livingston of Frankville, the well known apiarist of that locality, had , last spring count, 30 colonies. His increase was 22 full colonies and 1000 lbs of comb and extracted honey. Mr. L. had difficulties to contend with that would have discourages less preserving men in the apiary, but these are about overcome and he will soon reap the reward he so well deserved. His stock is in fine condition at present.
Frankville– Friday, Jan. 25-
Another of the well known residents of this place has passed away, after a few days illness in the person of Mr. Wm. Montgomery, sr., who departed this life on Monday, 21st inst., at the advanced age of 66 yrs. Mr. Montgomery was an extensive buyer of livestock for the Montreal Market and his dealings have always been of such nature as to gain for him the esteem of those with whom he did business. The obsequies took place on Wednesday to the Presbyterian church, Toledo, where the Rev. J.J. Cameron preached a very appropriate sermon for the occasion from II Timothy 1st chap., 10th verse. The family have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad bereavement.
Miss Jennie Broughton has returned home after an absence of two months.
Rev. J. Wilson gave a lecture in the Methodist church on Friday, 18th Jan., under the auspices of the Epworth League. Subject: “Electricity.” It was highly appreciated.
Our saw mill is running full blast under the management of Mr. Cadwell, of Athens.
Tuesday Feb. 12, 1895 issue-
At the annual meeting of Farmers’ Friend cheese factory, Frankville, the following officers were selected for 1895: Salesman, Mr. Smith; secretary, W.D. Livingston; treasurer, A.H.Parker; auditors, Jos. Coad, Enos Soper; committee. Wm. Eaton, J.Loucks and Jas. Jones. The milk delivered to the factory last season realized $19.30
Tuesday Feb. 12, 1895 issue-
Frankville – Friday, Feb 8-
The thermometer registered 28 degrees below zero on Wednesday morning last.
Mr. A.H. Parker purchased the Rudd farm for the sum of $2,745.
The revival services are being conducted in the Methodist church by the Rev. G.H. Porter.
Mr. W.D. Livingston is on the sick list.
A number of young people of this place spent an enjoyanle time at the residence of Mr. Wm. Eaton on Tuesday evening last.
Mr. D. Dowsley, of Gananoque, is visiting relatives here.
The annual milk meeting of Farmers’ Friend cheese factory was held in Brownbridge’s hall on Tuesday evening Jan 29th when the report of the past season was read by sec. Mr. C. Rudd. Milk delivered realized $19.30. The following officers were elected: Salesman, Mr. Smith; secretary, W.D. Livingston;
treas, A.H.Parker at a salary of $20 each. Auditors, Jos. Coad, Enos Soper. Mr. Jones was re-engaged as cheese maker for another year.
Tuesday Feb. 26, 1895 issue–
Benson S. Brown died at his residence near Frankville on Saturday night last. Funeral today (Tuesday) at the Methodist church, Addison under the auspices of the A.O.U.W.
Tuesday March 5, 1895 issue–
Frankville, Saturday, March 2nd,-
Election is the order of the day.
Mr. Charles Cross is confined to his home with quinsy.
Alfred Lyang, of Merrickville, is visiting relatives here
The saw logs are coming in at a lively rate.
The many friends of Mr. W.D. Livingston will be glad to hear he is gaining slowly and hopes are entertained of his recovery.
Mr. Price, tailor, of Toledo, is moving into the village
The Rev. Mr. French of Lombardy delivered a missionary address in St. Thomas’ church on Sunday morning to a large congregation.
Mr. A.H. Parker, merchant, has sold his entire stock to Mr. Wm. Stratton of Toledo. The Reporter bespeaks a fair share of public patronage for Mr. Sutton.
Tuesday March 12, 1895 issue–
Last week the Reporter printed labels for the apiary of W.D. Livingston, Frankville and for the maple syrup manufactory of Levi Monroe Addison. These little advertisers do not cost much and greatly enhance the appearance of the cans containing the liquid sweeteners they describe. We have paper specifically suited for the purpose. Send or call and get an estimate for what you require. The name of the producer attached to an article is a guarantee of excellence and always has weight with the buyer.
Tuesday March 19, 1895 issue–
Frankville, Friday March 15 –
Mr. W.D. Livingston is now convalescent.
Mr. George Seeley of Brigtown has retired and moved to this vicinity.
Mrs. Woods of Morton is quite poorly at her brother’s residence Mr. Wesley Brown.
Miss Morrison of Soperton is visiting relatives here.
Miss. Ladoma Eaton had the misfortune to fall and sprain her ankle last week.
Mr. Price Tailor of Toledo has moved to our village.
We regret to announce the serious illness of Master Bruce Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. R.N. Parker of Brockville spent last week visiting relatives here.
A sugar party will be held at the Rev. G.H. Porter on Friday evening next. Proceeds for church improvements funds.
The Foresters had an oyster supper on Monday evening in their lodge room where they spent an enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ireland left here on Wednesday last for Dakota where they intend making it their future home.
Tuesday March 26, 1895 issue–
A week ago it was reported that Mr. David Dowsley of Frankville, the well known auctioneer, was dangerously ill. Since that time, we are pleased to say, his malady has taken a favourable turn and he is now in a fair way for recovery.
Tuesday April 2, 1895 issue–
Frankville – Saturday, March 30-
Sugar making has commenced.
Our cheese factory opened on Tuesday, 19th, under the management of J. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Cornwell of Stratford were te guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Richads last week.
Mr. Harry Boulgar left last week for Gananoque where he has secured a situation on the railroad. Harry has many warm friends here who regret his departure and wish him success in his new situation.
The many friends of Mr. David Dowsley will be pleased to learn that he is gaining slowly and hopes are now entertained of his recovery.
Form another correspondent.
Monday, April 1 –
We are cultivating at present a species of the ‘genus hominis.,’ known generally as cranks.
Another of our most prominent young men, in the person of Mr. C. Eaton, has ventured into the matrimonial arena, taking unto himself one of Athens’ fair – Miss. L. Niblock.
Messrs. C. Leehy, L.Brown, W. Hanton, S. Leehy, A. Rabb and W. Brownbridge with the aid of a rifle, shot gun and two hounds, succeeded in securing three fine specimens of the raccoon.
The members of the Parlor Club decided to close their meetings on account of the bad roads and stress of work, and on Tuesday evening, having invited their parents, they all met to partake of oysters and cake. It was needless to ask how any one enjoyed it, as the bright merry faces and pleasant conversation, mingled with joyous laughter, spoke for themselves. Having partaken of the refreshments, the tables were cleared and a programme, prepared by the members, was given as follows, with Mr. Wm. Richards in the chair:
Opening selections, orchestra; Speech, chairman; Vocal, ‘Remember you have children of your own;’ Reading , Miss. L. Mitchell ; Selection, orchestra; Reading, Miss. A. Richards; Vocal solo. Mr. F. Eaton; Address, Mr. H. Leehy; Address, M.J. Loucks; Duet, Miss I. Mitchell and Mr. J. Eaton; Chorus, Glee Club.
The meetings of the Parlor Club have had a most beneficial effect on the young people, both in intellectual and a social way, and it is hoped that the young people of Frankville will always continue to manifest the same interest in recital and literary work, and may success crown their efforts.
Tuesday April 16, 1895 issue–
Frankville – Saturday, April 13,-
At the closing session of the Frankville Epworth League, Mr. Jos. Jones, the president, was presented with an address and a handsome bamboo table, as a slight token of esteem and a souvenir of his official term. Although the membership of the League is less numerous than last year, owing to the strict enforcement of the law respecting the pledge the interest has been well maintained, with unbroken harmony and increasing spiritual life. The Sabbath evening prayer and praise meetings, under the auspices of the League, will go on as usual during the summer.
Friday, April 13,-
Mr. H.K. Webster has made an assignment to Mr. Omer Brown of Delta.
Miss Birdie Vanlone of Delta, it the guest of her brother, Mr. Wm. Vanlone.
Mr. T. Dowsley, we are sorry to report, is very ill with pneumonia.
Miss Maud Duc of Silver Brook is the guest of Mrs. H.K. Webster.
Mr.H.H. Elliot of Queens College is home for the summer holidays.
Miss. Louisa Edgar of Toledo was the guest of the post master on Wednesday last.
The public school scholars gave a concert in the school house on Thursday afternoon last. Quite a number of visitors were present and report having an enjoyable time.
The Methodist church was nicely decorated for the Easter services. The choir rendered some suitable selections for the occasion.
Tuesday April 16, 1895 issue–
Trickey – Henderson.- On April 3rd, at the Methodist parsonage, Frankville by the Rev. G.H. Porter, M.A., B.D., Mr. Melvin O. Trickey to Miss Lotitis Jane Henderson, both of County of Leeds
Tuesday April 23, 1895 issue
Toledo people were greatly excited last week over the disappearances and strange death of Miss Stevenson of Frankville.
Tuesday June 18, 1895 issue–
Frankville, Saturday, June 15-
Rain is much needed in this section
The Methodist church is undergoing some necessary repairs
Mr. and Mrs. Darius Ireland and Mrs. M. Ireland spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. E.T. Latimer of Lansdowne.
Mr. O.L. Munroe has the cellar wall of his house completed.
A union social was held at the parsonage on Friday evening last, when a very enjoyable time was spent.
The Rev. G.H. Porter, M.A., B.D. preached his farewell sermon on Sunday morning last to a large congregation. The rev. gentleman, during the two years as pastor, has made many warm friends here and many join with us in wishing him success in his new field of labor.
A.H. Parker is selling his store now occupied by Mr. B. Crait.
Tuesday July 9, 1895 issue
Frankville, Saturday July 6 –
Farmers are nearly through haying.
Miss May McGuire of Brockville is the guest of Miss Josie Brombridge.
Mr. Troop of Prescott is visiting friends here
A number of young people of this place spent an enjoyable time at the residence of Mr. Sloan Leehy on Friday evening last.
A new tin shop is being opened up here.
Miss Lucy Easton of Eastons’ Corners and Miss Hattie Easton of Merrickville are visiting friends here.
Mr. O.L Munroe has moved his house on the lot in the village, which makes quite an improvement.
The trustees of our school intend making some improvements in our school house during the holidays.
A baseball team is being organized here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dowsley are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dowsley
Rev. Mr. Stevenson, pastor of St. Thomas’ church is at present seriously ill.
Tuesday July 16, 1895 issue
Frankville – Monday, July 15,-
The rain of last week was much needed.
Mr. Richard Running is nicely recovering from a serious cut on the hand.
Rev. Mr. Stephenson, pastor of the English church, died on Sunday, 7th, and was taken to the Brockville cemetery on Wednesday.
Many are preparing to take a trip on the B&W, at the time of the excursion to Union Park and among the Thousand Islands on Thursday next.
Mr. J.C. Eaton has at present the largest class of pupils on the piano and organ of any other teacher in Leeds and county. Mr. Eaton has many excellent selections of his own composing, principally for piano.
Mr. A. James filled the pulpit on Sunday, 14th, in the absence of the Rev. Mr. Stilwell, pastor
Mr. Ed Moles of Athens was in our village on Sunday last with his bicycle.
Our merchants are causing a large excitement.
Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue
Frankville Saturday, July 27 –
Mr. J. Bullis is doing a rushing business in the meat line.
Master B. Dowsley of Kingston is visiting his grandfather, Mr. D. Dowsley
The trustees of our school have engaged the service of Miss Barnett of Robison’s Mills to teach our school the remainder of the year.
The Rev. Mr. Stillwell, who has been confined to his house for the past two weeks, is now convalescent.
The trustees of our school are having some improvements made on our school house during the holidays. Messrs. VanLoon & Hanton have the contracts, for the sum of $280.00.
A good ball match took place here on Saturday evening last between the Lombards and the house team.
Mr. J.Loucks of Picton is home spending his vacation.
Mr. D. Dowsley was in Brockville last week and received a large list of special prizes for the fall fair.
Tuesday Aug 6, 1895 issue
Frankville– Aug. 1 –
Our new tinsmith is doing a good business
Mr.Roland Downey is camping on Delta Lake.
Miss Flossie Edgers has returned home from a very enjoyable visit amongst friends
All of the people in this vicinity are looking forward to the two great fairs of this district, Unionville and Frankville. The full description of the special attractions to be seen only at Unionville fair, which appeared in last week’s Reporter, were eagerly read by our citizens. Nearly every one exclaiming, “I’ll be there”
Mr. E. Lewis and wife of Carleton Place are the guests of Miss. Lodema Eaton
Mr. D.McDonald and Miss Good, Carleton Place, were the guests of Thos. Good at the Brownbridge house last week.
Mr. McDougall of Brockville comes to our village frequently of late. ‘Tis said on special business.
The choir of the Methodist church here are going to have a social shortly at the residence of Wm. Eaton.
Miss Millie Stewart of Frankville is visiting Mrs. A.W. Judson of Glen Elbe
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
Mr. D. Dowsley, Frankville, is spending a week at Charleston, and is catching his full share of the fish.
Tuesday Sep 10, 1895 issue
Frankville, Friday, Sept. 6. –
Some necessary improvements are being made in the rectory
Dr. Dixon is at present on the sick list.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Parker of Brockville are visiting relatives here.
Mr. Geo. Holmes, who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks is now convalescing
Miss Katie and Blanche Leehy of Brockville are visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Parker left on Monday for Toronto exhibition.
Farmers are beginning to fill their silos
A very happy event took place here on Wednesday evening, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. Alfred Ireland to Miss Minnie Reynolds, eldest daughter of Mr. John Reynolds. The union was performed by the Rev. M.J. Spratt at the R.C. Church, Toledo in the presence of a large number of invited guests. The bride was assisted by Miss Maggie Hanton, while Mr. Wm. Reynolds acted as best man. After the nuptial knot was tied the happy couple and guests repaired to the brides residence where a sumptuous repast had been prepared. All join in wishing them a happy wedded life.
Tuesday Oct 8, 1895 issue
Frankville, Monday, Oct 7, –
Mr. S.J. Stevenson of Ottawa was the guest of Mr. J. Richards last week.
Miss Gertie Coad, Brockville, is visiting her many friends in this vicinity.
A very quiet wedding took place at Mr. Enos Sopers, on Wednesday last it being the marriage of Miss. Etta to Mr. W.W. Devitt of New York City. After the wedding breakfast the happy couple left for their home in New York.
Miss Morrison, Soperton, was the guest of Mr. Enos Soper last week.
Miss Devitt of Easton’s Corners and Miss Ida Bates, Elbe Mills, are guests of Miss Cynthia Soper.
Mr. Hill Richards is a happy man. It’s a girl.
Will Dowsley has returned to Queen’s College, Kingston.
Dr. L.M. Dixon is improving in health. We hope to see him around in a short time.
Rumor says another wedding is soon to take place.
Mr. O.L. Munroe is drilling a well at the rear of his lot
Mr. Wm. Dowsley, jr., sad H.H. Elliott, who have been spending the summer at home, returned to Queen’s College, Kingston on Thursday last.
Mr. R. Brownbridge, proprietor of the Florida House, has made considerable improvements to his house, adding much to its appearance.
Tuesday Nov 12, 1895 issue
Frankville, Monday Nov 11, –
One or two cases of scarlet fever are reported here.
Mr. O.L. Munroe has moved into his new house.
Mr. R. Hanton has moved to Athens to reside
The special sermon to the Chosen Friends was preached by the Rev. R. Stilwell on Sunday at 2.30 p.m.
Mr. W. G. Richards has engaged a fine brick residence with Mr. Lyman Brown for his farm of 100 acres, paying the difference of $2,300.
We understand that Messrs. Jones & Robb have purchased the Farmers’ Friend cheese factory from Messrs. Smith & Knapp.
Tuesday Dec 10, 1895 issue
Frankville, Friday Dec. 6. –
Miss Burnett has been re-engaged to teach our school for the coming year.
Rev. R. Stilwell is this week conducting a series of revival services at the Leehy appointment.
Mr. Lyman Brown has moved to our village.
Miss Louisa Crummy, who has been in Dakota for the last two years, is home on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Crummy.
Miss Gerty Gallagher is visiting friends in Brockville
The annual milk meeting of Farmers’ Friend Factory was held in Brombridge’s hall on Tuesday evening last, when the report of the season was read by the Sec’y. W.D. Livingston On motion of J. Loucks, seconded by G. Percival, Mr. C.A. Wood took the chair for the evening. Mr.J.Jones was appointed salesman. W.D. Livingston, secretary, and A.H. Parker, treasurer. Mr. John Webster of Brockville was present and made a speech on the manufacture of cheese, also speaking of the high reputation that Farmers’ Friend factory had. He said it stood as high as any in the Brockville district, and hoped it would continue so.
Miss Rettier of Napanee is the guest of Miss Laura Mitchell