Toledo – News from the Village – 1924 to 1930
The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for the years – 1924 to 1930. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario
Toledo – Nov 15th, 1924
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McClure were Perth visitors on Friday, the 7th inst.
Misses Laura and Dorothy McClure of Perth, spent Thanksgiving holidays with relatives and friends here.
William Walsh Jr., has returned from the Canadian West where he spent the autumn.
Several from outlying points spent Thanksgiving with their parents and included Yates Marshall and Denton McClure, of Smiths Falls Collegiate Institute; Miss Marguerite McNamee of Brockville, who was accompanied by her friend, Miss Fennell of that town.
William Moran was a recent visitor at the home of his son in Plattsburg, N.Y.
W.C. Dowsley, I.P.S., of Brockville, visited the Toledo School on Thursday.
His many friends hope to hear of a better report soon, from James Gray, who had to be demoved [sic] to a Brockville hospital on Thursday morning.
Mrs. George Pepper recently disposed of her farm to Joseph Carr, of Frankville, and she and her daughter, Miss Irene Pepper, pudpose taking up permanent residence in Smith’s Falls in the near future.
Some of our local Nimrods have returned laden with spoil. Robert Mackie was hunting in the district north of Ashton, while Bert Ladouceur was with a parth which went to the Dalhousie lake region.
Toledo, April 3, 1925
Hume Kent has opened his cheese factory for the season.
Owing to temporary cessation of work on the dam in course of construction near Croghan, N.Y., Charles Nichol and Hurbert Cardiff have returned home for a while.
Clifford Eaton, lineman, and his staff are busy re-wiring a telephone line in Shane’s district.
Miss Eva Stratton is enjoying a few days’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Baldwin, and Mr. Baldwin, of Brockville.
Mrs. R.C. Latimer is suffering from a severe attack of acute indigestion, but at latest report she is slightly improved.
The sugar season is over and the general report is that quality was good, but the season very short.
The members of the Orange Lodge held their monthly meeting on Thursday night.
Herbert Bellamy was in Brockville on Thursday to spend the day with his wife, who is still in the hospital. Mrs. Bellamy is not improving as rapidly as her many friends would wish.
The owners of Perth and Smiths Falls creameries, respectively have been through here recently soliciting patrons for the summer months
The choirs of the different churches are preparing special music for Easter. In addition to the Easter service, the Union church Sunday school will hold a special morning service.
Toledo – Sep 21, 1925
C.Webster of Smiths Falls reciently made a business trip to Toledo.
Mrs. B. McCallum of Montreal is the guest of her sister Mrs. W. Dunham and Mr. Dunham
Dr. A.R. Hurley, Mrs. Hurley and family of Rochester, NY were recient guests here of Mrs. Hurley’s mother, Mrs. Lena Brigginshaw.
Rally Day in the Union Church will be observed a week fom next Sunday, October 4th.
Toledo is again to the front in regard to the school fair held there on Thursday, the 17th inst. The large crowd were keenly interested in the success of the fair and the pupils of the various schools represented made and excellent showing. Toledo won the cup again, being the school with the highest number of points to its credit, while the pupils of that school, under the able management of Miss Murray, won second place in the parade.
Clifford Eaton is busily engaged with his threshing outfit reciently purchased from Egbert Mott of Frankville.
Special services were conducted in St. Philip Neri Church last week. Rev. J.P. Fallon, O.M.I. officiating.
Wilfred Miller of Michigan is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller, also with friends in this vicinity.
Special service was conducted in the Toledo Union Church on Sunday afternoon, 20th inst., when Rev. T.F. Townsend, BA, BD., Union Church pastor, assisted by Rev. G.G. Upham of Athens, Baptist minister held service for the members of the Orange order here and the members of Newbliss ladies lodges, who marched to the church in a body led by Toledo brass band.
A host of friends here are pleased to know that Mrs. T.F.Townsend is progressing slowly but steadily after her recent serious operation.
Miss Mabel Quigley left on September 21st for Ottawa where she purposes attending the Normal School.
Mrs. P.J. Quigley is having a private sale of some household goods after which she intends moving to Ottawa, after visiting some friends in this vicinity for a month or so.
Many friends from this vicinity are sorry to hear of Robert Morrison’s death.
Toledo, Jan 27, 1926
Mrs. M. Weatherhead and Miss Jennie Nichol were recent Athens visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Marshall and Miss Lucy Marshall recently entertained at their home the members of certain of the Union Church Sunday school classes, when a most enjoyable time was spent by all.
Mrs. Joseph Jordan, of |Lombardy, was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. N. Nichol and Miss Jennie Nichol.
Mansell Weatherhead is busily engaged drawing wood to Athens. Fred Seward is drawing logs to Philipsville.
Toledo, Jan 27, 1926
Obituary for William Moran
It was a great shock to the people of this community (Toledo) when the word went forth Sunday afternoon, the 24th inst, that William Moran had passed away after a very brief illness. On Friday he suffered an attack of acute indigestion, but very few knew of it, and on Sunday, to the consternation of his near ones attending him, and to the great surprise of all, he suddenly passed away.
The late Mr. Moran was born in Ireland in 1855, a son of the late Maria Hipson and John Moran and when the boy William was six years old his parents came to Canada and settled in this district, where deceased spent the last years of his life. In his younger days he spent some time in Michigan, also in Western Ontario and later in Smiths Falls. He was an expert cabinet maker and actively followed that vocation up to the day he became ill. He also did considerable work as a painter.
Deceased was the possessor of many sterling qualities, very quiet and unobtrusive in his manner, but ever ready to lend a helping hand when called upon. He was strictly honest and industrious to a fault and in his unassuming way he exerted a great influence for good in this community, where he was held in high esteem. In politics he as a Conservative and in religion was of the Anglican faith.
The late Mr. Moran’s first wife formerly Miss Maria Morrison passed away in 1910. Their two children survive to mourn a loving father: Mrs. G. Gould of Alhambra, Cal., and Mortimer A. Moran of this place. A few years ago he married secondly Miss Cynthia A. Price, who survives also to mourn his loss. Of a family of eight there survive four sisters and one brother: Mrs. Thos. Rae, of Flint, Mich; Mrs. R.C. Russell of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Alexander McQueen, of Morefield, Ont.; Mrs. Sanford Morden, of Niagara Falls, NY., and Robert Moran of Alpena, Mich. A brother, John Moran died some time ago, while a sister Mrs. G.R.Mack, of Detroit Mich., passed away last August.
Toldeo, March 8th, 1927
Mr. and Mrs. J. Seymour of Athens were recent guests at the home of Mrs. J. Nichol and Miss Jennie Nichol.
Robert Bruce of Newbliss, township assessor, was through this district recently.
Eber Running, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Running, is ill, threatened with appendicitis. Dr. Kelly, Delta, is in attendance.
Wilfred Bruce has returned from Kingston, where he was attending the dairymen’s class last week.
Mrs. Herbert Bellamy has returned from a week’s visit in Brockville.
Mrs. James Gray was so unfortunate recently as to fall on the ice and fracture her wrist.
The construction of the Brockville- Smiths Falls provincial highway will surely be a reality as soon as weather conditions permit, for the engineers and staff are already marking out lines to be followed. The report circulated that the road it to go just northeast of the village instead of following the present route, is not being received favourably by the people of Toledo and surrounding country.
Me. And Mrs. H.N. Stinson recently entertained the latter’s sister, Mrs. W. Tackaberry, and Mr. Tackaberry of Philipsville.
Miss Irene Gray’s recent very severe cold has developed into bronchitis. She is still confined to bed and is under the care of Dr. Throop, of Frankville
W. Hanton of Jasper, was recently purchasing cows here for the American market.
Miss Ruby Whitmore is able to resume her duties after her recent illness.
Gertrude Walsh is still suffering from a very persistent cold.
Smith Brothers, Frankville, are busily engaged in this section with their portable sawing outfit.
Mrs. Carley and son, Vincent Carley of Frankville were visiting her son Burton Carley in Toledo on Sunday.
Miss Irene Gray was the recipient of a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers, with roses and orchids predominating, from the teacher and members of her Sunday school class.’
The party given last week by Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Eaton was greatly enjoyed by all present. Dancing was the principal amusement of the evening and was indulged in until a late hour.
Toledo- April 11th , 1927
The well drillers are still busy in this district. Hume Kent is having a well drilled just inside his cheese factory.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh were Smiths Falls visitors on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Baldwin of Brockville spent Sunday with the latter’s sister and brother, Miss Eva Stratton and E.H. Stratton.
Letford Millar made a business tip to Perth on Saturday.
In spite of the exceptionally long syrup making season, indications mow are for a big run at Easter. A large quantity of most exceptional quality has been manufactured, such big makers as Harold and Herbert Bellamy, H. Dunham, Fred Seward and others reporting several hundred gallons each.
Special music for Easter is being prepared by the choir of the three respective churches here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rowsome, their son, Garnet Rowsome, and the former’s mother, Mrs. E. Rowsome, of Belleville, en route from the home of the latter’s daughter, Mrs. R. Hanton, and Mr. Hanton, of Frankville, where they had spent the week, were calling upon friends in this district on Sunday evening.
Toledo, May 29, 1930
The commercial Hotel, a landmark of Toledo, Saturday morning was destroyed by fire. The building was owned by John McEwen, and was of frame construction. Most of the contents were destroyed. The Smiths Falls Department responded with a truck and hose, and the Frankville engine was also rushed to the scene. The flames however had spread so rapidly that the firemen concentrated their efforts to near-by buildings, some of them being saved with difficulty, the cause of the fire is unknown. It broke out in the kitchen, and while some insurance was carried, the loss will be heavy. This is the second large fire to occur in Toledo within four weeks. Three buildings were destroyed previously. It was the fourth fire in that village in less than a year.