Fairfield East – News from the Village

The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser

Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing the following hamlet for the years 1889, 1894 and 1895


Tuesday July 2, 1895 issue

Fairfield East, Friday, June 28 –

The Ladies’ Aid hald a lawn social on the grounds at the Manhart church on the evening of June 26th. Quite a large crowd assembled to help empty the tales. After refreshments they were furnished with a firt class entertainment, consisting of readings, speeches, and excellent music by the choir. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves immensely.

The funeral services of Miss. Mary McCracken were conducted in the Manhart church on Tuesday, June 25, and services for her mother on Friday, June 28. The services were both conducted by the Rev. Mr. Danby of the Presbyterian church. The church was filled on both occasions. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

The cry around this part of the country is not like the old woman who was starving and the parson went in to pray with her and asked for everything that he thought she needed excepting for something to eat, and she cried, “Don’t forget the potatoes” Here, it is, “Oh, for a few drops of rain !”

What might have been a very serious accident occurred at Mr. Hiram Manhart’s one day last week. In building a fire to get supper, some sparks flew from the chimney and caught the roof, but owing to great presence of mind and timely assistance from the neighbors the fire was extinguished with very little loss.

There is one of our prominent young men strolls up on the railroad occasionally and it is rather dangerous to be coming back when one is a little sleepy, as the train passes through the woods and deadens the sound, so that he might meet with and accident. So beware, G., and drive instead of walking; it is more pleasant.


Tuesday July 9, 1895 issue

Fairfield East – Monday, July 8 –

A number of our young people attended the celebration at Athens on Monday, 1st inst., and report having a No. 1 time.

Mrs. O. Lillie and child of Newboro are visiting her father, Mr. Anson Manhardt.

Miss McBratney is spending her holidays at Mr. Hiram Manhardt’s

The lasted fad around this part of the country is for a young gent to take his sweetheart to a party or pic-nic and bring her home without her supper.

I guess H… means business, as he seems to be a pretty frequest visitor. But of course it is all right.


Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue

Fairfield East Friday, July 26

The Rev Dr. Larmour will deliver a discourse to the Foresters on Monday, 28th inst. At half-past two in the afternoon. A number of courts are invited to be present.

The long looked for rain has come at last and is doing lots of good. There is to be seen a broad smile on nearly everybody’s face.

We think Professor Bonn had better come again so that some of our intelligent young men might learn all about horses and their ailments. He says he has been in the business for twenty five or thirty years and does not begin to know all about them, but one young man heard him lecture once and says he knows it all now.

Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Gilroy of Glen Buell visited at R.J. Sturgeon’s on Sunday last.


Tuesday Aug 20, 1895 issue

Fairfield East – Monday, Aug. 19-

Farmers are at their harvesting and report a very light crop.

The Foresters are getting along with the hall, slow but sure

It is reported that a young couple residing in this neighbourhood never heard a rooster until one morning last week when they got up about three o’clock and ran to the barn to watch one crow. Wonder if they have ever seen the oars…[sic]

Rumor says we are about to have a school for lady pugilists in the near future and then Wilie wants to look out and have a good backing or he may not come out in the second round as well as he did in the first.

There are some from this vicinity taking the Manitoba fever. Hope it will not end with any serious results.

Now, boys, the next time you go to a social, try to not go in at the eleventh hour, so you will be in time for supper.


Tuesday Oct 1, 1895 issue

Fairfield East, Saturday, Sept 28 –

Our blacksmith, Mr. Hough, is the happy man this time. It is a real nice little baby girl.

That young man from the other street, who comes over this way to church occasionally, has to look pretty sharp so as not to make any more mistakes, as the twin sisters look very much alike

Mr. R.J. Sturgeon lost two fine cows by lightning on Wednesday last.

Quite a number from here attended Prescott fair and report a large time, and the show of vegetables the best ever on exhibition in this part of the country.

Husking bees are the rage now

The whistle and whirr of the steam thresher are to be heard in every direction.


Tuesday Nov 5, 1895 issue

Fairfield East, Thursday, Oct 31 –

Bert Smith is the happiest man in this community. It is just the “sweetest, nicest little girl dat eber libed”

The Misses Mason and Birdsell are holding revival serviced near Algonquin

Mr. O.F. Bullis and wife of Athens are attending the tent meeting at Algonquin, and also visiting friends in this vicinity last week.

Mr. Gordon Manhart has gone to Newboro to attend school. We miss his smiling countenance very much, but hope our loss will be his gain.

Mr. Ford Wiltse and wife of Athens were visiting at R.J. Sturgeon’s on Sunday last.

We are pleased to see the smiling face of Mort Manhart in our midst again, after his sojourn in the cheese factory for the summer.