The One Room Schoolhouse in Kitley – Complete Listing
For additional information on each school refer to the school name on our website
Schools in Kitley by Name
(listing by School Section Number at the bottom of this section)
Blanchard School (School Section No. 4)
Concession #1, Lot 26, built 1874
Coad School (Dack’s School) (School Section No. 6)
Concession #4, Lot 17, built early 19th Century
Cornell School (School Section No. 9)
Concession #5, Lot 22, burned in 1865
Crystal School (School Section No. 12)
(No. 14 in Wolford Twp)
Concession #7, Lot 6, built 1875
Frankville School (School Section No.15)
The old Frankville school was built in 1875 and served until a new school was built in 1975.
Hutton’s School (School Section No. 1)
(No.5 in Wolford Twp.)
Concession #1, Lot 7, built late 1870’s . First Wooden School erected in the 1850’s
Judgeville School (School Section No. 7)
Concession #4, Lot 26, built prior to1870
Kinch St. School (School Section No. 8)
Concession #6, Lot 9, built 1840’s
Lake Eloida School (School Section #17)
(No. 10 in Yonge Twp)
Concession #10, Lot 27
Lehigh’s School (School Section #18)
Concession #9, Lot 21
Mahon’s School (School Section No. 10)
(No.18 in Bastard Township)
Located at Bellamys Mills
Mitchell School ( School Section No. 17)
(No. 17 in Bastard Twp)
Concession #9, Lot 28, built late 1840’s
Motts Mills School (School Section No. 3)
Concession #3, Lot 21, built c1883
Newbliss School (School Section No. 5)
Concession #4, Lot 13, built late 1830’s
Rathwell’s School (Jasper School) (School Section #22)
(No. 6 in Wolford Twp)
Concession #4, Lot 4
Redan School (School Section #20)
( No. 26 in Elizabethtown Twp.)
Concession 11, Lot 31 in Elizabethtown
Rock Springs School (School Section # 19)
(No. 25 in Elizabethtown Twp)
Concession 10, Lot 22 in Elizabethtown
Shane’s School (School Section No. 2)
(No. 2 in South Elmsley Twp)
Concession #1, Lot 12, in on the Township Boundary
Soper’s School (School Section No. 13)
(also known as Aultemus School)
Concession #9, Lot 12, built 1850
Unidentified School (School Section #14)
Concession #8, Lot 23, Stone School built late 1840’s
Unidentified School
Concession #6 Lot 28, We cannot find a name for this school.
Toledo (School Section No. 11)
Toldeo had 3 log schools, with a brick school being build on King St. to replace one of them.
Schools in Kitley by School Section Number
No.1 Hutton’s School
(No. 5 in Wolford Twp)
Concession #1, Lot 7, built late 1870’s
No. 2 Shane’s School
(No. 2 in South Elmsley Twp)
Concession #1, Lot 12, in on the Township Boundary
No. 3 Mott’s Mills School
Concession #3, Lot 21, built c1883
No. 4 Blanchard School
Concession #1, Lot 26, built 1874
No. 5 Newbliss School
Concession #4, Lot 13, built late 1830’s
No. 6 Coad School (Dack’s School)
Concession #4, Lot 17, built early 19th Century
No. 7 Judgeville School
Concession #4, Lot 26, built prior to1870
No. 8 Kinch St. School
Concession #6, Lot 9, built 1840’s
No. 9 Cornell School
Concession #5, Lot 22, burned in 1865
No. 10 Mahon’s School
(No.18 in Bastard Township)
Located at Bellamys Mills
No. 11 Toledo
Toldeo had 3 log schools, with a brick school being build on King St. To replace one of them.
No. 12 Crystal School
(No. 14 in Wolford Twp)
Concession #7, Lot 6, built 1875
No. 13 Soper’s School
(also known as Aultemus School)
Concession #9, Lot 12, built 1850
No.14 Unidentified School
Concession #8, Lot 23, Stone School built late 1840’s
No. 15 Frankville School
The old Frankville school was built in 1875 and served until a new school was built in 1975.
No. 16 Mitchell School
(No. 17 in Bastard Twp)
Concession #9, Lot 28, built late 1840’s
No. 17 Lake Eloida School
(No. 10 in Yonge Twp)
Concession #10, Lot 27
No. 18 Lehigh’s School
Concession #9, Lot 21
No. 19 Rock Springs School
(No. 25 in Elizabethtown Twp.)
Concession 10, Lot 22 in Elizabethtown
No. 20 Redan School
(No, 26 in Elizabethtown Twp)
Concession 11, Lot 31 in Elizabethtown
No. 22 Rathwell’s School (Jasper School)
( No. 6 in Wolford Twp)
Concession #4, Lot 4
Unidentified School
Concession #6 Lot 28, We cannot find a name for this school.
Note: Original basic information ie. School Name, SS #, Concession and Lot # and date of construction from the Brockville Genealogical Society