St. Francis Xavier Cemetery is a part of the Brockville Cemetery. There is an older St. Francis cemetery located on the south side of Highway #2, behind the Old Protestant Cemetery and closer to the river.
The newer section of St. Francis can be accessed from the Lyn Road or by a short connecting road leading from Oakland Cemetery.
These are some random photos of this cemetery taken in 2018.
Sign at the Cemetery entrance off the Lyn RoadWooden Cross on the hillLooking west along the road
Concession: 4, Lot: 32; Location: Seeley’s, on the west side of Perth Road between Kilkenny Road and Howe Road; Cemetery Status: Closed to further burials – Twp of Elizabethtown*, GPS: 44.584538,- 75.805278
Map showing cemetery location it is now located on private propertyMary, wife of Peter Consall, died Dec 13 1846 age 56 years, erected by her son James H. ConsallElvira Hays, who died March 22, 1864David Selee, died Feb 20, 1830
Also buried here is Mathew Booth 1796-1852 and his wife Eunice Holmes Booth 1799-1836
The grave of Lucinda, wife of Henry Booth who died June 1, 1853, In the 84 year of her life
Sacred to the Memory of Charles BoothPhoto taken Fall of 2015Photo taken Fall of 2015Photo taken Fall of 2015Photo taken Fall of 2015Photo taken Fall of 2015
The cemetery comprises 14 acres of land on either side of the highway. It has been owned and operated by the City of Brockville since 1860, when all the older in-town cemeteries were closed and the graves moved into this area.
The land was purchased from the Grant Family. The land south of the highway had been granted by the Crow to Sgt. Allen Grant in 1789. This land was divided into three sections for use by the Anglicans, Roman Catholics and other Protestant denominations.
In 1890 an additional 46 acres were purchased on the north side of the highway and the area was named Oakland Cemetery.
For additional photos of these cemeteries, look on our website for Cemeteries in Elizabethtown.
May 16, 1850 On purchasing land for a new cemetery
At a meeting of the town council held on Monday evening previous, tenders were received for land for a public cemetery for Brockville. There were three offers, viz.: A lot of 20 acres belonging to R.Bell, at £15 per acre, one of 15 acres belonging to Mrs. Jas. Dack, at £7 10s an acre, and a lot of 12 acres belonging to Allan Grant, at £13 per acre. It was agreed that the committee should examine the ground and when satisfied as to the most eligible site, call a public meeting of the inhabitants of the town to decide whether the corporation should purchase the ground, or be obliged to private parties for the liberty of interment, or “when this liberty cannot be obtained, that they be compelled to pitch the dead into any hole or ditch that may be most convenient to their dwellings.” Messrs. Rankin and Crawford were the only two members of the council opposed to the purchase of ground from the funds of the corporation.
Concession: 1, Lot: 28; Location: at the south end of Fulford Point Road, west of Brockville , established in 1786 – Twp of Elizabethtown*, GPS- 44.541371, -75.750953
Anyone visiting this cemetery should respect the “No Parking” signs as this is private property.
Cemetery Sign on open gate (photo #1)
Lane way going down into the cemetery (photo #2)
Laneway going down into the cemetery (photo #3)
View looking East (photo #4)View looking East (photo #5)View looking East (photo #6)
View looking to the West (photo #8)Stone with commemorative plaque (photo #7)
Commemorative plaque( photo #9)
William Robinson d March 3, 1873 aged 35 years, 6 months, 13 days (photo #11)William Clow d April 10, 1881 (L) and Maria Jane Cole d Dec 17, 1884 (R) (photo #10)View looking East (photo #12)View looking East (photo #13)John Elliott d July 21, 1795 age 61 years (photo #14)View looking East (photo #16)George Robinson d Sep 2, 1854 age 19 years, 1 mo and 6 days (photo #15)General view looking East (photo #18)John and Catharine Elliott (photo #17)Fallen Gravestones (photo #19)General View looking East (photo #20)Catharine wife of John Elliott d April 1, 190 age 46 (photo #21)
The St. Lawrence River looking towards the West (photo #22)
The St. Lawrence River looking south towards New York State (photo #23)Lane-way going up from the cemetery to the parking area (photo #24)
The origin of Lyn Cemetery is obscure, but would appear to have originated with the first church, the Union Church, built by the Methodists on the spot where the drive-sheds for the St. John the Baptist (Church of England) were later built, now a parking area east of the church on a plateau above the cemetery.
Since the Union Church was the only church for miles around, it in effect became an inter denominational, Protestant church used by several congregations including Quakers. People used to walk or ride on horseback long distances to attend a “quarterly meeting”. It is said that the first Methodist Conference to be held in Eastern Ontario of the Methodist Episcopal Church was held in it and most of the delegates were from New York State and that a number of Bishops were in attendance. Unfortunately the church was destroyed during a violent wind storm on January 13, 1890. The bricks from this church were removed and used in the building of another Methodist Church at Glen Buell.
Although the total area utilized for the cemetery is not great, the cemetery consists of several portions of tiled land and others for which no records apparently exist. The first tombstones were large pieces of flagstone, and the oldest burials are to be found in the central region of the cemetery. Indeed the depression of the old service road may yet be seen in this part of the cemetery curving south-westerly from an old gate located midway along the northern fence line. From this point, an old lane way gently rises eastward to the road, a remnant of more easy access from the days of horse drawn vehicles. (excerpts taken from the magazine “Families” Vol 22 No.4 pub in 1983 and written by George A. Neville)
Concession 3, Lot 27, Location: East side of the Village of Lyn between the Veteran’s Memorial and St. John the Baptist Anglican Church.- Lyn Cemetery Committee* – GPS- 44.577355, -75.777818
Looking south towards the main cemetery gates
Lyn Cemetery 1784-1984 on right side of main gates
Stones embedded in wall behind main gatesStones embedded in wall behind main gates
Looking east before entering the cemetery
Margaret Godwin, died May 10, 1856 aged 9 yrs, 25 daysEdith Borris died Oct 1878 aged 7 weeks
Mairman Judson died May 10, 1879
Looking WestLooking NorthLooking North towards the gatesLooking WestLooking EastLooking east
Mary Clow, died Feb 16th, 1888Mary Clow tombstone
Latham MonumentLatham Monument
Family Burial Plot of Richard Coleman
Gate to Coleman Family PlotElizabeth Booth, Died May 10th 1873, in Coleman Family PlotColeman Monument
Sarah Clow (L) and Margaret Clow (right)
Margaret ClowSarah Clow died May 29 1872
Mary Dixson died Sep 28, 1874Mary Dixson
Nathan Baxter, Died Aug 24, 1886
Map of Graves at the Lyn Cemetery – See post on interments for names of those buried here.
Concession 6, Lot 30 Location: East side of Highway 29, south of Glen Buell – Twp of Elizabethtown*, GPS- 44.634845, -75.838993, , The cemetery is located just north of house number 6065, Cty Rd. 29, dircetly north of the cemetery is a mowed path leading to the cemetery.- photos taken August 2016
Stairs off of 29 Highway
Mowed path leading to the cemetery from Hwy 29
Path leading to the cemetery
Looking East- September 2016Looking West- September 2016Looking South- September 2016Looking East, September 2016
Margaret Stern d June 3, 1885left Margaret Stern, right Robert Sturgeon, d June 12 1904Sallee Ann Mott 1837-1921, wife of Harvey BraytonRuby Bullis d March 29, 1855Srue Benedict d April 13 1883, wife of Alvan OrtonZenus Orton d October 25, 1856Patty King d December 22, 1895William J. Hayes, BA died January 2, 1892Zenus Orton d Oct 25, 1856Ephran Haskin Died December 4, 1881, aged 6 months and 4 daysSure Benedict d April 13, 1883Patty King died Dec 22, 1895Nelson King died August 1860
List of Grave sites as per the Brockville Genealogical Society
Ethel A.
Nov 2, 1909
wife of Anderson John H.
Age 26 yrs
Dec 28, 1912
see Earl, Anna
Apr 18, 1883
see Orton, Eru
see McDougaall, Lucinda
May 20, 1857
son of Chauncey & Charlotte Botsford
Age 7 yrs, 10 mo, 20 d’s
Sallee Ann
Jan 18, 1921
wife of Brayton, Harvey
Born Oct 10 1831
Mar 29, 1855
companion of Clow, Homles P.
Age 42 yrs
Eva May
Feb 18, 1887
dau of Stephen & Annie Clark
Age 13 yrs, 9 mos, 16 d’s
see Robbins, Ellen
Mary L.
see Hayes, Mary L.
Ethel A.
Nov 2, 1909
see Anderson Athel A.
Aug 1, 1860
see Hayes, Anna
Dec 16, 1858
Dec 28, 1912
wife of Earl, John
Age 72 yrs
Mar 29, 1896
husband of Anna
Age 61 yrs
John D
Jul 28, 1902
son of John & Anna Earl
Age 31 yrs
May 15, 1904
see Hayes, Nancy
Feb 8, 1913
see Hall, Ellen
husband of Lucy
Born 1846
Fred Benedict (2nd)
Nov 7, 1876
son of Crofton & Lucy Gilroy
Age 6 mo & 11 d’s
wife of Gilroy, Crofton
Born 1847
Nov 9, 1909
husband of Ellen
Age 91 yrs
Feb 8, 1913
wife of Hall, Boyd
Age 83 yrs
James B.
Jan 10, 1883
son of Boyd & Ellen Hall
Age 18 yrs
Lucy Ida
Nov 11, 1897
dau of Boyd & Ellen Hall
Age 25 yrs, 11 mo & 4 d’s
Oct 6, 1878
dau of Boyd & Ellen Hall
Age 16 yrs
Mary Etta
May 3, 1888
dau of Boyd & Ellen Hall
Age 14 yrs, 4 mo & 1 d
Dec 4, 1881
son of P.H. & R. Haskin
age 6mo & 4 d’s
Aug 1, 1860
wife of Hayes, Eri married 1807 & to Knowles, William in 1843
Age 71 yrs
Jan 13, 1906
wife of Hayes, Albert
Age 38 yrs
Jan 23, 1886
dau of Hayes, Eri & Louisa
Age 5 yrs, 22 d’s
Edith Sophronia
Aug 10, 1894
dau of Charles & Mary Hayes
Age 2 yrs, 8 mo & 20 d’s
Aug 9, 1872
wife of Hayes, Eri (Sr.)
Age 64 yrs 5 mo
Elizabeth Ambrozina
see McDougall, Elizabeth
Aug 20, 1893
Age 85 yrs, 6 mo, 28 d’s
husband of Mary L.
Born 1844
Ethel L.
Jan 5, 1884
dau of Eri & Louisa Hayes
Age 6 mo
Harvey D.
Apr 8, 1913
husband of Nancy
Age 79 yrs
J. Broose
Aug 6, 1879
son of Eri & Louisa Hayes
Age 4 mo & 17 d’s
Mar 9, 1863
Age 16 yrs, 10 mo
Mary L.
wife of Hayes, Eri
Born 1857
Jan 17, 1895
wife of Hayes, Truman
May 15, 1904
wife of Hayes, Harvey D.
Age 66 yrs
Feb 13, 1893
husband of Minerva
Age 51 yrs, 2 mo, 23 d’s
William J. (B.A.)
Jan 2, 1892
during his 2nd yr in Theology in Drew Seminary, Madison, NJ
Concession 10, Lot 4, Jelly Road, east of Fly Creek Rd- Twp of Elizabethtown*, GPS: 44.765736, -75.787592, Directly beside a house at 11842 Rocksprings Road. Photos taken in August 2016
Sign for Bolton CemeteyFall of 2015Fall of 2015Fall of 2015
The following photos were taken in May, 2017
Sign at gate now covered with vines
Henry R.S. White died Jan 6, 1857 age 46 yrs Also his wife Sarah Berry Died Sep 17, 18905 age 95 yearsAlberry died 1858 age 29 yearsGeremiah Edwards 1851-1922 his wife Mary Ann Baldwin 1855-1901 also his wife Rachel Baldwin 1864-1948John Gardiner Died Aug 8, 1895 age 79 yearsWilliam Baldwin Died Dec 30, 1910 Aged 83 yearsView looking EastView Looking WestView looking WestView looking east in the centre of the cemetery
Listing of Grave Sites as prepared by the Brockville Genealogical Society
also known as BellCrossingCemetery (WhitehurstCemetery)
Concession: 11, Lot13; Location: Rocksprings Road; Alternate Cemetery Name: Bell Cemetery (1796-1927)- Twp of Elizabethtown*, GPS: 44.752596,-75.830426 – located next to old Bell’s School now a house on 11654 Rocksprings Road. Many stones are in poor shape, large mound in the centre of the cemetery. There is suppose to be the foundation of an old church on the right side of the cemetery, but unable to locate it. All photos taken in August 2016
Jane Bell
Listing of grave sites as per the Brockville Genealogical Society