Below are family names that the museum has archived photos in their procession. Click a name and look at the photo gallery, maybe you will recognize someone! We will continue to update this, we have photos for all the family names listed below.
Armstrong | Ashley | |
Baily | Barton | Beatty |
Becker | Belt | Best |
Billings | Bolin | Bolloch |
Bolton | Booth | Brennan |
Brookman | Brown | Bryan |
Buell | Bull | Burchell |
Burnham | Burns | Bushfield |
Butler | Byers | |
Chant | Charlton | Chick |
Churchull | Clow | Coates |
Coleman | Cook | Coon |
Cornell | Cumming | Curran |
Dack | Darling | Davidson |
Davis | Dewar | Dickey |
Disher | Dogget | Donnelly |
Donovan | Dowsley | Dunster |
Easter | Edgely | Espey |
Everetts | ||
Ferguson | Foodey | Fritz |
Gardiner | Glazier | Grace |
Grant | Gray | Green |
Haggart | Hamilton | Hanna |
Harrington | Hawes | Herbison |
Hodge | Hollingsworth | Howard |
Hudson | Hunt | |
Jackson | Jardine | Jarvis |
Johnston | Jones | Jowett |
Judson | ||
Kavanah | Keaton | Kerton |
Kilmury | ||
Ladd | Latimer | Laverty |
Lawson | Leaves | Lee |
Leeder | Lennox | Lewis |
Lunau | ||
MacNamara | Manhard | Massey |
Mathewson | McCrady | McDevitt |
McDonald | McLaughlin | McLean |
McNish | McRae | Melville |
Monie | Murray | Mustard |
Nunn | ||
Parslow | Paul | Payne |
Pergau | Perkins | Pettem |
Pritchard | Purvis | |
Quinn | ||
Race | Reisner | Reynolds |