Obituaries 2000 to Present
We have obituaries from the local newspapers and funeral homes for the following people:
Name | Age | Birth | Death | Pg.No. |
Ackerman, Alice | 94 | 1919 | 2013 | 90 |
Ackerman, Gordon Keith | 76 | 1937 | 2013 | 85 |
Armstrong, William G. | 78 | 1932 | 2010 | 69 |
Avery, Douglas Hurbert | 74 | 1943 | 2017 | 122 |
Baker, Jean W., Rev. nee Porteous | 53 | 1952 | 2005 | 122 |
Bellinger, Joseph Ernest (Joe) | 83 | 1923 | 2006 | 30 |
Blair-Kenney, Bonnie | 68 | 1950 | 2018 | 131 |
Bolin, John Bryce | 74 | 1926 | 2000 | 3 |
Bonokoski, Kurt | 2002 | 7 | ||
Bonokoski, Matt | 1980 | 7 | ||
Bonokoski-Gillis, Shirlee nee Dunseith | 90 | 1924 | 2014 | 103 |
Bootsma, Corrie | 81 | 1937 | 2018 | 130 |
Bowen, John Franklin | 94 | 1915 | 2010 | 66 |
Boyd, Beverly Lorraine | 83 | 1933 | 2016 | 119 |
Bradley, Raymond | 71 | 1938 | 2010 | 72 |
Bryan, Arlene nee Gibson | 82 | 1923 | 2005 | 19/22 |
Bryan, Stanley George | 95 | 1920 | 2015 | 112 |
Burns, Allan | 68 | 1942 | 2010 | 69 |
Bushfield, Irene Aleitha nee Willows | 96 | 1915 | 2010 | 65 |
Bycroft, Sydney | 96 | 1909 | 2005 | 22 |
Cairnie, Nan | 72 | 1935 | 2007 | 37 |
Campbell, Evelyn Edythe nee Dunster | 88 | 1920 | 2009 | 53-54 |
Casselman, Edward Gerald Clifford | 70 | 1938 | 2008 | 48 |
Chamberlain, James Clifford | 92 | 1926 | 2018 | 129 |
Chartier, Russell (Russ) | 75 | 1940 | 2015 | 109/110 |
Chisamore, Clifford | 74 | 1932 | 2006 | 25 |
Chisamore, Margaret Isobel nee Kingston | 69 | 1941 | 2010 | 70 |
Cockerill, Gerald Ivan | 81 | 1936 | 2017 | 124 |
Clow, Edgar | 87 | 1917 | 2004 | 13 |
Clow, William Allan (Bill) | 80 | 1926 | 2006 | 29 |
Cole, Freda Mary | 90 | 1924 | 2014 | 104 |
Coon, Donald Elton | 83 | 1929 | 2013 | 87 |
Coon, Gerald (Jerry) | 85 | 1927 | 2012 | 82 |
Coon, Melville W. (Mel) | 79 | 1932 | 2011 | 77 |
Coon, Ruth Isobel nee Shewan | 81 | 1933 | 2014 | 102 |
Cornell, Dorothy nee Kennedy | 86 | 1915 | 2001 | 6 |
Covey, Doreen | 79 | 1938 | 2017 | 124a |
Craig, David | 94 | 1910 | 2005 | 21/22 |
Cross, Freda Eileen | 85 | 1934 | 2019 | 132 |
Darling, Garnet R. | 83 | 1929 | 2012 | 81 |
Darling, Glenn | 85 | 1921 | 2006 | 27 |
Davidson, Vada Bernice | 82 | 1934 | 2016 | 117 |
Dean, Allen Joseph | 60 | 1951 | 2011 | 77 |
DeDekker, Carol Ann nee Davidson | 71 | 1938 | 2009 | 59 |
Deir, Raymond Dennis | 60 | 1953 | 2013 | 86 |
Donnelly, Keith Orville | 86 | 1925 | 2012 | 83 |
Duncan, Donald James | 77 | 1930 | 2007 | 42 |
Dunster, Ronald Dale | 54 | 1955 | 2009 | 57 |
Earle, Jean | 85 | 1930 | 2015 | 116A |
Eddeley, Eva Pauline | 75 | 1929 | 2004 | 18 |
Edgeley, Ethel Irene nee Lee | 90 | 1920 | 2010 | 75 |
Elston, Ross Kenneth | 79 | 1938 | 2017 | 124a |
Fenlong, Joyce | 60 | 1948 | 2008 | 52 |
Ferguson, Donald R. | 96 | 1908 | 2004 | 17 |
Ferguson, Howard | 73 | 1945 | 2018 | 128 |
Ferguson, Joan | 59 | 1957 | 2016 | 118 |
Fletcher, Jacoba (Coba) | 80 | 1935 | 2015 | 114 |
Flood, Barbara | 87 | 1930 | 2018 | 125 |
Franketto, Glenna nee Hanna | 76 | 1934 | 2010 | 67 |
Frasch, Robert (Bob) | 87 | 1919 | 2007 | 40 |
Gardiner, Kathleen (Kay) nee Doggett | 97 | 1917 | 2014 | 101 |
Gaskell, Willis Ada | 88 | 1920 | 2008 | 45 |
Gray, Catherine nee Neilson | 99 | 1904 | 2004 | 16 |
Green, Gladys | 95 | 1906 | 2001 | 5 |
Greenhalgh, William James | 67 | 1939 | 2006 | 26 |
Grendel, Sjoerd (Stuart) | 69 | 1939 | 2009 | 57 |
Hallett, Mabel Margaret nee Turner | 91 | 1915 | 2006 | 27/28 |
Hanna, Raymond Lloyd | 81 | 1930 | 2011 | 78 |
Hanna, Sandra Lee | 2014 | 95 | ||
Hendry, George Berton | 81 | 1932 | 2013 | 89 |
Howard, Ronald Alexander | 91 | 1924 | 2015 | 115 |
Howe, Marjorie Elinor nee Ready | 83 | 1924 | 2008 | 43 |
Howe, Sylvia nee Sayers | 73 | 1936 | 2010 | 66 |
Hudson, Beryl Anna | 83 | 1927 | 2010 | 71 |
Hudson, Mary Boye nee Morwick | 72 | 1931 | 2003 | 9 |
Hunter, Sarah Aileen (Sally) | 88 | 1919 | 2007 | 38 |
Hurst, George | 70 | 1944 | 2014 | 97 |
Hutchinson, Louis | 83 | 1931 | 2014 | 101 |
Jackson, Donald | 78 | 1934 | 2012 | 81 |
Johnston, John Armstrong, Dr. | 79 | 1935 | 2014 | 105/106 |
Jowett, Audrey Inez nee Hodge | 85 | 1929 | 2014 | 96 |
Jowett, Donald Arnold (Don) | 79 | 1928 | 2007 | 31/32 |
Kearney, Marjorie Winnifred nee Mustard | 2013 | 91 | ||
Krugel, Harold John | 74 | 1926 | 2000 | 2 |
Krugel, Joyce Beverly nee Disher | 81 | 1929 | 2009 | 62/63 |
Ladd, Mildred | 81 | 1925 | 2006 | 29 |
Ladd, Orval | 83 | 1931 | 2014 | 107 |
Ladd, Roseleyne | 98 | 1919 | 2017 | 123 |
Latimer, Mary Jane | 64 | 1954 | 2018 | 130 |
Leaves, Harold William (Choppy) | 88 | 1912 | 2000 | 1 |
Lee, Willard | 79 | 1934 | 2013 | 90 |
Leeder, Mark | 86 | 1933 | 2019 | 134 |
Looby, Allan Eilliam | 74 | 1930 | 2005 | 20 |
MacDowell, Betty | 95 | 1923 | 2018 | 127 |
Mack, David | 71 | 1936 | 2007 | 33/35 |
Marshall, Glenn Richard | 75 | 1933 | 2008 | 44 |
Massey, Herbert Emery (Herb) | 88 | 1920 | 2008 | 49/51 |
Massey. William Howard | 89 | 1925 | 2014 | 94 |
McClintock, Hugh Craig | 72 | 1936 | 2008 | 47 |
McCrady, Leola nee Willows | 88 | 1911 | 2000 | 4 |
McGee, Ainsley Given | 82 | 1935 | 2017 | 124 |
McNeely, Fred | 74 | 1934 | 2009 | 64 |
McNish, Ian Thomas | 47 | 1963 | 2010 | 75 |
McNish, Jennie Margaret nee Cole | 81 | 1933 | 2014 | 95 |
McWhirter, Gwen S. nee Green | 76 | 1938 | 2014 | 101 |
Miles, Alfred John | 73 | 1934 | 2007 | 42 |
Miller, Cleta Maude | 94 | 1923 | 2017 | 121 |
Moore, Ronald (Ron) | 89 | 1930 | 2013 | 88 |
Murphy, Ronald Walter (Ron) | 76 | 1938 | 2014 | 98 |
Murphy, William Ronald Walter (Bill) | 49 | 1969 | 2019 | 134 |
Newman, Grace Adrianna nee Grendel | 48 | 1967 | 2015 | 113 |
Noel, David | 54 | 1956 | 2010 | 68 |
Nyland, Anne nee Latimer | 132 | 1919 | 2018 | 99 |
Oomen, Peter Nicolas | 83 | 1925 | 2009 | 58 |
Paquette, Muriel G. nee Earl | 97 | 1916 | 2013 | 92 |
Perrin, Evelyn May | 93 | 1922 | 2016 | 119a |
Poole-Leeder, Marorie Ellen | 83 | 1932 | 2015 | 113 |
Robb, James Preston, Dr. | 90 | 1914 | 2004 | 15 |
Robb, Mary Grierson nee Waller | 94 | 1916 | 2010 | 73/74 |
Robertson, Charles Arthur Gerald (Gery) | 78 | 1930 | 2009 | 55/56 |
Roduner, Bonnie Marie nee Massey | 53 | 1955 | 2008 | 46 |
Salmon, Grace nee Cole | 89 | 1921 | 2010 | 76 |
Serson, Dorothy nee Massey | 86 | 1921 | 2008 | 45 |
Shane, Alice Jean nee Dunster | 86 | 1929 | 2015 | 111 |
Simpson, Herbert | 75 | 1925 | 2000 | 1 |
Slack, Charles Osborne | 72 | 1939 | 2011 | 78 |
Stevens, Elsie Hope nee Haggart | 79 | 1928 | 2007 | 36 |
Stevens, William Carlyle (Bill) | 72 | 1942 | 2014 | 98 |
Stewart, Donald Ian | 75 | 1932 | 2007 | 41 |
Stewart, John D. | 2008 | 43 | ||
Stewart, Joyce Annabelle nee Simon | 89 | 1925 | 2014 | 93 |
Sturgess, John, Dr. | 116 | 1926 | 2015 | 89 |
Sturgess, Penelope, Dr. | 77 | 1938 | 2015 | 115a |
Veltkamp, Uraula | 69 | 1947 | 2016 | 119 |
Verburg, Melissa (Missy) | 26 | 1985 | 2011 | 79 |
Vyfvinkel, Henry | 80 | 1934 | 2014 | 99 |
Walker, Irene Elizabeth nee McNish | 88 | 1924 | 2012 | 82 |
Walsh, Patricia Ann | 61 | 1952 | 2013 | 87 |
Wang, Mary Scott nee Fry | 94 | 1919 | 2013 | 86 |
Watts, Ethel Irene | 73 | 1936 | 2009 | 58 |
Webber, Brian Oswald | 71 | 1933 | 2004 | 13 |
Westlake, Jessie Buelah nee Edgley | 95 | 1913 | 2008 | 46 |
White, Robert Francis | 66 | 1953 | 2019 | 133 |
White, Corrinna Frances nee Munday | 48 | 1961 | 2009 | 57 |
White, Donald Edward | 81 | 1927 | 2009 | 60/61 |
White, Sylvia | 120 | 1919 | 2016 | 97 |
Whiteland, Reginald | 81 | 1930 | 2011 | 79 |
Wilgosh-McCrady, Carol nee Sharpe | 67 | 1939 | 2007 | 39 |
Wills, Jacqueline (Jackie) | 77 | 1932 | 2009 | 54 |
Wilson, Wayne Douglas | 58 | 1948 | 2006 | 30 |
Worden, Harold Henry | 85 | 1919 | 2005 | 23 |
Wright, Edna Bertena | 79 | 1927 | 2006 | 26 |
Wylie, John D. | 76 | 1924 | 2000 | 3 |