The Modern Motor Motel
This small motel was located just outside of the eastern limits of the City of Brockville along Highway Number 2. Unfortunately we do not have much history on this business, and if anyone knows anything about it we would appreciate hearing from you.
We are fairly sure that it was converted into individual apartments in the early 1970’s.

March 1, 2023 @ 12:02 am
Going through Vernon’s Brockville directories, the Modern Motor Motel had a short life. It opened around 1964 and closed around 1972. Early years it was owned by Case & Paula Schaasberg, later years owned by John & Waltraud Fahrngruber. By 1973, it was the County Manor Apartments. A person who worked there talked about a fire in the early 1970s, so I am assuming this is the point when the motel closed. The building looks pretty much the same now, except for the roof and some windows smaller, so I assume the building was fixed up after the fire. The actual sign post is still there, only shorter with no signage on it.
Current Building on Google Maps:,-75.6611516,3a,48.9y,158.73h,91.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7FpqgWyrQfpTt8RPCwc8Tg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192