Lyn – November 19th, 1859
The Brockville Recorder, David Wylie
We paid a visit to Lyn a few days ago, and were agreeably surprised at the rapid evidences of advance made in that very thriving village. We found the Messrs. Coleman, to whom Lyn is indebted for, we may say, all its real prosperity, just completing a splendid stone grist and flouring mill, capable of working four run of stones. – The mill is being fitted up with all the latest improvements in machinery, and will, in everything connected with it, be not only a powerful, but a model grist and flouring mill. The machinery will be drive by water power, and here, too, the intelligence and progressive character of the Messrs Coleman are conspicuous. A canal and basin has been cut and built up at great expense, at the mouth of which large wrought iron tubes are attached, through which the water will be carried in sufficient quantity and force to set all the machinery at work, not only of the grist and flouring mill, but also of the extensive tan work belonging to the above named gentlemen. Tubes of the same description as those mentioned are also to be used to carry water for propelling purposes to all the other factories in the village, including the saw mill and last factory of Mr. Hallowell. So much progress and energy deserve the greatest amount of success.
Mr. Baxter has also erected a very splendid new store, built with white brick, and having quite a city appearance. A near and commodious new Wesleyan Methodist church has also just been opened. Several new houses have lately been erected and new nursery grounds opened by Mr. Nicol, everything betokening rapid advance, and, we sincerely hope continued prosperity; and we have faith in the Messrs. Coleman, that if prosperity does not follow in their wake as heretofore, the fault will not lie at their door.