Tin Cap – News from the Village – 1925-1926
The Athens Reporter- excerpts have been taken from this newspaper for the years – 1925 to 1926. The original newspapers are in the archives of the Heritage House Museum, Athens, Ontario
Tin Cap – Feb 27th, 1925
Mrs. Leonard Elliott, Brockville, spent a few days last week visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Boyd.
Fred Wright, Miss Mollie O’Donnell and Miss Myrtle Lyons visited on Tuesday at William O’Donnell’s.
Mrs. Anson Gilroy was called to Hamilton last week by the death of her father, Aquila Hanson.
Mr. and Mrs. B.S. Johnston, Brockville, are visiting the form parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Johnston.
Roy Locke, Brockville is moving his household effects into his new home recently purchased from S. Barker.
Reeve Reuben Davis is in Toronto this week.
Tin Cap, Jan 25th, 1926
Harold Rowsome, recently of the Recorder and Times staff, Brockville, and a former resident of the Tincap, left last week for Ottawa where he has accepted a position in the Civil Service.
Mrs. Robert Marks is visiting in Smiths Falls
Basil Reed is visiting in Bishop’s Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Davis celebrated their 40th anniversary of their wedding last week by entertaining a number of friends. Telephone messages and congratulations were received from many distant friends to wish them many more years of happy married life.
W.W. Anderson, Ottawa, visited at Jonas Gilroy’s last week.
Miss Matilda Anderson has been quite ill at her home here.