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  1. Dale Coldwater
    May 2, 2022 @ 4:39 pm

    Good afternoon, I have a Adlake 4-way lantern w/out exhaust on top. Made a touch lamp with it but the globes are incased in a brass backing and ring to hold in place with a clamp. I am dumbfounded on how the inside light shines thru the globes to be seen from the outside? I hope you will be able to answer solve this? Thank You!


  2. Types of Collectible Antique Railroad Lanterns & What They're Worth - FireSwirl
    May 11, 2023 @ 5:39 am

    […] styles changed and improved. But each one is just as collectible as the last. According to the Heritage Place Museum, there are five major railroad lantern styles that developed during rail travel’s […]


  3. Annette Thomson
    December 27, 2023 @ 8:12 am

    Hello. I have recently acquired a Bethlehem Winter King Railroad oil lamp, I believe for switch tie tracks. Can you tell anything about it? How old, how common, what is it worth? Thank you.


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