Toledo – News from the Village
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing the following hamlet for the years 1889, 1894 and 1895
May 7 1889
There was buried yesterday at Toldeo one of the pioneers of the township of Kitley in the person of Mr. George Marshall. Who passed away at the ripe age of 87 years. Mr. Marshall was born in Vermont in 1802 and emigrated to Canada with his father Joseph when but six months old. The family settled finally on the 2nd Concession of Elizabethtown on the farm now owned by Mr. V.R.Marshall, but soon after moved to Toledo and settled on the farm where he died and to which his son Collin succeeds. Mr. Marshall was a staunch Liberal in politics and a consistent member of the Methodist Church. He married Nancy Fralick, who died some years ago and had five children, Albert, Noah, Melvin, Mary and Collin. All survived him except Melvin.
Tuesday Oct 23, 1894 issue-
Toledo– Saturday Oct 20.
Husking bees are all the go.
Mr. J. Hunt, who has been very sick for the past three weeks is slowly recovering.
Special services are being carried on in the Baptist church by the pastor, Rev., Mr. Kennedy.
A grand concert will be given in the town hall next Thursday night for the benefit of the Methodist Church. A grand concert is being prepared by the home talent, in dialogues, recitations and singing. Besides this, the following foreign talent have been engaged: Miss Fannie Robinson, soprano, Smith’s Falls; Miss. Gerty Coad, elocutionist, Brockville and Mr. C.C. Slack, conic singer, Athens.
Tuesday Oct 30, 1894 issue-
Toldeo– Saturday Oct 27th –
Mr. Geo Stratton is having his house painted
The concert on Thursday night last turned out to be a success, although the night was bad and Mr.C.C. Slack of Athens was not there on account of sickness. Muss. Gerty Coad of Brockville gave some fine recitations and Miss. Fannie Robinson sang some fine solos. Besides this, the home talent distinguished themselves in singing, recitations and dialogues.
Nov 18, 1894 issue-
The Orange Lodge of Toledo in full regalia, attended divine services here (Frankville) in the Methodist church on Sunday morning, Nov. 4th, where a very impressive sermon was preached by the Rev. G.H.Porter, M.A., B.D. for the occasion.
Nov 18, 1894 issue-
Addison, Saturday Nov.10-
Miss. Adda Sexton has engaged to teach Toledo school for the coming year.
Tuesday Dec. 18, 1894 issue-
Frankville– Dec 14-
On Christmas night the Sabbath school of the Methodist church, Toldeo, intend holding their grand annual entertainment in the town hall, when an excellent programme will be presented, consisting of cantata, readings, dialogues, tableaux, recitations, pantomimes, etc. The Toledo Orchestra Band will furnish music. Admission 15¢
Tuesday Jan. 8, 1895 issue-
Toldeo Presbyterian Anniversary
The anniversary services of St. Andrew’s church, Toldeo, will be held on Sunday and Monday, 13th ad 14th inst. On Sunday at 11 and 7 pm Rev. Chas H. Cooke, M.A. of Smith’s Falls, will conduct the morning and evening services, and in the afternoon at 2:30 Rev. J.A. Kennedy, of Athens will preach. On Monday evening the annual tea and entertainment will be held in the town hall, when a programme of unusual excellence will be presented. The Presbyterians of Toledo are making special efforts to render these services unprecedented successful and their efforts will no doubt meet with a generous response from the public. Tickets are sold for 40¢; double, 75¢; three for $1.00
Tuesday Jan. 15, 1895 issue-
Toledo– Monday, Jan 14-
The post office has passed into the hand of Geo. S. Stratton. It is hoped that the post office will remain where it is and that it will be conducted as good a manner as it has been for the past year.
The Baptist concert on New Year’s night was a success. The dialogues, recitations, solos, duets, quartets, etc. were given in good style. The orchestra gave some very fine music. The proceeds amounted to $41.00
The Toledo Methodist Sabbath school entertainment, which took place on Christmas night, was a great success. The town hall was packed to its utmost and in fact some who came late could not get in. The program was excellent and in spite of the crowded way in which the children were kept it was given without much delay. The music in the cantata was very fine. The Shepherd’s scene in this was grand and the tableau part where the light was thrown on to the shepherd’s was magnificent. The small children acted their parts nicely. There were four grand dialogues given entitled, ‘Rejected’, ‘Hospitality’, ‘The Assessor’. and ‘The Irish Party’. The later represented a number of Irish men and women and the acting in it kept the audience in laughter. Besides this, there were several very fine pantomimes. The Toledo orchestra band were also in attendance and the audience acted as if they could have listened all night to their music. At the end of the program some very valuable present were distributed. The proceeds of the evening amounted to $45.
The Epworth League of this place will give a social at Mrs. Derbyshire’s on Wednesday night, the 23 of this month.
Mrs. J. Coad fell some time ago and is not able to be out.
Mrs. Derbyshire has been visiting friends in Portland these last few days.
The anniversary services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday were very well attended, in spite of the stormy weather.
Mr. Price has started a newspaper in Toledo known as Toledo Town News.
The Presbyterian anniversary entertainment at Toledo last evening proved to be a very pleasant event. Quite a number from Athens attended. Full report next week.
Tuesday Jan. 22, 1895 issue-
Toledo– Monday, Jan 21-
Remember the social at Mrs. Derbyshire’s on Wednesday night the 23rd.
Miss. Terry McLean of Arnprior, has been visiting friends in Toledo for the last week.
Mr. Glen Coad entertained a number of young people at her home on Friday last.
Miss Carry Sweet of Portland has been visiting here for the past week.
A social will be given at Mrs. Brigginshaw’s next Friday night, the 25th, for the benefit of the English church. Admission 15¢
The tea-meeting in connection with the Presbyterian church on Monday night was a success. Tea was served in the town hall after which every one went to the church where a grand program was given. The Presbyterians also gave a social in the town hall on the following Tuesday, which was largely attended and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.
Tuesday Jan. 29, 1895 issue-
A grand ball and supper will take place at the Union hotel, Toldeo, on Tuesday evening Feb 5. The proprietor, Mr. John Foster, is experienced in managing such affairs, and, with the help of a first class committee, will make this event a success. Tickets, $1.00
Tuesday Feb. 5, 1895 issue-
Toledo– Monday Jan 28-
There was no service in any of the churches on Sunday last, as the ministers were unable to put in their appearance on account of the storm.
Miss Stella Coad, of Brockville , is visiting friends in Toledo
The socials on Wednesday and Friday nights were a success. A large number were present at both of them and they report themselves as having spent a very enjoyable time.
Mrs. Noah Marshall is very sick
The funeral of the late William Montgomery took place here in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday last and was conducted by Rev. Mr. Cameron.
Mr. Chas. Grey laid his youngest child to rest in the Presbyterian cemetery on Thursday last. The funeral was conducted in the Presbyterian church by Rev. Mr. Cameron.
Saturday, Feb 2 –
Miss. J.McLean, who has been visiting friends here for the past month, has returned to her home in Arnprior.
Mr. J. and T.Drummond are visiting their many friends in Toldeo.
A number of our young people spent a very enjoyable time last Friday night at the home of Mrs. J. Bruce.
Mrs. Noah Marshall and Mrs. G. Coad, who have been on the sick list for a very long time are no better.
As Miss Sexton, the principal teacher of our school, was sick on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, the children in her room had a couple of holidays.
Mrs. Albert Moran, of Athens, was with us on Sunday last.
Mrs. Eva Stratton, who has been visiting friends near Athens, has returned home.
We are sorry to hear that Dr. Reeve has left us and has now taken up his practice in the village of Lanark. We also understand that the family are to leave about the first of March. This is sad news for the people of Toledo, as Dr. Reeve and family were regarded with great respect by people around here.
Tuesday Feb. 12, 1895 issue-
Toldeo– Monday Feb 11-
Foster’s ball Tuesday night was a success.
The Bible society agent preached in the Methodist church on Saturday night last.
Mrs. Gallagher and Mrs. Johnson were the guests of Mrs. Derbyshire
Mr. Frank Fowler is on the sick list.\Miss. Louisa Edgar and Miss McClare attended the Christian Endeavor convention last week at Spencerville.
There is a new doctor in town. His friends live in Toronto, but he has just returned from New York where he has been for the last two years.
Mr. J. Coad is very sick.
Tuesday Feb. 26, 1895 issue–
Toledo, Monday, Feb 25-
The scarlet fever is raging in this place at present.
Mr. Derbyshire and Mr. N.H. Beecher have returned from Toronto where they have been attending the A.O.U.W. grand lodge.
The social at Mrs. Eaton’s on Wednesday night last was a grand success.
We understand that there is to be a wedding on Tuesday night next.
Our new doctor, J. Bruce Ferguson, M.D., C.M., has his office at Mr. Summerville’s. He has received several calls and is giving great satisfaction.
Miss Annie Haskins is on the sick list.
Mrs. Noah Marshall and Mrs. Geo. Coad, who have been on the sick list nearly all winter, are at present no better,
Tuesday March 5, 1895 issue–
Toldeo – Monday, Mar. 4. –
Mr. Will Stratton has bought the entire stock of goods of Mr. Parker of Frankville and will commence business in that place today. will have a good man for sure.
A social is to be given by the Christian Endeavor of this place tonight at the home of Mr. T. Hunter,
Dr. Ferguson’s brother was in the village this week.
A young men’s Liberal Club was organized in this place Friday night last.
Mr. Mackey has engaged a new clerk.
Mr. Robinson of Smith’s Falls was in the village last week visiting friends.\We understand that Dr Reeves’ family are to leave this week.
Mr. C.A. Wood met with a very serious accident on Friday last. He was removing ice from the roof of his new house when he suddenly slipped and fell to the ground a distance of over twenty feet. His wife seeing the accident summoned help and with difficulty he was removed to his room. Dr. Ferguson was at once summoned and reported that there were no bones broken. Mr. Wood’s sufferings were very great at first, but at present he is a little easier.
On account of there being no houses to rent in Toledo, Mr. Price is compelled to move his family to Frankville
Mr. Bert Wood is home again on account of his father’s accident.
Mr. W. Hull and Miss. Maggie Parker were married at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Mr. H. Nichols, on Tuesday, Feb 26 at 6 o’clock, by Rev.G.H.Porter. Only the nearest relations were present and they report themselves as spending a very pleasant time.
It is with regret that we announce the death of the late Mr. T. Sherman. His funeral took place in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon and was conducted by the Rev. G.H. Porter. After the service his body was laid to rest in the Toledo cemetery.
Tuesday April 2, 1895 issue–
Toledo– Monday April 1 –
Great preparations are being made for sugar making. The merchants have already received some new syrup.
Mr. George Carr is very low
Mr. Horatio Eaton’s auction sale comes off on Tuesday.
Mr. J. Foster is making preparations for some improvements on his buildings next summer.
Mr. Albert Moran has been engaged as clerk by Mr. Beach of Athens.
Prof. Taylor has been doing some of his wonderful tricks in the town hall for the past week.
The Recorder’s correspondent for Toledo is not aware of the latest style when he calls the spoon that was used by the Epworth League in stirring coffee a broomstick.
Tuesday April 16, 1895 issue–
Hull-Parker – On Feb, 26th, at the residence of H.Nichols, Esq., Toldeo by Rev. G.H.Porter, M.A., B.D., Mr. W.J. Hall to Miss Mary A. Parker, both of the County of Leeds
Tuesday April 23, 1895 issue–
Toldeo– Monday, April 22,-
Sugar making is over and the farmers have started their spring work.
Mr. Derbyshire, our general merchant, has taken over 1,500 gallons of syrup this year.
Mrs. Noah Marshall is still on the sick list.
Dr. Ferguson, our new doctor, is meeting with great success.
Toledo people were greatly excited last week over the disappearances and strange death of Miss Stevenson of Frankville.
It looks as if Mr John Foster was going to destroy the looks of Toledo the way he is moving and tearing down buildings but we live in hopes of seeing great improvements in a short time.
A dangerous yet laughable scene took place here on Friday last when a team belonging to Mr. A. Parker of Frankville broke loose from his wagon and while running away through the village they met with a washing machine agent who had a horse and wagon. As he did not get out of their road one horse took each side of the wagon and tried to get past in this way. There was a lively time for a while but the men soon got the tangle unravelled, and the agent came off safe with only a sore hip and lost hat.
It is with very deep regret that we announce the death of an old and respected resident in the person of Mrs. Geo. Coad, who passed away peacefully on Friday forenoon last Her funeral took place on Sunday in the Methodist church and was conducted by the Rev. G.H. Porter after which her remains were laid to rest in the Toledo cemetery.
While the funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Geo. Coad was being preached the congregation was somewhat disturbed by the cry fire and when some of the men went out it was found that the home of Mrs. J. Smith was on fire. Every effort was made to save the building but inside of an hour the building was burned to the ground. However the household furniture and summer kitchen were saved by the united efforts of the men. The fire started from a chimney which was burning out at the time and as the timber was old and dry the fire got a good start before anything could be done. Let this be a lesson to the people of Toledo to see tat their chimneys are always in a good condition.
Tuesday April 23, 1895 issue–
A Sad Death
Miss Stephenson, a young lady eighteen years of age, daughter of the rector of the English church at Toledo, met with her death in a strange and sad way last week. She went for a walk on Tuesday afternoon and failing to return by 10 p.m. her friends became alarmed for her safety. Enquiry failed to reveal her whereabouts and a search party was instituted early next morning but all efforts to discover her that day failed. She was last seen on the bridge that spans the creek, so that the searchers rightly inferred that she had followed its course and perhaps entered the woods Traces of her devious way were found in a swamp and woods and fields, but when night fell the weary searchers were obliged to return home, disheartened. Next morning at break of day a large number of men assembled, prepared to line out and search every foot of the country. Just as they started, Mr. Running and Constable Richards discovered the body of the unfortunate girl. She had reached the line fence between the Parker and Coad farms, within a few yards of succour and safety, when she fell exhausted. She had been dead apparently some hours. An inquest held by Dr. Vaus failed to elicit any evidence of foul play, the doctors testifying that her death was due solely to exposure. Deceased was nearsighted and it is probable that darkness came on sooner than she expected, resulting in her terrible sufferings and death.
The tragic event has profoundly moved the people of the whole community, who sympathise deeply with the family in their heavy affliction.
Tuesday June 18, 1895 issue–
Toledo – Monday, June 17,-
Chantry football club is coming down here next Saturday to play our boys a match.
The Rev. G.H. Porter, M.A., B.D. preached his farewell sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday last.
A number of our young people spent Saturday at Charleston Lake and report having spent a very enjoyable time.
We are sorry that the Addison men feel so bad over their boys not defeating our team in the last foot ball match they had. Addison has got a good team, but they cannot deny that Toledo had the best of the last match, and for that reason a large piece has been put in the Brockville Times to try and cover it over. This is all right, but when a lot of stuff is put in which is very far from the truth we cannot help thinking that they have gone a little too far. By their talk, a person would think half of our men did not live in Toledo at all, but we would like them to show us one of our men who does not live in Toledo or within three miles from it. They also did the referee injustice by speaking of him in the way they did, but we claim he did his very best and that he did not have any reason to favour our team, as most of our boys are strangers to him, while most of Addison men go to school with him at Athens. Besides this, there are several other things we could mention, but we will not go any further, because in one way we feel sorrow over their disappointment in their boys not defeating our team in their last match.
Tuesday July 16, 1895 issue
Toledo Monday, July 15 –
Many of our farmers have finished their haying and some of them won’t have enough to winter their stock.
Mr. Harry Reeve and his sister Muriel of Lanark are visiting their many friends in the village at present.
Mr. J. Smith has begun to rebuild his house, which was burnt some time ago.
Mr. Simmie Manhard and Mrs. Cornell of Athens gave some of their old friends a flying visit on Friday last.
Our students who have been going to school at Brockville and Athens are now home on their vacation.
Miss Rena Coad of Brockville is the guest of Miss Ethel McCrum
Mrs. Derbyshire is visiting her mother at Portland this week.
Mr. S. Sliter, who has been working for Mr. Mackay for some time, has left the firm and is now living at Westport.
Our Orange Lodge took in the Twelth [sic] at Ottawa this year.
Owing to a large and steady increase in business, Mr. Borthwick our new baker, has engaged Mr. E. Pennock of Brockville as helper. Mr. Borthwick is giving excellent satisfaction and finds no trouble in selling his bread any where it goes
Miss Leah Stratton is in Brockville this week on a visit to her friends there.
Our Epworth League is doing a rushing business this year selling ice cream on Saturday nights.
Miss Lillie Tallman who has been visiting friends in Ottawa for some time, has returned home.
Mr. Charles Stratton was home on a visit last week.
Dr. Ferguson in now in New York where he is taking up the practice of one of the leading physicians of the New York Post Graduate Hospital. This speaks very highly of Dr. Ferguson, and Toledo may well be proud of having such a doctor. Dr. Hargraves is taking up Dr. Ferguson’s practice while he is absent.
Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue
Toledo Monday, July 29 –
It is with very deep regret that wa announce the death of Mr. James Coad, a very highly respected person, who has been sick for a very long time. His funeral took place on Friday last and was conducted by the Rev. Me. Stillwell in the Presbyterian church, after which his remains were conveyed to the vault near Smith’s Falls. As Mr. Coad was a member of the A.O.U.W., his brethren turned out in their usual respectful manner to convey him to his last resting place.
We expect to be able to report a very pleasant event in our next week’s news.
Mrs. Derbyshire is at present in Portland taking care of her father who is seriously ill.
Mr. Harry Reeve has returned home and was accompanied by Mr. Talmage Stratton.
Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue
Mr. James Coad of Toledo died on Thursday morning last. He had been a sufferer for a long time from diabetes.
Tuesday Aug 6, 1895 issue
Toledo – Saturday, Aug 3. –
Several from here intend taking in the great show at Smith’s Falls on the 13th
Mr. Talmage Stratton has returned home from Lanark where he has been visiting friends.
Our baker has quite a curiosity in the shape of two eagles. He intends fitting them up in fine shape to show at the fall fairs
Miss Gertrude Reeve of Lanark is the guest of Miss May Pratt.
Dr. Gallagher of Bay City, Michigan, gave his sister, Mrs. Derbyshire, a short visit last week.
On Tuesday evening, July 30th, one of the happiest events Toledo has seen for some time took place in the Presbyterian church, when Miss Lena Edgar was united in Marriage to Mr. James Sexton of Elgin. The Church was nicely decorated with ferns and flowers, and long before the time of the mirage the seats were packed to their utmost. After a half hour’s waiting the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Fleming. The bride looked very charming in her handsome dress, and Toledo, we may safely say, is losing one of its most prominent young ladies. The Presbyterian congregation will especially miss her, as for a large number of years she has taken an active part in the Christian Endeavor, the choir, and in all the church work. Not only did she work for the interest of her own church, but she was always found willing to give her aid in the entertainments or concerts and of the other churches. About nine o’clock the guests and the happy couple drove to the bride’s home where a very enjoyable evening was spent.
Tuesday Aug 27, 1895 issue
Toledo- Monday, Aug 26 –
School commenced last week with the same staff of teachers
Miss Gertrude Reeve has returned to her home at Lanark
The boys are making great preparations for duck hunting
Miss DeWolfe of Athens is visiting friends here
A large number from here took in the Sell’s brothers big show at Smith’s Falls
Miss Mary Pratt and Miss Eva Stratton are visiting friends in Smith’s Falls
Our foot ball team were successful a few days ago in defeating Chantry and Harlem team by 1 to 0
Mr. Wm. DeWolfe is home from the United States where he has been for some time.
Miss Carrie McCrum has returned home from Brockville where she has been visiting friends.
A few from here attended the camp meeting at Unionville on Sunday
Miss Edith Coad of Brockville is the guest of Miss Carrie McCrum
Rev. D. McLean and Miss Katie McLean of Arnprior are visiting friends here
For a number of years back, hunters have come to our lakes and shot ducks whenever they pleased, but let them take warning this year to be careful when and how they capture their ducks.
We are glad to see the improvements that are being made in the cemetery. This is something that has been needed for some time and we hope that those interested in the grounds will make a good job of it this time.
Tuesday Sep 10, 1895 issue
Toledo, Monday, Sept. 9. –
Wild ducks are very scarce this year, though about fifty hunters were here on Monday.
Foster’s horse won a prize at Kingston races.
Bread is down to five cents
Miss Derbyshire of Norwich is here visiting her brother
Our teachers have been re-engaged for the next year
Great preparations are being made for the pic-nic on the 14th
Mr. Wm. Bell of Almonte is home on a visit to his mother
Miss Merrick, Miss Derbyshire, Mr. T. Stratton, and Mr. Weir of this place spent Saturday last at Portland where they spent a very enjoyable time on the river.
Tuesday Sep 24, 1895 issue
There was a tremendous crowd at Toledo picnic on the 14th and the affair passed off very successfully and pleasantly. The day was a little cold but otherwise was a favourable though there doubtless would have been a much larger crowd out had the weather been warmer. There was abundant provision made by the generous hearted people who did the cooking for even a far larger number than was present and everything was of the best. The citizens band, Smith’s Falls, supplied the music and during the afternoon there were games in the field and three very exciting trotting races. In the fast race D. Forth of Unionville took first money; in the green race, A.Rogers took first; and in the three minute race W. Murphy’s horse came in ahead.
Tuesday Oct 1, 1895 issue
Toledo, Monday, Sept. 30 –
Mr. C.A. Woods has been doing a little more work on his new house
Mr. W. Pratt paid a short visit to his old home last week.
Dr. Kilborn and family have moved back to their old home at Oeon [sic] station.
Mr. John Smith has his new house about finished
Mr. S.Carr and Harry Reeve of Lanark gave some of their friends a short visit last week.
Miss Sarah Brown of Arnprior is visiting friends here.
Dr. Ferguson has returned from New York where he has been walking the hospitals
A large number from here left last week to attend the Ottawa exhibition, among the number being Mr. and Mrs. H. Hicks, Miss Leah Stratton, Mrs. McLean, Mr. George Stratton, and Talmage Stratton.
Mr. J. Geo. Hunter, who has been home on a visit for a short time, has left for Springfield to attend the Y.M.C.A. training school
Tuesday Oct 15, 1895 issue
Toledo, Monday, Oct. 14, –
A sermon was preached to the A.O.U.W. by Rev. Mr. Stillwell on Sunday morning last.
The Rev. Mr. Sheldon occupied the Baptist pulpit on Sunday
Miss Schofield has removed her millinery shop from Mr. Mackey’s store to the drug store stand.
Mr. R. Percival has opened up a tailor shop in a room back of the post office. We wish him every success.
Miss Mary Pratt is visiting friends in the States
Miss McCann has opened up a millinery shop in Mr. Mackey’s store.
Our teachers attended the convention at Brockville
A number from here went to Brockville last week to hear Laurier.
Tuesday Nov 5, 1895 issue
Toledo, Monday, Nov 4. –
Miss Mary Pratt has returned home from the States, where she has been visiting friends for some time.
Our tailor, Mr. R.H. Percival is doing a rushing business. He has engaged Miss Bulford of Athens as assistant.
Mr. Will Steward has returned fomr from Nova Scotia, where he has been working all summer.
Our stage has again changed hands and is now in the possession of Mt. T. DeWolfe.