Lyn – News from the Village
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing the following hamlet for the years 1884, 1889, 1894, 1895 and 1924
March 28, 1884 – The Breaking of a Dam Floods the Village
The Village of Lyn situated five miles west of Brockville is today undergoing all the horrors of a flood, an experience seldom falling to the lot of dwellers in Eastern Ontario Towns. This morning at an early hour it was noticed that the small stream of water passing through the centre of the quite hamlet and partially held in check by a rotten looking dam, had assumed the proportions of a small river. A few more moments elapsed during which a roaring noise resembling the rapid approach of a furious thunder storm was heard and then with a boom and a crash a great body of water came rushing down the narrow gorge carrying everything before it. Hugh masses of thick ice were swirled about like corks and a few minutes after the first warning the water had reached the depth of two feet in some of the streets of Lyn and one Lady Mrs. Raymond, was obliged to gather her effects hurriedly together and vacate her dwelling which was soon flooded.
At latest accounts Purvis Store, Gardiner’s Store and a dwelling occupied by Mr. Peter Pergau were invaded by the watery element, while many other residences had banked their houses in hope of restricting the invasion. To add to the trouble large blocks of ice are floating about the streets and threatening damage to the buildings.
The trouble originated from the breakage of Coleman’s Dam erected between the two points of lakes by the Coleman Brothers about twenty five years ago. The dam is situated about three miles above the village and is supposed to have become weak through age.
Lyn, Tuesday March 26th, 1889
Spring has come, the voice of the blackbird and robin is heard in the land and the vendors of maple syrup are seen on our streets. Poor sap-weather they say.
March has been decidedly lamb-like all through, but lion may put in an appearance in April.
Heldon Brown, son of Ira Brown, has gone to Idaho to go into business with his brother, who has been out there for some years. Every body wishes “Shel” success.
Ms. James McLean, who has been an inmate of the lunatic asylum at Kingston for some time, died suddenly on Thursday, and was buried at Stone Church, Young on Saturday.
Rev. J.J. Richards being away on vacation, visiting friends in the North-West, his pulpit is supplied by students and others. Rev. Mr. Phillips kindly officiates when called upon during the week.
The Methodist Church Ladies’ Aid Society intend holding a sugar social on April 3rd.
Lyn, Saturday April 27, 1889
The warm weather and rain of this week have started the grass, strawberries etc. which are looking well.
Farmers have commenced seeding somewhat earlier than for some time past.
As the corn fodder and ensilage subject is a very important one, why is it not expedient to have the next meeting of the Farmers’ Institute held at once, when the matter can be thoroughly discussed in time to be of benefit for this season ! A weeks notice, with through advertising, would bring a large gathering to Brockville on any Saturday.
Lyn– Saturday June 22nd 1889
The fine weather of this week has brought on the strawberry crop very rapidly. The yield promises to be very heavy and the appearance of the fruit magnificent. The Indian pickers have come and the next two weeks will be busy ones.
Mr. Wm. Bullock has been on a trip through the states of Pennsylvania and New York. He reports a pleasant time.
The License Commissioners have been fit to grant in Lyn the only license in the township, in the face of the petition of 49 ‘fanatics’ against it. As soon as the granting of the license became known the old stagers began to fall into line, and the old time scenes, so common before the passage of the Scott Act, are again frequently witnessed. The idiotic stare, boisterous hilarity and reeling stupidity were all to be seen at one time yesterday. But it is all right and according to Act of Parliament. But will the sighs and tears of the wives, sisters and mothers be less bitter ! Let them weep- it is their privilege; but they must be careful not to do anything to stay the cause of their tears, or they will overstep the bounds of propriety and be accused of fanaticism! Strange it is that men will pray on Sunday, “Lead us not into temptation.” And on Monday encourage the opening of a public bar to tempt the weak Is such Christianity real or burlesque !
Tuesday Oct 16, 1894 issue-
Lyn- Monday Oct 16
Mr. John DeCarle of Montana, US and Miss Maggie Wilson of Lyn were married on the 11th. They leave in a few days for the west. The loss of Miss. Wilson will be much felt, as she was one of the most popular young ladies.
Factories are all running now which makes things lively.
On Saturday one of the oldest inhabitants of Yonge Front passed away at the ripe old age of 86 years, viz.: Mr. Peter Purvis, familiarly know as “Aunt Keziah”. She will be buried today at the stone church.
Tuesday Nov 20, 1894 issue- (date show is the date on the paper, not the correct date)
Lyn, Nov 26 –
Hunting and fish stories are the leading topic here just now, but none of them come up to N’s in last week’s Reporter
One of our clergymen put in a good word for life insurance yesterday.
A couple of farmers from the Front of Yonge had quite an experience coming from Westport on Saturday evening. What would travellers do if there were no houses of entertainment along the road ?
There has been quite a stir in real estate this fall. When there are no houses to rent people have to buy.
Tuesday Jan. 8, 1895 issue-
Lyn– Jan 7-
The holidays passed off very quietly. Christmas was dull for want of sleighing.
On New Year’s morning Presbyterian S.S. scholars were treated to candy and fruit, and in the afternoon the Methodist S.S. took a drive, followed by a social in the school room.
The sleighing is making things lively in the wood and log business.
The whistle at the saw mill sounds well after being silent for some time.
Miss Naomi McCormack has been engaged to take charge of the junior classes in our school. We were sorry to loose Miss. Clow
The Rev. Mr. Wright, being away for the holidays, his pulpit was filed on the 30th by a Mr. Thompson, divinity student of Princetown college. Those who staid at home on account of the storm lost a fine gospel sermon.
Mr. William Langdon and lady. of Lyn, spent New Year’s with friends in the village. (Addison)
Tuesday Jan. 22, 1895 issue-
Mr. Charles Hayes has severed his connection with the Model farm at Maple Grove and has taken a residence in Lyn. He will be missed very much as he was a general favourite with all. We wish him and his family success in their new home.
Lyn- Monday Jan 21-
One of the saddest drowning accidents occurred here on Saturday. Little Joey, youngest son of Joseph Miller, went out to play after dinner and got down on the ice in the canal that carries the water to the flour mill, got through and was carried under the ice to the grating at the walkb_a_d [sic] . Willing hands went to work to get him out, but it was half and hour before the body was recovered, and although every effort was made to resuscitate him, life was extinct. What makes this accident particularly sad is that Mr. Miller lost another son by drowning about seven years ago, and also that a little precaution in covering the canal would render such an accident impossible. Mr. Miller’s family has the sympathy of the whole community.
Tuesday Feb. 5, 1895 issue-
Lyn- Monday Feb 4
Much sympathy is felt for John Armstrong in his illness
Mr. Kilpatrick, our new school trustee is proving the right man in the right place. His knowledge of modern school methods makes him a great help to the teachers. It is hoped that our school will be raised out of the rut of old fogeyism and made what it should be. It is sheer nonsense that so many pupils should go to other places to do 5th class work that might be done here.
The annual Sunday School drive of the Presbyterian S.S. takes place on the 11th, in the afternoon, and the congregational meeting in the evening – a combined social and business meeting that is always looked forward to as a very enjoyable affair.
Feb. 12, 1895 issue-
Lyn– Feb 11-
Johnnie Armstrong is home on a flying visit, on account of his father’s illness and had a rough time making the trip. He was on the train that was run into west of Toronto, but escaped any injury except a shaking up. J. Armstrong, sr., is some better, able to go out driving.
Reports from woodsmen put the depth of snow on the level at from three to six feet. Surely the regularity of the train service on the B&W this winter should convince the back country folks of the reliability of a mail service on that route. At present it takes three days to get a return mail from Delta or west of this to Lyn, and the same from Addison or Greenbush.
Owing to the snow blockade, the S.S. dinner and annual meeting of the Presbyterian congregation has been postponed until Tuesday the 26th.
- B. Stack advertises his hotel for sale. The house has been much improved since he has occupied it and it is said to be one of the most comfortable country hotels on the road.
On Saturday evening the Liberal meeting was well attended, in spite of the storm, and was very enthusiastic, every one feeling that there were good grounds for expecting a Liberal victory at Dominion elections.
Tuesday March 5, 1895 issue–
Lyn – Monday, Mar 4,-
The annual meeting of the congregation of Christ church (Presbyterian) came off on the 30th and was a very pleasant and successful one. Reports showed increased interest in missionary, S. school and other work. The meeting was a business and social one, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. A pleasing feature in the proceedings was the presentation of a number of interesting volumes to Miss. C. Willson as a token of appreciation of her services as sec-treasurer during past years. Miss. Willson was taken completely by surprise and replied briefly.
Quite a number of cases of lagrippe have developed during the last few days.
Mr. Theron Thrall, our oldest inhabitant, is very low.
Everybody is pleased to see John Armstrong out again and improving in health.
A very serious coasting accident occurred here on Saturday evening. A party of young people were enjoying themselves on the mountain near the G.T.R. station when a toboggan collided with a stump, resulting in Miss. Etta Stafford, daughter of Wm. Stafford, Esq., having her leg broken above the knee, besides other injuries.
Tuesday March 12, 1895 issue–
Lyn- Monday Mar 11 –
During last week both Mr. and Mrs. Thrall, an aged couple, passed away. Mr. Thrall, who has been an invalid for a number of years, died on Tuesday and his aged wife followed on Thursday. Mr. Thrall aged 86, Mrs. Thrall 75.
The annual charity social came off on Friday and was quite a success. About $20. was realized.
Fred Lee has opened up an ag’l machine depot here, handling implements made in the country, and is now canvassing the western section with samplers. Fred is a hustler and it will pay parties to see him before placing orders.
The sleighing is good and large quantities of logs and wood are coming to the village.
Tuesday March 26, 1895 issue–
Lyn – Mar 18 –
Mrs. N. R. Gardiner had the misfortune this morning to slip on the ice and break her arm and sprain her ankle.
Wm. Bullock left today for Montreal where he intends going into the grocery business.
Wm. Neilson & Sons bought four head of fat cattle through the village that they had purchased from the Stewart Brothers, Seeley’s Corners, which were a credit to them as feeders.
The serious results of over study in the case of Miss. Robins is another example of the evils of the cramming system carried on in our schools. To get an education they must go to the high schools where everything is run at high pressure. It is high time that something was done to make our common schools such as would provide a good common business education.
Tuesday, March 26-
The Rev. Mr. Patton, missionary of the Canadian Tract Society, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church yesterday, giving an account of the society’s work among the lumberman and inland sailors, which was very interesting.
On Sunday next 31st, a mass meeting of the Lyn, Caintown and Mallorytown congregations will be held in the Presbyterian church, Lyn, at 3:30 p.m., when the ordination of the newly elected elders will take place. Rev. Mr. Cameron of St. John’s church, Brockville will preach.
A gloom was cast over the village when it became known that Mrs. Omar Mallory had passed away. She had been very ill for some days, but was thought to be better, but on Saturday became worse until about one a.m. this morning when she died. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Mallory and family.
Yesterday (Monday), after a brief illness, Mrs. Omar Mallory of Lyn departed this life. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Henry Judd, Mallorytown, and a sister of Mrs. I.C. Alguire, Athens. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her, and her sudden demise is a subject of sincere regret to a large circle of friends. The funeral takes place to-morrow and the remains will be interred at Mallorytown.
Tuesday April 9, 1895 issue–
Mr. Wm. Stafford, of the Lyn stock yards, in his report to the Department of Agriculture for the year ending Oct. 31, 1894, says: Official regulations concerning the transportation of American stock have been strictly carried out. The yards have been always kept in a good state of repair. No Canadian cattle were allowed to come in contact with the yards. All animals dead on arrival here have been buried within the isolated yards under my direction. There were 835 cars, 13,855 head of cattle; 13 cars- 855 head of cattle; 13 cars, 261 horses; and 7 cars, 1,100 head of sheep, at the station this year, all of which were unloaded, fed and watered.
Rev. J.J. Wright of Lyn will occupy the pulpit of St. Paul’s Presbyterian church on Sabbath next, the pastor, Rev. J.J. Cameron taking his appointments on the Lyn Circuit.
Tuesday April 23, 1895 issue–
Lyn,- Monday April 22,-
Another of our old residents passed away last week in the person of Mrs. Raymond. A year ago she had a paralytic stroke but recovered so far as to be able to go about, until on Monday evening last she had another and sank until Thursday noon when she died.
Wallace Nicholson and wife are visiting Mr. Robert Widdis, her father, who is very ill.
Mrs. Martin Hunt has returned after spending the winter with her son at Syracuse, NY
Miss Jennie Raymond is home from Chicago, on account of the death of her mother,
Peter Pergau has commenced building his new house on the Demming lot. Pity we did not have some more men like Peter.
James McNish of Elm Grove farm is very ill.
The death of Henry Robinson of Hallecks was quite a shock to the people of the village. His youngest son in now lying at the point of death.
Tuesday April 30, 1895 issue–
Lyn– Monday, April 29-
W.Neilson & Sons have removed their meat market into the brick building near the P.O., having a fine roomy shop. The old premises are to be torn down. It was erected 49 years ago by H.E. McDonald for a shoe shop and is the oldest building on Main St., except the blacksmith shop and the Raymond house remaining as the first built. It is removing an old landmark.
Rev, Mr, Wright gave the report of the Liquor committee a pretty rough handling in his discourse yesterday.
Tuesday June 11, 1895 issue–
Lyn– Monday June 10.-
Rev. A. Mallory filed the pulpit in the Methodist church yesterday, morning and evening
Everybody is pleased that Rev. Mr. Perley is to remain another year.
The Hornerite tent has been here since 29th May, but has attracted very few from this neighbourhood. On Friday quite a crowd from a distance gathered in convention. It is said that they are to remain another week.
Mr. Cumming is clearing away the ruins and debris of a part of the old tannery, where he intends building an addition to the Flouring Mill, to be need for grinding provender, & etc.
Our factories are all running full time.
The Ag’l Works are very busy sending off cultivators and horse shoes. Farmers appreciate the advantage of the reduction in prices.
Prospects are fair for a crop of strawberries, but they need rain badly.
Tuesday July 30, 1895 issue
McNish – At Brookfield, Missouri, aged 76, Lavina McNish, wife of Geo. McNish, formerly of Young Co. of Leeds, Ont mother of G.P. McNish, Lyn.
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
Lyn, Monday Aug. 12 –
The magnificent illumination at Union Park on the 8th was witnessed by a large number from here.
Our school board are over-hauling the school house and putting things in good shape – new seats, draining the basement, and putting in furnace for heating etc. The two school rooms are to be on the upper flat, leaving the lower room to be used as a town hall for the present.
The union S.S. excursion takes place next week to Gananoque.
The Hornerites have secured Buell’s hall as a place of worship.
The quarterly meeting in the Methodist church on the 4th was largely attended.
On Friday evening Mrs. Jas. Hall and her party of native Coreans [sic] drew a large audience at the Methodist church. Mrs. Hall’s description of the manners and customs of that country, and the singing and reading of the Coreans in their native tongue, were very interesting.
Peter Pergan has his new home finished
E.A.Cumming is putting a new boiler in his last factory
Mr. H. Coleman and family are visiting his brother-in-law, Jas. Cumming, Esq.
Mr. Meikle of Smith’s Falls took a spin on Sunday morning from Charleston to meet Rev. J.J. Wright, an old friend. He came by way of Athens 17 miles in 90 minutes.
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
O.W.Weed and wife of Sandy Creek, N.Y. are spending a few week’s with Mrs. Weed’s sister, Mrs. G.P. McNish
Walker’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin has been here and gone carrying away some money and the ???? of a humbugged crowd.
Tuesday Aug 27, 1895 issue
Lyn– Monday Aug 28 –
The union S.S. excursion came off on Friday, 23rd, and was a very pleasant affair
School has opened and both scholars and teachers are much pleased with their new quarters
Wm Bulloch has retires to Kyn, having sold out his interest in the grocery business in Montreal.
M.Kilpatrick, our general Insurance agent, is receiving a visit from his brother from Rousa city, Mo. The visitor filled the pulpit of the Methodist church last evening very acceptably.
Tuesday Sep 3, 1895 issue
Mr. U.R. Lapoint of Elizabethtown is slightly demented and when under the influence of liquor is inclined to be dangerous. Last week he armed himself with a gun and an axe and drove into Brockville where he par took of refreshments and speedily qualified for police interference. He was arrested, adjudged insane, and will be confined in the new asylum.
A Lyn correspondent says: – An English sharper representing himself variously as “an expert butter maker” a commercial traveller with samples and horses at Brockville, a secret detective, etc., managed to skip a small bill at a boarding house here. He was seen afoot heading for Athens Tuesday morning. Pass him along.
Messer’s. Omer and John E. Brown of Delta and Wm Bullock of Lyn, and Geo Stanton of Canton, N.Y., were fishing in Red Horse lake last Wednesday and numbered among their catch two salmon weighing respectively 20 lbs and 12 lbs. The Red Horse has furnished fine sport this season and many big catches have been made, but this twenty pounder probably breaks the record.
Tuesday Sep 24, 1895 issue
Lyn– Saturday, Sept 21 –
One of the oldest inhabitants of this village passed away on Wednesday morning last in the person of Robert Widdis, aged 66, who has carried on the business of wagon making for over 35 years.
Everybody is much pleased at the success of our local thoroughbred stock men at the fairs this fall.
E.A.Cumming is placing a new steel boiler in the last factory and is overhauling and remodelling his machinery, getting ready for a busy time.
The whistle of the Eyre Mfg. Co. has been heard for the last few days signifying that business had been resumed after being shut down for a time.
The Ag’l Works are busy getting out plows, improved Giant root cutters, sugar arches and roller castings.
The W.C.T.U. are talking of getting up an entertainment to open the new hall, provided by putting both departments of the school on the upper flat. Everybody attends their entertainments, so they are sure of a full house.
The Unionville fair was voted a great success by the many who visited it from here. The “merry go round” was a great attraction to old and young, but centrifugal force was the strongest in the case of one of the “boys”.
March 29, 1924 – A Lyn Landmark Destroyed
The building destroyed was one of the landmark of Lyn Village. It was built many years ago by Richard Coleman and in 1854 was converted to a factory by Messer’s James Bullock and Walter Coleman. For a number of years it stood unoccupied. Early this year Mr. Drunige, who operates a saw mill at Jasper and portable sawing equipment at Maitland, purchased the building and equipped it with $2,500. worth of machinery. He had cut between 150,000 and 200,000 feet of umber since operations were started in February. Owing to limited yard space most of the lumber manufactured was drawn away daily and fortunately there was not much of the finished product on the grounds when the fire broke out. Close to 40 cords of slab wood were piled in the engine and boiled room of the plant and this gave the Brockville fireman their hardest battle in subduing the flames. The loss will be in the neighbourhood of $4,000. and although the owner of the property was away and could not be interviewed it was learned from a authoritative source that no insurance was carried on the building or contents which are a total loss