Addison – News from the Village 1889-1895
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Excerpts have been taken from this paper referencing Addison for the years 1889, 1894 and 1895
Jan 8, 1889
Miss. Jane Brown, Addison and Mr. Earl, of Young, were married on the 12th inst, at the residence of the bride’s father, amid festivities and pleasure. There was a large company of friends present, and many valuable presents were made.
Saturday Jan 26th, 1889-
The wedding of Mr.Sterns Knapp, of Plum Hollow, to Miss. Jennie Love of Addison, took place at the residence of the bride’s parents on Wednesday last the 28th inst. About eighty guests were present and the presents were numerous and costly, as well as being in good taste. The happy couple started the wedding trip on Uncle Sam’s side of the line followed by a shower of all the old boots and slippers which could be found in the Addison neighbourhood. May the newly wedded pair be blessed with every happiness
Addison Jan 29, 1889
Mrs. Poolab of Pleasant Valley has gone to Ottawa to spend a few weeks with her son, Lewis
Mr. Chas. Snider has gone to Michigan to make his fortune. We wish him success.
It is rumoured that wedding bells will soon ring in our village.
Addison: Mar 12, 1889 – Miss. Theresa Covey of Gananoque is the guest of Mr. Wm. Langdon her brother in law.
Mr. William Quinn has leased the blacksmith shop on King Street for another year, Success to Billy.
Mr. Ed Davis has secured the services of Mr. Henry Sheridan for the coming year. Mr. C. Stowell has succeeded in placing about twenty tons of ice in the mammoth ice house in his cheese factory for use this coming season.
Mrs. Pritchard has gone to Shelborne to visit her friends there.
Mr. Omar Arnold, who has been very sick for some time, will, we are glad to say, soon be convalescent.
Addison March 9th 1889 Our King St. blacksmith has been and gone and done it, and now Theresa is mistress of the little white house.
Mr. Ed McVagh has moved away to prepare for his cheese making this coming season, and Mr. Chas. Hayes has moved into the house vacated by him.
Mrs. A.Cole is spending a few days with her friends here.
Mr.David Langdon is very sick at his son William’s here.
Addison, Saturday March 16th, 1889
Died at the residence of his son William, Mr. David Langdon, at the advanced age of 76 years.
Mr. Hirman Clow and lady of Yonge Mills, are the guests of Mr. William Langdon.
Senator Roberts has vacated his old residence on Selina St., and is snugly domiciled with our King St. tea merchant,
On Tuesday evening, 12th inst., there was held one of the largest, if not the largest, milk meeting ever held in this vicinity. Mayor Derbyshire, of Brockville and Mr. Strong made most eloquent addresses which were very edifying and beneficial.
Mr. Gibson of Elbe has moved to our village, having leased the celebrates Hillside Farm from Mr. Walter Lewis.
Addison, April 1st, 1889
On Tuesday evening, the 26th, a number of our villagers drove to Frankville to join in celebrating the marriage of Mr. Jackson of Gananoque, to Miss. Theresa Covey. The nuptial ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Styles at the residence of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J.Y.Covey. The groom was ably assisted by Mr. H. Leacock, of Frankville, whilst Miss. Aggie Scott of Addison waited upon the bride. A number of guests were in attendance. The bride was the recipient of a number of handsome and valuable presents, which testified to the high esteem in which she was held by her many friends here. The ceremony being performed at 8:30 pm the happy couple and suits were invited to an adjoining room, where a sumptuous repast awaited, provided by the kind host and hostess. Justice having been done here and usual toasts proposed and responded to, the hall was quickly cleared and all were merry as the marriage bell when the sweet strains of the violin were sounded by Messrs. Leacock and Hannah. The light fantastic was tripped until the wee sma’ hours, except an occasional break for some favourite song. A very enjoyable evening was spent, and all separated for their several homes, well pleased with their evening’s enjoyment, and wishing for a similar meetings ere long. He happy couple are visiting here at her brother’s, Mr. Wm. Langdon, previous to removing to Gananoque. It is needless to add, they have the best wishes of this community for their future happiness.
Mrs. Prichard has returned from Shelburne and is now fully prepared to wait upon her many customers.
Mr. H.B. Brown, our popular agent for ploughs, harrows, binders, etc., of the east ward, is doing a good business, being energetic and attentive to orders. Henry is always cheerful and ready to deal.
Messer’s. R.M. Arnold and E. Wiltse are busily engaged completing our village factory, which will be second to none in Ontario. Mr. Stowell is bound to give big results.
Any one desirous of inspecting a first class farm house, with regard to plan of rooms, mode of heating etc., should call on Mr. E Davis and have his wants gratified.
Mr. Geo. Pullah has returned from New York. He is looking hale and hearty, especially when wearing that elegant suit of clothes just got from H.S. Moffatt.
A vacant shoe shop here now and a good opening.
One of Glen Buell’s worthy scribes received an invitation to attend a wedding at a friend’s house a few miles out in the back country. To be sure of getting there in good time preparations were made for an early start, so old Dolly was slicked up and everything put in the finest order possible. Old Dolly being rather high spirited, and his honour being so enamoured with the scenery, he partially forgot the object in pursuit, and wandered off the road altogether. After driving four or five miles our of his way, on making enquiries as to his whereabouts, he was directed by a kind friend Mr. Charles Goff, to the haven he desired to reach, but unfortunately too late to see the nuptial knot tied or to partake of the sumptuous repast provided by the host for the evening.
Mr. C. Stowell has got the boiler for his factory on the ground.
Sugar making is the order of the day, that is, when the sap runs.
Mr. A. Cole of Ogdensburg arrived on the 2 pm train. He intends spending a few days here on very important business.
Addison, Monday April 8th 1889
Mrs. Pritchard has moved from King St. and has opened a first class dress making emporium on the corner of King and Selina Sts.
Mr. George Jackson leaves here this morning for the great North west where he intends to take up land and farm on a big scale. He is accompanied as far as Carleton Place by his brother in law, Mr. Wm. Langdon, who also intends going out to the North West next spring.
Sugar parties are all the go now, but gather up the feathers nice and clean, boys.
Mrs. George Patterson presented her husband with a fine girl baby one day last week. George is all smiles now.
Anyone wanting choice selections of eggs for setting purposes should call on our King St. fowl fancier, Mr. Wm. Langdon.
Birth: On the 8th inst., the wife of Walter Lewis, a son.
Addison- Saturday May 11, 1889
Mr. Frank Taplin met with quite an accident yesterday, which might have resulted fatally. As he was trying to capture a colt, it accidentally kicked him, rendering him insensible for some time, At last accounts, he was improving slowly.
Our King St. tea merchant has succumbed to high pressure in business and gone railroading for a change.
Miss. Koyle of Brockvlle is the guest of Mr. Walter Lewis.
Mr. Charles Snider has the misfortune to lose his celebrated Rysdik colt. High feed and indigestion were too much for him.
The first consignment of this season’s cheese left here on Thursday. It was pronounced a number 1 article, and was purchased by Mr. D. Derbyshire of Brockville.
Mr. H. B. Brown has sold his celebrated Hillside arm to Mr. G.S. Booth, which eaves a good blacksmith stand to lease, second to none in the country.
Addison- Saturday June 18, 1889
As Mr. James Barlow and his daughter, Mrs. Levi Church, were returning from the English Church dinner at Athens, one of the lines fell from the old gentleman’s hands, causing the horses to plunge into a deep ditch. Both were thrown from the vehicle, Mr. Barlow receiving serious injuries, which confined him to his bed, and Mrs. Church escaping with a bad cut in the forehead.
Mrs. Mowat and family, California, are guests at Mr. W. Lewis’.
Mr. E.S. Wiltse and his son are away erecting a house for Mr. A. Cole, Kitley.
Mrs. A.A. Davis, Brockville is visiting friends here.
Mrs. Demming, Gananoque, and Miss. Poolah, Brockville are visiting Mrs. Poolah, Pleasant Valley.
The rain is doing much damage. Some farmers have not finished seeding yet, and some of the fields look like miniature lakes.
Saturday June 22nd 1889
The annual lawn social in connection with the Addison circuit of the Methodist Church will take place on Wednesday evening next. This is a very popular fixture and we have no doubt it will be well attended. Both the retiring and incoming pastors will be present.
Tuesday July 2nd, 1889
Owing to the juicy conditions of the weather on Wednesday last, the Addison lawn social was postponed to Friday the 5th inst.
Addison Saturday July 20- 1889
Farmers have commenced haying in this section and report a very heavy crop.
Mr. Ezra Wiltse has been engaged by Mr. Levi Lewis of Newboro, as assistant clerk in his store.
Miss. Hester Wiltse is home spending vacation with her friends here.
Our King St. tea merchant arrived home on Thursday night last, but owing pressure of business, stayed only a short time.
Mr. H. Brown started one of his Maxwell binders on the farm of Malcom Brown, which gave such entire satisfaction to Malcom that he purchased it on the spot. He sold two ore the same day.
Mr. Henry Sherden, who has been sick all the season, at last accounts, was no better.
Mr. Willam Wiltse and his best girl passed through our village en route to see their friends at Young Mills.
We were in error in our item two weeks ago when we stated that Mr. and Mrs. W. Mallory, of Mallorytown, were guests of W. Lewis of this place. We have learned since that Mr. Mallory is a widower and that his companion was one of Mallorytown’s most respectable young ladies. When we knew Mr. Mallory, a few years ago, he was married and having never heard of his wife’s death, se supposed that it was his wife that was with him. We make this correction in justice to the parties concerned.
Mr. Ed Stowell of Addison, is making a tour of inspection with the cheese instructor in the Province of Quebec. Ed is determined to know all there is to be known about the cheese industry.
Addison- Saturday Dec 14 1889
Miss Jennie Gibson has been engaged to teach our school for the next year.
Mr. Joseph Moulto has moved into our village and now occupies the villa vacated by Senator Roberts.
Our mayor has consented to remain with us anther year on condition that he be furnished with an assistant on all pubic days.
Mr. Edward McVeigh, of West Winchester was in our village this week obtaining his share of the estate of the late Sarah McVeigh.
Addison- Saturday, Dec 28 1889
Our Christmas concert for the benefit of our Sunday School proved a success, the receipts amounting to enough to carry our school for the coming year. The solos and recitations were first class in every respect. The lecture delivered by Rev. Mr. Oliver was very interesting and the suggestions thrown out by our worthy divine are worthy of our careful consideration.
Mr. A. Cole of Kitley has opened out a cabinet shop at the residence of Mr. Ezra Wiltse, King St. east.
Addison Dec 26th, 1889
Barlow’s Cheese Factory- As it has become customary among cheese factories to make a public statement of accounts during the year, I thought I would make the following reports which I hope you will consider worthy of space in your valuable paper.
Total amount of milk received at Barlow’s Factory was 720,018 lbs. from which was made 69,586 lbs. of cheese; lbs. of milk to lb cheese 10.47 lbs; average price per lb. cheese 9.47 cents; total amount received for cheese $6589.28; amount of manufacturing $869.76, leaving a net balance of nearly $15.70 per ton to patrons. Signed C.L. McCrady, Secretary.
Tuesday Oct 16, 1894 issue-
Addison- Saturday Oct 13-
Mr. William Gray of Forthton, has the contract of repairing the Grand Central for H.S. Moffatt.
Mrs. Walter Lewis of King St., will leave in a few days to spend the winter with her parents in New York State.
Mrs. Poulin of Pleasant Valley, has moved to Brockville and Mayor Kelley will occupy the villa for the coming year. The foreman of the Model farm at Mt. Pleasant and his best girl were visiting friends at Slab St. recently.
Mrs. Hiram Brown and her daughter Lillian of Michigan are visiting their many friends in this vicinity for a few weeks.
It is rumoured that a young gentleman from Deer Park visited the stocking farm last week, and it is said that he got some very fine footwear for winter.
Tuesday Oct 30, 1894 issue-
Addison, Monday Oct. 29-
Mr. Moore and lady of Hamilton, Ontario are the guests of Mr. W.Lewis of King St.
It is rumoured that there is to be a change in the dispenser of knowledge in our school next year. We see no reason why there should be a change, as our present teacher is giving first-class satisfaction.
Mr. Daniel Livingston and lady, of Hard Island, were visiting friends at Silver Brook for a few days last week.
The Rev. Mr. Scanlon of Brockville was canvassing our village in aid of the Stanstead college last week. He met with a hearty response from a few of our most wealthy citizens.
Miss. Anna Langdon of Mt. Royal, is recuperating at Silver Brook for a few days.
Mr. Fred Bates has engaged as foreman on the Model Farm at Maple Grove for this winter.
Mr. John Latham and a lady, of Yonge Mills, spent a few pleasant days with friends at Mt. Pleasant last week.
Foreman Hull has severed his connection with the Model farm at Mt. Pleasant for the present, but will resume his former position in the spring if all is well.
Mr. Ezra Wiltse , of King St, is engaged erecting a very commodious building for Mr. A. Cole of Kitley, this week . Ezra is a hustler, and makes things ‘git’ sometimes.
Nov 18, 1894 issue-
Addison, Saturday Nov.10-
Mr. Robert Barlow of Glossville has leased his farm to a very extensive farmer of Kitley and will live a retired life for a few years to come.
Dr. Brown of Mt. Pleasant has disposed of his celebrated bay, Boston, to Mr. Richard Cardiff of Glossville who intends fitting it up for spring races.
Messrs. Henry and William Knox have returned home after spending a few days with friends at Inkerman and vicinity.
Messrs. Hyde and Co. have been engaged for some days constructing a water course across King st., which will drain all the water on the north side of Selina st. It was badly needed.
Mr.George Langdon of Mt. Royal, has been on the sick list for a few days. We hope it will not prove serious.
Quite a number of our local sports attended the fair at North Augusta on the 2nd inst. And did considerable business. Jabes was on hand and did some big swapping as usual.
Mr. William Peterson of Rocksprings has leased the residence on King st. from Mr. Frank Eiltse, of Silver Brook. We extend a hearty welcome.
Miss. Adda Sexton has engaged to teach Toledo school for the coming year.
Tuesday Nov 20, 1894 issue- (date show is the date on the paper, not the correct date)
Addison, Saturday Nov. 24-
Foreman Hull has severed his connection with our King St. farmer and Mr. George Evans has been engaged to fill the vacancy.
Mrs. Wellinngton Lewis, who has been seriously ill for some time, is slowly recovering.
Mr. Fred Bates has said good bye to his many friends in this section and will recuperate in the balmy breezes of York state for the future.
Mrs.[sic] William Peterson has been engaged as foreman at Maple Grove for the present.
Mr. Benson Empy has been engaged to instruct the youths of our school for the coming year.
Addison, Saturday Nov. 24-
Wedding bells have again pealed forth their melodies in our midst’s, it being the marriage of Mr. John Best, of Glossville to Hanna, daughter of Mr. James Brown of the same place on the 21st inst. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Knox in the presence of about 100 invited guests, after which all partook of a sumptuous repast provided for the occasion. The presents were costly and numerous, showing the very high esteem in which the young couple were held in the community. The orchestra from Addison and vicinity assembled about 10:45 o’clock and discoursed some excellent music. The bride and groom left on the 2 p.m. train for Ottawa on a short honeymoon trip, taking with them the best wishes of all that theirs may be a long and happy life.
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Tuesday Jan. 1, 1895 issue-
The entertainment which took place on Wednesday, Dec 19th, was a grand success. The children who took part in it showed that their instructors, Mrs. Forth and Miss. Clow, did their utmost to make entertainment as pleasing and interesting as possible. The recitations by Misses Towriss, Henderson, Orton and Whaley, and Mesrs. Lynn and Stewart were given in their usual good style and gave evidence that there is no lack of talent in that direction here. The musical part played no small share towards making the entertainment a success. We beg leave to thank the Addison orchestra for the choice selections rendered by them. The instrumental music furnished by Master Allen Lapointe showed marked ability and as time advances we hope to see him one of the shinning lights in the musical world. The Christmas tree fairly groaned under its weight of presents for the children. After receiving these a treat of nuts and candies was given them, and all went home feeling happy. Before closing we must not forget to thank genial John Yates for the very able manner in which he filled the chair.
Tuesday Jan. 8, 1895 issue-
Rev. Wm. Knox of Addison is the possessor of a monster bald eagle; its wings outspread measuring over eight feet from tip to tip.
Addison- Saturday Jan. 5-
Mr. Peter Baker of Cornwall, is spending a few days with friends in Glossville and vicinity.
The village carpenter, of Slab st., has resumed his studies at the corner school house for another year. We wish him success.
It is rumoured that wedding bells will soon ring at Silver Brook. We extend congratulations.
R.H. Field and lady, of King st. were visiting friends at Mallorytown this week.
It is rumoured that a prominent citizen of Silver Brook is about to unite with the Loyal Orange Lodge of this place.
Mr. William Langdon and lady. of Lyn, spent New Year’s with friends in the village. (Addison)
It is just whispered that one of our King st. gents is about to take a life partner in the near future.
We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Robt. Barlow of Addison which occurred on Tuesday evening, 8th inst.. Funeral on Thursday at 10 a.m. from family residence to Christ church, Athens. Mrs. Barlow was a sister of Ralph Davis, Brockville; Wm. Davis, Frankville; and Edward Davis, Addison. She has been a great sufferer for several years and death came as a welcome release from pain. The family have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement.
On Sunday evening, George Stewart, aged 19 years, only son of Mr. Hiram Stewart, died at his home in Addison after a brief illness. On Christmas day he joined a skating party at Greenbush and contracted a severe cold, which despite the best of medical care, terminated fatally. The funeral takes place to-day at 10 a.m.
Tuesday Jan. 15, 1895 issue-
One of the largest funeral processions that ever entered Athens was on Thursday of Mrs. Rob’t Barlow, whose death at Addison was chronicled last week. Nearly ninety cutters filled with friends and neighbors were in line. Service was conducted at Christ Church.
Tuesday Jan. 22, 1895 issue-
Addison, Monday, Jan 20.-
The Rev. Mr. Klyne is conducting revival service in our church this week and we hope much good may be accomplished.
The proprietor of the Model farm at Mt. Pleasant has been engaged for the past week hauling wood from his timber limit at Glen Buell.
Miss. Field, of Mallorytown, is the guest of Mr. R. H. Field. King st. east
Mrs. Argue of Ottawa is visiting at the parsonage for a few weeks.
Mr. Ezra Wiltse and Miss Viola Wiltse of King st. east were visiting friends at Jasper on Sunday last
Mr. Joseph Moulton is engaged as foreman with Mr. William Woof for the rest of the winter.
Mr. Charles Hayes has severed his connection with the Model farm at Maple Grove and has taken a residence in Lyn. He will be missed very much as he was a general favourite with all. We wish him and his family success in their new home.
Tuesday Feb. 5, 1895 issue-
Addison, Saturday Feb.3
The 3rd quarterly meeting for the year was held in our church on Sabbath last. The Rev. Mr. Knox delivered a very impressive address to a large congregation and administered the sacrament to about 100 communicants.
The juvenile instructor of Slab st., is having the best success with her pupils as far as can be ascertained.
Owing to unavoidable circumstances that little machine agent has failed to connect, but if there is anything very important transpires in the quire little burg we would be very happy to hear it.
Mr. Burton Smith and lady of Fairfield attended quarterly service in our village on Sunday last.
Mrs. H.B. Brown has been on the sick list for a few days, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Stanley is recovering.
Mr. Noah Gifford and lady of Soperton paid our village a visit on Saturday last.
The Rev. Mr. Klynes will continue revival services for a few weeks. Success has crowned his labours and still the good work goes on.
Messrs. Kelly and Strong have succeeded in storing about 100 tons of ice for use in Palace factory, the trade of which, promises to be larger than ever before.
Tuesday Feb. 19, 1895 issue-
Addison, Monday, Feb 18-
The many friends of Mrs. George Empy will be glad to hear that she is slightly better and hopes are entertained of her recovery.
Mrs. A. Church of Mt. Pleasant was taken suddenly ill on Saturday last. Dr, Bourns of Frankville, was summoned and at last accounts she was slowly recovering.
Mr. Hiram Langdon and lady, of Carleton Place, are visiting friends in this vicinity for a few weeks.
Mr. Geo. Clow of Yonge Mills, was the guest of Mayor Langdon of Mt. Royal on Sunday last.
Mr. C. Stowel, of Maple Grove, is slightly indisposed. We hope it will not prove serious.
Miss Maud Ducolon, of Silver Brook, visiting friends in Frankville and vicinity for a few days last week.
It is rumoured that one of our King st. gents has a slight hankering after one of the leading belles of Jasper. Go it while your young – a faint heart never wins a fair lady.
The revival services have closed in our village for the present, the Rev. Mr. Klyne goes to Slab st. for the present. Goodness knows, he is badly needed in that section, and we wish his labours may prove of benefit to many.
Tuesday Feb. 26, 1895 issue-
Addison, Monday, Feb 25-
Again it is our sad duty to chronicle the sudden demise of one of our most highly respected residents of Mt. Pleasant in the person of Mrs. A. Church, who took ill on the 16th inst. The best of medical skill was summoned and all that kind friends could do was done, but to no avail. Death came as a release from pain and suffering in the short space of only four days. She was a kind and devoted wife to her husband and a loving mother to her six little children that are left to morn her loss. She always had a kind word and cheerful greeting for every one, under all circumstances, and few there are in this section that had more friends. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and six little children, four sons and two daughters, one brother and sister, and a kind father and mother. The funeral service was performed by the Rev. Mr. Knox in our church, after the remains were conveyed to the family cemetery in Athens. The bereaved friends and family have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this their hour of sorrow and trouble, knowing that it will be a happy transition from a world of suffering and pain to a home with her blessed Saviour in the realms of eternal glory.
Dearest Phoeba, thou hast left us,
Here thy loss we deeply feel,
But ‘tis God that has bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
But in heaven we hope to meet thee,
When the trials of life are o’er,
And to clasp thee to our bosom,
There to dwell for evermore.
Master Harry Church is very sick at present, caused by blood poison, and little hopes are entertained of his recovery.
Tuesday Feb. 26, 1895 issue-
Mrs. Martha Duclon, relic of the late Peter Duelon of Addison died at the residence of her son-in-law, Joseph Miller, Elizabethtown, on Saturday evening last
Tuesday Feb. 26, 1895 issue-
Mrs. John Patterson of Greenbush and Lorren N. Brown, Addison and their families are among the latest additions to Athens’ population.
Tuesday Feb. 26, 1895 issue-
Marriage- Johnston- Robertson- On Feb 20 at the Methodist parsonage, Addison by Rev.W. Knox, assisted by Rev. Mr. Gomery of Montreal. Mr. W.J. Johnston of Yonge, to Miss. A. McMillen Robertson, daughter of Mr. James Robertson of Scotland.
Tuesday March 5, 1895 issue-
Addison- Monday, March 4 –
Mr. Edward Gray has returned home after spending a few days with friends in Gananoque and vicinity.
Among the arrivals on Saturday evening express was our old friend Uncle Daniel, who will recuperate at Mt. Royal for a few days.
Miss. Viola Wiltse is visiting friends in Kingston for a few weeks. Mrs. William Cross and grand daughters Ellie and Mabel Cross were visiting at the residence of Mr. Ezra Wiltse, King st., this week.
Uncle Chauncy is able to resume his position as foreman. He says it takes more than a broken limb to interfere with his business.
Mr. George Marshall was taken very ill on Saturday last. We hope it will not prove serious.
Mr. R.M. Arnold of Selina st., received the contract of fitting up the emporium for the P.I.’s at Mt. Pleasant, his being the lowest tender.
On Friday last, Emms, second daughter of Mr. W. Miller of Mt. Royal, fell from the loft in his barn. Her head came in contact with some machinery cutting it in several places and fracturing the skull. Dr. Stanley was called and dressed it, removing several pieces of the bone. She is in a very critical condition at present.
Again we are reminded of our mortality by the removal of one of the oldest citizens on Slab street in the person of Martha, relict of the late Peter Dacolon. Diseased was in the 85th year of her age and had been an invalid for the last nine years. She bore her long illness with Christian patience and never was heard to murmur or complain. She leaves one son and four daughters to mourn her loss. The funeral services were performed in our church by the Rev. Mr. Know after which the remains were conveyed to the family cemetery at Athens. The bereaved friends have the sympathy of all in this their hour of sorrow and bereavement.
Tuesday March 5, 1895 issue-
Concert at Addison
Throughout the whole of Ontario the Ladies’ Aid as a society has cast its influence, devoting the time and talent of its members to better the social and financial conditions of the church. It is only necessary for us to know that a concert and dinner is given by a Ladies’ Aid when we at once conclude that the proceeds are for some good and useful purpose.
The Ladies’ Aid of Addison gave an entertainment in the school house on Friday evening and although the roads were in a bad condition, a good crowd assembled to pass an enjoyable hour. About 8 o’clock the president of the society, Mrs. Stowell, took the chair and proceeded with a lengthy programme.
An orchestra consisting of the boys of Addison and also of Athens orchestra entertained the audience while the curtains were down and the managers preparing for the next scene.
The first selection was by Mrs. Byron Loverin entitled “Carl the Martyr” It was a lengthy recitation but the ability and naturalness the reciter held the eager attention of the large crowd until the closing when she received hearty and prolonged applause. Mr. Crawford, disguised as a ??? represented “Mayor ??” at the World’s fair, paying $2. a day for his board with the additional ??? of a “Donkey” to drink his wine and bed bugs as large as squirrels. Mr. Crawf [sic] Slack, of Athens gave some of his comic songs in a popular style as to receive an encore after every appearance.
The moments sped swiftly as they generally do when people are happy, and before the programme was finished the clock had chimed eleven. All were apparently satisfied with their entertainment and dispersed to their several homes leaving about $30. in the hands of the “Aid”.
Tuesday March 12, 1895 issue-
Last week the Reporter printed labels for the apiary of W.D. Livingston, Frankville and for the maple syrup manufactory of Levi Monroe Addison. These little advertisers do not cost much and greatly enhance the appearance of the cans containing the liquid sweeteners they describe. We have paper specifically suited for the purpose. Send or call and get an estimate for what you require. The name of the producer attached to an article is a guarantee of excellence and always has weight with the buyer.
Tuesday March 19, 1895 issue-
The Addison Concert
An occasional correspondent having given the Reporter only a brief account of the Addison concert, another correspondent sends the following:
The concert given in Addison by the young people of that place on the evening of Friday, March 1st, was a decided success. Although the evening was not a favourable one the school house was well filled with an appreciative audience. In the enforced absence of Dr. Bourns of Frankville the chair was taken by Mrs. Ed. Stowell who, with marked ability disposed of a lengthy programme consisting of choruses, recitations, dialogues, songs, quartets, trio and a charade. The recitations given by Miss. Towriss of Glen Buell, Miss Clara Arnold, Miss Minnie Duclon and Mrs. Byron Loverin were well received, that of Miss Towriss being especially pleasing and though it was her first appearance among the people of Addison we can assure her of a hearty reception should she again favour them. Mr. Byron Haskin of Greenbush very creditably assisted in the singing and other parts of the programme. Mr. Slack of Athens received hearty encores after each of his selections. A good orchestra consisting of members from Athens and Addison gave abundance of music. The dialogues were of a harmonious style and kept the audience convulsed with laughter. We can assure the people of Addison of a full house should they give another concert.
Addison, Saturday, March 16-
Mr. Wilbert Mallory and lady of Mallorytown were visiting friends in this vicinity for a few days last week.
Mr. Fred Taplin has arrived home from New York and is taking a course in the Business College in Brockville for the present.
The proprietor of the Model at Mt. Pleasant has purchased the celebrated trotting mare, Black Diamond from Mr. A. Church, for the exorbitant sum of four hundred. He intends fitting her up for the turf and will make it hot for the boys this summer.
Mr. Franklin Wiltse and son of Silver Brook, champion sawers of this section, cut nearly 100 cords of stove wood in one day recently for Mr. Selah Hawks of Glossville. Any one wanting wood cut on short notice should give them a call.
Our little machine agent is doing a rushing business this spring, as every one far and near finds it to their advantage to deal with him, as he handles none but first-class goods and is always open for a trade. He will take a quantity of first class syrup in deal if customers prefer.
There is not a snipe in five miles around that will need a cathartic this summer if the author of that beautiful poetic illusion will take the trouble to read it to them by the light of the moon. We will be very glad to furnish and information at any time that would help them to pose as a first rate poet, but we are afraid to gorge them with too much at a time for fear their poor dilapidated cranium might explode.
Mr. Delbert Patterson, of Jasper, paid our village a short visit last week.
Mr. A. Church of Mt. Pleasant has moved to Glossville which leaves a first class blacksmith stand to lease for the present.
Mr. Ezra Wiltse, jr., has engaged as foreman with Mr. R.H. Field for this season.
Tuesday March 26, 1895 issue-
Mr. H.S. Moffatt, Addison is conducting one of his clearing sales. All interested should obtain one of his bills giving quotations.
Tuesday April 2, 1895 issue-
Addison, Saturday, March 30 –
Miss. Viola Wiltse has returned home after spending a few pleasant days with friends in Kingston. Rumor has it that she may become a permanent resident of the Lime stone city in the near future.
Mr. Thomas Charlton and his charming young bride passed through our village last week en route to visit his brother George at Mt. Royal. Tommy says any one saying a marriage is a failure is sadly mistaken.
Owing to a slight mistake between uncle Chancy and the proprietor of our King st. farmer, the foreman will strike for an advance in his salary this season.
Mr. William Hay has been engaged as assistant in our cheese factory this season. We wish him success.
Mr. George Evans has bid his many friends in this section good-bye for the present, having engaged as foreman on the Model farm of Mr. Morton Knapp, of Lake Eloida. We congratulate Mr. Knapp on securing so efficient a foreman, as Mr. Evans had a large experience with one of our leading farmers in this vicinity, last season.
One of our local sports has purchased the fashionable turn-out from Mr. W. Lewis of King st.
Mr. A. McVeigh of Mt. Royal is busily engaged buying deacon skins, for which he pays the highest prices. Among the numerous arrivals at the Florida House last week we noticed our old friend Mr. John O’Connor.
Tuesday April 16, 1895 issue-
Addison, Saturday, April 13 –
Mr. H.S. Moffatt is shipping 500 gallons of syrup out north, for which he pays the highest price of any buyer in this section.
Mr. A. Davis and family of Brockville spent a few days in our village, the guest of R.H. Field, King st.
Mr. David Wiltse has been engaged as foreman in our butter factory for a few weeks. The Dominion Government wants some choice samples just now, and David is just the boy can do it.
Mr. John O’Connor paid our village a short call recently on some very important business. John is a hustler and we hope he will succeed all right.
Mr. Robert Dixie of East Saginaw has leased the Prospect cottage at Mt. Pleasant and will assist Professor Blanchard to superintend the Model farm for this season, which will give the proprietor more time to devote to his other business. With a little development, he will eclipse any of our local sports, as Black Diamond is sure to win every time.
Mr. Fred Blanchard is spending the Easter holidays with friends on King st.
For the benefit of the church fund, the toe [sic] social at Mt. Royal last week was largely attended by the leading aristocrats of our village. They report a pleasant time. Glorious church work ! – first a resurrection concert, then a toe [sic] social, and the Lord knows what won’t come next. We wish them success.
Tuesday April 30, 1895 issue-
Addison- April 27-
Mr. David Wiltse has engaged with Mr. George Barnes of Athens as cheese maker in the factory at Portland. We wish him success.
Mr. Wellington Lewis of King st. has been on the sick list for a few days. We hope it will not prove serious.
Uncle Chancy, foreman for our King st. farmer, has bid good bye to his many friends in this section, having secured a position in a very extensive ranch in Michigan. We hope he ma succeed in his new home.
Mr. Robert Dixie and lady are snugly domiciled at Mt. Pleasant where they will reside for this season. They will be happy to entertain any of their old friends who may call.
We are very sorry your Elbe correspondent made a slight mistake in informing the public that our little machine agent had cancelled his engagement at Slab st., as it is not so; he never fails to connect and gets there every time. We hope the Elbe correspondent will be a little more careful in the future, as it might prove serious.
Mr. A. McVeigh of Mt. Royal has leased the Baker estate and will farm it quite extensively this season. We wish him success.
Alfred Pepper moved to Jellyby, having leased Orchard Valley cheese factory for this season.
The many friends of Mr. Thomas Brown, a former resident of this section, are very sorry to hear of his illness and hope he will soon recover.
Mr. A. Cole and lady of Kingston is about to ocate to this section We extend a hearty welcome.
Tuesday May 21, 1895 issue-
Addison Orangemen are arranging for an excursion over the B&W to Newboro on Dominion Day
Addison School House – The appearance of our school yard has been much improved by the levelling and planting of more trees. Also the windows of the house are adorned with nice plants, all of which will have a beneficial part in the education of the pupils in attendance.
We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs. Alex. Blanchard who passed quietly away on the evening of Saturday the eleventh inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr, Wm. Connell. Deceased was in the 59th year of her age and was much beloved by all who knew her. The funeral services, which were well attended, took place at the Quaker church, Athens. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the entire community.
Mrs. Howard McGrath of New York arrived last Wednesday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dixon.
Tuesday June 11, 1895 issue-
Addison- Monday, June 10 –
Road work is the order of the day in this section right now.
Mayor Langdon of Mt. Royal has been engaged for some time erecting quite an extensive addition to his family residence which, when finished, will add greatly to its appearance. The mayor is a hustler and never leaves anything half done. Mr. E. Wiltse of King St. has the contract.
The editor of the Newboro Standard registered at the Florida house last week.
Mr. Omer Arnold is so far recovered as to be able to go out driving occasionally.
It is rumoured that one of our King st. gents allied himself with the United Workmen while in Ottawa recently. We wish him every success.
Mr. C. Hawks & Co. have struck a bonanza in the manufacture of a composition for the destruction of the Texan fly, as it is a sure thing every time, and everybody should but it.
Mr. A. Cole and lady of Kitley were guests of Mr. Ezra Wiltse, King st. east on Sunday last.
Quite a number of our local sports intend going to Westport on Dominion day.
Tuesday June 18, 1895 issue-
The Ladies’ Aid of Addison will hold a strawberry festival on the lawn of Mr. E. Stowell on the evening of Thursday June 27th. Athens brass band will be in attendance. Toledo and Addison football teams will play a final game in a field opposite the lawns at 6p.m. Ice-cream sold on the grounds. A grand time is expected.
Tuesday June 25, 1895 issue-
Remember the lawn social at Mr. Ed Stowell’s, Addison, on Thursday evening next. Addison and Toledo football teams play a final game and Athens brass band will be present.
Tuesday July 2, 1895 issue
Greenbush- Saturday, June 29 –
The strawberry festival last Thursday evening on the lawn at Mr. Ed Stowell’s, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society of Addison, was a decided success. The evening was fine, the lawn was nicely illuminated, while the shower of the previous day had gladdened the hearts of the people; the Athens Citizens’ band furnished abundance of choice music, and everything seemed conductive to merriment and good cheer. The grocery on the grounds was under the able management of Mr. Byron Loverin and yielded a good profit. Misses Maud Taplin and Lizzie Kelly helped to swell the financial profit of the evening by selling home made candy and bouquets.
Tuesday July 9, 1895 issue
Addison, Saturday, July 8 –
The farmers in this section are mostly through haying and report the highest crop for many years.
Several of our local sports took in the excursion to Westport on Dominion day and seemed very much pleased with their trip.
Mayor Langdon of Mt. Royal assisted at the Model farm at Mt. Pleasant for a few days last week.
It is rumoured that Mr. George Horton, a very extensive farmer of Kitley, has a slight hankering after one of the leading belles of Silver Brook. Go it, George, a faint heart never wins a fair lady.
Mrs. Langtry and two sons of Carleton Place are visiting friends in this vicinity for a few weeks.
Dr. Brown and Mr. R. Dixie have the contract of securing the hay crop on the experimental farm at Mt. Pleasant. We wish them every success.
Quite a number of the leading citizens of Silver Brook attended the celebration at Ogdensburg on the 4th.
The village carpenter of Slab st. has resumed his studies at the little yellow school house, and has promised to be more diligent in the future.
The social given at Maple Grove by the Ladies’ Aid was a grand success, realizing about $50, but the trouble is now they do not know what to do with the money.
Again it is our sad duty to chronicle the sudden demise of one of the most promising citizens of our vicinity in the person of Miss. Mabel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Moore, in the 14th year of her age , with that flattering disease, consumption. Deceased was beloved and admired by all who knew her. The funeral service was preformed in our church by the Rev. Mr. Hagar of Athens, after which the remains were conveyed to the family cemetery at New Dublin. The parents and friends have the utmost sympathy of all in this their hour of sorrow and affliction.
Tuesday July 16, 1895 issue
Addison Monday, July 15,-
The parsonage here is being repaired and painted, and when done will present a pleasing appearance.
Miss Ray Boyde of Athens returned home last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Arnold intend starting on a visit tomorrow, to the Rev. W. Rilance of Cardinal
Miss E. Bissell is attending the sick bed of her aunt, near Ottawa
Messers. W. Gibson and W. Hay went to Ottawa on the 12th
Mrs. C.F. Gray who has been on the sick list for some time past, is slowly recovering under the skilful treatment of Drs. Dixon and Bourns.
On Wednesday of last week Mr. Benson Empey bid good-bye to bachelorhood and was married to Miss Sheldon of Chantry. Benson’s many friends here extend congratulations.
Miss Jennie Bishop of Oswego, N.Y. is visiting Mr. Jas. Brown’s.
The Ladies’ Aid society of this place is doing a good work. The members, only thirteen in number, have raised for church purposes over one hundred dollars in the last five months.
The small auxiliary of the W.F.M.S. was last week presented with the annual donation of $10 from Mr. Robt. Connel of Greenbush. Mr. Connel is a great help to the mission cause here and we think there are others who might do likewise.
Tuesday Aug 6, 1895 issue
Addison, Saturday Aug 3 –
Rev. Mr. Pimlot will hold a mammoth camp-meeting at Forthton about the 20th inst. We hope much good may be accomplished.
Miss Alma and Cora Langdon of Mt. Royal are visiting friends at Lyn for a few days.
Mr. A. Church has disposed of Black Diamond to Mr. William Mulcahy, of Caintown. Look out, boys, you want to get a hustle on now, as she is hard to beat.
Mr. Joseph Moulton has returned home, having finished his contract on the Yonge Mill canal.
On account of increase in business, Dr. Brown of Mt. Pleasant had to purchase another horse. We wish the Dr. every success.
Mayor Langdon, of Mt. Royal, has disposed of this season’s crop on the Experimental Farm at Mt. Pleasant to our little machine agent and |||Mr. R. Dixie has the contract of securing it.
Mr. A. Dolan and lady, of Chicago, are visiting friends in this vicinity for a few weeks.
Tuesday Aug 20, 1895 issue
Miss Jessie Addison met with a serious accident last week. While driving near the toll gate a rig collided with the buggy in which she was seated and the shock threw her violently to the ground. Her shoulder was dislocated and her arm was broken.
Tuesday Aug 20, 1895 issue
Addison, Saturday, Aug 17 –
Mrs. Pritchard has returned home after spending the holidays with friends in Shelburne and vicinity.
Mr. Walter Lewis and lady are recuperating at Charleston for a few days.
Mr. James Cummings of Lyn passed through our village this week. He made a short call at the residence of Mr.W.Lewis of King st.east
Miss Addie Barlow has returned home after spending a few days at Massena Springs.
The proprietor of the Model Farm at Mt. Pleasant is sparing neither time nor money to make his herd of trotters the most famous of any in this section, having purchased the celebrated Mayflower from Mr. A.Church at a most fabulous price.
Miss Viola Wiltse is visiting friends in Kitley this week.
Dr. Brown, of Mt. Pleasant has been quite indisposed for a few days. We hope it will not prove serious.
Tuesday Sep 3, 1895 issue
Addison, Saturday, Aug 31, –
Miss Anna Davis of Plum Hollow was visiting the residence of Mr. Joseph Moulton, King st., for a few days last week.
The camp-ground meeting at Forthton has been productive of much good. Many have found pardon and the luke warm professors have been stirred to a sense of the duty they owe to their God and fellow man. We hope the good seed sown may bear fruit to the honor and glory of God, as there is much of it in these parts.
Mrs. Prichard and son Clare have returned home after spending the holidays with friends in Shelborne. She has opened her emporium on King St. with all the latest styles and fashions for the season.
Mr. Joseph Scott and lady of North Augusta paid our village a short visit recently.
Our school has opened for the fall term. Benson wears a broad smile, having captured one of Harlem’s leading belles during the holidays. We wish the happy couple long life and happiness.
Mrs. A. Davis and family spent a few days at her parental home last week.
Tuesday Oct 1, 1895 issue
In passing through this district we were much pleased to notice the improvements that have been carried out in the Methodist church of Addison and Greenbush under the superintendence of the popular and much respected gentleman, Rev., Mr. Pimlott.
Tuesday Oct 8, 1895 issue
Addison, Saturday, Oct. 5, –
Wedding bells will soon ring out at Glossville
The village carpenter of Slab st. and his best girl took in the Ottawa fair.
Mr. J. Latham and lady of Yonge Mills paid our village a visit last week.
Mr. Almeron Blanchard has gone to New York to visit his two sons for a few days.
Mrs. Joseph Moulton and Mrs. C. Blanchard took in the Almonte fair last week.
Mr. E.S. Wiltse and lady were visiting friends at Fairfield on Friday last.
Dr. Brown of Mt. Pleasant exhibited his fancy pair of roadsters at the North Augusta fair on Friday last. They took the prize from all.
Miss Alma Langdon of Mt. Royal is visiting friends at Lyn and vicinity for a few weeks.
Tuesday Oct 8, 1895 issue
On Wednesday last, Mr. Delber Dobbs was united in matrimonial bonds with Miss Annie Scott, daughter of Abel Scott, Esq., of Addison. After a brief trip the happy couple have established their home in Athens. The Reporter extends congratulations and best wishes.
Tuesday Oct 15, 1895 issue
Addison, Monday Oct. 7, –
Mr. James Hall of Glossville met with quite a serious accident last week by getting struck on the hand as he was moving the thresher in the barn, which dislocated his thumb and bruised his hand to quite an extent. Mr. Thomas Whitford is engaged as foreman for the present.
Miss Lettie Pimlott has returned home after spending a few days with friends at Picton and vicinity.
It is rumoured that one of the leading farmers of Silver Brook has leased the Experimental farm at Mt. Pleasant.
Mayor Kelly and H.S. Moffatt attended the fair at Almonte last week and reported a jolly time.
Tuesday Oct 15, 1895 issue
Mr. A. McDougall of Addison passed through Athens last week with a large herd of fine young beef cattle.
Tuesday Oct 22, 1895 issue
Addison, Monday, Oct 21. –
Mr. A. Blanchard has returned home from New York and reports times are booming in York state.
Mrs. James Glazier and son Charles of Fairfield are visiting friends in this vicinity for a few days.
Dr. Brown of Mt. Pleasant has been quite indisposed for some time, but it is hoped he will be able to attend the North Augusta fair on the first Friday in November next.
Mayor Langdon of Mt. Royal has been engaged for some time repairing his residence, which makes a great improvement in the appearance of his premises.
Mr. W. Lewis and lady of Athens were guests of Mr. Walter Lewis of King street on Sunday last.
Mrs. James Eagan of Cincinnati were visiting at the residence of Mr. Frank Wiltse of Silver Brook, her brother in law for a few weeks.
The proprietor of the Model farm at Mr. Pleasant has disposed of his thoroughbred porkers at a fabulous price and will buy more if they are first class.
Mr. John Percival of Forthton has been on the sick list for some days, but at last account was improving.
Tuesday Oct 29, 1895 issue
Addison, Monday, Oct 28. –
Mr. Gordon McKea of Ventnor has engaged as foreman at the Glossville creamery which is now in operation.
Death has again entered our village and claimed as its victim one of our oldest citizens in the person of Thankful, relict of the late Peter Brown, in the 89th year of her age. Deceased had been a sufferer for the past two years with a cancer on her face, but she bore it with Christian patience and faith in her Saviour that He doeth all things well. Death came as a relief from pain on Sabbath morning 27th inst. At the residence of Mr. Vincent Wiltse with whom she had resided for a number of years. The funeral service was preformed by the Rev. Mr. Hagar of Athens, after which the remains were conveyed to the family cemetery at Athens.
Mr. George Booth of Silver Brook has purchased from our little machine agent one of his celebrated lighting express sulky, plows, and challenges the best they can produce to compete with it.
Mr. D. Copeland of Syracuse paid our village a short visit last week. He always brings good cheer and his visits are always welcome.
Mr. F.W. McKinnon of Smith’s Falls registered at the Florida House on Saturday last and spent the day in calling on old friends. We extend hi a hearty welcome always.
Tuesday Dec 10, 1895 issue
Addison – Monday Dec 9 –
The Rev. Mr. Grout of Lyn, delivered a very eloquent discourse in Ashwood Hall on Sabbath evening last, which was highly appreciated by all present.
Mr. Thomas and Elwood Gibson have returned home and will spend the winter in our village.
On the evening of the 20th inst. There well be held in Ashwood Hall a Christian entertainment in aid of the English church Sunday school to which all are certainly invited
Mrs. Oliver Bishop of Oswego is visiting friends in Glossville and vicinity for a few weeks.
Among the numerous arrivals at the Florida house last week, we noticed our old friend Mr. John O’Connor.
Miss Evelina Pepper is very sick at present and little hopes are entertained for her recovery.
The Rev. Mr. Pimlott held revival service in our church last week, but owing to other business it is postponed for the present.
Mayor Kelly is engaged building a very commodious carriage barn which when completed, will surpass anything of the kind in the village.
The proprietor of the Model Farm at Mt. Pleasant has been engaged for some time repairing the interior of his fine residence. Mr. R.M. Arnold of Sellina st. had the contract, which is sufficient guarantee that it was well done.
There will be held in our church on Christmas eve a Sunday school entertainment, to which all are invited.
Tuesday Dec 18, 1895 issue
Addison, Tuesday Dec. 17. –
We are sorry to announce the serious illness of Mrs. Geo. Langdon, but at latest report she was some better.
Mr. Ezra Wiltse, jr., who cut is foot one day last week, is again able to attend business.
Palace Creamery is doing a good business yet. The output is about 1000 lbs of butter per week.
The Addison Council No. 156 C.O.C.F., who attended divine service in Frankville recently, wish to tender the choir and pastor (Rev. Mr. Stilwell) of the Methodist
church a vote of thanks for their services. This Council is making rapid strides in its membership and is the leading society of the place.
Mr. Wellington Lewis is quite smart this winter, more so than during the past six months, which no doubt many of his old acquaintances, will be pleased to hear.