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  1. Gordon N. Ellis
    April 18, 2022 @ 11:53 am

    In 1947 Gordon E. Ellis & Helen (Moore) Ellis purchased from Byron Derbyshire the Leverette home located on the old Frankville Fairgrounds. The house was built in the late 1800’s. The property had a huge two story exhibit hall with shed attached. The roof was gone but the huge beams & thick hardwood flooring were intact. Over the course of a number of years the barn was torn down. In addition the property had a barn that had stabled horses & cows as well as a small chicken coup located close by. The remains of a track could be seen on the adjacent property owned by W. Soper.


  2. Gordon N. Ellis
    May 1, 2022 @ 4:45 pm

    My name is Gordon N. Ellis. My family home in Frankville was located on the old Frankville Fair Grounds. The house was built in the late 1800’s by a Leverrette family one of whom was PostMaster in Frankville. My father Gordon E. Ellis bought the home from Byron Derbyshire in 1947. The house was large with two stairways & was divided into two homes which were eventually converted into one. On the property was a large two storey hall which had no roof. Attached was a small shed. Also on the property was a 2-story barn with horse stalls & places for cows. Another building had been a chicken coup. Behind these buildings could be seen the outline of a track. The house had no electricity, no plumbing or running water (a cistern below the kitchen provided water by way of a hand pump & a hand pump was outside), no furnace, the windows were single pane, insulation was non-existent, etc. Over many years the house was upgraded with all the missing immenities. I am still attempting to find out the name of the original owner not just the family name.


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