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  1. jack dillabough
    August 22, 2018 @ 11:08 pm

    my name jack dillabough my father was wilfred dillabough i have two brother and a sister and we went to lehighs school dad farmed next to john richards farm next to grave yard


  2. Christina Lavallee
    December 28, 2019 @ 1:59 am

    Hello:) My Greatgrandparents Wilfred and Esther Ireland Armstrong lived down a side road on hwy 29 ( there was an auto shop on the corner of hwy 29 and said road) they lived in a farmhouse called” the bingo” had my grandmother Beatrice Edna Oct 10 1931,she married George Cornelius Smith,,,my dad Timothy Peter Smith born April 4 1958 . they all lived together while my grandparents built their home(my dad was 2?) at 177 hwy 29 frankville. I’m trying to source any pictures, stories, about ” the bingo” my ancestors from Frankville, anything:) thanks and God bless


  3. Ross Maylor
    March 14, 2020 @ 7:56 pm

    I have the Aldine Autograph Album of Mina Leverette . It contains notes and well wishes from friends and family written between Nov 1880 through Jan 1881 in Frankville. Mina is my great -great grand mother on my mom’s mom’s side.


  4. Gordon N. Ellis
    April 5, 2021 @ 11:52 am

    From 1948 to about 2001 my family (Ellis) lived in a large house on the outskirts of Frankville which was called the Leverett house. Originally it was two houses & two families lived there. It was located on the old Frankville Fair Grounds & had a large two storey hall & a barn used for cattle & horses & another smaller barn for chickens. I am attempting to discover when it was built & by whom. I believe a Leverette was the postmaster at about that time. Do you have any info that you would share? (While the house has changed ownership a few times & has since been completely remodelled it holds fond memories of my growing up there with my parents, Gordon E. Ellis & Helen Ellis (Moore) & 5 siblings.)


  5. Michael John McCarthy
    March 7, 2023 @ 5:02 pm

    I was born at Frankville in 1936 , attended Frankville public school and A.D.H.S. I left there in 1955 . My parents moved to a Soper farm in 1929 and left in 1958 . I have fond memories of Frankville and A.D.H.S . Although it wasn’t easy , I realize that the rural upbringing contributed to a very good life . Lyle Stewart was a wonderful teacher at Frankville .


  6. george german
    June 7, 2023 @ 10:12 pm

    does anyone recall the Cavanagh family that lived on a farm just south of Frankville?


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