Lehigh’s School – A One Room Schoolhouse in Kitley
Lehigh’s School (Leehy’s School)
School Section #18

Concession #9, Lot 22 (see map)
Gideon Leehy believed in educating the youngsters, so he put up a log school on the south side of Kitley’s Ninth Concession Road.
The school lasted until 1851, when it burned down. By this time a number of other families had moved in and a small community was flourishing.
The good burghers elected to build a stone school, which was completed in 1852. For 109 years it served the area well, standing sturdy and sound on the north side of the road, opposite the charred remains of the old school.
In 1961, the school was phased out of the system and replaced by the modern Frankville School on Hwy. 29.
Old school records show that in 1872, R.W.Hornick was the teacher of the one room school. In 1882 the school’s budget was $200., rising to $230 the next year.
Malcome Lehigh was teaching there in 1887 and in 1896 the muster showed six Leigh children attending: Maude, Mertle, Edna, Carrie, Everett and Ernie Lehigh. The last teacher when the final class was dismissed in 1961 was Aileen Montgomery.
“The teacher in 1896 was Miss Edith Wing. During the early 20th century names such as Raymond Pryce, Mrs. Loucks, Mrs. George Eaton and Edna McKeracher. The last teacher was Mrs. Aileen Montgomery. “from Kitley 1795-1975 by Glenn Lockwood”

The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Tuesday Jan. 1, 1895 issue-
Leehy’s School (Kitley SS #18)
Following is the result of the Christmas examinations held at Leehy’s School. Names appear in order of merit:
Fourth Class- Everett Leehy, Carrie Leehy, Bruce Holmes, John Howie, Stella Kilborn, Bruce Ireland, Frank Livingston
Third Class- Edna Leehy, Susie Ireland, Mary Livingston
Second Class- Roy Kilborn, Blanche Eaton, Thorton Levingston and Elmo Judson
Part 1- Victoria Johnston,
Tella Beach, Teacher
Tuesday Feb. 5, 1895 issue-
Leehy’s School ( Kitley SS #18)
Honor roll for Leehy’s school for the month of January. Names appear in order of merit:
Fourth Class – Everett Leehy, Carrie Leehy, John Howie, Stella Kilborn, Bruce Holmes, Bruce Ireland
Third Class – Edna Leehy, Roy Kilborn, Blanche Eaton, and Susie Ireland
Second Class – Thornton Levingston
Part I – Victoria Johnston\Those attending every day during the month: Everett Leehy, Carrie Leehy, Stella Kilborn, Edna Leehy, Roy Kilborn
Tella Beach, Teacher
Tuesday April 16, 1895 issue–
Leehy’s School ( Kitley SS #18)
Results of Easter examinations of Leehy’s school. Total number of marks, 850.
Fourth Class – John Howie 695, Everett Leehy 594, Stella Kilborn 500, Bruce Holmes 426, Carrie Leehy 368
Third Class – Roy Kilborn 363, Edna Leehy 529, Blanche Eaton 392, Susie Ireland 62
Second Class – Elmo Judson 526, Thornton Livingston 401
Tella Beach, Teacher