Brockville & Westport Railway- Right of Way
Here are detailed maps of the old B&W right of way from Westport into Brockville. The maps detail the lots and concessions through which it passed as well as listing information on the date of purchase and from whom the right of way was purchased. There are a series of 24 maps detailing the right of way.
If you want to learn a bit more about the old B&W and discover where the route was located here is your chance.
(We realize that these images are hard to read, if you want to have a better copy email us with the Book Number that you want and we will send you the original image)

October 13, 2016 @ 12:30 am
images wont open
October 15, 2016 @ 12:08 pm
Sorry they won’t open for you. I tried on a few different devices and it opened up on all of them.
November 6, 2016 @ 1:42 pm
Good Morning John,
My name is Robert Cook from St. Catharines, Ontario. I have moved to Brockville this month. My family heritage dates back to the 1870’s in the Morrisburg area. My father was born in 1933 on a farm in Lunenburg, Ontario near Long Sault. I am a keen researcher of early 1800’s railway development and would like to acquire clear large copies of your “Brockville & Westport Railway- Right of Way” book maps #1 thru #24. I shall look forward to your reply and instructions to acquire these copies.
Thank You,
Robert Cook
Brockville, ON
November 6, 2016 @ 2:27 pm
I will email them to you
October 28, 2018 @ 3:27 pm
I would like a closer look at book 17 please
September 2, 2019 @ 8:16 pm
Is it possible to get a blow up of Book 17 and Book 23 and Book 24?
Thanking you in advance.
April 27, 2020 @ 8:31 am
Can you sens me pics of the pages with Glen Elbe on it please. Thanks you.
March 5, 2023 @ 10:54 am
Hi – my name is catherine and hopefully you are still replying to this article. Could you send pics of Westport / book 1. My grandfather was the station agent there.
July 2, 2023 @ 12:10 am
Could you please send me pics of book 12? Thank you.