Loose Motions, unable to determine the specific year |
1 |
that David Manhard be and is hereby appointed path master in road division No 24 in place of Alexandra Buell resigned |
1 |
that the clerk and this council be ordered to lay before this Municipality forthwith all documents and papers in his possession regarding the Brockville and Ottawa Railway |
2 |
that the sum of twenty dollars be granted on petition of L.S.Moore and others to repaid the side road between lots no 24 & 25 in the fourth concession of Elizabethtown and that L.S.Moore and Joshua Gilroy be commissioners to lay out said grant as they deem fit |
2 |
that Robert Pedden Esq. the Receiver and the Mover be a committee to confer with the Brockville and Ottawa Railroad Company on matters connected with said rail road and if necessary to proceed or appoint one of them to proceed, along with the ? Of said Railroad and advise with the contractors so that the interest of the Township may be deemed |
2 |
that Geo Manhard Esq. be path master for the current year for Sub No 2 |
2 |
that the Certificate of Henry Maud be approved of |
5 |
that the Certificate of Jonas J. Cole and John Howison be approved of |
6 |
that the certificate of Mathew Gallenger be approved of |
7 |
that leave to introduce a By law to impose a fine upon Certain animals found running at large |
8 |
that Thomas Woods be paid the sum of $17.50 for furnishing breaking and spreading 14 yds of stone on the Victoria Roads in Section No 8 and the Clerk order the same to be paid out of the road fund |
8 |
that By law to impose a fine upon Certain animals found running at large be read a 2nd time forthwith |
9 |
that By law to impose a fine upon Certain animals found running at large be read a third time forthwith |
10 |
that the present auditors be required to make one general audit of the year 50, 51, 52 and 53 of the non resident rate ? Of the aforesaid years and that this Council amend rate then for the same |
10 |
that By law to impose a fine upon Certain animals found running at large do now pass and be entitled By law to impose a fine upon certain animals found running at large |
10 |
that the Certificate of Peter Cole be approved of |
11 |
that the certificate of Ezekiel Glazer be approved of |
12 |
that said bylaw be read a second time forthwith |
12 |
for leave to introduce a by law to impose a duty on the Keeping of groceries and for the sale of wine, Brandy and other Spirituous Liquors by retail |
12 |
that all moneys due this corporation out of Grocery License together with all notes of lands either in the hand of the Town Clerk or Inspectors of the same be forthwith handed over to the Township Treasurer |
13 |
that the by law to impose a duty on the Keeping of groceries and for the sale of wine, Brandy and other Spirituous Liquors by retail be read a 2nd time forthwith |
13 |
that the certificate of John Forth be approved of |
14 |
that the by law to impose a duty on the Keeping of groceries and for the sale of wine, Brandy and other Spirituous Liquors by retail be read a 3rd time |
15 |
that By law to impose a duty on the keeper of groceries and for the sale of wine, brandy and other spirituous liquors by retail do now pass and be entitled By law to impose a duty on the Keepers of Groceries and for the sale of wine, Brandy and other Spirituous Liquors by retail in the Township of Elizabethtown |
16 |
that the Clerk purchase a map of the township of Elizabethtown and file the same amongst the papers of this council |
17 |
that the certificate of Peter Mott be approved of |
18 |
that this council do now adjourn and stand adjourned until the first Monday in April at ten of the clock AM |
19 |
That council stand adjourned until the first Monday in April |
that the overseer of highways for division No 13 do and is hereby authorised to lay out two thirds of the Statute labour in his division in opening the Side line from the Road laid out by Chapman until it intersects the fifth concession thence along that concession till it strikes the eastern limits of twenty five |
for leave to introduce a By law to define the Road division for Statute labour purposes |
that By law to define and establish the road division and subdivision in which Statute Labour shall be performed in this Township be laid before a committee of the whole forthwith |
that Susan Redmonds Certificate be approved |