The first school house was located in the centre of the village by the creek. It was abandoned for a newer one room brick school at the west end of the Village, across from the present building. It was in use until 1867 when it burned down. The growth of the village led to a new two story, four room stone school house being built across from the one room brick structure.
The stone schoolhouse in Lyn was built in 1867 and served the children of the district until 1959/1960. “The classrooms were on the ground floor and the second floor boasted a small stage so that concerts and plays could take place. Parties and dances were held there too” (Lyn 1784-1984 by Mary G.Robb)
The Public School in Lyn was built in the year 1867. Although the first annual meeting of the school, on record, took place in 1876 there were undoubtedly meetings before that, as an entry in the old minute and account book shows that John Halliday was the Sect-Treasurer in 1871. The first annual meeting of School Section No 7 was held in the school hall Wed, Jan 12, 1876 at 10 o’clock. Mr. Norman Coleman was appointed chairman and R.S.Hudson Sect. The school has to date had 60 teachers. The first school fair was held about 1914 on the old “Tan Bark Flats” with entries of cooking, vegetables, fancy work and collections of butterflies and insects. (Suzanne Coke, 1944) Women’s Institute History Book 3 page 159
The “New” Lyn School opened its doors to 185 pupils on September 4, 1956. It was planned by architect Mr.Prus and built by contractor Mr.J.Saunders of Prescott for the cost of $92,000. Miss. Anna Hudson was the principal of this new school. As the enrollment of the school increased with the closing of the Howard and Halleck’s Schools, it was found necessary to add four more rooms to the original six room building. The addition was completed and ready for use in September 1963. The enrollment then was 263 pupils. Still the number increased and by 1965 all those pupils residing on the Howard Road were transferred to the Tincap School. In June 1965 the enrollment was 295. On June 29th, 1967 Miss Anna Hudson retired as Principal , Mr.J.Tallmire of Brockville became the new principal. (Anna Hudson, 1967)(Women’s Institute History Book 3 Pg 167)
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: no report only: condition: Good; 1854: Brick building, first opened in 1850
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1872
that the trustees of Lyn School Section No 7 be paid the amount due said section on account of debentures and the clerk order the same to be paid- 1871(Lyn Museum Archives)
The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
LynSchool (S.S.#7) Elizabethtown
Tuesday Aug 13, 1895 issue
Lyn, Monday Aug. 12 –
Our school board are over-hauling the school house and putting things in good shape – new seats, draining the basement, and putting in furnace for heating etc. The two school rooms are to be on the upper flat, leaving the lower room to be used as a town hall for the present.
The union S.S. excursion takes place next week to Gananoque.
Tuesday Aug 27, 1895 issue
Lyn– Monday Aug 28 –
The union S.S. excursion came off on Friday, 23rd, and was a very pleasant affair
School has opened and both scholars and teachers are much pleased with their new quarters
The follow photographs represent our entire collection. We have estimated the dates as best we can. The names that accompany some of the photos have been copied from the photos or attached papers. We know that the names are not 100% correct, in some cases the same names have been repeated on the photos, and the name spelling could be incorrect. Since we are not certain who the individuals are we have left the names exactly as they have been presented to us. If you know of any corrections that should be made regarding dates and names, please let us know. If you have any additional photographs we would appreciate you sending them to us so we can include them.
One of the earliest photos we have of a school class at the Lyn School, the date is unknown but it would have been taken prior to 1900 (photo #1)
This is another early photo of a school class, the date is unknown, but it would have been prior to 1900 (photo #2)
1900c – A play put on by the students called “The Milk Maids” . The play would have taken place on the bottom floor of the building as it was open for such uses. The top floor is where the classrooms were. The top floor was divided into two rooms: The Junior Form, and The Senior Form. (photo #3)
1915c Lyn School Class names not available (photo #4)
1915, September 21st, First School Fair held on the Tan Bark Flats, located behind and below the school (photo #5)
1916-Front Row- Stewart Bolin, Dan Hunter, Russel Edgeley, Fred Jarvis, next 3 unknown, Cauley Leeder, Unknown 2nd Row- Hilda Herbison, Unk, Doreen Leeder, next 3 unknown, Doris Mott, Dorothy Mott, rest unknown 3rd Row– Unk, Murray Billings, Bill, Donovan, Phonce Donovan, Dave McCrady, Lorne Leeder, Mac McCrady, Agnus Beach, Unk, Harold Leaves, Howard Cain, Unk. 4th Row– all unknown except 4th in Gladys Leaves, last girl Dorothy Jarvis Back Row- Miss Purvis, Olga Leeder, next 2 unknown, Velma Mott, next 4 unknown, Vera Armstrong Cumming (photo #6)
1918 Lyn School Fair Parade Front Row: Nora McNamara, Flora McNamara (Quinn), Gladys Latimer, others unknown Back Row: Elton Tennant (holding Banner), Howard Worden, Vada Clow (Tennant), Jack Clow, Ora Warren, next two unknown, Haverleigh McNamara, rest unknown (photo #7)
1918-1919 Front row: Margery Billings, Amber Leeder, Flora McNamara, Ora Warren, Jack Cow, Helen Pergau Back Row: George Jones, Vada Clow, Nora McNamara, Howard Worden, Miss MacNeil (Teacher), Elton Tennant, Bob McCrady, Sarah Dickey, Gladys Latimer, Irving McLeod (photo #8)
1918-1920 L-R: Reg Dunster, Ethel McLean, Cauley Leeder, Dorothy Dunster, Olga Leeder, Helen Turhll, Murray Billings, Isabel Watson (photo #9)
1919 names not in order but correct by row- Miss McNeil Teacher- (only a partial list of names) Front Row: Fodey, Leeder, 2nd Row: Lorne Leeder, Haverleich McNamara 3rd Row: Nora McNamara, Vada Clow, Flora McNamara Back Row: Jack Clow (photo #10)
1919 Oct 31st, Halloween Play put on by the students in the ground floor hall L-R: Flora McNamara, Vada Clow, Nora McNamara, Gladys Latimer, Ora Warren (photo #11)
1920 Front Row: Dora Fodey, Olga Leeder, Mabel Edgeley, Minnie Cain, Vera Mullins, Isabel Lyons, Nora Fodey, Marion Lyons, Hettie Bolin, Gertrude Dolan, Margaret Fodey Middle Row: Angus Beach, Fred Jarvis, Howard Cain, Bob McCrady, Dave Dolan, Mac McCrady, Dave McCrady, Bill Donovan, Victor Quinn, Phonse Donovan, Haverleigh McNamara, Loren Leeder Back Row: Omer Edgeley, Elton Tennant, Amber Leeder, Clara Charleton, Miss oore and Miss Robeson (Teachers), Marjorie Billings, Flora McNamara, Howard Worden, Jack Clow, George Jones (photo #12)
1920c- names not available (photo #13)
1920- junior Room, Miss Relyea Teacher (photo #14)
1923c School Fair held on the Tan Bark Flats-Facing forward- Laurence Snell and Vada Clow (photo #15)
1926 – Front Row: Stawart Bolin, Danny Hunter, Russell Edgeley, Fred Jarvis, George Jarvis, Beulah Jones, Robert McCrady, Cauley Leeder, Patricia Leeder 2nd Row: Helen Thull, Hilda Herbison, Helen Hudson, Olga Leeder, Madeline Fodey, Phyllis Jones, Doris Mott, Dorothy Mott, Ethel McLean, Elsie Brnt, Phyllis Leaves 3rd Row: Stanley Cromwell, Murray Billings, Hurbert Leeder, Alphonsus Donovan, David McCrady, Lorne Leeder, Mac McCrady, Angus Beach, Bill Donovan, Harold Leaves, Howard Cain, Joe Brant 4th Row: Gertrude Dolan, Hetty Bolin, Doraa Fodey, Gladys Leaves, Frances Cromwell, Helen Mott, Mabel Edgeley, Unk Brant, Victoriaa Dumont, Annie Lawson, Nora Fodey, Eula Worden Back Row: Miss Helen Purvis (Teacher Junior room), Doreen Leeder, Pearl Lawson, Minnie Cain, Velma Mott, Particia Dowdell, Edith Lawson, Louise Kilmury, Beulah Kilmurry, Miss Vera Armstrong (Teacher, Senior Room) (photo #16)
“The Ontario Department of Agriculture and Home Economics sponsored a four week course in 1926 teaching young men the fine points of farming and the young girls the arts of home making and millinery. E.F. Neff the ag-rep for Leeds was in charge of this course.
1926 Lyn Short Course Classes in Agriculture and Home Economics
1926 Front Row: Mary Craig, Edna Jones, Erma Brown, Nora and Dora Fodey (twins) Beryl Myers, Instructors E.Summers, Miss McDermaid and E.F.Neff, Margaret Booth Doris Tennant, Vada Clow, Helen Pergau, Leura Rodick, Ketha Burnham, Vera Cornell 2nd Row: Florence Roberts, Arletta Dickey, Mrs. Stanley Gardiner, Mrs. Burnham, Mrs. N. Moore, Muriel Myers, Ethel Bryan, Maurice Edgley, William Howard, George McNish, Arthur Bryan, David Craig, William Westlake, George Bushfield, Gordon Haws, William Graham Back row: Arletta Kelly, Howard Willows, Byron Judson, Haveleigh McNamara, Howard Worden, Milton Myers, Tommy Anderson, Jack Clow, Ford Bryan, Cecil Dickey, Floyd Nunn, Hugh Davidson, Frank Cornell, Harmon Lawson, Mark Slack (photo #17)
A Banquet was held after the course was finished at Stacks Hotel, Located on Main Street in Lyn
(Photo #18)(photo #19)
1929 Parade with Pennant- Teachers on Left Mary Brown and Helen Purvis Names in undetermined order, but included in the photo are: Olga Leeder, Velma Mott, Russel Edgeley, Hilda Herbison, Doris Mott, Dorothy Mott, Cauley Leeder (photo #20)
1930 – Front Row: Gerry Churchill, Iva King, Eva Edgeley, Bobby Brown Middle Row: Mildred Ladd, Elsie Haggart, Beatrice Dunster, Monica Pilot Back Row: Doug Kilmury, Gerald Lockett, Alan Hanna, Ron Churchill, Bob Leeder (photo #21)
1930c – names not available (photo #22)
1931- Front Row: Marguarite Tobin, Geraldine Cain, Irene Cain, Monica Leeder, Jimalda Lee, Alex Smith, Harry Ladd, Bill Edgley, James Tobin, John Tesky Middle Row: Mary Leeder, Effie Young, Dorothy Cain, Betty Young, Beulea Andress, Lloyd Edgeley, Francis Leeder, Jack Lee, Charlie Cain Back Row: Pearl Young, Evelyn Dunster, Dorothy Jarvis, Anna McLean, Betty Lee, Phyllis Leaves, Unknown, Fred Jarvis, Jack Timleck, Victor Quinn, Arnold Ladd Teachers in back on left is Helen Robinson on right Irene Chant (photo #23)
1931 – Junior Smith at the back of the school (photo #24)
1939 – Front row-Unk, Jim McCrady, Elizabeth Gray, rest are unknown Back Row- Jacqueline McNamara, next 4 unknown, Carol McCrady, Pat Clow, Gail Tennant Unk, Florence McCrady, Keith McCrady (photo #26)
1940c- names not available (photo #27)
1940 – First day of School Sept 3rd, 1940 L-R: Florence McCrady, Carol McCrady, Jimmy McCrady, Elizabeth Gray (photo #28)
1940c- Front Row: Marian Dunster, Barbara Quinn, Elizabeth Gray, Jim McCrady, Eldon Coon, Doug Young 2nd Row: Carol McCrady, Beverley Quinn, Shirley Dunbar, Cliff Churchill, Louis Kane, Glenna Hanna Back Row: Pat Clow, Bessie Massey, Jacqueline McNamara, Jean Haggart, Florence McCrady (photo #29)
1940c – Front Row: Marjorie Whalen, Elizabeth Gray, Betty Stevenson, Jacqueline McNamara, Pat Clow, Glenna Hanna, Florence McCrady, Shirley Dunbar, Jean Stevenson 2nd Row: Louis Kane, Clifford Churchill, Marcus Leeder, Melville Coon, Jack Ferguson, Don Dunster, Jean Dunster, Alice Leeder, Loretta Dier, Mary Kilmury, Rita Jackson Back Row: Eldon Coon, Miss Withers (Teacher), Orval Ladd, next two unknown (photo #30)
1940c – names not available (photo #31)
1941 – Senior Room Front Row: Jean Dunster, Orval Ladd, Jack Kilmury, Gerald Robinson, Donald Coon, Audrey Massey 2nd Row: Gerald Churchill. Iva King, Eva Jowett, Mildred Ladd, Elsie Haggart, Beatrice, Robert Brown Back Row: Ronald Churchill, Robert Leeder, Gerald Lockett, Allan Hanna, Douglas Kilmury (photo #32)
1941, October -Front Row: Donnie Anderson, Unknown, Eddie Coon, Jimmy McCrady, Unk, Roberta McCrady, Doug Young, Phoebe Shannon, Elizabeth Gray, Barbara Quinn, Marion Dunster 2nd Row: Don Dunster, Clifford Churchill, Louis Kane, Mel Coon, Marcus Leeder, next 2 unknown, Glenna Hanna, Pat Clow, Marjorie Whalen, unk, Carol McCrady, Jacqueline McNamara, Florence McCrady, Shirley Dunbar, Beveryl Quinn, Betty Stevenson, Lawrence Davidson (Teacher) Back Row: Miss Helen Purvis (Teacher), Bobby Brown, Geraald Robinson, Gerry Churchill, Mary Kilmury, Rachel Brown, Phylliss Veley, Loretta Dier, Eva Jowett, Iva King, Geraald Lockett, Doug Kilmury, Jack Kilmury, Beatrice Dunster, Audrey Massey, Alice Leeder, Jean Dunster, Orval Ladd (photo #33)
1942-46 Front Row: Keith McCrady, Peter Flood, Harry McCrady, Frank Chant, Russell Massey, next 3 Unknown, Leo Flood, Barbara Chant, Miss Phyllis Stinson (Teacher), Pat Clow 2nd Row: Melville Massey, Helen Kilmury, Elizabeth Gray, Irene Serson, Audrey Easter, Bonnie Lewis, Doris Chant, Barbara Quinn, Joan Quinn, Merle Stanier, Barbara Quinn (?), Patsy Smith 3rd Row: Roberta McCray, Gwen Dunbaar, Grace Charleton 4th Row: Louis Kane, Don Anderson, Eldon Coon, Jerry Ferguson, Unk, Jack Ferguson, Betty Stevenson, Jean Stevens, Shirley Dunbar, Glenna Hanna, Florence McCrady, Rita Jackson Back Row: first 6 unknown, Jack Kilmury, Don Coon, Orval Ladd, Miss Withers (Teacher), Mary Kilmury, Marjorie Whalen (photo #34)
1942-46- same as above photo, just that people have moved in their positions (photo #35)
1942 – Miss Stinson teacher Front Row: Russell Massey, Harry McCrady, Unk, Joan Quinn, Phyllis Bycroft, Barbara Bycroft, Bonnie Lewis, Unk, Grant Bolton Middle Row: Leo Flood, Irene Serson, Grace Halliday, Patsy Smith, Mabel Chant, Roberta McCrady, Grace Charleton, Barbara Chant, Allan Jackson Back Row: Gerald Ferguson, Donald Anderson, Gwendolyn Dunbar, Merle Stainer, Barbara Quinn, Bessie Massey, Donald Jackson, Unk (photo #36)
1942 – Front Row: Doris Mott, Dorothy Mott, Olga Leeder Back Row: Cauley Leeder, Stewart Bolin, Phyllis Jones, Russel Edgeley, Dorothy Dunster (photo #37)
1943 – Only two identified in the front row: Roberta McCrady and Marion Dunster Teachers in back: Miss Stinson and Mrs. Morrison (photo #38)
1943 – Front Row: Melville Coon, Mark Leeder, Don Dunster Back Row: Rachel Brown, Mary Kilmury, Loretta Dier, Marg Haggart, Unknown (photo #39)
1943, March 15th- names not available (photo #40)
1943-44 Left Side: Elizabeth Gray, Jean Stevens, Unk, Shirley Dunbar, Glenna Hanna, Florence McCrady, Beverley Quinn, Jacqueline McNamara, rest unknown Right Side: Bonnie Lewis, Ethel Dunster, rest unknown- Lined up in front of the school facing Main Street (photo #41)
1944 – Front Row: Don Coon, Orval Ladd, Gerald Robinson Back Row: Jean Shane, Jack Kilmury, Audrey Massey (photo #42)
1944 abt- Miss Stinson Teacher (photo #43)
1945 – names not available (photo #44)
1945 – L-R: Melville Coon, Ron Francis, Don Dunster, Marcus Leeder, Jack Kilmury, Don Coon, Orval Ladd, Bob Foreman, Doug Kilmury (photo #45)
1945 – L-R: Rita Jackson, Jean Dunster, Loretta Dier; Rachel Brown, Alice Leeder, Marjorie Whalen, Mary Kilmury, Betty Stevenson (photo #46)
1946 – Grades 5-8 Senior Room Front Row: Mary (Bonnie) Lewis, Harry McCrady, Audrey Easter, Helen Kilmury, Grace Charlton, Donnie Anderson, Leo Flood 2nd Row: Eldon Coon, Elizabeth Gray, Phoebe Shannon, Merle Stanier, Gail Tennant, Roberta McCrady, Gwen Dunbar, Keith McCrady Back Row: Shirley Dunbar, Florence McCrady, Bessie Massey, Jackie McNamara, Mark Leeder, Glenna Hanna, Jean Stevens, Doug Easter, George Kerton, Don Jackson (photo #47)
1947 abt Front Row: Melville Coon, Jack Ferguson, Shirley Dunbar, Jean Stevens, Elizabeth Gray, Betty Stevenson, Louise Kane, Eldon Coon Middle Row: Florence McCrady, Beverly Quinn, Jacqueline McNamara, Rita Jackson Back Row: Orval Ladd, Glenna Hanna, Clifford Churchill, Mary Kilmury, Miss Withers (Teacher), Pat Clow, Marjorie Whalen, Don Coon (photo #48)
1947 – Front Row: Bonnie Lewis, Audrey Easter, Grace Charlton, Gerald Ferguson, Keith Acherman, Harry McCrady, Leo Flood 2nd Row: Donnie Anderson, Gail Tennant, Eldon Coon, Meryl Stanier, Roberta McCrady, Gwen Dunbar, Keith McCrady, Elizabeth Gray Back Row: Helen Kilmury, Jacquline McNamara, Martin Leeder, Shirley Dunbar, Miss G. Withers (Teacher), Jean Stevens, George Keston, Florence McCrady, Glenna Hanna (photo #49)
1948 – Front Row: Massey, Chant, Unknown, Barbara Bycroft, Unk, Mary (Bonnie) Lewis, Massey, next unknown Back Row: L-R but not in order as some names are missing: Ethel Dunster, Marion Dunster, Gwen Dunbar, Merle Stainer, Gail Tennant, Mr. Alex Gordon (Teacher) (photo #50)
1948 – First 2 unknown, Gerald Ferguson, Don Anderson, Alex Gordon (Teacher), Keith McCrady, Leo Flood, Unknown, Harry McCrady (photo #51)
1949- Lyn School Choir at the House of Commons Front Row: Ethel Dunster, Mary Lewis, Joan Cass, Clifford Horton, Phyllis Bycroft, Joan Davidson, Ruth Bushfield, Jean Gray, Jean Charlton, David Snelson 2nd Row: Audrey Easter, Herbert Mills, Donald Mills, Phyllis Horton, Leo Flood, Joan Holben, Barbara Bycroft, Roger Fergusn, Keith Ackerman 3rd Row: Phoebe Shannon, Marian Dunster, Helen Kilmury, Mabel Chant, Grace Charlton, Gerald Ferguson, Donald Anderson, Colleen McPherson 4th Row: Merle Stainer, Gail Tennant, Margaret Lafaver, Barbara Quinn, Ronald Horton, Joan Quinn Back Row: P.Jeanvenne, chief of protective services, H.R. Jackman, M.P., Gladys Withers, Principal, Mrs. C.H. Sager, Mrs. D.R.McCeady, Betty Horton, L. Menary M.P., G.R.Webb M.P for County of Leeds (photo #52)
1950c – Elizabeth Gray, Jacqueline McNamara, Florence McCrady, Gladys Withers (Teacher) Glenna Hanna, Jean Stevens (photo #53)
1950 Girls Cadets Connie Mustard, Dorothy Vickery, Joan Stewart, Pat Clow, Eileen Green (photo #54)
1950-51 Front Row: Charlie Slack, Frank Chant, Ian Davidson, Hubert Brennan, James McPhail, Billy McPhail Middle Row: Peter Flood, David Sneilson, Doug Jowett, Ola Shannon, Beverly Brennan, Ruth Bushfield, Alice Chant, Jean Gray, Bobby Slack, Clifford Horton, Kenneth Shannon Back Row: Irene Serson, Carol Davidson, Jean Charleton, Marion York, Joan Cass, Phyllis Horton, Beverly Tristram, Phyllis Bycroft, Dorothy Williams, Beatrice Massey, Mrs. Sager (teacher), Doris Chant (photo #55)
1950c Donnie Anderson, Unknown, Keith McCready (photo #56)
1950 – Front Row: Doug Valcour, Leslie Bushfield, John Tristram, Tom Shearer, Unknown, Doug Hunter, Garnet Serson, Bud Bycroft, Earl Campbell, Doug Serson, John Bushfield, Mark Chant 2nd Row: Leslie Jewel, Morris Ferguson, Glen Flood, Michael Snelson, Sandra McNish, Sharon Cardinal, Jean Goodfellow, Audrey Valcour, Carol Massey, Rick Bycroft, Art Serson, Bill McPhail, Larry Cardinal Back Row: Gary McNamara, Joe Brennan, Unknown, Alice Chant, Jean Massey, Marjorie Slack, louise Kilmury, Darlene Brennan, Margaret Campbell, Joyce Massey, Georgina Edgeley, Bob McPhail Teacher in back Mrs. Ina Blanchard (photo #57)
1950 – Front Row: Richard Bycroft, Art Serson, Byng Ferguson, Earl Campbell, Larry Cardinal, Mark Chant 2nd Row: Gary McNamara, John Tristram, Doug Serson, Joe Brennan, Tom Shearer, Morris Ferguson, Bud Bycroft, Doug Hunter, Garnet Serson, Michael Snelson, Gary Saborin, John Bushfield, Leslie Jewel, Leslie Bushfield 3rd Row: Frank Chant, Ian Davidson, Hubert Brennan, Jim McPhail, Charlie Slack, Bob Slack, David Snelson, Doug Jowett, Peter Flood, Cliff Horton, Doug Valcour, Bill McPhail, Glen Flood 4th Row: Mrs. Sager (Teacher), Phyllis Bycroft, Dorothy Williams, Beatrice Massey, Doris Chant, Darlene Brennan, Marjorie Slack, Joyce Massey, Louise Kilmury, Margaret Campbell, Vera Massey, Jean Massey, Rose Chant, Unknown, Sharon Cardinal, Georgina Edgeley, Ken Shannon 4th Short Row on the right: Audrey Valcour, Carol Massey, Unk Goodfellow, Sandra McNish, Bob McPhail, Mrs. Blanchard (Teacher) Back Row: Beverly Tristram, Irene Serson, Carol Davidson, Jean Charlton, Marion York, Joan Class, Phyllis Horton, Alice Chant, Jean Gray, Ola Shannon, Ruth Bushfield, Beverly Brennan (photo #58)
1950c -one girl is Dorothy Williams (photo #59)
1951-52 Mrs. Sagar Teacher (photo #60)
1953 – Front Row: Michael Snelson, Bruce Gaskell, Kenneth Shannon, Margaret Campbell, Joyce Massey, Marjorie Slack, Rosie Chant, Alice Chant, Darlene Brennan 2nd Row: Vera Massey, Glen Flood, Ola Shannon, Ruth Bushfield, Louise Kilmury, Beverly Brennan, Dorothy Williams, Douglas Jowett, Keith Flood, David Snelson, Rick Bycroft, Jean Gray 3rd Row: Larry Edgeley. Gary McNamara, Frank Chant, Henry McCrady, Bill McPhail, Charlie Slack, Beatrice Massey, Carol Davidson, Irene Serson, Doris Chant, Robert Slack 4th Row: Doug Serson, Keith Flood, Clifford Horton, Marion York, Leo Flood, Herbert Brennan, Ron Horton, Phyllis Horton, Audrey Easter, Barbara Chant, Joe Brennan. Joan Cass, Jean Charleton, Garnet Serson, Douglas Hunter Back Row: Barbara Bycroft, Bonnie Lewis, Phyllis Bycroft, Keith Ackerman, Donald Anderson, Keith McCrady, Joan Davidson, Joan Quinn, Margaret Lafavre, Grace Charleton, Colleen McPherson, Helen Kilmury, Gwendolyn Dunbar, Ethel Dunster, Mabel Chant (photo #61)
1953, May – Front Row: Betty Jean Simpson, Linda Ladd, Edward Serson, Mark Chant, Unknown, James Chant, Keith Brown, Ronnie Valcour, Unknown, David Pelon, Gordon Valcour 2nd Row: Malcolm Brown, Unknown, Malcolm Campbell, Barbara Massey, Audrey Valcour, Carol Ann Jones, Doris Giffin, Jon Snelson, Ellery Edgeley, Arthur Serson, David Serson Back Row: James Cass, Unknown, Unknown, Georgina Edgeley, unknown, Pat Christie, Don Worden, Unknown, Thelma Chamberlin (Teacher) (photo #62)
1953 – Presentation of Provincial Prize to Lyn Public School for scrapbook of Artists and their paintings. Kathleen Sager (teacher) and Gordon Young (School Inspector) (photo #63)
1953 – June 16 Students who worked on the Prize winning Scrapbook Jean Charlton, Joan Cass, Douglas Jowett, Dorothy Williams, Peter Flood, Ella Massey. (photo #64)
1954 – Front Row: Nancy Edgeley, Joyce Massey, Margaret Campbell, Michael Snelson, Ken Shannon, Beverly Brennan, Darlene Brennan, Betty Simpson, Ella Massey, Doug Hunter, Tom Shearer 2nd Row: Garnet Serson, Louise Kilmury, Helen Serson, Larry O’Toole, Ken Serson, Gary Olson, Bill McPhail, Bobby Slack (one name short, not certain of the order) 3rd Row: Bob McPhail, Carman Massey, Jim Serson, John McCurran, Morris Ferguson, Ola Shannon, Keith Flood, Gary McNamara, George Chamberlain, Peter Flood Back Row: Anna Hudson (Teacher), Bud Bycroft, Jean Gray, Ruth Bushfield, Marion York, Lyle Olson, Dorothy Williams, Wilma Feenstra, Doug Jowett, Joe Brennan (photo #65)
The Lions Club Music Festival-
Each year schools in the area would have their choirs participate in this festival, here are some of the choirs from the Lyn School
1948- June 1st (photo #66)
1950c – Front Row: Michael Snelson, Doug Serson, Maurice Ferguson, Doug Hunter 2nd Row: Ola Shanon, Ruth Bushfield, George Chamberlain, Bud Bycroft, Helen Serson, Beverly Brennan, Darlene Brennan, Gary McNamara Back Row: Marilyn York, Jean Gray, Wilma Feenstra, Dorothy Williams, Clifford Horton, Bob Slack, Alice Chant (photo #67)
1950c – Front Row: Pat Christie, George Jones, Audrey Valcour, Barbara Massey, Jon Snelson 2nd Row: Richard Bycroft, John McGuirren, Junior O’Tool, Geneveve O’Tool, Carol Massey Back Row: Leslie Bushfield, Valarie Payne, Wayne Jarvis, John Bushfield, Wayne Fletcher (photo #68)
1950c Front Row: Unknown, Wilma Massey 2nd Row: Doris Hall, Sheila McLellan, Florence Simpson, Marion Matrdous, Cathy Johnson, Margaret Davidson Back Row: Unknown, Linda Nixon, Mark Bonokoski, Unknown, David Slack, rest unknown (photo #69)
1955- Front Row: Angeline Stevens, Linda Simpson, Shirley Serson, Linda Ladd, Ron Valcour, Bruce Gaskell, Wayne Nolan 2nd Row: Everett Adamson, Billy Davidson, Betty Jean Simpson, David Serson, Geraldine Shearer, Chris Creighton, Carol Ann Jones, Linda Massey Back Row: Malcolm Campbell, Marilyn York, Jim Cass, Georgina Edgeley, Doris Giffin, Ellery Edgeley (photo #70)
Photos of the School Building
(photo #71)
Note the turnstile gate to keep wandering cattle out (photo #72)
(photo #73)
The school with the students lined up in front (photo #74)
(photo #75)
(photo #76)
(photo #77)
Looking west with the Methodist Church in the background along a dirt Main Street (photo #78)
(photo #79)
(photo #80)
The teachers who taught at the school. Over the years there were many teachers who tried to educate and mold the minds of the children who passed through the doors, here are but a few. The complete list of teachers is at the end of this post.
1918-19 Miss McNeil (photo #81)1929- Miss Mary Brown (photo #83)
1926 Miss Vera Armstrong (photo #82)
1929- Miss Mary Brown and Miss Helen Purvis (photo #84)
1929- Miss Helen Purvis and Miss Mary Brown (photo #85)
1930-31 – Miss Irene Chant (photo #86)
1933- Miss Helen Purvis and Mr. Leland Earle (photo #87)
1935- Miss Helen Purvis and Mr. Herb Hollingsworth (photo #88)
1936 – Mr. Herb Hollingsworth (photo#89)
1942-43- Miss Mary Lou Morison and Miss Phyllis Stinson (photo #90)
1944-46- Miss Phyllis Stinson and Miss Gladys Withers (photo #91)
1945 – Miss Phyllis Stinston and Gladys Withers, girl on the left is Valerie Fo
reman (photo #92)
1948 – Alex Gordon (photo #93)
1951-52 Miss Ina Blanchard (photo #94)
1952 Miss Kathleen Sagar (photo #95)1952-58 Miss Anna Hudson (photo #96)
Glad you enjoyed all the memories. It’s thanks to all those who in the past donated these photos that we are able to share them and the memories with you., John
October 31, 2018 @ 10:49 am
What a wonderful walk down memory lane! Thank you to whoever is responsible for the great pictures.
October 31, 2018 @ 11:12 am
Glad you enjoyed all the memories. It’s thanks to all those who in the past donated these photos that we are able to share them and the memories with you., John
August 5, 2020 @ 2:06 pm
I went to lyn school
March 21, 2021 @ 10:45 pm
Any information about the Chant Family would be awesome to see and or hear. Contact me anytime. Please and thank you in advance.
March 21, 2021 @ 10:47 pm
Any information about the Chant Family would be awesome to see and or hear. Contact me anytime. Please and thank you in advance.
March 21, 2021 @ 10:48 pm
Any information about the Chant Family would be awesome to see and or hear. Contact me anytime. Please and thank you in advance.