Glen Buell – A One Room School House in Elizabethtown
Glen Buell School
(School Section # 16)

“Peter Booth’ School 1842
Dr. John G.Booth’s eldest son was Peter Booth, born at the farm in 1825. In 1842 at the age of 17, he started teaching at the log school in Glen Buell. He had 63 children, ranging in age from 4 to 17, and received the magnificent salary of 2.5 pounds per month. Peter Booth died in 1860, of tuberculosis, leaving a wife and three young children. In 1842, and enthusiastic young buck, he wrote his first report to the district council:
I beg leave to submit the enclosed report of the Common School at present under my instruction. The school house in which this school is taught is on the rear of Lot 31, in the 6th Concession of Elizabethtown on the Main Road leading from Brockville to Farmersville.
All the pupils that have attended resided within two miles of the school house and there are probably from 16 to 20 children more living within that distance from the schoolhouse between the ages of 5 and 16 whose names are not on this report as they have not been in attendance. The school was commenced about the first pf April last, Teachers wages two pounds five shillings per month with the expectation that further aid would be granted from the public monies.” (from Lea Booth, John Booth, p54-55) [1]
The original school was a small log schoolhouse constructed by Eri Hayes in the 1820’s.
The school was closed in the spring of 1965 and pupils bused to either Addison or New Dublin depending on where they lived. Because of overcrowding at New Dublin a few years later, Glen Buell was re-opened for Grade 1 students for a short time.
School Superintendents Report (Ontario Archives)
Shows the following information, which in some cases contradicts what we have already researched, and contradicts other filed School Superintendents Reports:
1850: Log Building, size 24×24, construction date 1837, condition Good
1854: Frame building, first opened in 1844
The following information was extracted from the motion papers of the Elizabethtown Council 1855-1873:
That the request of the trustees of School Section No 16 be complied with that the sum of one hundred dollars be levied and collected on the rateable property of said section exclusive of expenses-1869 |
that the Trustees of School Section No 16 be paid the sum of $1 as non-collected school tax an that Lot 34 in the Seventh Concession of Elizabethtown and the Clerk order the sum to be paid to Boyd Hall-1870[2] |
[1] The History of Elizabethtown Township, by Alvyn Austin unpublished 2002
[2] Lyn Museum Archives

The Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser
Tuesday March 12, 1895 issue–
Glen Buell School (Elizabethtown SS #16) Monthly Report
Sr. IV. – Stella Orton 1166, Gertie Sturgeon 1128, Charlie Towriss 1128, Carrie Davis 1084, Ernest Sturgeon 959, Allen LaPointe 947, Roy Westlake 912, Archie Stewart 735, Ira Moore* 600, Nelson Boulton*600
Jr. IV.- Freddie Percival 694, Delbert Westlake 609, Flora Whaley 584, Leonard Orton 580, John Anderson 563, Robbie Perkins 490, Ethel Mott* 450
Sr. III – Blanche Howe 560, Nellie Montgomery 490, Ada La Pointe 455
Jr. III. – Odiel LaPointe 600, Herbie Sturgeon 595, Levi Howe 555, Ethel Dack 520, Arthur Hayes 515, Clifford Mott 50, Frank LaPointe 490, Russell Sturbeon 485
- – Lillie LaPointe 425, Delbert Dack 400, Joe Anderson 400, Violet Westlake 400, Roy Earls 375
Sr. Pt. II.- Freddie Westlake 450, Clement Sturgeon 445, Amelia Perkins 435, Lewis Westlake 420
Jr. Pt. II. – Chloe Sturgeon 450, Leonard Anderson 425, Stella Anderson 425, David Lee 400, Mamie Dancy 400, Gordie Mott 400, Stanley Hayes 390, Nellie Dancy 390
- – Clinton Stewart, Byron Westlake, Henry Lee, Jona Westlake
These marked thus * were absent during some of the examinations.
The marks given are for punctuality, conduct and lessons.
Average attendance for Feb., 42
Anna Scott, Teacher
Glen Buell (S.S.#16) Elizabethtown
Tuesday Sep 10, 1895 issue
The library in connection with Glen Buell S.S. has been catalogued alphabetically and copies of the list are being printed this week. The books enumerated number 168 and while chiefly devoted to church work, many of them are of the general interest, and all are good wholesome literature, the dissemination of which would prove beneficial to any community.
Tuesday Nov 12, 1895 issue
Glen Buell School Report
Fifth Class – Stella Orton 833, Ira Moore 499
Senior Fourth – Carrie Davis 710, Charlie Towriss 524, Gertie Sturgeon 456, Roy Westlake 211
Junior Forth – Freddie Percival 626, Blanch Howe 527, Leonard Orton 489, Ada LaPoint 328, Ella Davis 301, Herbie Sturgeon 294, Edith Moorhouse 185, Ethel Dack 167, John Anderson 100, Delbert Westlake 100, Clifford Mott.
Third Class – Russel Sturgeon 80, Odiel LaPoint 60, Frank LaPoint 25, Levi Howe, Arthur Hayes.
Senior Second – Violet Westlake 130, Lillie LaPoint 95, Delbert DAck 90, Joe Anderson 10.
Junior Second – Ethel Andress 175, Chloe Sturgeon 135, Clement Sturgeon 110, Stella Anderson 85, Lewis Westlake 75, Amelia Perkins 25, Fred Westlake 10.
Sr. Part Second – Gordie Mott 90, Leonard Anderson 50, Harold Moorhouse 40 Stanley Hayes 30, Mamie Dancy, Nellie Dancy.
Jr. Part Second. – Florence Percival 80, Byron Westlake 50.
Sr. First – May Sturgeon 80, Jonah Westlake 65, Wilfred Sturgeon 10.
Junior First – Wesley Dack 690. James Anderson 30.
A number of pupils were absent during examinations on account of sickness
The marks awarded are for punctuality, conduct and lessons.
Average attendance for October 41 7-11
Anna Scott, Teacher